Anexo:Discografía de Hayami Kishimoto
La Discografía de Ayumi Hamasaki es el artículo que registra todos los trabajos musicales lanzados al mercado de la cantante japonesa Ayumi Hamasaki, ya sean álbumes, singles, etc.
n.º | Información | Copias vendidas |
1st | A Song for ××
1,415,910 |
2nd | LOVEppears
2.562.130 |
3rd | Duty
2.904.420 |
4th | I am...
2.308.112 |
1.856.919 |
6th | MY STORY
1.131.776 |
7th | (miss)understood
877.433 |
8th | Secret
649.714 |
n.º | Información | Copias vendidas |
1st | Memorial address
1.062.297 |
n.º | Fecha Lanzamiento |
Título | Posición Oricon |
Copias vendidas |
1st | 08/04/1998 | poker face | #20 | 43,150 |
2nd | 10/06/1998 | YOU | #20 | 78,260 |
3rd | 05/08/1998 | Trust | #9 | 181,820 |
4th | 07/10/1998 | For My Dear... | #6 | 74,440 |
5th | 09/12/1998 | Depend on you | #6 | 131,460 |
6th | 10/02/1999 | WHATEVER | #5 | 189,610 |
7th | 14/04/1999 | LOVE ~Destiny~ c/w LOVE ~since 1999~ | #1 | 648,340 |
8th | 12/05/1999 | TO BE | #4 | 324,500 |
9th | 14/07/1999 | Boys & Girls | #1 | 1,037,950 |
10th | 11/08/1999 | A | #1 | 1,630,540 |
11th | 10/11/1999 | appears | #2 | 290,550 |
12th | 08/12/1999 | kanariya | #1 | 289,200 |
13th | 09/02/2000 | Fly high | #2 | 300.000 |
14th | 26/04/2000 | vogue | #3 | 767,660 |
15th | 17/05/2000 | Far away | #2 | 510,460 |
16th | 07/07/2000 | SEASONS | #1 | 1,367,400 |
17th | 09/09/2000 | SURREAL | #1 | 417,210 |
18th | 01/11/2000 | AUDIENCE | #2 | 292,950 |
19th | 13/12/2000 | M | #1 | 1,319,070 |
20th | 31/01/2001 | evolution | #1 | 955,250 |
21st | 07/03/2001 | NEVER EVER | #1 | 756,980 |
22nd | 16/05/2001 | Endless sorrow | #1 | 765,790 |
23rd | 11/06/2001 | UNITE! | #1 | 571,110 |
24th | 27/09/2001 | Dearest | #1 | 750,420 |
- | 12/12/2001 | A Song is born | #1 | 441,410 |
25th | 06/03/2002 | Daybreak | #2 | 197,140 |
26th | 24/04/2002 | Free & Easy | #1 | 486,520 |
27th | 24/07/2002 | H | #1 | 1,016,000 |
28th | 26/09/2002 | Voyage | #1 | 679,463 |
29th | 9/07/2003 | & | #1 | 591,481 |
30th | 20/08/2003 | forgiveness | #1 | 222,194 |
31st | 06/11/2003 | No way to say | #1 | 371,171 |
32nd | 31/03/2004 | Moments | #1 | 303,923 |
33rd | 28/07/2004 | INSPIRE c/w GAME | #1 | 329,145 |
34th | 29/09/2004 | CAROLS | #1 | 309,128 |
35th | 20/04/2005 | STEP you / is this LOVE? | #1 | 345,340 |
36th | 03/08/2005 | fairyland c/w alterna | #1 | 316,663 |
37th | 14/09/2005 | HEAVEN | #1 | 327,111 |
38th | 30/11/2005 | Bold & Delicious / Pride | #1 | 132.993 |
39th | 08/03/2006 | Startin' / Born To Be... | #1 | 188.551 |
40th | 21/06/2006 | BLUE BIRD c/w Beautiful Fighters | #1 | 258,566 |
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