IEEE 802.1

IEEE 802.1 es un grupo de trabajo del proyecto IEEE 802. Su trabajo se centra en desarrollar estándares y prácticas recomendadas en las siguientes áreas: arquitectura 802 de redes de área personal (PAN) y de redes de área metropolitana (MAN), interconexiones entre redes 802 LAN, MAN y otras redes de área amplia (WAN), seguridad 802, gestión de redes 802 y protocolos en capas superiores.[1]

El grupo de trabajo se subdivide en 4 subgrupos:

  • Redes sensibles al tiempo (Time Sensitive Networking)
  • Seguridad (Security)
  • Interconexiones de centros de datos (Data Center Bridging)
  • OmniRAM

Proyectos activos

Estándar Subgrupo de trabajo Descripción
802.1XbxSecurityMAC Security Key Agreement protocol (MKA) extensions
802.1ARceSecuritySecure Device Identity, Amendment 1: SHA-384 and P-384 Elliptic Curve
802.1AEcgSecurityMAC Security - Ethernet Data Encryption Devices
802.1XckSecurityPort-Based Network Access Control Amendment: YANG Data Model
802.1ESecurityRecommended Practice for Privacy Considerations for IEEE 802 Technologies
802.1AS-2011/Cor 2Time Sensitive Networking802.1AS-2011/Cor2 - Technical and Editorial Corrections
802.1AS-RevTime Sensitive Networking Timing and Synchronisation: Timing and Synchronisation for Time-Sensitive Applications - Revision
802.1QbuTime Sensitive Networking Frame Preemption
802.1Qbv Time Sensitive Networking Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic
802.1CB Time Sensitive Networking Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliabilty
802.1Qcc Time Sensitive Networking Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) Enhancements and Performance Improvements
802.1Qch Time Sensitive Networking Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding
802.1Qci Time Sensitive Networking Per-Stream Filtering and Policing
802.1Qbz Time Sensitive Networking Enhancements to Bridging of 802.11
802.1Qca Time Sensitive Networking Path Control and Reservation
802.1AC-Rev Time Sensitive Networking MAC Service Definition Revision
802.1CM Time Sensitive Networking Time-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul
802.1Qcn Time Sensitive Networking Virtual Station Interface (VSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP) Extension to Support Network Virtualization Overlays Over Layer 3 (NVO3)
802.1Qcp Time Sensitive Networking Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment: YANG Data Model
802.1Qcd Data Center Bridging Application VLAN TLV
802.1Qcj Data Center Bridging Automatic Attachment to Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) services
802c Data Center Bridging Local Medium Access Control (MAC) Address Usage
802.1CF OmniRAN Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network

Proyectos archivados

Estándar Descripción
802 Overview & Architecture
802a Playpen Ethertypes
802b Registration of Object Identifiers
802.1D MAC bridges
802.1G Remote MAC bridging
802.1H-REV Recommended Practice for MAC Bridging of Ethernet in LANs
802.1p Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering (published in 802.1D-1998)
802.1Q Virtual LANs
802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees
802.1t 802.1D Maintenance
802.1u 802.1Q Maintenance
802.1v VLAN Classification by Protocol and Port
802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree
802.1aa 802.1X Maintenance
802.1X Port Based Network Access Control
802.1af MAC Key Security
802.1y 802.1D Maintenance (published under 802.1D(2004))
802.1z 802.1Q Maintenance - withdrawn
802.1AB Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery
802.1ad Provider Bridges
802.1AE MAC Security
802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management
802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridges
802.1aj Two-port MAC Relay
802.1ak Multiple Registration Protocol
802.1ap VLAN Bridge MIBs
802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging
802.1AR Secure Device Identity
802.1AS Timing and Synchronization
802.1Qat Stream Reservation Protocol
802.1Qau Congestion Notification
802.1Qav Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive Streams
802.1Qaw Management of Data-Driven and Data-Dependent Connectivity Faults
802.1Qay Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering
802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection
802.1AX Link Aggregation
802.1AXbk Link Aggregation: Protocol Addressing
802.1AXbq Link Aggregation: Distributed Resilient Network Interconnect
802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control
802.1Qbc Provider Bridging: Remote Customer Service Interfaces
802.1Qbe Multiple I-SID Registration Protocol
802.3bd MAC Control Frame for Priority-based Flow Control
802.1AEbn Galois Counter Mode-Advanced Encryption Standard-256 (GCM-AES-256) Cipher Suite
802.1AEbw MAC Security Amendment: Extended Packet Numbering
802.1Qbf PBB-TE Infrastructure Segment Protection
802.1Qbg Edge Virtual Bridging
802.1BR Bridge Port Extension
802.1AC Media Access Control Service definition
802.1ACby MAC Service Definition - Support of Ethernet over Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
802.1Qbp Equal Cost Multiple Paths
802.1ASbt Timing and Synchronisation: Enhancements and Performance Improvements

Proyectos cancelados

Estándar Descripción
802.1r GARP Proprietary Attribute Registration Protocol (GPRP)
802.1Qbh Bridge Port Extension

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