Debellatio (en español, derrota o acto de conquista o sometimiento; literalmente luchar [contra el enemigo] hasta abatirlo) —del latín, bellum (en español, guerra)— designa el final de la guerra causada por la destrucción por completo a un Estado hostil.

En algunos casos la "debellatio" termina con una disolución completa y la anexión del Estado derrotado al territorio nacional del vencedor, tal como ocurrió a finales de la tercera guerra púnica con la derrota de Cartago por Roma en el siglo II a.c.
La rendición incondicional del Tercer Reich -en sentido estricto sólo las Fuerzas Armadas de Alemania ("Wehrmacht") -a finales de Segunda Guerra Mundial fue en su momento aceptada por la mayoría de las autoridades como un caso de "debellatio" ya que terminó con la completa disolución del Reich alemán,[1][2][3][4][5][6] incluyendo todas las oficinas, y los dos estados alemanes que se crearon en su lugar ( República Federal de Alemania y la República Democrática Alemana). Otras autoridades han argumentado en contra de que, como la mayor parte del territorio que componía Alemania antes de la Anschluss no se adjuntó, y la población todavía existía y los vestigios del estado alemán continuaban existiendo a pesar de que el Consejo de Control Aliado regía el territorio y que, finalmente, un gobierno alemán plenamente soberano se reanudó en un estado que nunca dejó de existir.[1][7]
Véase también
- Estatus legal de Alemania
- Leyes de la guerra
- Guerra total
- Desarme de fuerzas enemigas
- Eyal Benvenisti, The international law of occupation, Princeton University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-691-12130-3, pp. 92-95
- Breven C. Parsons, (2009), Moving the law of occupation into the twenty-first century Archivado el 10 de octubre de 2017 en Wayback Machine., Naval Law Review, published by US Naval Justice School, the pp. 21, 28-30 (PDF page numbers 26, 33-35)
- ICRC Commentaries on the Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War Article 5 "The German capitulation was both political, involving the dissolution of the Government, and military, whereas the Japanese capitulation was only military".
- United Nations War Crimes Commission, Law reports of trials of war criminals: United Nations War Crimes Commission, Wm. S. Hein, 1997, ISBN 1-57588-403-8. p.13
- The human rights dimensions of population (Page 2, paragraph 138) UNHCR web site
- Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1993 Volume II Part Two Page 48, paragraph 295 (last paragraph on the page)
- Detlef Junker et al. (2004). The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook (Vol 2), Cambridge University Press and (Vol. 2) co-published with German Historical Institute, Washington D.C., ISBN 0-521-79112-X p. 104 Archivado el 19 de mayo de 2011 en Wayback Machine.
Para leer más
- Anne Armstrong. "Unconditional Surrender: The Impact of the Casablanca Policy upon World War II", Greenwood Pub Group 1974, ISBN 0-8371-7042-7
- Brett H. McGurk A Lawyer in Baghdad(PDF) Footnote I on Page 3: argues that "The unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan supported the application of debellatio, a concept that is discredited in the international legal community and would not easily transfer to Iraq. No Coalition member, in any event, argued that debellatio applied in Iraq."
- Max Rheinstein. The Legal Status of Occupied Germany Michigan Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 1 (Nov., 1948), pp. 23–40 doi:10.2307/1284507
- Gerry Everding U.S. rules Iraq under international law doctrine of 'debellatio' and will until stable government is formed reprints an article by Victor T. Le Vine in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Sunday, February 22, 2003.
- Sir Robert Jennings presiding over a public sitting held on 22 June 1993 in the International Court of Justice for the case Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) Professor Bowett speaking for Libya states "debellatio — the end of hostilities brought about by the complete subjugation of the enemy"
- ICRC Commentary on Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977. Commenting on the term "The general close of military operations" in Article 3.b of Protocol I the ICRC states in their commentary in footnote 5 "Some of the literature refers to this situation ['The general close of military operations' when the occupation of the whole territory of a Party is completed, accompanied by the effective cessation of all hostilities, without the necessity of a legal instrument of any kind] as 'debellatio', but this is a narrower interpretation of the term than other publicists ascribe to it. On the concept of 'debellatio' and the various definitions of this term, cf. K.U. Meyn, 'Debellatio', in R. Bernhardt (ed.) [Encyclopaedia of Public International Law], Instalment 3, p. 145;"
- Melissa Patterson. Who’s Got the Title? or, The Remnants of Debellatio in Post-Invasion Iraq, Harvard International Law Journal Volume 47, Number 2, Summer 2006
- Adam Roberts. Transformative military occupation: applying the laws of war and human rights, 100 The American Journal of International Law. vol 100 pp. 580–622 (2006)
- Ruth Wedgwood. Judicial Overreach(PDF) Wall Street Journal November 16, 2004