Complete Songs & Poems

Complete Songs & Poems es un álbum recopilatorio de todas las canciones de la novela de J. R. R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos con música del Tolkien Ensemble. Los cuatro discos del álbum reorganizan las 69 canciones previamente publicadas en álbumes individuales para que aparezcan en el mismo orden que en el libro.

Complete Songs & Poems
Álbum recopilatorio de Tolkien Ensemble
Publicación 7 de abril de 2006[1]
Grabación De 1996 a 2005 en Copenhague (Dinamarca)[1]
Género(s) Música clásica[1]
Duración 236:08
Discográfica Membran Music, Classico Records
Productor(es) Morten Ryelund Sørensen
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Tolkien Ensemble
Leaving Rivendell
Complete Songs & Poems

Disco 1

1.«The Old Walking Song (I)»Caspar Reiff5:08
2.«Verse of the Rings (I)»Caspar Reiff1:17
3.«The Old Walking Song (II)»Caspar Reiff1:13
4.«A Walking Song (I)»Peter Hall2:49
5.«Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel (I)»Caspar Reiff5:32
6.«A Drinking Song»Peter Hall2:43
7.«The Bath Song»Caspar Reiff y Peter Hall1:40
8.«Farewell Song of Merry and Pippin»Caspar Reiff3:07
9.«Song in the Woods»Peter Hall1:45
10.«Tom Bombadil's Song (I)»Peter Hall5:40
11.«Song to Goldberry»Caspar Reiff y Peter Hall0:26
12.«Tom Bombadil's Song (II)»Peter Hall0:15
13.«Tom Bombadil's Song (III)»Peter Hall4:32
14.«Ho! Tom Bombadil (I)»Peter Hall0:56
15.«Wight's Chant»Peter Hall1:42
16.«Ho! Tom Bombadil (II)»Peter Hall0:45
17.«Tom Bombadil's Song (IV)»Caspar Reiff2:54
18.«There is an inn, a merry old inn...»Caspar Reiff4:59
19.«The Riddle of Strider (I)»Caspar Reiff0:56
20.«The Fall of Gil-Galad»Caspar Reiff3:39
21.«Song of Beren and Luthien»Caspar Reiff7:58

Disco 2

1.«Sam's Rhyme of the Troll»Peter Hall5:20
2.«Song of Eärendil»Peter Hall10:18
3.«Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel»Caspar Reiff2:09
4.«Boromir's Riddle»Caspar Reiff0:35
5.«The Riddle of Strider (II)»Caspar Reiff2:31
6.«Verse of the Rings (II)»Caspar Reiff1:06
7.«Warning of Winter»Caspar Reiff0:37
8.«Bilbo's Song»Caspar Reiff3:32
9.«Song of Durin»Peter Hall6:40
10.«Song of Nimrodel»Caspar Reiff4:40
11.«Frodo's Lament for Gandalf»Peter Hall5:47
12.«Galadriel's Song of Eldamar (I)»Caspar Reiff6:25
13.«Song of the Elves beyond the Sea / Galadriel's Song of Eldamar (II)»Caspar Reiff6:12
14.«Song of the Elves beyond the Sea / Galadriel's Song of Eldamar (II) Translation»Caspar Reiff2 :18

Disco 3

1.«Lament for Boromir»Caspar Reiff8 :24
2.«Song of Gondor»Caspar Reiff2:57
3.«The Long List of the Ents (I)»Peter Hall2:14
4.«Treebeard's Song»Caspar Reiff4:11
5.«The Ent and the Entwife»Caspar Reiff7:45
6.«Bregalad's Song»Caspar Reiff6:13
7.«The Ent's Marching Song»Peter Hall2:18
8.«Galadriel's Messages»Caspar Reiff1:51
9.«Lament of the Rohirrim»Caspar Reiff3:07
10.«Gandalf's Song of Lórien»Caspar Reiff3:13
11.«Call to Arms Rohirrim»Caspar Reiff0:34
12.«Gandalf's Riddle to the Ents»Caspar Reiff0:31
13.«The Long List of the Ents (II)»Peter Hall0:57
14.«A Rhyme of Lore»Caspar Reiff2:02
15.«Gollums Song/ Riddle»Peter Hall3:45
16.«Oliphaunt»Peter Hall2:17
17.«Sam's invocation of Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel»Peter Hall1 :33

Disco 4

1.«Malbeth the Seer's Words»Caspar Reiff5 :52
2.«Lament for Théoden»Caspar Reiff9 :35
3.«Théoden's Battle Cry»Caspar Reiff0 :35
4.«At Théoden's Death»Caspar Reiff0 :25
5.«Snowmane's Epitaph»Caspar Reiff0 :21
6.«Éomer's Song»Caspar Reiff2:37
7.«Song of the Mounds of Mundborg»Caspar Reiff5:56
8.«Athelas»Caspar Reiff0:34
9.«Song of Lebenin»Caspar Reiff4:56
10.«Sam's Song in the Orc-tower»Caspar Reiff5:23
11.«Long live the Halflings!»Caspar Reiff1:02
12.«Legolas's Song of the Sea»Caspar Reiff5:22
13.«The Eagle's Song»Caspar Reiff3:24
14.«Burial Song of Théoden»Caspar Reiff6:51
15.«The Old Walking Song (III)»Caspar Reiff3:33
16.«A Walking Song (II)»Peter Hall1:37
17.«Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel (III)»Caspar Reiff6:07

Véase también


  1. «The Lord of the Rings: Complete Songs and Poems» (en inglés). Allmusic. 2006. Consultado el 27 de julio de 2012.
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