Anexo:Guionistas de Los Simpson

La siguiente es una lista de los guionistas que han trabajado desde la primera hasta la vigésima temporadas de la serie de dibujos animados Los Simpson, de la cadena de televisión Fox.

Parte del equipo de guionistas de Los Simpson en 1992.

Lista de guionistas

Guionista # Código de producción Episodio
Richard Appel 7 3F06«Mother Simpson»
3F17«Bart on the Road»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
4F06«Bart After Dark»
4F21«La guerra secreta de Lisa Simpson»
5F04«Las dos señoras Nahasapeemapetilon»
5F19«When You Dish Upon a Star»
Gary Apple19F09«Homer's Triple Bypass», con Michael Carrington
Jack Barth13F15«A Fish Called Selma»
Bob Bendetson 2 CABF17«Simpsons Tall Tales»
DABF10«La culpa es de Lisa»
Neal Boushell1EABF06«Pray Anything», con Sam O'Neal
J. Stewart Burns 8 EABF17«Moe Baby Blues»
FABF13«The Way We Weren't»
GABF04«There's Something About Marrying»
HABF14«The Monkey Suit»»
JABF10«Marge Gamer»
KABF02«Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind»
LABF10«Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'Oh»
Bill Canterbury 2 1F03«Marge on the Lam»
1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula»
Michael Carrington19F09«Homer's Triple Bypass», con Gary Apple
Donick Cary 7 4F18«In Marge We Trust»
5F03«Bart Star»
5F10«La última tentación de Krusty»
AABF01«Treehouse of Horror IX: Hell Toupee»
AABF03«D'oh-in' In the Wind»
AABF20«Treinta minutos sobre Tokio», con Dan Greaney
BABF01«Treehouse of Horror X: I Know What You Diddily-Iddily Did»
Dan Castellaneta 4 BABF14«Days of Wine and D'oh'ses», con Deb Lacusta
DABF12«Gump Roast», con Deb Lacusta
FABF08«The Ziff Who Came to Dinner», con Deb Lacusta
HABF10«Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore», con Deb Lacusta
David Chambers1FABF07«Milhouse ya no vive aquí», con Julie Chambers
Julie Chambers1FABF07«Milhouse ya no vive aquí», con David Chambers
Thomas Chastain18F20«Black Widower», con Sam Simon (guion), historia de Jon Vitti
Daniel Chun 6 GABF20«El envenenamiento del hijo de Marge»
HABF18«Jazzy and the Pussycats»
HABF21«G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)»
JABF08«Rome-Old and Juli-eh»
KABF11«Any Given Sundance»
LABF14«Treehouse of Horror XX»
David X. Cohen 13 2F03«Treehouse of Horror V: Nightmare Cafeteria»
3F03«Lisa, la vegetariana»
3F04«Treehouse of Horror VI: Homer³»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
3F20«Much Apu About Nothing»
4F02«Treehouse of Horror VII: Citizen Kang»
4F12«The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show»
4F20«The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase»
5F02«Treehouse of Horror VIII: Fly vs. Fly»
5F05«Lisa the Skeptic»
5F11«Das Bus»
5F22«Bart, la madre»
AABF01«Treehouse of Horror IX: Starship Pooper»
Joel H. Cohen 14 CABF19«Treehouse of Horror XII: Hex and the City»
DABF01«Brawl in the Family»
EABF19«El gordo y el peludo»
FABF01«Today I Am a Clown»
FABF21«Fat Man and Little Boy»
GABF15«Home Away from Homer»
GABF22«The Last of the Red Hat Mamas»
HABF03«Homer's Paternity Coot»
HABF16«Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play»
JABF05«Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times»
JABF20«He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs»
KABF06«The Debarted»
KABF12«Mona Leaves-a»
LABF05«Wedding for Disaster»
Robert Cohen18F08«Flaming Moe's»
Jonathan Collier 6 2F04«La novia de Bart»
2F21«The Springfield Connection»
3F13«Lisa, la iconoclasta»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
3F19«Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"»
4F03«The Homer They Fall»
Jennifer Crittenden 5 2F10«Y con Maggie son tres»
2F19«The PTA Disbands»
3F11«Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
4F08«The Twisted World of Marge Simpson»
Kevin Curran 8 DABF19«Treehouse of Horror XIII: The Island of Dr. Hibbert»
EABF07«I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can»
FABF12«My Big Fat Geek Wedding»
GABF10«Don't Fear the Roofer»
HABF04«We're on the Road to D'ohwhere»
JABF03«The Wife Aquatic»
KABF17«Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes»
LABF19«Rednecks and Broomsticks»
Greg Daniels 8 1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson», con Dan McGrath
1F10«Homer and Apu»
1F20«Secrets of a Successful Marriage»
2F03«Treehouse of Horror V: Time and Punishment», con Dan McGrath
2F06«Homer Badman»
2F15«La boda de Lisa»
3F03«Bart vende su alma»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
Larry Doyle 7 5F15«Girly Edition»
AABF01«Treehouse of Horror IX: The Terror of Tiny Toon»
AABF07«Wild Barts Can't Be Broken»
AABF14«Simpsons Bible Stories»
BABF18«It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge»
CABF08«Worst Episode Ever»
Spike Feresten13F08«Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming»
Brent Forrester 4 2F14«Homer vs. Patty & Selma»
2F22«El limonero de Troya»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
Bill Freiberger1DABF02«She of Little Faith»
John Frink 16 BABF21«Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True», con Don Payne
BABF17«Insane Clown Poppy», con Don Payne
CABF11«Bye Bye Nerdie», con Don Payne
CABF17«Simpsons Tall Tales», con Don Payne
CABF19«Treehouse of Horror XII: House of Whacks», con Don Payne
DABF06«The Bart Wants What it Wants», con Don Payne
EABF01«The Great Louse Detective», con Don Payne
EABF14«Old Yeller Belly», con Don Payne
FABF11«The Wandering Juvie», con Don Payne
FABF17«Bart-Mangled Banner»
GABF16«The Girl Who Slept Too Little»
HABF02«The Italian Bob»
JABF12«Stop, or My Dog Will Shoot!»
KABF13«All About Lisa»
KABF15«Lost Verizon»
LABF06«Eeny Teeny Maya Moe»
Peter Gaffney1HABF17«Treehouse of Horror XVII»
Valentina L. Garza1LABF09«Four Great Women and a Manicure»
Ricky Gervais1HABF08«Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife»
Howard Gewirtz18F04«Homer Defined»
Stephanie Gillis 4 GABF21«See Homer Run»
JABF21«Midnight Towboy»
KABF21«The Burns and the Bees»
LABF20«Once Upon a Time in Springfield»
Allen Glazier 2 EABF11«'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky», con Dan Greaney
FABF04«I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot», con Dan Greaney
Evan Goldberg»1LABF13«Homer the Whopper», con Seth Rogen
Ned Goldreyer 2 5F02«Treehouse of Horror VIII: Easy-Bake Coven»
4F24«Lisa the Simpson»
Dana Gould 6 CABF20«Homer the Moe»
DABF17«Papá tiene una placa nueva»
EABF10«C.E. D'oh»
EABF20«The President Wore Pearls»
HABF07«Bart tiene dos mamás»
JABF19«I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings»
Dan Greaney 13 3F05«King-Size Homer»
3F22«Summer of 4 Ft. 2»
4F02«Treehouse of Horror VII: The Genesis Tub»
4F13«My Sister, My Sitter»
4F20«The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase»
5F06«Realty Bites»
5F13«This Little Wiggy»
AABF11«I'm With Cupid»
AABF20«Treinta minutos sobre Tokio», con Donick Cary
BABF13«Bart al futuro»
EABF11«'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky», con Allen Glazier
FABF04«I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot», con Allen Glazier
GABF18«La hoguera de los manatíes»
Matt Groening 4 7G07«The Telltale Head», con Al Jean, Mike Reiss and Sam Simon
7G01«Some Enchanted Evening», con Sam Simon
8F19«Colonel Homer»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
Reid Harrison 2 3G01«The Springfield Files»
KABF09«Papa Don't Leech»
Ron Hauge 7 4F11«Homer's Phobia»
4F16«The Canine Mutiny»
5F07«Miracle on Evergreen Terrace»
5F12«Dumbbell Indemnity»
AABF05«Mayored to the Mob»
BABF01«Treehouse of Horror X: Life's A Glitch, Then You Die»
BABF11«Misionero imposible»
Brendan Hay1LABF12«Coming to Homerica»
David Isaacs 2 7F05«Dancin' Homer», con Ken Levine
8F07«Saturdays of Thunder», con Ken Levine
Al Jean 17 7G04«There's No Disgrace Like Home», con Mike Reiss
7G06«Moaning Lisa», con Mike Reiss
7G07«The Telltale Head», con Matt Groening, Mike Reiss y Sam Simon
7F12«The Way We Was», con Mike Reiss and Sam Simon
7F24«Stark Raving Dad», con Mike Reiss
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II»
8F06«El pony de Lisa», con Mike Reiss
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: Clown Without Pity», con Mike Reiss
2F32«'Round Springfield», con Mike Reiss (historia), guion de Joshua Sternin y Jeffrey Ventimillia
3G03«Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious», con Mike Reiss
3G02«Lisa's Sax»
AABF15«Mom and Pop Art»
AABF21«Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?»
BABF02«Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder»
CABF10«Day of the Jackanapes»
CABF16«Children of a Lesser Clod»
Ken Keeler 7 2F31«A Star Is Burns»
3F09«Dos malos vecinos»
4F02«Treehouse of Horror VII: The Thing and I»
3F24«El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)»
4F14«El hermano de otra serie»
4F20«The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase» (historia)
4F23«The Principal and the Pauper»
Brian Kelley 4 DABF19«Treehouse of Horror XIII: The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms»
EABF08«A Star Is Born-Again»
FABF06«Margical History Tour»
KABF22«Lisa the Drama Queen»
Mick Kelly1JABF22«Little Orphan Millie»
Billy Kimball 4 JABF14«24 minutos», con Ian Maxtone-Graham
KABF08«Smoke On The Daughter»
KABF18«Dangerous Curves», con Ian Maxtone-Graham
LABF04«Gone Maggie Gone», con Ian Maxtone-Graham
Jay Kogen 10 7G03«Homer's Odyssey», con Wallace Wolodarsky
7G12«Krusty Gets Busted», con Wallace Wolodarsky
7F04«Treehouse of Horror: Hungry Are the Damned», con Wallace Wolodarsky
7F06«Bart el temerario», con Wallace Wolodarsky
7F17«Old Money», con Wallace Wolodarsky
8F05«Like Father, Like Clown», con Wallace Wolodarsky
8F12«Lisa the Greek», con Wallace Wolodarsky
8F22«Bart's Friend Falls in Love», con Wallace Wolodarsky
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: King Homer», con Wallace Wolodarsky
9F15«Last Exit to Springfield», con Wallace Wolodarsky
Andrew Kreisberg 2 DABF08«Tales from the Public Domain»
EABF05«Barting Over»
Bob Kushell 2 2F03«Treehouse of Horror V: The Shinning»
3F12«Bart, el soplón» (historia), guion de John Swartzwelder
Deb Lacusta 4 BABF14«Days of Wine and D'oh'ses», con Dan Castellaneta
DABF12«Gump Roast», con Dan Castellaneta
FABF08«The Ziff Who Came to Dinner», con Dan Castellaneta
HABF10«Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore», con Dan Castellaneta
Adam I. Lapidus19F16«The Front»
Rob LaZebnik 3 BABF21«Treehouse of Horror XI: G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad»
CABF04«Homer vs. Dignity»
LABF08«Father Knows Worst»
Ken Levine 2 7F05«Dancin' Homer», con David Isaacs
8F07«Saturdays of Thunder», con David Isaacs
Josh Lieb1DABF08«Tales from the Public Domain»
Tim Long 16 AABF14«Simpsons Bible Stories»
BABF01«Treehouse of Horror X: Desperately Xeeking Xena»
BABF09«Jinetes galácticos»
BABF19«Behind the Laughter», con George Meyer, Mike Scully y Matt Selman
CABF06«Skinner's Sense of Snow»
CABF12«New Kids on the Blecch»
DABF04«Half-Decent Proposal»
DABF20«Bart vs. Lisa vs. The Third Grade»
EABF15«Brake My Wife, Please»
FABF22«She Used to Be My Girl»
GABF02«Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass»
GABF07«Mobile Homer»
HABF09«Million Dollar Abie»
JABF15«You Kent Always Say What You Want»
KABF19«Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words»
LABF17«The Devil Wears Nada»
Jeff Martin 10 7F08«Dead Putting Society»
7F16«Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?»
7F21«Three Men and a Comic Book»
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II»
8F10«Me casé con Marge»
8F21«The Otto Show»
8F18«A Streetcar Named Marge»
9F02«Lisa the Beauty Queen»
9F08«Lisa's First Word»
9F21«Homer's Barbershop Quartet»
Matt Marshall1LABF11«In the Name of the Grandfather»
Tom Martin 3 AABF08«Sunday, Cruddy Sunday», con George Meyer, Brian Scully y Mike Scully
BABF07«Grift of the Magi»
CABF05«Pokey Mom»
Ian Maxtone-Graham 17 4F05«Burns, Baby Burns»
4F22«The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson»
5F14«The Trouble With Trillions»
5F09«Trash of the Titans»
AABF03«Lisa Gets an "A"»
AABF19«E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)»
BABF10«Alone Again, Natura-Diddily»
CABF07«Tennis the Menace»
CABF21«The Blunder Years»
DABF18«Large Marge»
EABF13«Dude, Where's My Ranch?»
FABF14«Atrápalos si puedes»
GABF11«The Heartbroke Kid»
HABF06«The Seemingly Never-Ending Story»
JABF14«24 minutos», con Billy Kimball
KABF18«Dangerous Curves», con Billy Kimball
LABF04«Gone Maggie Gone», con Billy Kimball
Dan McGrath 4 1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson», con Greg Daniels
1F06«Boy-Scoutz 'N The Hood»
1F22«Bart of Darkness»
2F03«Treehouse of Horror V: Time and Punishment», con Greg Daniels
George Meyer 12 7G13«The Crepes of Wrath», con Sam Simon, John Swartzwelder y Jon Vitti
7F07«Bart Vs. Thanksgiving»
7F22«Blood Feud»
8F01«Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington»
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II»
8F15«Vocaciones separadas»
9F01«Homer the Heretic»
1F05«Bart's Inner Child»
AABF08«Sunday, Cruddy Sunday», con Tom Martin, Brian Scully y Mike Scully
AABF22«Brother's Little Helper»
BABF19«Behind the Laughter», con Tim Long, Mike Scully y Matt Selman
CABF22«The Parent Rap», con Mike Scully
«David Mirkin»11F13«Deep Space Homer»
Frank Mula 3 9F13«Yo amo a Lisa»
1F07«The Last Temptation of Homer»
BABF06«Faith Off»
Bill Oakley 13 9F05«Marge Gets a Job», con Josh Weinstein
9F20«Marge in Chains», con Josh Weinstein
1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV: Nightmare at 3 1/2 Feet», con Josh Weinstein
1F08«$pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)», con Josh Weinstein
1F12«Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy», con Josh Weinstein
1F18«Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song», con Josh Weinstein
1F21«Lady Bouvier's Lover», con Josh Weinstein
2F02«Sideshow Bob Roberts», con Josh Weinstein
2F07«Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy», con Josh Weinstein
2F13«Bart contra Australia», con Josh Weinstein
2F16«Who Shot Mr. Burns?» (primera parte), con Josh Weinstein
2F20«Who Shot Mr. Burns?» (segunda parte), con Josh Weinstein
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
Conan O'Brien 4 9F06«New Kid on the Block»
9F10«Marge vs. the Monorail»
1F02«Homer Goes to College»
1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV»
Jane O'Brien15F20«Lard of the Dance»
Bill Odenkirk 5 FABF23«Treehouse of Horror XV»
GABF08«The Seven-Beer Snitch»
HABF15«The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer»
JABF13«Crook and Ladder»
KABF14«Double, Double, Boy In Trouble»
Steve O'Donnell 2 5F24«All Singing, All Dancing»
5F23«The Joy of Sect»
Carolyn Omine 12 BABF04«Little Big Mom»
BABF21«Treehouse of Horror XI: Night of the Dolphin»
CABF03«The Great Money Caper»
CABF19«Treehouse of Horror XII: Wiz Kids»
DABF03«Sweets and Sour Marge»
EABF04«Strong Arms of The Ma»
FABF09«Smart and Smarter»
GABF13«A Star Is Torn»
HABF22«Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)»
JABF18«The Homer of Seville»
KABF07«Dial "N" for Nerder», con William Wright
LABF16«The Great Wife Hope»
Sam O'Neal1EABF06«Pray Anything»
Don Payne 16 BABF21«Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True», con John Frink
BABF17«Insane Clown Poppy», con John Frink
CABF11«Bye Bye Nerdie», con John Frink
CABF17«Simpsons Tall Tales», con John Frink
CABF19«Treehouse of Horror XII», con John Frink
DABF06«The Bart Wants What it Wants», con John Frink
EABF01«The Great Louse Detective», con John Frink
EABF14«Old Yeller Belly», con John Frink
FABF11«The Wandering Juvie», con John Frink
FABF18«Fraudcast News»
GABF14«Thank God It's Doomsday»
HABF01«Simpsons Christmas Stories»
JABF04«Little Big Girl»
KABF05«Love, Springfieldian Style»
LABF01«Take My Life, Please»
MABF02«Thursday With Abie», con Mitchell H. Glazer
«Steve Pepoon»17F13«Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment»
«Edgar Allan Poe»17F04«Treehouse of Horror: The Raven», con Sam Simon
«Brian Pollack»1DABF21«Helter Shelter» Mert Rich
«Mimi Pond»17G08«Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire: The Simpson's Christmas Special»
Michael Price 9 EABF18«My Mother the Carjacker»
FABF02«'Tis The Fifteenth Season»
GABF01«Mommie Beerest»
HABF05«My Fair Laddy»
JABF09«Yokel Chords»
JABF11«The Boys of Bummer»
KABF01«Funeral for a Fiend»
KABF03«E. Pluribus Wiggum»
LABF02«How the Test Was Won»
Rachel Pulido 2 3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
4F09«Grade School Confidential»
Mike Reiss 10 7G04«There's No Disgrace Like Home», con Al Jean
7G06«Moaning Lisa», con Al Jean
7G07«The Telltale Head», con Al Jean, Matt Groening and Sam Simon
7F12«The Way We Was», con Al Jean and Sam Simon
7F24«Stark Raving Dad», con Al Jean
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II» contributor
8F06«El pony de Lisa», con Al Jean
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: Clown Without Pity», con Al Jean
2F32«'Round Springfield», con Al Jean (historia), guion de Joshua Sternin y Jeffrey Ventimillia
3G03«Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious», con Al Jean
Mert Rich1DABF21«Helter Shelter»
David Richardson11F14«Homer Loves Flanders»
Jace Richdale11F16«El heredero de Burns»
Brian K. Roberts17F18«Brush With Greatness»
Seth Rogen1LABF13«Homer the Whopper», con Evan Goldberg
David Sacks12F08«Fear of Flying»
Nell Scovell17F11«One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish»
Brian Scully 3 5F17«Lost Our Lisa»
AABF08«Sunday, Cruddy Sunday», con Tom Martin, George Meyer y Mike Scully
AABF12«Make Room for Lisa»
Mike Scully 12 1F17«La rival de Lisa»
2F05«Lisa on Ice»
2F18«Two Dozen and One Greyhounds»
3F07«Marge Be Not Proud»
3F10«Team Homer»
4F01«Lisa's Date with Density»
5F02«Treehouse of Horror VIII: Homega Man»
AABF08«Sunday, Cruddy Sunday», con Tom Martin, George Meyer y Brian Scully
AABF23«Beyond Blunderdome»
BABF19«Behind the Laughter», con Tim Long, George Meyer y Matt Selman
CABF22«The Parent Rap», con George Meyer
DABF22«How I Spent My Strummer Vacation»
Matt Selman 19 5F18«Natural Born Kissers»
AABF14«Simpsons Bible Stories»
AABF18«Salvaron el cerebro de Lisa»
BABF03«Eight Misbehavin'»
BABF19«Behind the Laughter», con Tim Long, George Meyer y Mike Scully
CABF01«Lisa the Tree Hugger»
CABF14«Trilogía del error»
CABF17«Simpsons Tall Tales»
DABF05«Jaws Wired Shut»
EABF03«The Dad Who Knew Too Little»
FABF20«All's Fair in Oven War»
GABF03«Pranksta Rap»
HABF12«Las chicas sólo quieren sumar»
JABF02«The Haw-Hawed Couple»
JABF17«Husbands and Knives»
KABF04«That 90's show»
LABF15«Bart Gets a 'Z'»
MABF01«O Brother, Where Bart Thou?»
Sam Simon 9 7G07«The Telltale Head», con Al Jean, Mike Reiss y Matt Groening
7G13«The Crepes of Wrath», con George Meyer, John Swartzwelder y Jon Vitti
7G01«Some Enchanted Evening», con Matt Groening
7F01«Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish», con John Swartzwelder
7F04«Treehouse of Horror: The Raven)», con Edgar Allan Poe
7F12«The Way We Was», con Al Jean y Mike Reiss
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II»
8F20«Black Widower», con Thomas Chastain (historia), guion de Jon Vitti
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: Dial "Z" for Zombies», con Jon Vitti
Dennis Snee1EABF02«Edna especial»
Robin J. Stein1FABF05«Diatribe of a Mad Housewife»
David M. Stern 8 7F03«Bart Gets An F»
7F15«Principal Charming»
8F14«Homer Alone»
8F24«Kamp Krusty»
9F11«La elección de Selma»
AABF06«Viva Ned Flanders»
AABF10«Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"»
Joshua Sternin 2 2F32«'Round Springfield», con Jeffrey Ventimilia (guion), historia de Al Jean y Mike Reiss
3G04«Simpson Tide», con Jeffrey Ventimilia
John Swartzwelder 59 7G05«Bart the General»
7G09«The Call of the Simpsons»
7G11«Life On The Fast Lane»
7G13«The Crepes of Wrath», con George Meyer, Sam Simon y Jon Vitti
7F04«Treehouse of Horror: Bad Dream House»
7F01«Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish», con Sam Simon
7F09«Itchy & Scratchy & Marge»
7F10«Bart Gets Hit By A Car»
7F20«La guerra de los Simpson»
8F03«Bart the Murderer»
8F02«Treehouse of Horror II»
8F13«Homer at the Bat»
8F17«Dog of Death»
8F23«Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?»
9F03«Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie»
9F18«Whacking Day»
9F19«Krusty Gets Kancelled»
1F09«Homer the Vigilante»
1F11«Bart se hace famoso»
1F15«Bart Gets an Elephant»
1F19«El niño que sabía demasiado»
2F01«Itchy & Scratchy Land»
2F09«Homer the Great»
2F11«El cometa de Bart»
2F12«Homie, el payaso»
2F17«Radioactive Man»
3F04«Treehouse of Horror VI: Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores»
3F12«Bart, el soplón» (guion), historia de Bob Kushell
3F14«Homer the Smithers»
3F16«The Day the Violence Died»
3F23«Sólo se muda dos veces»
4F10«La montaña de la locura»
4F15«Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment»
4F17«The Old Man and the Lisa»
4F19«Homer's Enemy»
5F01«The Cartridge Family»
5F09«Bart Carny»
5F16«King of the Hill»
5F21«The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace»
AABF04«Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"»
AABF09«Homer to the Max»
AABF13«Maximum Homerdrive»
AABF17«Monty Can't Buy Me Love»
BABF05«Take My Wife, Sleaze»
BABF08«La familia mansión»
BABF16«Kill the Alligator and Run»
BABF20«A Tale of Two Springfields»
CABF02«The Computer Wore Menace Shoes»
CABF09«Hungry, Hungry Homer»
CABF13«Simpson Safari»
CABF18«A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love»
DABF07«The Lastest Gun in the West»
DABF13«I am Furious Yellow»
DABF14«The Sweetest Apu»
DABF16«The Frying Game»
EABF09«Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington»
EABF21«Treehouse of Horror XIV»
EABF22«The Regina Monologues»
Lawrence Talbot
(seudónimo de Dana Gould)
1GABF06«Goo Goo Gai Pan»
Julie Thacker 3 AABF16«The Old Man and The "C" Student»
BABF15«Last Tap Dance in Springfield»
CABF15«I'm Goin' to Praiseland»
Steve Tompkins» 4 3F04«Treehouse of Horror VI: Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace»
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
4F04«Milhouse dividido»
4F20«The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase»
Jeffrey Ventimilia 2 2F32«'Round Springfield», con Joshua Sternin (guion), historia de Al Jean y Mike Reiss
3G04«Simpson Tide», con Joshua Sternin
«Patric Verrone»1GABF19«Milhouse de arena y niebla»
Jon Vitti 23 7G02«Bart the Genius»
7G10«Homer's Night Out»
7G13«The Crepes of Wrath», con George Meyer, Sam Simon y John Swartzwelder
7F02«Simpson And Delilah»
7F14«Bart's Dog Gets An F»
7F19«El sustituto de Lisa»
7F23«When Flanders Failed»
8F09«Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk»
8F11«Radio Bart»
8F16«Bart, el amante»
8F20«Black Widower» (guion); historia por Thomas Chastain y Sam Simon
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: Dial "Z" for Zombies», con Sam Simon
9F07«Mr. Plow»
9F12«Brother from the Same Planet»
9F17«So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show»
9F22«Cape Feare»
3F01«Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily»
DABF09«The Old Man and the Key»
DABF11«Weekend at Burnsie's»
DABF15«Little Girl in the Big Ten»
FABF03«Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays»
FABF15«Simple Simpson»
FABF19«Durmiendo con el enemigo»
Matt Warburton 8 DABF08«Tales from the Public Domain»»
EABF12«Three Gays of the Condo»
FABF10«El día de la codependencia»
GABF09«The Father, The Son, and the Holy Guest Star»
HABF20«Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em...»
HABF19«Moe'N' A Lisa»
JABF07«Springfield Up»
KABF16«Treehouse of Horror XIX»
Josh Weinstein 13 9F05«Marge Gets a Job», con Bill Oakley
9F20«Marge in Chains», con Bill Oakley
1F04«Treehouse of Horror IV: Nightmare at 3 1/2 Feet», con Bill Oakley
1F08«$pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)», con Bill Oakley
1F12«Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy», con Bill Oakley
1F18«Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song», con Bill Oakley
1F21«Lady Bouvier's Lover», con Bill Oakley
2F02«Sideshow Bob Roberts», con Bill Oakley
2F07«Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy», con Bill Oakley
2F13«Bart contra Australia», con Bill Oakley
2F16«Who Shot Mr. Burns?» (primera parte), con Bill Oakley
2F20«Who Shot Mr. Burns?» (segunda parte), con Bill Oakley
3F18«22 Short Films About Springfield»
Jeff Westbrook 6 GABF05«On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister»
HABF11«The Wettest Stories Ever Told»
JABF01«Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2»
KABF10«Apocalypse Cow»
LABF03«No Loan Again, Naturally»
LABF18«Pranks and Greens»
Marc Wilmore 8 DABF19«Treehouse of Horrors XIII: Send In the Clones»
EABF16«The Bart of War»
FABF16«Recetas de medianoche»»
GABF17«Treehouse of Horror XVI»
HABF13«Regarding Margie»
JABF16«Treehouse of Horror XVIII»
KABF20«Mypods and Boomsticks»
LABF07«The Good, the Sad and the Drugly»
Penny Wise 2 2F33«Another Simpsons Clip Show»
3F31«The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular»
Wallace Wolodarsky» 10 7G03«Homer's Odyssey»», con Jay Kogen
7G12«Krusty Gets Busted», con Jay Kogen
7F04«Treehouse of Horror: Hungry Are the Damned», con Jay Kogen
7F06«Bart el temerario», con Jay Kogen
7F17«Old Money»», con with Jay Kogen
8F05«Like Father, Like Clown», con Jay Kogen
8F12«Lisa the Greek»», con Jay Kogen
8F22«Bart's Friend Falls in Love», con Jay Kogen
9F04«Treehouse of Horror III: King Homer», con Jay Kogen
9F15«Last Exit to Springfield», con Jay Kogen
William Wright1KABF07«Dial "N" for Nerder», con Carolyn Omine
Steve Young14F07«Huracán Neddy»



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