The Murder of My Sweet

The Murder of My Sweet es una agrupación sueca de metal sinfónico/metal gótico procedente de Estocolmo y creada en 2006 en manos del músico y compositor chileno Daniel Flores. El nombre del grupo está inspirado en la película americana "Murder, My Sweet" (cine negro) de 1944 y actualmente han lanzado cuatro discos de larga duración, obteniendo muy buena respuesta por parte de medios y oyentes.


  • Angelica Rylin (voz principal)
  • Christopher Vetter (guitarras)
  • Patrik Janson (bajo)
  • Daniel Flores (batería, teclados y coros)


Divanity (2010)

  1. No Evil
  2. Follow The Rain
  3. Bleed Me Dry
  4. Chemical Attraction
  5. Kiss Of Death
  6. One Bullet
  7. Tonight
  8. Storms Of The Sea
  9. Destiny
  10. Revolution
  11. Valerie
  12. Death Of A Movie Star

Bye Bye Lullaby (2012)

  1. Armageddon
  2. Fallen
  3. Unbreakable
  4. I Dare You
  5. Violently Peaceful
  6. Meant To Last Forever
  7. Idolize
  8. Kind Of Lousy
  9. The One
  10. Resurrection
  11. Waiting For The 27th (BooH Prologue)
  12. Black September
  13. Phantom Pain

Beth Out Of Hell (2015)

  1. Hell on Earth
  2. The Awakening
  3. World in Ashes
  4. Always the Fugitive
  5. Bitter Love
  6. Still
  7. The Humble Servant
  8. Requiem for a Ghost
  9. Euthanasia
  10. Tide After Tide
  11. Poets by Default
  12. Heaven Succumb
  13. Means to an End

Echoes Of The Aftermath (2017)

  1. Sleeping Giant
  2. Personal Hell
  3. Racing Heart
  4. Cry Wolf
  5. Echoes of the Aftermath
  6. Flatline
  7. Loud as a Whisper
  8. Shining After Dark
  9. Ode to Everyone
  10. Go On
  11. In Risk of Rain
  12. Inside, Outside

Brave Tin World (2019)

  1. Tin Soldiers
  2. My Religion
  3. Head of the Snake
  4. Reasons to Live
  5. Safe in the Shadows
  6. Hit the Ground
  7. Everyone Wins
  8. Memento
  9. Keeper of the Flame
  10. Worth Fighting for
  11. Alchemy of Sins

A Gentleman's Legacy (2021)

  1. Six Feet Under
  2. A Ghost Of A Chance
  3. Damnation
  4. Wheels Of Time
  5. Winged
  6. Kill Your Darlings
  7. Father's Eyes
  8. Rise Above
  9. Trick The Devil
  10. Heads Or Tails
  11. Please Don't Wait Up
  12. Finding Closure


  • Bleed Me Dry (2009)
  • Tonight (2010)
  • Unbreakable (2012)
  • The Humble Servant (2015)
  • The Awakening (2015)

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