The Murder of My Sweet
The Murder of My Sweet es una agrupación sueca de metal sinfónico/metal gótico procedente de Estocolmo y creada en 2006 en manos del músico y compositor chileno Daniel Flores. El nombre del grupo está inspirado en la película americana "Murder, My Sweet" (cine negro) de 1944 y actualmente han lanzado cuatro discos de larga duración, obteniendo muy buena respuesta por parte de medios y oyentes.
- Angelica Rylin (voz principal)
- Christopher Vetter (guitarras)
- Patrik Janson (bajo)
- Daniel Flores (batería, teclados y coros)
Divanity (2010)
- No Evil
- Follow The Rain
- Bleed Me Dry
- Chemical Attraction
- Kiss Of Death
- One Bullet
- Tonight
- Storms Of The Sea
- Destiny
- Revolution
- Valerie
- Death Of A Movie Star
Bye Bye Lullaby (2012)
- Armageddon
- Fallen
- Unbreakable
- I Dare You
- Violently Peaceful
- Meant To Last Forever
- Idolize
- Kind Of Lousy
- The One
- Resurrection
- Waiting For The 27th (BooH Prologue)
- Black September
- Phantom Pain
Beth Out Of Hell (2015)
- Hell on Earth
- The Awakening
- World in Ashes
- Always the Fugitive
- Bitter Love
- Still
- The Humble Servant
- Requiem for a Ghost
- Euthanasia
- Tide After Tide
- Poets by Default
- Heaven Succumb
- Means to an End
Echoes Of The Aftermath (2017)
- Sleeping Giant
- Personal Hell
- Racing Heart
- Cry Wolf
- Echoes of the Aftermath
- Flatline
- Loud as a Whisper
- Shining After Dark
- Ode to Everyone
- Go On
- In Risk of Rain
- Inside, Outside
Brave Tin World (2019)
- Tin Soldiers
- My Religion
- Head of the Snake
- Reasons to Live
- Safe in the Shadows
- Hit the Ground
- Everyone Wins
- Memento
- Keeper of the Flame
- Worth Fighting for
- Alchemy of Sins
A Gentleman's Legacy (2021)
- Six Feet Under
- A Ghost Of A Chance
- Damnation
- Wheels Of Time
- Winged
- Kill Your Darlings
- Father's Eyes
- Rise Above
- Trick The Devil
- Heads Or Tails
- Please Don't Wait Up
- Finding Closure
- Bleed Me Dry (2009)
- Tonight (2010)
- Unbreakable (2012)
- The Humble Servant (2015)
- The Awakening (2015)
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