Glenn D. Paige
Glenn Durland Paige (Brockton, Massachusetts, 28 de junio de 1929-Honolulu, Hawái, 22 de enero de 2017) fue un politólogo estadounidense, Profesor Emérito de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Hawái y Presidente del Consejo de Gobierno del Centro para el No-matar Global (en inglés, Center for Global Nonkilling). Paige es conocido por haber desarrollado el concepto del no-matar,[1] sus estudios sobre el liderazgo político,[2] y el estudio de la política internacional desde la perspectiva de la toma de decisiones por medio de un estudio de la decisión del presidente estadounidense Harry S. Truman de involucrar a su país en la Guerra de Corea.[3]
Glenn D. Paige | ||
Información personal | ||
Otros nombres | Paige GD | |
Nacimiento |
28 de junio de 1929 Brockton (Estados Unidos) | |
Fallecimiento |
22 de enero de 2017 (87 años) Honolulu (Estados Unidos) | |
Nacionalidad | Estadounidense | |
Educación | ||
Educado en | ||
Información profesional | ||
Ocupación | Politólogo | |
Empleador | Universidad de Hawái | |
Distinciones |
| |
Véase también
- Véase 비살생 정치학과 지구평화운동 (For Nonkilling Global Political Science. Glenn D. Paige and his Scholarship) Archivado el 6 de octubre de 2011 en Wayback Machine., 한배호...[등저]; 안청시 편, Seoul:, 2004; G.D. Paige’s Nonkilling Thesis: A Vision of New Politics Archivado el 4 de mayo de 2018 en Wayback Machine., Balwant (Bill) Bhaneja, 2005; De-escalating Media Language of Killing: An instructional module, Beverly Ann Deepe Keever, In Conflict and Communication Online, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2007), pp. 1-7; A Nonkilling, Nonviolent World for the 21st Century, Mairead Maguire, 9th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, 2007; Nonkilling Global Political Science, Balwant Bhaneja, Peace Magazine, January-March (2005), pp. 27; A Nonkilling Paradigm for Political Problem Solving, Balwant Bhaneja, Asteriskos: Journal of International and Peace Studies, Vol. 1 (2006), pp. 273-277; Special Issue on Glenn Paige and Nonkilling Political Science, Journal of Peace and Gandhian Studies, Vol.5, No. 1, 2004 OCLC 37393517; Is a nonkilling society possible?, Paschal Eze, West Africa, Issue 4366 (March, 10-16, 2003), pp. 40-41 ISSN 0043-2962; A Nonkilling Paradigm for Political Scientists, Psychologists, and Others, Charles E. Collyer, Peace and Conflict (2003), pp. 371–372, ISSN 10781919; Politics of non-violence Archivado el 26 de marzo de 2005 en Wayback Machine., S. P. Udayakumar, Frontline (India), Vol. 19, Issue 24 (November 23-December 6, 2002).
- Especialmente con su ensayo The Scientific Study of Political Leadership (New York: The Free Press, 1977).. Entre las recensiones relevantes, véase: Landmark among Decision-Making and Policy Analyses and Template for Integrating Alternative Frames of Reference: Glenn D. Paige, "The Korean Decision", James A. Robinson, Policy Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Sep., 1999), pp. 301-314. ; Political Leadership as a Causative Phenomenon: Some Recent Analyses, Chong-Do Hah and Frederick C. Bartol, World Politics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Oct., 1983), pp. 100-120. ; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership by Glenn D. Paige, John C. Courtney, Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 393-395. ; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership. by Glenn D. Paige, Francis E. Rourke, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Feb., 1979), pp. 262-263. ; The Scientific Study of Political Leadership by Glenn D. Paige, James S. Bowman, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Apr., 1979), pp. 307-309.
- Véase The Korean Decision: June 24-30, 1950 (New York: The Free Press, 1968).. Entre las recensiones relevantes, véase: The Korean Decision, June 24-30, 1950. by Glenn D. Paige, Ernest Gilman, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 1968-1969), pp. 608-609. and The Korean Decision, June 24-30, 1950 by Glenn D. Paige, Betty Glad, The Journal of American History, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Dec., 1968), pp. 686-687. . Ver también la crítica del propio autor publicada como “On Values and Science: The Korean Decision Reconsidered” in the American Political Science Review (December 1977)
- Paige GD (2002). Nonkilling global political science. OCLC 50711626. Archivado desde el original el 23 de noviembre de 2009. Consultado el 2 de junio de 2009.
- Paige GD; Evans Joám, eds. (2009). Global nonkilling leadership. Honolulu: University of Hawaii and Center for Global Nonkilling. ISBN 9781880309117. Archivado desde el original el 16 de julio de 2011. Consultado el 2 de junio de 2009.
- edited by Glenn D. Paige, Chaiwat Satha-Anand (Qader Muheideen), Sarah Gilliatt. (1993). Satha-Anand Chaiwat; Paige GD; Gilliatt Sarah, eds. Islam and nonviolence. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. ISBN 1880309068. OCLC 28723586. "Report on an international exploratory seminar on Islam and nonviolence, held in Bali, Indonesia, during February 14-19, 1986. Indonesian translation: Islam tampa Kekerasan, Yogyakarta: LkiS, 1st edition, August 1998; 2nd edition, Setember 2000. ISBN 979896632X"
- Glenn D. Paige. (1993). Paige GD, ed. To nonviolent political science : from seasons of violence. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. ISBN 1880309076. OCLC 28799961. "Korean translation: 비폭력과 한국정치 [Bipokryeok gwa Hanguk jeongchi, Nonviolence and Korean Politics], Seoul: Jipmoondang, 1999. ISBN 89-303-0706-X"
- Kelly Petra K (1992). Paige GD; Gilliatt Sarah, eds. Nonviolence speaks to power. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. ISBN 188030905X. OCLC 26212037.
- López, Mario (2006). Política sin violencia. La noviolencia como humanización de la política. Bogotá. ISBN 9789588165288.
- edited by Glenn D. Paige, Lou Ann Haʹaheo Guanson, George Simson. (1995). Paige GD; Guanson LAH; Simson George, eds. Hawai'i journeys in nonviolence. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. ISBN 1880309106. OCLC 32855002.
- edited by Glenn D. Paige and Sarah Gilliatt. (1991). Paige GD; Gilliatt Sarah, eds. Nonviolence in Hawaii's spiritual traditions. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. ISBN 1880309009. OCLC 24502156.
- Paige GD; Gilliatt Sarah, eds. (1991). Buddhism and nonviolent global problem-solving. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. OCLC 25519413.
- Paige GD (1984). Buddhism and leadership for peace. OCLC 13164982.
- Paige GD (1977). The scientific study of political leadership. Free Press. ISBN 0029236304.
- Chaplin George; Paige GD (1973). Hawaii 2000: continuing experiment in anticipatory democracy. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii for the Governor's Conference on the Year 2000. ISBN 0824802527.
- Paige GD, ed. (1972). Political leadership: readings for an emerging field. OCLC 354740.
- Paige GD, ed. (1970). 1950, Truman's decision: the United States enters the Korean War. New York. OCLC 267269.
- Paige GD (1968). The Korean decision: June 24-30, 1950. OCLC 16122772.
- Paige GD (1966). The Korean People's Democratic Republic. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. OCLC 413900.
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