Familia criminal Soprano
La familia criminal Soprano, conocida anteriormente como familia criminal DiMeo, es una familia criminal ficticia de la serie de televisión de HBO Los Soprano. Tiene su sede en Nueva Jersey y está conectada con la familia criminal de Nueva York, comandada por John "Johnny Sack" Sacramoni, y la Camorra. Está basada en la verdadera familia criminal DeCavalcante, también con sede en Nueva Jersey.[1]
Familia Criminal DiMeo/Soprano | ||
Fundación | Decada de 1950 | |
Fundador | Domenico Ercole DiMeo | |
Lugar de origen |
![]() | |
Territorio | Norte de Nueva Jersey y Miami | |
Aliados | Lupertazzi y las otras cinco familias, el clan de Vittorio-Zucca Camorra, mafia cubana, mafia judía, mafia rusa, bandas de narcotraficantes afroamericanos | |
Enemigos | Familia Criminal de Nueva Inglaterra y Filadelfia, The Vipers MC, bandas de narcotraficantes colombianos, mafia coreana y otras pandillas de New Jersey, incluyendo a algunos de sus aliados en varias ocasiones | |
Actividades delictivas | Extorsión, asesinato, asalto, robo de autos, fraude bancario, fraude postal, fraude electrónico, usura, juego ilegal, tráfico de drogas, dirección de obra, asesinato por encargo, gestión de residuos, prostitución, fraude hipotecario, lavado de dinero, extorsión, robo, skimming, contrabando, bookmaking, conspiración, contrabando de cigarrillos, sindicatos, robo de camiones y manipulación de testigos | |
Operacional | 1950 - presente | |
Tamaño | 60 hombres hechos (basados en 6 equipos que consta de aproximadamente 10 + hombres cada uno), 200 + asociados | |
Estructurada en forma piramidal,[2] la organización se compone de un núcleo administrativo y cinco bandas (o equipos), cuyos líderes se turnaron durante la temporada o lo mencionaron en los diálogos. La historia narrada en pantalla muestra a la organización a partir de 1999, referida generalmente como la familia Soprano. Sin embargo, antes era conocida como la organización criminal DiMeo del estado de Nueva Jersey, que comenzó sus actividades en los años 1950. Las bandas que conforman los miembros de las familias varían como consecuencia de los asesinatos o el ingreso en prisión de sus miembros.
- Tony Soprano — Jefe (2004–presente, jefe interino 1999-2004, subjefe no oficial (1999))
- Silvio "Sil" Dante — Consigliere de Tony Soprano (2000–?)
Capos actuales
- Equipo de Junior Soprano/Baccalieri - desconocido
- Equipo de Soprano/Gualtieri y de Aprile/Gervasi - Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri
- Barese crew - Lawrence "Larry Boy" Barese (encarcelado) Albert Barese
- Curto crew - desconocido
- 19??–1995 - Domenico Ercoli "Eckley" DiMeo — Jefe desde 1995, condenado a cadena perpetua.
- 1995-1999 - Giacomo "Jackie" Aprile — Jefe (1995–1999 hasta su fallecimiento a causa de cáncer)
- 1999-2006 - Corrado "Junior" Soprano — fue jefe desde 1999–2004, cuando fue enviado a un hospital psiquiátrico en 2006.
- Interino 2000-2004 - Tony Soprano — sólo sirvió como jefe interino, pero de facto controlaba la organización sin la ayuda de Junior desde 1999–2004; ascendido a jefe en 2004.
- 2006–presente - Anthony "Tony" Soprano
- Interino 2006 - Silvio "Sil" Dante — sirvió como jefe interino durante el tiroteo de Tony en 2006.
- 1999 - Joseph "Beppy" Sasso — Subjefe de Junior Soprano (1999)
- 2005-2007 - Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri — Subjefe de Tony Soprano desde 2005–2007
- 2007 - Robert "Bobby Bacala" Baccalieri (asesinado en 2007)
- 1999-1999 - Mikey "Grab Bag" Palmice — Consigliere de Junior Soprano (1999, fallecido)
- 2000–presente - Silvio "Sil" Dante — Consigliere de Tony Soprano (2000–?)
Junior Soprano / Baccalieri
Anteriormente conocido como el equipo de Junior Soprano, pasó a denominarse equipo de Baccalieri. Se desconoce quién asumió el rol de capo tras el asesinato de "Bacala" Baccalieri.
Organización actual
- Anthony Maffei — Soldado (2007 - presente)
- Thomas "Tommy" Di Palma — Soldado (desconocido - presente)
- Murf Lupo — Soldado (desconocido–2000, 2002–presente, semiretirado)
- Giuseppe "Beppy" Scerbo — Soldado (desconocido - presente)
Miembros anteriores
Historial de Capos
- desconocido—1999 — Junior Soprano — (ascendido a jefe, semiretirado)
- Interino 1999- Mikey Palmice (fallecido, 1999)
- Interino 1999–2000 — Phillip "Philly Spoons" Parisi (fallecido, 2000)
- Interino 2000–2002 – Murf Lupo (descendido a Soldado, semiretirado, 2002)
- Interino 2002–2007 – Robert "Bobby Bacala" Baccalieri — (Capo interino 2002–2007)
- 2007– Robert "Bobby Bacala" Baccalieri — (Capo 2007, fallecido)
- Robert Baccalieri, Sr. — Soldado (desconocido–2001, fallecido)
- Gigi Cestone — Soldier (pre-1995–2000, desertó al equipo de Gualtieri, fallecido)
- Mikey "Grab Bag" Palmice — Soldado (desconocido–1999, ascendido a capo interino y Consigliere, fallecido)
- Pasquale "Patsy" Parisi — Soldado (1984–2000, desertó al equipo de Gualtieri; 2007, Capo del equipo de Gualtieri)
- Charles "Chucky" Signore — Soldado (desconocido–1999, fallecido)
- Joseph "Beppy" Sasso — Soldado (desconocido–1999, ascendido a subjefe)
- Eugene Pontecorvo (1995–2000, traspasado al equipo de Aprile, fallecido)
- Salvatore "Mustang Sally" Intile — Asociado (desconocido–2000, fallecido)
- Donnie Paduana — Asociado (desconocido–1999, fallecido)
Soprano / Gualtieri / Moltisanti
Anteriormente conocido como el equipo de Soprano, después denominado equipo de Gualtieri, y finalmente equipo de Moltisanti. Paulie se convirtió en el capo de su grupo y del de Aprile, tras la fusión de estos.
Organización actual
- Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri - (capo desde 2000–2005, ascendido a subjefe y reasignado para organizar el equipo Soprano/Gualtieri con el equipo Moltisanti y el equipo Altieri/Aprile en 2007)
- Pasquale "Patsy" Parisi — Soldado 2000–presente; desconocido-2000 saldado en el equipo de Junior Soprano)
- Benito "Benny" Fazio — Soldado en el equipo de Moltisanti (2007–presente, asociado en 2001-2007))
- Frankie Cortese — Soldado (2004–presente)
- Paul "Little Paulie" Germani — Asociado (2001–presente)
- Perry Annunziata — Asociado (2006–presente)
- Corky Caporale — Asociado (2006–presente)
- Peter "Bissell" LaRosa — Asociado (2002–presente)
- Cary DiBartolo — Asociado (2006–presente)
- Corky Ianucci — Asociado (1999–presente)
- James "Murmur" Zancone — Asociado (2006–presente)
- Jason Parisi — Asociado (2007–presente)
- Jason Gervasi — Asociado (2007–presente)
Miembros anteriores
Historial de Capos del equipo Soprano/Gualtieri
- desconocido–1986 - John "Johnny Boy" Soprano — (served as capo from unknown–1986, fallecido)
- 1986-2000 - Anthony John "Tony" Soprano — (Capo from 1986–2000, promoted to Boss; previously Soldier, unknown–1986)
- 2000–present - Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri - (served as capo from 2000–present, promoted to Underboss, then re-assigned to reform the merger of the Soprano/Gualtieri/Moltisanti crew, and the Aprile/Gervasi crew in 2007)
History of Moltisanti crew Capos (defunct)
- 2005-2007 - Christopher "Chrissy" Moltisanti — (newly formed crew from old Soprano/Gualtieri crew; served as capo from 2005–2007, previously Soldier 2001–2005 in Soprano/Gualtieri crew, Associate pre-1995–2001, fallecido)
- 2007 - Crew is merged back with the Soprano/Gualtieri Crew under Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri
- Pat Blundetto — Soldado (retired)
- Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero — Soldado (1983–2000, FBI informant, fallecido)
- Gigi Cestone — Soldier (2000), promoted to Capo of the Aprile Crew, fallecido)
- Silvio Dante — Soldado (1983–2001, promoted to Consigliere)
- Furio Giunta — Soldier (2000–2002, M.I.A.)
- Eugene Pontecorvo — Soldado (2001–2006, F.B.I informant, fallecido)
- Burt Gervasi — Soldado (2006–2007, fallecido)
- "Jimmy" — Soldier (fallecido)
- Richard "Dickie" Moltisanti — Soldado (fallecido)
- Fabian "Febby" Petrullio — Soldier (FBI informant, fallecido)
- Matthew Bevilaqua — Associate (2000, fallecido)
- Brendan Filone — Associate (1999, fallecido)
- Sean Gismonte — Associate (2000, fallecido)
- Alfie — Associate (2002)
Territory and businesses
- The traditional and primary income of the crew stems from bookmaking, loansharking, and extortion, as well as truck hijacking. Under the ascension of Tony Soprano to Acting Boss, more diverse and modern criminal enterprises were pursued. These include an HMO scam with Hesh Rabkin, the "pump and dump" Webistics stock scam, buying calling cards on credit through front companies and selling them at discount, and selling stolen credit card numbers.
- The Soprano Crew are the main proprietors of the Bada Bing strip club on Route 17 in Lodi, New Jersey. Silvio Dante officially owns and manages the club.
- Business has also been established through Satriale's Pork Store, a meat market in the North Ward that was left to "Johnny Boy" Soprano when "Old Man" Satriale, a compulsive gambler and debtor, committed suicide in the early 1970s.
- Tony also owned the building that housed Caputo's Poultry Store in the North Ward, before selling the property to Jamba Juice in 2006.
- Garbage routes were also considered "bread and butter" for the crew as of 1999. Up until its sale in 2006, Barone Sanitation acted as a lucrative and protective front business and handled their garbage hauling routes, which included Triborough Towers. Tony Soprano was a longtime paid consultant of Barone Sanitation until Jason Barone sold the company after his father, Dick Barone's death. Tony still receives a salary from the company (until 2016) and netted 12% of the sale price.
- Tony and Silvio also run the Executive Card Game, a high-stakes poker game once run by Johnny and Junior Soprano until Tony took over as Acting Boss in 2000 and seized most of Junior Soprano's businesses.
- Christopher Moltisanti was the silent partner of the Crazy Horse nightclub, once run by his fiancée Adriana La Cerva. Furio Giunta was a partner until he fled to Italy.
- The crew's relationship with the Vittorio/Zucca Camorra family in Naples allowed for the smuggling of stolen cars to Italy in return for money and free use of Neapolitan enforcers, notably Furio Giunta. This business was formerly run by the Junior Soprano crew until 2000.
- Bonpensiero also ran an auto body shop before his death, now operated by his widow Angie and brother Duke, though the family still does business through the body shop and Angie works as a loan shark for Tony.
- After becoming a made man in 2001, Christopher was given a betting shop, managed by Warren Dupree, to run with a minimum $6,000/week kick up to Paulie. This betting shop likely belonged to Pussy Bompensiero until his execution and Paulie until Christopher became a made man.
- The crew had an interest in Massarone Construction until 2004 when its owner, Jack Massarone, became a government informant and subsequently killed.
- The crew has run the Feast of St. Elzear (a three-day festival with rides, vendors and a procession) for profit since the 1950s. Paulie Gualtieri took this part of the crew's business with him when he was promoted.
Aprile / Cestone / Cifaretto / Spatafore / Gervasi / Gualtieri crew
The Cifaretto crew, formerly the Aprile crew, was known as the most profitable crew in the Soprano/DiMeo family. The Gervasi crew was formerly the Altieri crew. After the death of capos Ralph Cifaretto and Vito Spatafore, the Altieri and Aprile crews were combined under the leadership of Carlo Gervasi. In the series finale, Paulie Gualtieri was re-assigned as Capo of this crew. Leadership of this crew, in recent years, has come to be seen as a "cursed" position, due to the ill fortune that has befallen most of its capos.
Current organization
- Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri — Capo 2007–present; served as capo from 2000–present of the Soprano/Gualtieri crew, promoted to Underboss, then re-assigned to reform the merger of the Soprano/Gualtieri/Moltisanti crew, and the Gervasi/Aprile crew in 2007.
Former members
History of Aprile crew Capos
- 1990–1997 - Giacomo "Jackie" Aprile, Sr. (capo from 1990–1997, promoted to Acting Boss, fallecido)
- 1997-2000 - Richie Aprile (capo from unknown–1990, 2000, fallecido)
- 2001 - Gigi Cestone (capo in 2001, fallecido)
- 2001-2002 - Ralph "Ralphie" Cifaretto (capo from 2001–2002, fallecido)
- 2002-2006 - Vito Spatafore (Capo from 2002–2006, fallecido)
- 2006-2007 - Carlo Gervasi (in 2006 Crew is merged with the Gervasi crew; in 2007 FBI Informant, current status unknown, possibly in Witness Protection Program)
- 2007–present - Peter Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri (Crew is merged with Soprano/Gualtieri crew under Paulie)
Aprile crew Soldiers/Associates
- Eugene Pontecorvo — Soldado (2001–2006, FBI Informant, fallecido)
- Donald "Donny K" Kafranza — Soldier (2000-2003, semi-retired due to nerve damage)
- Jackie Aprile, Jr. — Associate (2000–2001, fallecido)
- Peter "Beansie" Gaeta — Associate (retired due to paralysis)
- Carlo Renzi — Associate (fallecido)
- Sunshine — Associate (fallecido)
- Dino Zerilli — Associate (fallecido)
Former members
History of Gervasi crew Capos (defunct)
- 1995-1999 - Jimmy Altieri (Capo from 1995–1999, FBI Informant, fallecido)
- 1999-2007 - Carlo Gervasi (1999–2007, in 2006 Crew is merged with the Aprile crew; in 2007 FBI Informant, current status unknown, possibly in Witness Protection Program)
Gervasi crew Soldiers/Associates
- Anthony "Tony B" Blundetto — Asociado (unknown–1986, 2004, fallecido)
Territory and businesses (Cifaretto)
- Since at least the leadership of Jackie Aprile, Sr., the crew has had the biggest interests in construction, via illicit control of unions and projects in co-operation with the Lupertazzi Family; this became most lucrative under the leadership of Ralph Cifaretto, who supervised the New Jersey Front Esplanade construction project and the HUD scam, and his successor Vito Spatafore. This had made them the most consistently profitable crew of the whole family. However, since Vito's disappearance and subsequent death in 2006, the Gervasi crew had been granted control of all future construction interests.
- Ownership and operation of Spatafore Construction, Fernandez Paving, and Aprile Roofing.
- Significant income also came from various garbage routes throughout New Jersey, operated by Zanone Bros. Trucking. Richie Aprile at one point used them for cocaine distribution.
- The Cifaretto Crew also has business in some minor pizza joints throughout New Jersey.
- Richie Aprile and Ralph Cifaretto both sponsored mid-level poker games. Eugene Pontecervo also ran a poker game which was robbed by Jackie Jr. in 2001.
- The Altieri control of North Jersey ports was transferred to the Aprile crew when the Aprile and Altier crews were combined in 2006.
- Until the death of Eugene Pontecervo in late 2005, the Cifaretto crew ran a sports book in Roseville. This had since been given to Bobby Bacala.
Territory and businesses (Gervasi)
- The Gervasi crew runs all operations around the New Jersey ports, controlling overseas shipments and business.
- With the death of Aprile Crew Capo Vito Spatafore in 2006, Carlo Gervasi was given control of the Aprile's construction interests.
- The Gervasi crew owns the casino on Bloomfield Avenue, once run by associate Tony Blundetto until his death.
- Pornography production
Barese crew
The Barese crew is known for its large crew of made men. Although it's the biggest crew in the family, very few members are actually seen or named on the show. Larry Barese's brother Albert took over the crew since his incarceration and has been running it ever since.
Current organization
- Lawrence "Larry Boy" Barese — Capo (Unknown–present, incarcerated for violating house arrest, awaiting re-trial)
- Albert "Ally Boy" Barese — Soldado/Acting Capo (Unknown–present)
- Nicholas "Nick Spags" Spagnelli — Soldier (2006—present)
- Albert "Ally Boy" Barese — Soldado/Acting Capo (Unknown–present)
Former members
- "Rusty Irish" — Associate (drug dealer, fallecido)
Territory and businesses
- A percentage of Barese crew profits come from drug trafficking.
- The Barese Crew is also involved in waste management, and in 2000 they were involved in a brief conflict with the Aprile crew over territory that resulted in several fires.
- The Bareses were also involved in calling card and stock scams up until Larry Boy's arrest; these were later replicated by the Soprano/Gualtieri crew.
Curto crew
It is currently unknown of who took over the Curto crew after the passing of its Capo, Raymond Curto.
- Raymond Curto — Capo (unknown–2006, FBI Informant, fallecido)
La Manna crew (defunct)
- Michele "Feech" La Manna — Capo (unknown–1984, 2004, in prison)
- E. Gary La Manna — Associate
- Jimmy La Manna — Associate
Territory and businesses
- Feech La Manna once ran a high stakes card game, which was famously held up by Jackie Aprile and Tony Soprano.
- Legitimate interests included a La Manna Landscaping—a gardening company run by his nephew Gary—and the La Manna bakery, run by Feech himself.
Miscellaneous members
- Jerry Anastasia — Capo
- Augusto "Little Auggie" Aprile — Soldado
- Rocco DiMeo — Soldado (fallecido)
- "Little Pussy" Malanga — Soldado (fallecido)
- Cicchi Sasso — Soldado
- Romeo Martin — Soldado (fallecido)
- Joey Cippolini — Soldado
Unofficial associates
- Vin Makazian — Detective on Tony Soprano's payroll (fallecido)
- Harold Melvoin — Junior Soprano's lawyer
- Neil Mink — Tony Soprano's lawyer
- Herman "Hesh" Rabkin — advisor and business partner to Tony Soprano
- Georgie Santorelli — bartender and head bouncer at the Bada Bing Strip Club
- Ronald Zellman — Newark Assemblyman and later State Senator, primary political/police contact for Tony Soprano
- Italo and Salvatore — hitmen from the Naples Camorra outfit
Front operators
- Dick Barone — formerly handled Soprano crew sanitation business (fallecido)
- Angie Bonpensiero — front operator of "Bonpensiero Bros. Body Shop".
- Duke Bonpensiero — front operator of "Bonpensiero Bros. Body Shop".
- Adriana La Cerva — former front operator of the "Crazy Horse" nightclub (FBI Informant, fallecida)
- "Black" Jack Massarone — formerly owned and operated Massarone Construction (FBI Informant, fallecido)
- Hillel Teittleman — co-owner of the Flyaway Motel run by the Gualtieri crew
- Shlomo Teittleman — co-owner of the Flyaway Motel run by the Gualtieri crew
- Maurice Tiffen — front operator of the Housing and Urban Development scam.
- The Sopranos: The Complete Book, 2007 HBO ISBN 1-933821-18-3
- Glen O. Gabbard, The Psychology of the Sopranos Love, Death, Desire and Betrayal in America's Favorite Gangster Family - Basic books, 2002
- Michael Hammond, Lucy Mazdon, The Contemporary Television Series, Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo 2005
- Martha P. Nochinsom, Dying to Belong: Gangsters Movies in Hollywood and Hong Kong, Wiley Blackwell, 2007
- Anthony Bruno. «All about the Real Life Sopranos overview». crimelibrary.com. Archivado desde el original el 10 de abril de 2008. Consultado el 23 de noviembre de 2010.
- «The Sopranos Family Tree». Archivado desde el original el 20 de diciembre de 2008.
- Referenced in the companion book The Sopranos: The Complete Guide