Anexo:Rotondas en Washington D. C.
La disposición de las calles en Washington D. C. consiste principalmente en calle numeradas de norte a sur, y calles con nombre de letras seguidas por calles ordenadas alfabéticamente de este a oeste. Las avenidas toman el nombre de los 50 estados de los EE. UU. y cruzan la capital diagonalmente. Las rotondas con tráfico rodado se encuentran en las intersecciones de las avenidas con otras avenidas o con calles. Los barrios se conocen por las rotondas cercanas. Las rotondas normalmente toman el nombre de generales y almirantes de la Guerra Civil estadounidense.
Estatua de Winfield Scott en el centro de la rotonda Scott.
- Rotonda Anna J. Cooper - Cruce de la Calle 3 y la Calle T.
- Rotonda Chevy Chase - Cruce de la Avenida Western and Connecticut Avenues, and Chevy Chase and Magnolia Parkways and Grafton Street (Note, this circle is only half within the District. The other half is in Chevy Chase, Maryland)
- Dupont Circle - Intersection of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire Avenues, and 19th and P Streets, with an underpass for Connecticut Avenue and an express lane for Massachusetts Avenue
- Grant Circle - Intersection of New Hampshire and Illinois Avenues and Varnum and 5th Streets
- Logan Circle - Intersection of Rhode Island and Vermont Avenues and 13th and P Streets
- Observatory Circle - Intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Street. Technically, an arc, not a circle, as the street fails to form a complete loop. (See United States Naval Observatory and Number One Observatory Circle.)
- Peace Circle - Intersection of First Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue
- Pinehurst Circle - Intersection of Western and Utah Avenues and 33rd and Worthington Streets (note, this forms a semi-circle along the border with Maryland)
- Scott Circle - Intersection of Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues, 16th Street
- Sheridan Circle - Intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and R and 23rd Streets
- Sherman Circle - Intersection of Kansas and Illinois Avenues and Crittenden and 7th Streets
- Tenley Circle - Intersection of Wisconsin and Nebraska Avenues, and Fort Drive and Yuma Street
- Thomas Circle - Intersection of Massachusetts and Vermont Avenues, 14th and M Streets with an underpass for Massachusetts Avenue
- Ward Circle - Intersection of Massachusetts and Nebraska Avenues
- Washington Circle - Intersection of New Hampshire and Pennsylvania Avenues, and K and 23rd Streets with a K Street underpass
- Westmoreland Circle - Intersection of Western and Massachusetts Avenues, Butterworth Place, and Wetherill Road (Note, this circle is only half within the District. The other half is in Maryland.)
- Columbus Circle - Intersection of Delaware, Louisiana and Massachusetts Avenues and E and First Streets (Note, Union Station and its access roads interrupts this circle on one side)
- Truxton Circle - Now defunct, existing only as the name of a neighborhood, formerly the intersection of Florida Avenue and North Capitol Street, Q Street Northwest and Q Street Northeast (Note, this circle lies on the border of Northwest and Northeast, there are possible plans to rebuild the circle)
- Barney Circle - Intersection of Pennsylvania and Kentucky Avenues and 17th Street
- Ellicott Circle - Cloverleaf at the interchange of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Anacostia Freeway
- Randle Circle - Intersección de Minnesota y Branch Avenues, K y calles 32.ª y Fort DuPont Drive
- Benjamin Banneker Circle - off of L'Enfant Promenade, south of Interstate 395
- Lincoln Memorial Circle - Intersection of 23rd Street, Henry Bacon Drive, Daniel French Drive, and the Arlington Memorial Bridge. Surrounds the Monumento a Lincoln and is divided between the Southwest and Northwest quadrants of the city.
- Garfield Circle - Intersection of First Street and Maryland Avenue
Véase también
- Geografía de Washington D. C.
- Calles de Washington D. C.
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