Matthew Stolper

Matthew Wolfgang Stolper es profesor de asiriología en el Oriental Institute de la Universidad de Chicago. Obtuvo su B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) en la Universidad Harvard en 1965, su M.A. (Master of Arts) en la Universidad de Míchigan en 1967, y su Ph.D. en Míchigan en 1974.[1]

Matthew Wolfgang Stolper

Buena parte de las investigaciones de Stolper se concentraron en textos legales babilonios de la época aqueménida. Actualmente se encuentra trabajando en el Persepolis Fortification Project, proyecto dedicado al estudio del Archivo de la Fortaleza de Persépolis, un conjunto de documentos administrativos escritos, en su mayoría, en idioma elamita.

Bibliografía selecta

  • "A Note on Yahwistic Personal Names in the Murašû Texts", Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 222 (1976), 25-28.
  • "Yet Another Iranian Loanword in Late Babylonian", Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1977), 547-549.
  • Texts from Tall-i Malyan, I: Elamite Administrative Texts (1972-1974), Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund, 6. Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1984. (1984)
  • Junto a E. Carter: Elam: Surveys of Political History and Archaeology. University of California Publications, Near Eastern Series, 25. Berkeley: University of California Press (1984).
  • Entrepreneurs and Empire: the Murašû Archive, the Murašû Firm, and Persian Rule in Babylonia. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 54. Leiden (1985).
  • The šaknu of Nippur, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 40 (1988), 127-155.
  • “Some Ghost Facts from Achaemenid Babylonian Texts” en The Journal of Hellenic Studies 110 (1988), 196-198.
  • “The Governor of Babylon and Across-the-River in 486 B.C.,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 48 (1989), 283-305.
  • "The Kasr Archive", pp. 195-205 in Achaemenid History IV: Centre and Periphery (Proceedings of the Groningen 1986 Workshop on Achaemenid History), ed. por A. Kuhrt and H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg (Leiden, NINO, 1990).
  • "Babylonian Evidence for the End of the Reign of Darius I: A Correction", Journal of Near Eastern Studies 51 (1992), 61-62.
  • “Iranians in Achaemenid Babylonia” (reseña crítica de M. A. Dandamaev, "Iranians in Achaemenid Babylonia"), Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1994), 617-624.
  • “A Paper Chase after the Aramaic on TCL 13 193,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1996), 517-521.
  • “Fifth-Century Nippur: Texts of the Murašûs and from their Surroundings,” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 53 (2001), 83-133.
  • "An Old Persian Administrative Tablet from the Persepolis Fortification", ARTA 2007.001.


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