Fekri Hassan

Fekri Hassan es un geoarqueólogo egipcio. Tras estudiar geología y antropología, Hassan comenzó, en 1974, a enseñar en el Dto. de Antropología de la Washington State University. De 1988 a 1990 fue funcionario del Ministerio de Cultura de Egipto. Actualmente es profesor emérito, siendo anteriormente catedrático Prof. Petrie de Arqueología, de 1994 a 2008, del Instituto de Arqueología y en el Dto. de Egiptología de la University College London. Editor de la revista African Archaeological Review, contribuyente de The Review of Archaeology y Pte. honorario de la Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organisation.[1][2]

Fekri Hassan
Información personal
Nacimiento Siglo XX
Nacionalidad Egipcia
Lengua materna Árabe egipcio
Información profesional
Ocupación Antropólogo y arqueólogo

Algunas publicaciones

A discussion of the Sussman model (see reference) of Population increase during the Neolithic age and a proposed alternative.[3]
The archaeology of the Dishna Plain[4]
Identification of the biological, cultural and ecological factors that caused change in the density and growth rate of hunter-gatherer societies.[5]
Historical change in route of the Nile obtained from analysis of heavy mineral data.[6]
The change in archaeological investigation from remains to the study of elements of human and societal cultures.[7]
The usefulness of sediment analysis to the reconstruction of paleo- climates and culture.[8]
Archaeological Exploration during 1975 and 1976, of the Siwa Oasis Region of Egypt.[9]
A correlation of demographic structures and variables, and probable influence upon prehistorical farming,settlement, technological culture and organization of society.[10]
Geoarchaeology: The Geologist and Archaeology[11]
Geographical survey of the flood waters of the Nile of A.D. 640 to 1921 and the relation of this to future climatic change.[12]
The relation of changes during the Holocene, in the water levels of lakes of the Faiyum depression to concurrent developments of nearby paleolithic settlements.[13]
Creating a chronology for Neolithic and Predynastic sites of Egypt by way of Radiocarbon dating.[14]
Proposition of the origins of the domestication of animals and change to agricultural practice, from archaeology and climatic data of the الصحراء الكبرى[15] and Nile valley.[16]
Analysis of the chronology of Khartoum Meso- and Neo- lithic and other relevant sites of Sudan; compared to Egypt.[17]
The Predynastic period of Egypt.[18]
Identification of the climate of the Holocene of Africa, from composite data including Palynology, geomorphology, and sedimentological studies.[19]
Commentary on the fifth symposia of North African archaeology.[20]
The dynamics of a riverine civilization: A geoarchaeological perspective on the Nile Valley, Egypt[21]
(copia de la versión web como referencia es incompleta) The influence of the changing material culture of artifact finds and the subsequent archaeological knowledge on the history of nationalism and the Egyptian nation.[22]
Droughts, food and culture: ecological change and food security in Africa's later prehistory[23]
Water Management and Early Civilizations: From Cooperation to Conflict[24]
Analysis of 9th to 15th centuries variations in Nile flood water levels (and the effect upon nearby dependent populations).[25]


  1. website (última actualizac. 27 de junio 2011) de The Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organization © ECHO 2011 Archivado el 3 de marzo de 2016 en Wayback Machine. visto 15 de enero 2012
  2. with Randal A. Sengel - On Mechanisms of Population Growth During the Neolithic - ©2000-2012 ITHAKA. All Rights Reserved. ( Robert W. Sussman and Roberta L. Hall - Addendum: Child Transport, Family Size, and Increase in Human Population During the Neolithic - ©2000-2012 ITHAKA. All Rights Reserved ) visto 14 de enero 2012
  3. The archaeology of the Dishna Plain, Egypt: a study of a late palaeolithic settlement - 174 p. , fascs. 57-60 , Ministry of petroleum and Mineral Wealth, Geological Survey of Egypt and Mining Authority - library Archivado el 3 de abril de 2012 en Wayback Machine. de Yale University visto 16 de octubre 2011 - books.google visto 14 de enero 2012
  4. Determination of the size density and growth rate of hunting-gathering populations in Steven Polgar - Population, ecology, and social evolution - 354 pages World Anthropology : an Interdisciplinary Series - Walter de Gruyter, 1975 visto 14 de enero 2012 ISBN 90-279-7529-9
  5. doi 10.1016/0033-5894(67)90006-3 visto 15 de enero 2012
  6. Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory © 1978 Springer - ©2000-2012 ITHAKA. All Rights Reserved visto 14 de enero 2012
  7. doi 10.1179/009346978791489899 visto 15 de enero 2012
  8. Current Anthropology 19 (1) © 1978 The University of Chicago Press visto 15 de enero 2012
  9. Review of AnthropologyVol. 8, (1979) p. 137-160 (art. de 24 p.) visto 15 de enero 2012
  10. [1 p. disponible] American Antiquity 44 (2 abr. 1979): 267-270 (art. de 4 p.) visto 15 de enero 2012
  11. 1980. Historical Nile Floods and Their Implications for Climatic Change - doi 10.1126/science.212.4499.1142 © 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All Rights Reserved, visto 14 de enero 2012
  12. Holocene lakes and prehistoric settlements of the Western Faiyum, Egypt Journal of Archaeological Science - Washington State University visto 14 de enero 2012
  13. Radiocarbon chronology of Neolithic and Predynastic sites in Upper Egypt and the Delta - doi 10.1007/BF01117456 visto 14 de enero 2012
  14. Douglas Harper - etymonline.com
  15. Desert environment and origins of agriculture in Egypt doi 10.1080/00293652.1986.9965432 visto 15 de enero 2012
  16. doi 10.1007/BF01117036 visto 15 de enero 2012
  17. The Predynastic of Egypt - doi 10.1007/BF00975416 Retrieved 2012-01-14 © Springer, Part of Springer Science+Business Media
  18. Holocene Palaeoclimates of Africa ©2012 Google visto 15 de enero 2012
  19. scholar.google visto 15 de eneroieved 2012-01-15
  20. World Archaeology Volume 29, Issue 1, doi 10.1080/00438243.1997.9980363 visto 15 de enero 2012
  21. Memorabilia Archaeological materiality and national identity in Egypt in (Lynn Meskell - Archaeology under fire: nationalism, politics and heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East - 251 pages) Psychology Press, 22 de dic 1998 visto 15 de enero 2012 ISBN 0-415-19655-8
  22. 347 p. - Springer, 2002 visto 14 de enero 2012 ISBN 0-306-46755-0
  23. Hassan, Fekri A. (2003), Water Management and Early Civilizations: From Cooperation to Conflict, UNESCO, archivado desde el original el 26 de febrero de 2015, consultado el 1 de mayo de 2015.
  24. scholar.google 15 de enero 2012
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