IEEE 802.1
IEEE 802.1 es un grupo de trabajo del proyecto IEEE 802. Su trabajo se centra en desarrollar estándares y prácticas recomendadas en las siguientes áreas: arquitectura 802 de redes de área personal (PAN) y de redes de área metropolitana (MAN), interconexiones entre redes 802 LAN, MAN y otras redes de área amplia (WAN), seguridad 802, gestión de redes 802 y protocolos en capas superiores.[1]
El grupo de trabajo se subdivide en 4 subgrupos:
- Redes sensibles al tiempo (Time Sensitive Networking)
- Seguridad (Security)
- Interconexiones de centros de datos (Data Center Bridging)
- OmniRAM
Proyectos activos
Estándar | Subgrupo de trabajo | Descripción |
802.1Xbx | Security | MAC Security Key Agreement protocol (MKA) extensions |
802.1ARce | Security | Secure Device Identity, Amendment 1: SHA-384 and P-384 Elliptic Curve |
802.1AEcg | Security | MAC Security - Ethernet Data Encryption Devices |
802.1Xck | Security | Port-Based Network Access Control Amendment: YANG Data Model |
802.1E | Security | Recommended Practice for Privacy Considerations for IEEE 802 Technologies |
802.1AS-2011/Cor 2 | Time Sensitive Networking | 802.1AS-2011/Cor2 - Technical and Editorial Corrections |
802.1AS-Rev | Time Sensitive Networking | Timing and Synchronisation: Timing and Synchronisation for Time-Sensitive Applications - Revision |
802.1Qbu | Time Sensitive Networking | Frame Preemption |
802.1Qbv | Time Sensitive Networking | Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic |
802.1CB | Time Sensitive Networking | Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliabilty |
802.1Qcc | Time Sensitive Networking | Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) Enhancements and Performance Improvements |
802.1Qch | Time Sensitive Networking | Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding |
802.1Qci | Time Sensitive Networking | Per-Stream Filtering and Policing |
802.1Qbz | Time Sensitive Networking | Enhancements to Bridging of 802.11 |
802.1Qca | Time Sensitive Networking | Path Control and Reservation |
802.1AC-Rev | Time Sensitive Networking | MAC Service Definition Revision |
802.1CM | Time Sensitive Networking | Time-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul |
802.1Qcn | Time Sensitive Networking | Virtual Station Interface (VSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP) Extension to Support Network Virtualization Overlays Over Layer 3 (NVO3) |
802.1Qcp | Time Sensitive Networking | Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment: YANG Data Model |
802.1Qcd | Data Center Bridging | Application VLAN TLV |
802.1Qcj | Data Center Bridging | Automatic Attachment to Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) services |
802c | Data Center Bridging | Local Medium Access Control (MAC) Address Usage |
802.1CF | OmniRAN | Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network |
Proyectos archivados
Estándar | Descripción |
802 | Overview & Architecture |
802a | Playpen Ethertypes |
802b | Registration of Object Identifiers |
802.1D | MAC bridges |
802.1G | Remote MAC bridging |
802.1H-REV | Recommended Practice for MAC Bridging of Ethernet in LANs |
802.1p | Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering (published in 802.1D-1998) |
802.1Q | Virtual LANs |
802.1s | Multiple Spanning Trees |
802.1t | 802.1D Maintenance |
802.1u | 802.1Q Maintenance |
802.1v | VLAN Classification by Protocol and Port |
802.1w | Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree |
802.1aa | 802.1X Maintenance |
802.1X | Port Based Network Access Control |
802.1af | MAC Key Security |
802.1y | 802.1D Maintenance (published under 802.1D(2004)) |
802.1z | 802.1Q Maintenance - withdrawn |
802.1AB | Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery |
802.1ad | Provider Bridges |
802.1AE | MAC Security |
802.1ag | Connectivity Fault Management |
802.1ah | Provider Backbone Bridges |
802.1aj | Two-port MAC Relay |
802.1ak | Multiple Registration Protocol |
802.1ap | VLAN Bridge MIBs |
802.1aq | Shortest Path Bridging |
802.1AR | Secure Device Identity |
802.1AS | Timing and Synchronization |
802.1Qat | Stream Reservation Protocol |
802.1Qau | Congestion Notification |
802.1Qav | Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive Streams |
802.1Qaw | Management of Data-Driven and Data-Dependent Connectivity Faults |
802.1Qay | Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering |
802.1Qaz | Enhanced Transmission Selection |
802.1AX | Link Aggregation |
802.1AXbk | Link Aggregation: Protocol Addressing |
802.1AXbq | Link Aggregation: Distributed Resilient Network Interconnect |
802.1Qbb | Priority-based Flow Control |
802.1Qbc | Provider Bridging: Remote Customer Service Interfaces |
802.1Qbe | Multiple I-SID Registration Protocol |
802.3bd | MAC Control Frame for Priority-based Flow Control |
802.1AEbn | Galois Counter Mode-Advanced Encryption Standard-256 (GCM-AES-256) Cipher Suite |
802.1AEbw | MAC Security Amendment: Extended Packet Numbering |
802.1Qbf | PBB-TE Infrastructure Segment Protection |
802.1Qbg | Edge Virtual Bridging |
802.1BR | Bridge Port Extension |
802.1AC | Media Access Control Service definition |
802.1ACby | MAC Service Definition - Support of Ethernet over Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) |
802.1Qbp | Equal Cost Multiple Paths |
802.1ASbt | Timing and Synchronisation: Enhancements and Performance Improvements |
Proyectos cancelados
Estándar | Descripción |
802.1r | GARP Proprietary Attribute Registration Protocol (GPRP) |
802.1Qbh | Bridge Port Extension |
Véase también
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