Neil L. Whitehead

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Neil L. Whitehead (19 Marcha 1956 @– 22 Marcha 2012) era un antropólogo inglés, quién es mejor conocido por su trabajo en la antropología de violencia, chamanismo oscuro (y kanaimà Guyanés en particular), correo-antropología humana y la antropología histórica de América Del sur y el Caribe.[1][2][3]


  • 2013. Virtual War and Magical Death: Technologies and Imaginaries for Terror and Killing. Ed. con Sverker Finnstrom. Duke University Press.
  • 2011. Of Cannibals and Kings. Primal Anthropology in the Americas. Pennsylvania University Press.
  • 2009. Anthropologies of Guayana. Ed. con Stephanie Alemán. Arizona University Press.
  • 2008. Hans Staden's True History. An Account of Cannibal Captivity. Duke University Press.
  • 2005. Terror and Violence: Imagination and the Unimaginable Ed. con Andrew Strathern y Pamela Stewart. Pluto Press
  • 2004. Violence. Ed. SAR/James Currey Press.
  • 2004. In Darkness and in Secrecy. The Anthropology of Assault Sorcery in Amazonia. Ed con Robin Wright. DukeUniversity Press
  • 2003. Histories and Historicities in Amazonia. Ed. University of Nebraska Press.
  • 2002. Dark Shamans. Kanaimá and the Poetics of Violent Death. Duke University Press.
  • 2001. Beyond the Visible and the Material: The Amerindianization of Society in the Work of Peter Rivìere. Ed. con Laura Rival. Oxford University Press.
  • 2000. War in the Tribal Zone. Expanding States and Indigenous Warfare. Ed. con R. Brian Ferguson. School of American Research Press.
  • 1997. The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empire of Guiana de Sir Walter Ralegh. Editada, annotada y trascrita por Neil L. Whitehead.
  • 1995. Wolves from the Sea. Readings in the Archaeology and Anthropology of the Island Caribs. Ed. KITLV Press.
  • 1992. Wild Majesty. Encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the Present Day. An Anthology. Ed. con Peter Hulme. Oxford University Press.
  • 1988. Lords of the Tiger Spirit. A History of the Caribs in Colonial Venezuela and Guyana 1498-1820. Foris Publications.


  • James Henry Breasted Premio (Asociación Histórica americana) para "Indigenous Cartography in Lowland South America and the Carribean" en The History of Cartography II. 3, pp. 301–326. Ed. D. Woodward y G. M. Lewis. University of Chicago Press, 1998.
  • El Premio Rasputín (Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison) por el libro Dark Shamans. Kanaimá and the Poetics of Violent Death.


  1. Davies, Surekha (May 2012). «Obituary: Neil L. Whitehead». History and Anthropology 23 (2). doi:10.1080/02757206.2012.688535. Consultado el 16 de mayo de 2012.
  2. Tenenbaum, David (23 de marzo de 2012). «Noted Anthropologist, student of the "dark side", dies». University of Wisconsin-Madison News. Consultado el 16 de mayo de 2012.
  3. Herzog, Karen (27 de marzo de 2012). «Whitehead didn't fear our dark side». JSOnline. Consultado el 16 de mayo de 2012.

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