Novela filosófica

La ficción filosófica se refiere a las obras de ficción en donde una parte significativa del trabajo está dedicado a la discusión de cuestiones que suelen abordarse utilizando la filosofía discursiva. Este tipo de obras puede explorar cualquier tema de la condición humana, incluyendo la función y el papel de la sociedad, la naturaleza y motivación de los actos humanos, el propósito de la vida, la ética o la moral, el papel del arte en la vida humana, el rol de la experiencia o la razón en el desarrollo del conocimiento, si existe el libre albedrío, o cualquier otro tema de interés filosófico. Asimismo, a este género pertenecen las llamadas «novelas de ideas», que incluyen una proporción significativa de géneros como la ciencia ficción, la ficción utópica y distópica y el Bildungsroman. El modus operandi suele utilizar primeramente una historia normal para entonces comenzar simplemente a explicar las partes difíciles u oscuras de la vida humana.

Sus precedentes son tan antiguos como los propios diálogos de Platón, pero en sentido más concreto, esta narrativa florece bajo la escritura de Voltaire o Jonathan Swift. En la primera mitad del siglo XX autores tan diversos como Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, existencialistas franceses como Jean Paul Sartre o Albert Camus, o autores distópicos como Aldous Huxley o George Orwell llevaron este tipo de ficción a su más elevado desarrollo. En la narrativa española, la Generación del 98 con Unamuno, Pío Baroja o Azorín abren el camino a este tipo de obras. En la tradición hispanoamericana, Jorge Luis Borges lleva el género a una de sus cimas más importantes y abstractas. La tradición de la novela de ciencia ficción, de la mano de Stanislav Lem, Arthur C. Clarke o Asimov, también introducirían ideas filosóficas en muchas de sus obras.


Augustine of HippoDe Magistro4th centuryEarly example
AbelardDialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian12th centuryEarly example
Ibn TufailHayy ibn Yaqdhan12th century[1][2]Early example; explores the limits of natural theology and the Islamic concept of fitra.
Yehuda HaleviThe Kuzari12th centuryEarly example
Thomas MoreUtopia1516Early example, first unambiguous example of utopian and dystopian fiction.
VoltaireZadig 1747Early example
VoltaireCandide1759Early example
Samuel JohnsonRasselas 1759
Jean-Jacques RousseauJulie, or the New Heloise1761Early example
James HoggThe Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner1824
Walter PaterMarius the Epicurean1885
Thomas CarlyleSartor Resartus1833–34Canonical
Fyodor DostoevskyCrime and Punishment1866Canonical
GoetheWilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship1795–96Canonical
Leo TolstoyGuerra y paz1869Canonical
Giacomo Leopardi Small Moral Works 1827 Philosophical stories that were greatly enjoyed even by Arthur Schopenhauer.
Robert MusilThe Man Without Qualities1930–43Canonical
Milan KunderaLa insoportable levedad del ser1984
Aldous HuxleyAfter Many a Summer1939
Aldous HuxleyBrave New World1932A critique on the conflict between the human element and animal nature of man as well as the manipulative use of psychological conditioning.
Aldous HuxleyIsland1962
C. S. LewisSpace Trilogy1938, 1943, 1945Una crítica del socialismo al estilo estalinista
Søren KierkegaardDiary of a Seducer1843A novel in the highly literary philosophical work Either/Or.
Friedrich NietzscheThus Spoke Zarathustra1885Well-known example of a modern philosophical novel.
Leo TolstoyResurrection1899
Samuel BeckettWaiting for Godot1952One of the most well-known philosophical plays of the twentieth century.
Louis-Ferdinand CélineJourney to the End of the Night1932
Marcel ProustIn Search of Lost Time1913–1927
Antoine de Saint-ExupéryThe Little Prince1943
André MalrauxMan's Fate1933
Thomas MannThe Magic Mountain1924
Franz KafkaThe Trial1925
George OrwellAnimal Farm1945A fictional drama on the process of communism represented through animals on a farm.
B. F. SkinnerWalden Two1948
George OrwellNineteen Eighty-Four1949A critique of totalitarianism as well as a discourse on the manipulative use of language.
Anthony BurgessA Clockwork Orange1962A discussion of the role of free will in the context of the application of behaviorism's techniques.
Philip K. DickDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?1968
John Gardner Grendel 1971 An exploration of various philosophical perspectives on finding meaning in the world, the power of literature and myth, and the nature of good and evil. The protagonist is a literary proxy for Jean-Paul Sartre.
Philip K. DickA Scanner Darkly1977
Philip K. DickVALIS1981A novel version of his longer non-fiction book The Exegesis, outlining his intense interest in the nature of reality, metaphysics and religion.
Jean-Paul SartreNausea1938
Jean-Paul SartreNo Exit1944An existentialist play outlining Sartrean philosophy.
Jean-Paul SartreThe Devil and the Good Lord1951An existentialist play outlining Sartrean philosophy.
Ralph EllisonInvisible Man1952Existencialismo en América
Simone de BeauvoirShe Came to Stay1943An existential novel outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy.
Simone de Beauvoirfr1944An existential play outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy.
Simone de BeauvoirAll Men are Mortal1946An existential novel outlining Simone de Beauvoir's philosophy.
Osamu DazaiNo Longer Human1948
Walker PercyThe Moviegoer1961An existential novel outlining Søren Kierkegaard's philosophy.
Yukio MishimaThe Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea1963
José Lezama Lima Paradiso (novel) 1966 Latin American Boom novel that explores desire in pre-revolution Cuba.
Robert M. PirsigZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance1974Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality
Renata AdlerSpeedboat1976
Margaret AtwoodThe Handmaid's Tale1985Novela distópica feminista
David MarksonWittgenstein's Mistress1988An experimental novel that demonstrates Wittgenstein's philosophy of language; stylistic similarities to Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Jostein GaarderSophie's World1991
David Foster WallaceInfinite Jest1996Criticizes Poststructuralism/Postmodernism; influenced by Wittgenstein & Existentialism; introduces Metamodernism/Post-postmodernism.
Arthur Asa BergerPostmortem for a Postmodernist1997A murder mystery that explores postmodernism.
Gus Van SantPink1997Absurdismo
Arturo Pérez-ReverteEl pintor de batallas2006Reflexiones sobre la guerra, la pintura y la condición humana.
Neal StephensonAnathem2008Includes the philosophical debate between Platonic realism and nominalism.
André AlexisFifteen Dogs2015Winner of the 2015 Scotiabank Giller Prize, this novel explores faith, place, love, power and hatred through the eyes and experiences of fifteen dogs endowed with human intelligence.
Most novels by Albert CamusAbsurdismo
Fiction by the Marquis de Sade1740–1814Ateísmo, Nihilismo, Libertarianismo
Most novels by Franz KafkaExistential Nihilism
Most novels by Hermann Hesse1904–53
The novels and short stories of Ursula K. Le Guin1959-2018

Anarchism; Feminism; Socialism; Daoismo

Most novels by Stanislaw Lem1946–2005
Most novels by Ayn Rand1934–82Objetivismo
Novels and Plays by Samuel Beckett1938–1961Absurdismo/Quasi-quietism
Novelas de Iris Murdoch1953–97
Novelas de Anthony Burgess1956–93
Novelas de Simone de BeauvoirExistencialismo, feminismo
Novelas de Jean-Paul SartreExistencialismo
Novelas de Andre Malraux
Novelas de Marcel Proust[3]
Novelas de Stendhal
Novelas de Fiodor Dostoievski1846–81Existencialismo
Novelas de G. K. Chesterton1874–1936
Novelas de Clarice Lispector
The stories of Jorge Luis BorgesPhilosophical idealism, eternal recurrence, eternalism
The novels of Umberto EcoSemiotics
The novels of Rebecca Newberger Goldstein

Atheism; Feminism

Works by Franz Kafka Prize winnersKafkaesque Humanism and Existentialism


  1. Jon Mcginnis, Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources, p. 284, Hackett Publishing Company, ISBN 0-87220-871-0.
  2. Samar Attar, The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought, Lexington Books, ISBN 0-7391-1989-3.
  3. Joshua Landy, Philosophy As Fiction: Self, Deception, and Knowledge in Proust, Oxford University Press (2004)
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