Anexo:Graduados honorarios de la Universidad Yale
La Universidad Yale ha otorgado los siguientes doctorados honoris causa:[1]
siglo XXI
Nombre Grado Año Jeffrey Michael Friedman Doctor of Medical Sciences 2015 Dean Kamen Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2015 Angélique Kidjo Doctor of Music 2015 Larry Kramer Doctor of Humane Letters 2015 Elon Musk Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2015 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Doctor of Humane Letters 2015 Peter G. Schultz Doctor of Science 2015 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Doctor of Humanities 2015 Janet Louise Yellen Doctor of Social Science 2015 Timothy Berners-Lee Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2014 Rita Dove Doctor of Letters 2014 Ramachandra Guha Doctor of Humanities 2014 Daniel Kahneman Doctor of Social Science 2014 Elliot M. Meyerowitz Doctor of Science 2014 Joseph W. Polisi Doctor of Music 2014 Michael H. Posner Doctor of Laws 2014 Anna Deavere Smith Doctor of Fine Arts 2014 Ralph Stanley Doctor of Music 2014 David F. Swensen Doctor of Humane Letters 2014 Ahmed H. Zewail Doctor of Science 2014 Huda Y. Zoghbi Doctor of Medical Sciences 2014 John Adams Doctor of Music 2013 Vinton Cerf Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2013 Elizabeth A. Clark Doctor of Divinity 2013 Edwidge Danticat Doctor of Letters 2013 Natalie Zemon Davis Doctor of Humanities 2013 Esther Duflo Doctor of Social Science 2013 William Kentridge Doctor of Fine Arts 2013 Richard C. Levin Doctor of Humane Letters 2013 Frederick W. Smith Doctor of Humane Letters 2013 Sonia Sotomayor Doctor of Laws 2013 Aaron Temkin Beck Doctor of Medical Sciences 2012 Robert Darnton Doctor of Humanities 2012 Robert M. Gates Doctor of Humane Letters 2012 Midori Goto Doctor of Music 2012 Jane Lubchenco Doctor of Science 2012 Margaret Hilary Marshall Doctor of Laws 2012 Angelika Neuwirth Doctor of Divinity 2012 Richard Wilbur Doctor of Letters 2012 William Julius Wilson Doctor of Social Science 2012 Chris Argyris Doctor of Social Science 2011 Gro Harlem Brundtland Doctor of Humane Letters 2011 Joan Didion Doctor of Letters 2011 Douglas Engelbart Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2011 John Heilbron Doctor of Humanities 2011 George J. Mitchell Doctor of Laws 2011 Youssou Ndour Doctor of Music 2011 Richard Peto Doctor of Medical Sciences 2011 Janet Davison Rowley Doctor of Medical Sciences 2011 Martin Scorsese Doctor of Fine Arts 2011 Robert Alter Doctor of Humanities 2010 Steven Chu Doctor of Science 2010 Michael Feinberg Doctor of Humane Letters 2010 David Levin Doctor of Humane Letters 2010 Aretha Franklin Doctor of Music 2010 Orhan Pamuk Doctor of Letters 2010 Michael Rutter Doctor of Medical Sciences 2010 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Doctor of Laws 2010 A. Marilyn Strathern Doctor of Social Science 2010 Yimou Zhang Doctor of Fine Arts 2010 Hillary Clinton Doctor of Laws 2009 William Drayton Doctor of Humane Letters 2009 Sofia Gubaidulina Doctor of Music 2009 Gustavo Gutierrez Doctor of Divinity 2009 Lee Hood Doctor of Medical Sciences 2009 Bill T. Jones Doctor of Fine Arts 2009 John McPhee Doctor of Letters 2009 Alison Richard Doctor of Humane Letters 2009 Thomas Schelling Doctor of Social Science 2009 Richard Serra Doctor of Fine Arts 2009 John Ashbery Doctor of Letters 2008 Drew Faust Doctor of Humanities 2008 Carla Hills Doctor of Laws 2008 Paul McCartney Doctor of Music 2008 Mercy Oduyoye Doctor of Divinity 2008 Rajendra Pachauri Doctor of Humane Letters 2008 Cesar Pelli Doctor of Fine Arts 2008 Martin Rees Doctor of Science 2008 Fazle Abed Doctor of Humane Letters 2007 M.H. Abrams Doctor of Humanities 2007 Emanuel Ax Doctor of Music 2007 John Ferejohn Doctor of Social Science 2007 Richard Gilder Doctor of Humane Letters 2007 Julie Harris Doctor of Fine Arts 2007 Mary-Claire King Doctor of Medical Sciences 2007 Pius Langa Doctor of Laws 2007 Robert Langer Doctor of Science 2007 Peter Matthiessen Doctor of Letters 2007 Edward Albee Doctor of Letters 2006 Peter Brown Doctor of Humanities 2006 Zaha Hadid Doctor of Fine Arts 2006 Moshe Idel Doctor of Divinity 2006 Sandra Day O'Connor Doctor of Laws 2006 John Pepper Doctor of Humane Letters 2006 Peter Raven Doctor of Science 2006 Nancy Sabin Wexler Doctor of Medical Sciences 2006 Jacqueline K. Barton Doctor of Science 2005 Robert DeVecchi Doctor of Humane Letters 2005 William Foege Doctor of Medical Sciences 2005 David Hockney Doctor of Fine Arts 2005 Mamphela Ramphele Doctor of Humane Letters 2005 Paul Samuelson Doctor of Social Science 2005 Bryan A. Stevenson Doctor of Laws 2005 Andrew Wiles Doctor of Science 2005 Jan Assmann Doctor of Social Science 2004 David Baltimore Doctor of Science 2004 Bernard Fisher Doctor of Medical Sciences 2004 Lee Friedlander Doctor of Fine Arts 2004 Nannerl Keohane Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 Wangari Maathai Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 Willie Mays Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 Tom Wolfe Doctor of Letters 2004 Robert Louis Bernstein Doctor of Humane Letters 2003 Sydney Brenner Doctor of Science 2003 William H. Cosby Doctor of Humane Letters 2003 John Hart Ely Doctor of Laws 2003 Anthony Stephen Fauci Doctor of Medical Sciences 2003 Norman Foster Doctor of Fine Arts 2003 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Doctor of Laws 2003 David L. Hartman Doctor of Divinity 2003 Nell Irvin Painter Doctor of Letters 2003 Krzysztof Penderecki Doctor of Music 2003 Amartya K. Sen Doctor of Social Science 2003 Jeanne Quinit Benoliel Doctor of Medical Sciences 2002 Ela Ramesh Bhatt Doctor of Social Science 2002 Robert L. Carter Doctor of Laws 2002 William Sloane Coffin Doctor of Divinity 2002 Robert Fagles Doctor of Letters 2002 Gordon Moore Doctor of Science 2002 Steven Spielberg Doctor of Humane Letters 2002 Claude M. Steele Doctor of Social Science 2002 Lawrence Summers Doctor of Social Science 2002 Shirley Tilghman Doctor of Science 2002 George W. Bush Doctor of Laws 2001 Richard J. Franke Doctor of Humane Letters 2001 Ellen V. Futter Doctor of Humane Letters 2001 Evelyn Boyd Granville Doctor of Science 2001 Arthur Mitchell Doctor of Fine Arts 2001 Robert E. Rubin Doctor of Laws 2001 Dawn K. Upshaw Doctor of Music 2001 Harold E. Varmus Doctor of Science 2001 Patricia M. Wald Doctor of Laws 2001 Samuel A. Waterston Doctor of Fine Arts 2001 Bernard A.O. Williams Doctor of Letters 2001 Ernesto Zedillo Doctor of Laws 2001
siglo XX
Nombre Grado Año William F. Buckley Doctor of Humane Letters 2000 Gerhard Casper Doctor of Laws 2000 Marie de la Soudiere Doctor of Social Science 2000 Frank O. Gehry Doctor of Fine Arts 2000 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Doctor of Laws 2000 Hugh B. Price Doctor of Laws 2000 Tom Stoppard Doctor of Letters 2000 Samuel Osiah Thier Doctor of Medical Sciences 2000 Desmond M. Tutu Doctor of Divinity 2000 Helen Vendler Doctor of Letters 2000 Bruce Alberts Doctor of Science 1999 Julie Andrews Doctor of Fine Arts 1999 Aharon Barak Doctor of Laws 1999 Alan Greenspan Doctor of Humane Letters 1999 Barbara Harris Doctor of Divinity 1999 Seamus Justin Heaney Doctor of Letters 1999 Samuel Roger Horchow Doctor of Humane Letters 1999 Charles Kuen Kao Doctor of Science 1999 Julius Benjamin Richmond Doctor of Medical Sciences 1999 Helen Suzman Doctor of Laws 1999 Bartolomé I Doctor of Divinity 1998 Lena Horne Doctor of Humane Letters 1998 Gerda Lerner Doctor of Letters 1998 David McCullough Doctor of Letters 1998 Sadako Ogata Doctor of Humane Letters 1998 Frederick P. Rose Doctor of Humane Letters 1998 Robert L. Shaw Doctor of Music 1998 Edward O. Wilson Doctor of Science 1998 Muhammad Yunus Doctor of Social Science 1998 Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo Doctor of Divinity 1997 Jodie Foster Doctor of Fine Arts 1997 Alfred G. Gilman Doctor of Medical Sciences 1997 Roberto Goizueta Doctor of Humane Letters 1997 Judith Jamison Doctor of Fine Arts 1997 Mario J. Molina Doctor of Science 1997 Eddie Robinson Doctor of Humane Letters 1997 Mary Robinson Doctor of Laws 1997 Maurice Sendak Doctor of Letters 1997 Benjamin Solomon Carson Doctor of Medical Sciences 1996 Charles T. Close Doctor of Fine Arts 1996 Eleanor Jack Gibson Doctor of Social Science 1996 Jack St. Clair Kilby Doctor of Science 1996 Richard A. Posner Doctor of Laws 1996 Stephan Ernst Schmidheiny Doctor of Humane Letters 1996 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Doctor of Humane Letters 1996 Paul F. Simon Doctor of Music 1996 Yvon Chouinard Doctor of Humane Letters 1995 J. Richardson Dilworth Doctor of Humane Letters 1995 Margaret C. Heagerty Doctor of Medical Sciences 1995 Frank Kermode Doctor of Letters 1995 Wynton Marsalis Doctor of Music 1995 Martin E. Marty Doctor of Divinity 1995 Kevin Roche Doctor of Fine Arts 1995 Florence Schorske Wald Doctor of Medical Sciences 1995 Lowell Weicker Doctor of Laws 1995 Robert E. Cooke Doctor of Medical Sciences 1994 Kurt Masur Doctor of Music 1994 Martin Puryear Doctor of Fine Arts 1994 Maxine Singer Doctor of Science 1994 Gladys Iola Tantaquidgeon Doctor of Humane Letters 1994 Amos Tversky Doctor of Social Science 1994 Mario Vargas Llosa Doctor of Letters 1994 Jack B. Weinstein Doctor of Laws 1994 Arthur R. Ashe Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Perry R. Bass Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Elena Bonner Doctor of Laws 1993 Alfred Alistair Cooke Doctor of Letters 1993 Jacqueline de Romilly Doctor of Letters 1993 Howard Roberts Lamar Doctor of Laws 1993 James T. Laney Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Robert McCredie May Doctor of Science 1993 Deborah W. Meier Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Rembert G. Weakland Doctor of Divinity 1993 Aaron Wildavsky Doctor of Social Science 1993 Nina Berberova Doctor of Letters 1992 Alfred Brendel Doctor of Music 1992 Francis S. Collins Doctor of Science 1992 Kenneth N. Dayton Doctor of Humane Letters 1992 M. Joycelyn Elders Doctor of Medical Sciences 1992 Isolina Ferré Doctor of Humane Letters 1992 Nancy Stevenson Graves Doctor of Fine Arts 1992 Teddy Kollek Doctor of Laws 1992 Vytautas Landsbergis Doctor of Laws 1992 Walter E. Massey Doctor of Science 1992 June E. Osborn Doctor of Medical Sciences 1992 Neil L. Rudenstein Doctor of Laws 1992 Edward Shils Doctor of Letters 1992 Russell Baker Doctor of Humane Letters 1991 Elizabeth H. Blackburn Doctor of Science 1991 George H. Bush Doctor of Laws 1991 Johnnetta Betsch Cole Doctor of Humane Letters 1991 John Crosby Doctor of Fine Arts 1991 W. Edwards Deming Doctor of Laws 1991 Lukas Foss Doctor of Music 1991 George Soros Doctor of Humane Letters 1991 Herbert Wechsler Doctor of Laws 1991 David Blackwell Doctor of Social Science 1990 Frederick Buechner Doctor of Divinity 1990 Irving B. Harris Doctor of Humane Letters 1990 Gertrude Himmelfarb Doctor of Humane Letters 1990 Albert O. Hirschman Doctor of Social Science 1990 Wilma P. Mankiller Doctor of Humane Letters 1990 Jessye Norman Doctor of Music 1990 Christiane Nusslein-Volhard Doctor of Science 1990 Jonathan E. Rhoads Doctor of Medical Sciences 1990 Vera C. Rubin Doctor of Science 1990 Isaiah Berlin Doctor of Humane Letters 1989 Anthony Caro Doctor of Fine Arts 1989 Ronald H. Coase Doctor of Social Science 1989 Celia Cruz Doctor of Music 1989 Rhetaugh Graves Dumas Doctor of Humane Letters 1989 Marek Edelman Doctor of Humane Letters 1989 Stephen W. Hawking Doctor of Science 1989 Eugene M. Lang Doctor of Humane Letters 1989 C. F. Beyers Naud Doctor of Divinity 1989 Lewis F. Powell Doctor of Laws 1989 Frank Press Doctor of Science 1989 Robert A. K. Runcie Doctor of Divinity 1989 Saul Steinberg Doctor of Fine Arts 1989 Robert M. Ball Doctor of Laws 1988 Suzanne Farrell Doctor of Fine Arts 1988 Anne T. Macdonald Doctor of Humane Letters 1988 Paul Newman Doctor of Humane Letters 1988 William Schuman Doctor of Music 1988 Donald W. Seldin Doctor of Science 1988 Harold Tafler Shapiro Doctor of Laws 1988 Charles H. Townes Doctor of Science 1988 August Wilson Doctor of Letters 1988 William J. Brennan Doctor of Laws 1987 Gerard Debreu Doctor of Social Science 1987 Michael E. Fisher Doctor of Science 1987 Clifford Geertz Doctor of Social Science 1987 Felix Gilbert Doctor of Humane Letters 1987 Maya Ying Lin Doctor of Fine Arts 1987 Yo-yo Ma Doctor of Music 1987 Charles McC. Mathias Doctor of Laws 1987 James I. McCord Doctor of Divinity 1987 Matthew Meselson Doctor of Science 1987 Constance Baker Motley Doctor of Laws 1987 William S. Beinecke Doctor of Laws 1986 Ella Fitzgerald Doctor of Music 1986 A. Bartlett Giamatti Doctor of Humane Letters 1986 Nadine Gordimer Doctor of Letters 1986 Donald Ainslie Henderson Doctor of Science 1986 Jacob Lawrence Doctor of Fine Arts 1986 Daniel Nathans Doctor of Science 1986 Helen F. North Doctor of Humane Letters 1986 Daniel Oduber Doctor of Laws 1986 Roger T. Peterson Doctor of Humane Letters 1986 H. J. Polotsky Doctor of Humane Letters 1986 Jaime L. Sin Doctor of Divinity 1986 Robert M. Solow Doctor of Social Science 1986 Howard H. Baker Doctor of Laws 1985 Marian Wright Edelman Doctor of Laws 1985 Ernest Kasemann Doctor of Divinity 1985 Arnaldo Momigliano Doctor of Humane Letters 1985 Toni Morrison Doctor of Letters 1985 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky Doctor of Science 1985 Ellen Ash Peters Doctor of Laws 1985 Shridath S. Ramphal Doctor of Laws 1985 Austin Ranney Doctor of Social Science 1985 Jerzy Turowicz Doctor of Humane Letters 1985 Frederica von Stade Doctor of Music 1985 Joe Wood Doctor of Humane Letters 1985 Allan A. Boesak Doctor of Divinity 1984 David S. Broder Doctor of Humane Letters 1984 Gerson D. Cohen Doctor of Divinity 1984 John Hersey Doctor of Letters 1984 Tommy T. B. Koh Doctor of Laws 1984 Philip Leder Doctor of Science 1984 John R. Opel Doctor of Laws 1984 Alice M. Rivlin Doctor of Social Science 1984 Bayard Rustin Doctor of Laws 1984 Maria Tallchief Doctor of Fine Arts 1984 Paul A. Volcker Doctor of Laws 1984 Joseph Bernardin Doctor of Divinity 1983 Lloyd N. Cutler Doctor of Laws 1983 Athol Fugard Doctor of Fine Arts 1983 A. Leon Higginbotham Doctor of Laws 1983 Bernard M. W. Knox Doctor of Humane Letters 1983 W. Arthur Lewis Doctor of Social Science 1983 Paul B. MacCready Doctor of Science 1983 Sheila Sherlock Doctor of Science 1983 Meryl Streep Doctor of Fine Arts 1983 Marcel P. Boiteux Doctor of Social Science 1982 Benny Goodman Doctor of Music 1982 Philip C. Habib Doctor of Laws 1982 Virginia Henderson Doctor of Science 1982 James Earl Jones Doctor of Fine Arts 1982 James Laughlin Doctor of Humane Letters 1982 Barbara McClintock Doctor of Science 1982 James Merrill Doctor of Letters 1982 Maureen V. O'Donnell Doctor of Humane Letters 1982 C. William Verity Doctor of Laws 1982 J. Tuzo Wilson Doctor of Science 1982 Fernand Braudel Doctor of Humane Letters 1981 Sterling Allen Brown Doctor of Letters 1981 Helen Frankenthaler Doctor of Fine Arts 1981 Harish-Chandra Doctor of Science 1981 Shirley M. Hufstefler Doctor of Laws 1981 Damon J. Keith Doctor of Laws 1981 Sherman E. Lee Doctor of Humane Letters 1981 Frederick Mosteller Doctor of Social Science 1981 Itzhak Perlman Doctor of Music 1981 Brian Urquhart Doctor of Laws 1981 George W. Webber Doctor of Divinity 1981 Elie Wiesel Doctor of Letters 1981 Charles Yanofsky Doctor of Science 1981 Lucia Chase Doctor of Fine Arts 1980 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Doctor of Music 1980 Roald Hoffmann Doctor of Science 1980 Frank Minis Johnson Doctor of Laws 1980 Danny Kaye Doctor of Humane Letters 1980 N. Scott Momaday Doctor of Humane Letters 1980 John M. Musser Doctor of Laws 1980 Abraham A. Ribicoff Doctor of Laws 1980 Wole Soyinka Doctor of Letters 1980 Leo Jozef Suenens Doctor of Divinity 1980 John Griggs Thompson Doctor of Science 1980 Simone Veil Doctor of Laws 1980 Mikhail Baryshnikov Doctor of Fine Arts 1979 Tom Bradley Doctor of Laws 1979 Robert Stuart Fitzgerald Doctor of Letters 1979 Franz J. Ingelfinger Doctor of Science 1979 Reginald H. Jones Doctor of Laws 1979 Herman Liebaers Doctor of Humane Letters 1979 George A. Miller Doctor of Social Science 1979 J. Irwin Miller Doctor of Humane Letters 1979 Pauli Murray Doctor of Divinity 1979 Justine Wise Polier Doctor of Laws 1979 Leontyne Price Doctor of Music 1979 Robert Venturi Doctor of Fine Arts 1979 Steven Weinberg Doctor of Science 1979 Paul Berg Doctor of Science 1978 Joseph Brodsky Doctor of Letters 1978 George B. Dantzig Doctor of Science 1978 John Roberts Evans Doctor of Laws 1978 Hanna Holborn Gray Doctor of Laws 1978 Nancy Hanks Doctor of Humane Letters 1978 Gabriel Hauge Doctor of Laws 1978 Philip Johnson Doctor of Fine Arts 1978 William W. Morgan Doctor of Science 1978 Meyer Schapiro Doctor of Humane Letters 1978 Gershom Scholem Doctor of Divinity 1978 Raul Silva Henriquez Doctor of Divinity 1978 Seymour Benzer Doctor of Science 1977 Edward Bond Doctor of Letters 1977 Louise Bourgeois Doctor of Fine Arts 1977 Kingman Brewster Doctor of Laws 1977 Mairead Corrigan Doctor of Laws 1977 Gerald M. Durrell Doctor of Humane Letters 1977 Gerald R. Ford Doctor of Laws 1977 John Hope Franklin Doctor of Humane Letters 1977 Paul Horgan Doctor of Letters 1977 Riley B.B. King Doctor of Music 1977 Peter Ramsbotham Doctor of Laws 1977 James Reston Doctor of Humane Letters 1977 Irving S. Shapiro Doctor of Laws 1977 Betty Williams Doctor of Laws 1977 Herbert S. Bailey Doctor of Humane Letters 1976 Bernard Bailyn Doctor of Humane Letters 1976 Jesse Wakefield Beams Doctor of Science 1976 William T. Coleman Doctor of Laws 1976 Franklin Seaney Cooper Doctor of Science 1976 Elizabeth Drew Doctor of Humane Letters 1976 William R. Hewlett Doctor of Laws 1976 Mary Douglas Nicol Leakey Doctor of Social Science 1976 William G. Milliken Doctor of Laws 1976 Mstislav Rostropovich Doctor of Music 1976 Garretson Beekman Trudeau Doctor of Humane Letters 1976 Bernardus J. Alfrink Doctor of Divinity 1975 Paul B. Beeson Doctor of Science 1975 Jerome S. Bruner Doctor of Social Science 1975 John Doar Doctor of Laws 1975 Vernon E. Jordan Doctor of Laws 1975 Amy Ladin Lettick Doctor of Humane Letters 1975 Richard Wall Lyman Doctor of Laws 1975 Sidney D. Ripley II Doctor of Laws 1975 William W. Scranton not noted 1975 Isaac Stern Doctor of Music 1975 Thomas J. Watson Doctor of Laws 1975 Eudora Welty Doctor of Letters 1975 Kenneth J. Arrow Doctor of Social Science 1974 Gaylord Donnelley Doctor of Laws 1974 John W. Gardner Doctor of Laws 1974 Lillian Hellman Doctor of Letters 1974 John E. Hines Doctor of Divinity 1974 Masayoshi Ohira Doctor of Laws 1974 Fred McFeely Rogers Doctor of Humane Letters 1974 John E. Sawyer Doctor of Laws 1974 Georg Solti Doctor of Music 1974 Lionel Trilling Doctor of Humane Letters 1974 John Archibald Wheeler Doctor of Science 1974 Ansel Adams Doctor of Fine Arts 1973 Stewart Alsop Doctor of Humane Letters 1973 Robert W. Berliner Doctor of Science 1973 James David Ebert Doctor of Science 1973 Georges Florovsky Doctor of Divinity 1973 Helen Gardner Doctor of Humane Letters 1973 Edward Hirsch Levi Doctor of Laws 1973 Maurice F. Strong Doctor of Laws 1973 Andre Watts Doctor of Music 1973 Andrew J. Young Doctor of Laws 1973 Saul Bellow Doctor of Letters 1972 William G. Bowen Doctor of Laws 1972 Henry Ford II Doctor of Laws 1972 Paul Freund Doctor of Laws 1972 Katharine Graham Doctor of Humane Letters 1972 Piet Hein Doctor of Humane Letters 1972 Ada L. Huxtable Doctor of Humane Letters 1972 Stephen W. Kuffler Doctor of Science 1972 Carl Pfaffmann Doctor of Science 1972 Francis T.P. Plimpton Doctor of Laws 1972 Gerard Coad Smith Doctor of Laws 1972 Leon Howard Sullivan Doctor of Divinity 1972 Hannah Arendt Doctor of Humane Letters 1971 Derek C. Bok Doctor of Laws 1971 Willy Brandt Doctor of Laws 1971 Ricardson Dilworth Doctor of Laws 1971 Erik H. Erikson Doctor of Social Science 1971 Rabbi Nelson Glueck Doctor of Divinity 1971 Martha Graham Doctor of Fine Arts 1971 Edvard Hambro Doctor of Laws 1971 Theodore M. Hesburgh Doctor of Laws 1971 Reuben A. Holden Doctor of Humane Letters 1971 Robert B. Merrifield Doctor of Science 1971 Eugene A. Stead Doctor of Science 1971 Eric Ashby Doctor of Humane Letters 1970 Leona Baumgartner Doctor of Laws 1970 Art Buchwald Doctor of Humane Letters 1970 Elliott Cook Carter Doctor of Music 1970 Henry Chadwick Doctor of Divinity 1970 Gaylord Probasco Harnwell Doctor of Laws 1970 Jean Piaget Doctor of Social Science 1970 Soedjatmoko Doctor of Humane Letters 1970 Henry Melson Stommel Doctor of Science 1970 Earl W. Sutherland Doctor of Science 1970 Franklin A. Thomas Doctor of Laws 1970 Homer D. Babbidge Doctor of Laws 1969 Roger Nash Baldwin Doctor of Laws 1969 Walter E. Fauntroy Doctor of Divinity 1969 William C. Foster Doctor of Laws 1969 Crawford H. Greenewalt Doctor of Science 1969 Henry M. Hart Doctor of Laws 1969 Harry H. Hess Doctor of Science 1969 Saunders MacLane Doctor of Science 1969 Karl Rahner Doctor of Divinity 1969 Mark Rothko Doctor of Fine Arts 1969 Cicely Saunders Doctor of Science 1969 Walter Seager Sullivan Doctor of Humane Letters 1969 Llewellyn E. Thompson Doctor of Laws 1969 Chester Bowles Doctor of Laws 1968 David G. Colwell Doctor of Divinity 1968 Renato Dulbecco Doctor of Science 1968 Anna Freud Doctor of Science 1968 Alberto Ginastera Doctor of Music 1968 W. Bruce Hutchison Doctor of Humane Letters 1968 Robert Lehman Doctor of Humane Letters 1968 Robert Lowell Doctor of Letters 1968 Robert K. Merton Doctor of Science 1968 James A. Perkins Doctor of Laws 1968 James A. Shannon Doctor of Laws 1968 John W. Tukey Doctor of Science 1968 Cyrus R. Vance Doctor of Laws 1968 Sidney J. Weinberg Doctor of Laws 1968 Frank Altschul Doctor of Laws 1967 Alfred H. Barr Doctor of Fine Arts 1967 Duke Ellington Doctor of Music 1967 Louis Finkelstein Doctor of Divinity 1967 Fulton of Flamer Doctor of Laws 1967 Roman Jakobson Doctor of Humane Letters 1967 Frederick R. Kappel Doctor of Laws 1967 Konrad Lorenz Doctor of Science 1967 Paul Mellon Doctor of Humane Letters 1967 George E. Palade Doctor of Science 1967 Edwin O. Reischauer Doctor of Laws 1967 Barbara W. Tuchman Doctor of Humane Letters 1967 Chien-Shiung Wu Doctor of Science 1967 James E. Allen Doctor of Laws 1966 Leonard Bernstein Doctor of Music 1966 Mercea Eliade Doctor of Humane Letters 1966 James L. Gowans Doctor of Science 1966 Edwin H. Land Doctor of Science 1966 Henry R. Luce Doctor of Laws 1966 Henry Moore Doctor of Fine Arts 1966 John Courtney Murray Doctor of Divinity 1966 Allan Sandage Doctor of Science 1966 Maarten Schmidt Doctor of Science 1966 Pierre-Paul Schweitzer Doctor of Laws 1966 Ignazio Silone Doctor of Letters 1966 John C. Bennett Doctor of Divinity 1965 Paul Codman Cabot Doctor of Laws 1965 Roland de Vaux Doctor of Humane Letters 1965 Edith Starrett Green Doctor of Laws 1965 Louis I. Kahn Doctor of Fine Arts 1965 Claude Levi-Strauss Doctor of Science 1965 Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis Doctor of Laws 1965 Robert E. Marjolin Doctor of Laws 1965 Marshall Nirenberg Doctor of Science 1965 Benjamin Spock Doctor of Humane Letters 1965 U Thant Doctor of Laws 1965 Owen Meredith Wilson Doctor of Laws 1965 Philip H. Abelson Doctor of Science 1964 Julian P. Boyd Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 John S. Cooper Doctor of Laws 1964 Lynn Fontanne Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 Winfred E. Garrison Doctor of Divinity 1964 William A. Harriman Doctor of Laws 1964 Philip C. Jessup Doctor of Laws 1964 Martin Luther King Doctor of Laws 1964 Alfred Lunt Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 Edward Sagendorph Mason Doctor of Laws 1964 Robert Sargent Shriver Doctor of Laws 1964 Edouard Alexandre Stackpole Master of Arts 1964 Victor Frederick Weisskopf Doctor of Science 1964 Samuel F. Bemis Doctor of Humane Letters 1963 Charles D. Dickey Doctor of Laws 1963 Morris Hadley Doctor of Laws 1963 Cameron P. Hall Doctor of Divinity 1963 Harold Hugo Master of Arts 1963 Robert McAllister Lloyd Doctor of Laws 1963 Marjorie H. Nicolson Doctor of Humane Letters 1963 Lauris Norstad Doctor of Laws 1963 John R. Pierce Doctor of Science 1963 Herbert A. Simon Doctor of Science 1963 Dean G. Acheson Doctor of Laws 1962 Josef Albers Doctor of Fine Arts 1962 Eugene Blake Doctor of Divinity 1962 Harvey Brooks Doctor of Science 1962 Norman S. Buck Doctor of Laws 1962 Prescott Bush Doctor of Laws 1962 Charles E. Clark Doctor of Laws 1962 Harold K. Hochschild Master of Arts 1962 Rollin D. Hotchkiss Doctor of Science 1962 John F. Kennedy Doctor of Laws 1962 Artur Rubinstein Doctor of Music 1962 Edward L. Ryerson Doctor of Laws 1962 Gustave Weigel Doctor of Divinity 1962 Frank O. H. Williams Doctor of Laws 1962 McGeorge Bundy Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 Millar Burrows Doctor of Divinity 1961 Albert H. Coons Doctor of Science 1961 Franklin Edgerton Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 Felix Frankfurter Doctor of Laws 1961 Thomas S. Gates Doctor of Laws 1961 Richard C. Lee Master of Arts 1961 Jean Monnet Doctor of Laws 1961 Henri Seyrig Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 F. Allen Sherk Master of Arts 1961 Alexander Todd Doctor of Science 1961 George Van Santvoord Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 James Skelly Wright Doctor of Laws 1961 Pedro Beltrán Espantoso Doctor of Laws 1960 Eugene R. Black Doctor of Laws 1960 Walls W. Bunnell Master of Arts 1960 Franklin C. Fry Doctor of Divinity 1960 William S. Fulton Doctor of Humane Letters 1960 Edward Tuck Hall Master of Arts 1960 Edward R. Harriman Doctor of Laws 1960 Joshua Lederberg Doctor of Science 1960 Ch'ien Mu Doctor of Humane Letters 1960 Cole Porter Doctor of Humane Letters 1960 William W. Rubey Doctor of Science 1960 Henry Knox Sherrill Doctor of Laws 1960 Robert Penn Warren Doctor of Letters 1960 Ellsworth Bunker Doctor of Laws 1959 Murray Gell-Mann Doctor of Science 1959 Edith Hamilton Doctor of Letters 1959 William E. Hocking Doctor of Humane Letters 1959 Elia Kazan Master of Arts 1959 Alexis Leger Doctor of Letters 1959 James L. Loomis Doctor of Laws 1959 Ernest Mayr Doctor of Science 1959 Gunnar K. Myrdal Doctor of Laws 1959 Duncan Phillips Doctor of Humane Letters 1959 David H.C. Read Doctor of Divinity 1959 Potter Stewart Doctor of Laws 1959 Edgar S. Furniss Doctor of Laws 1958 Caryl P. Haskins Doctor of Science 1958 Henry B. Hough Master of Arts 1958 Harold Howe II Master of Arts 1958 Devereux C. Josephs Doctor of Laws 1958 Alfred A. Knopf Doctor of Humane Letters 1958 Sidney Lovett Doctor of Divinity 1958 William McChesney Martin Doctor of Laws 1958 Rosemary Park Doctor of Laws 1958 Stella Isaacs Doctor of Laws 1958 Lyman Spitzer Doctor of Science 1958 George Wald Doctor of Science 1958 Hamilton Fish Armstrong Doctor of Letters 1957 Joshua H. Burn Doctor of Science 1957 Omer Carmichael Master of Arts 1957 Stephen Carlton Clark Doctor of Humane Letters 1957 Robert F. Goheen Doctor of Laws 1957 Alfred M. Gruenther Doctor of Laws 1957 Dag Hammarskjold Doctor of Laws 1957 William H. Hastie Doctor of Laws 1957 Kenneth S. Latourette Doctor of Divinity 1957 Halford E. Luccock Doctor of Divinity 1957 Donald A. Quarles Doctor of Laws 1957 Dickinson W. Richards Doctor of Science 1957 Percy Claude Spender Doctor of Laws 1957 Konrad Adenauer Doctor of Laws 1956 Henry White Edgerton Doctor of Laws 1956 Stephen Galatti Master of Arts 1956 William L. Langer Doctor of Humane Letters 1956 Richard Winn Livingstone Doctor of Letters 1956 Irving Sands Olds Doctor of Laws 1956 Ernest North Roselle Master of Arts 1956 George W. Sherburn Doctor of Humane Letters 1956 Maxwell Davenport Taylor Doctor of Laws 1956 Electra Havemeyer Webb Master of Arts 1956 Amos Niven Wilder Doctor of Divinity 1956 Robert Burns Woodward Doctor of Science 1956 John H. Benson Master of Arts 1955 Detlev Wulf Bronk Doctor of Science 1955 Albert Buckner Coe Doctor of Divinity 1955 Vincent du Vigneaud Doctor of Science 1955 Lawrence Henry Gipson Doctor of Humane Letters 1955 William E. Hall Master of Arts 1955 George M. Humphrey Doctor of Laws 1955 Douglas S. Moore Doctor of Music 1955 Walter Bedell Smith Doctor of Laws 1955 Wallace Stevens Doctor of Letters 1955 Winifred Sturley Master of Arts 1955 Paul D. Devanandan Doctor of Divinity 1954 Friedrick Karl Dibelius Doctor of Divinity 1954 Geoffrey F. Fisher Doctor of Laws 1954 Henry Crocker Kittredge Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 Edmund Harris Lewis Doctor of Laws 1954 Charles Malik Doctor of Laws 1954 Thucydides Konstantinides Doctor of Divinity 1954 Wesley E. Needham Master of Arts 1954 Alan S. Paton Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 Wilder Graves Penfield Doctor of Science 1954 Claude Elwood Shannon Master of Science 1954 Ethan A. Hitchcock Shepley Doctor of Laws 1954 Raymond A. Spruance Doctor of Laws 1954 Edward Teller Doctor of Science 1954 Willem Adolf Visser 't Hooft Doctor of Divinity 1954 Frank Lloyd Wright Doctor of Fine Arts 1954 Louis Booker Wright Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 Marshall Bartholomew Master of Arts 1953 Samuel Trask Dana Doctor of Science 1953 Henry Francis duPont Doctor of Humane Letters 1953 John Franklin Enders Doctor of Science 1953 James W. Fulbright Doctor of Laws 1953 Matthew P. Gaffney Doctor of Laws 1953 George L. Hendrickson Doctor of Laws 1953 Carl A. Lohmann Doctor of Humane Letters 1953 Clarence W. Mendell Doctor of Laws 1953 Henry A. Moe Doctor of Laws 1953 Hermann N. Morse Doctor of Divinity 1953 Nathan M. Pusey Doctor of Laws 1953 Nathan Marsh Pusey Doctor of Laws 1953 Paul J. Sachs Doctor of Humane Letters 1953 James Grover Thurber Doctor of Letters 1953 Arthur H. Bradford Doctor of Divinity 1952 Carroll C. Hincks Doctor of Laws 1952 Robert A. Lovett Doctor of Laws 1952 Robert Moses Doctor of Laws 1952 Charles Phelps Taft Doctor of Laws 1952 James Wolcott Wadsworth Doctor of Laws 1952 Milton Charles Winternitz Doctor of Laws 1952 William Foxwell Albright Doctor of Letters 1951 Norman Levi Bowen Doctor of Science 1951 Percy Williams Bridgman Doctor of Science 1951 Peter Henry Buck Doctor of Science 1951 John Maurice Clark Doctor of Letters 1951 Arthur Linton Corbin Doctor of Laws 1951 Gerty Therese Cori Doctor of Science 1951 John Dewey Doctor of Letters 1951 Kurt Godel Doctor of Letters 1951 Edgar Johnson Goodspeed Doctor of Divinity 1951 Otto Loewi Doctor of Science 1951 Robert Morrison MacIver Doctor of Humane Letters 1951 Kemp Malone Doctor of Letters 1951 Champion Herbert Mathewson Doctor of Science 1951 Charles Howard McIlwain Doctor of Letters 1951 Charles Edward Merriam Doctor of Letters 1951 Elmer Drew Merrill Doctor of Science 1951 Charles Rufus Morey Doctor of Letters 1951 Wallace Notestein Doctor of Letters 1951 Henry Norris Russell Doctor of Science 1951 Alfred Henry Sturtevant Doctor of Science 1951 Edgar Howard Sturtevant Doctor of Letters 1951 Edward Chace Tolman Doctor of Science 1951 Harold Clayton Urey Doctor of Science 1951 Theodore von Kármán Doctor of Science 1951 Paul Gray Hoffman Doctor of Laws 1950 Edward Calvin Kendall Doctor of Science 1950 George Frost Kennan Doctor of Laws 1950 Russell Cornell Leffingwell Doctor of Laws 1950 John Marin Doctor of Fine Arts 1950 John Phillips Marquand Doctor of Letters 1950 Helen Rogers Reid Doctor of Humane Letters 1950 John Henry Reisner Master of Arts 1950 Joseph Edwin Smadel Master of Science 1950 Elvin Charles Stakman Doctor of Science 1950 Luther Allan Weigle Doctor of Divinity 1950 Richard Mervin Bissell Master of Arts 1949 Erwin Dain Canham Doctor of Humane Letters 1949 Lucius DuBignon Clay Doctor of Laws 1949 William Robertson Coe Master of Arts 1949 Bayard Dodge Doctor of Laws 1949 John Jay McCloy Doctor of Laws 1949 Samuel Eliot Morison Doctor of Letters 1949 Norman Burdett Nash Doctor of Divinity 1949 Carl Purington Rollins Doctor of Humane Letters 1949 Peyton Rous Doctor of Science 1949 Eero Saarinen Master of Arts 1949 Sewall Wright Doctor of Science 1949 Roger Adams Doctor of Science 1948 Eleanor Robson Belmont Master of Arts 1948 Samuel McCrea Cavert Doctor of Divinity 1948 James Hutchison Cockburn Doctor of Divinity 1948 Harry Eagle Master of Science 1948 General Dwight David Eisenhower Doctor of Laws 1948 Arthur Lehman Goodhart Doctor of Laws 1948 John O'Brian Doctor of Laws 1948 Elwyn Brooks White Doctor of Letters 1948 K. G. Alexander Doctor of Laws 1947 George Wells Beadle Doctor of Science 1947 Albert Francis Blakeslee Doctor of Science 1947 Wilmot Hyde Bradley Doctor of Science 1947 James Francis Byrnes Doctor of Laws 1947 Wesley Roswell Coe Doctor of Science 1947 Thomas Stearns Eliot Doctor of Letters 1947 Alexander William Evans Doctor of Science 1947 John Hersey Master of Arts 1947 Charles Brenton Huggins Master of Science 1947 Albert Wallace Hull Doctor of Science 1947 Linus Carl Pauling Doctor of Science 1947 Richard William Porter Doctor of Science 1947 William Cumming Rose Doctor of Science 1947 George Milton Smith Doctor of Laws 1947 Thomas Walter Swan Doctor of Laws 1947 Henry Pitney van Dusen Doctor of Divinity 1947 Hubert Bradford Vickery Doctor of Science 1947 Charles Hyde Warren Doctor of Laws 1947 George Hoyt Whipple Doctor of Science 1947 Hassler Whitney Doctor of Science 1947 Thornton Niven Wilder Doctor of Letters 1947 Frank Davis Ashburn Master of Arts 1946 Alfred Blalock Master of Science 1946 Carl Ferdinand Cori Doctor of Science 1946 Luther Harris Evans Doctor of Humane Letters 1946 Enrico Fermi Doctor of Science 1946 David Edward Finley Doctor of Fine Arts 1946 Douglas Southall Freeman Doctor of Letters 1946 William Mills Ivins Doctor of Fine Arts 1946 Frank Baldwin Jewett Doctor of Laws 1946 Alfred Louis Kroeber Doctor of Science 1946 Trygve Lie Doctor of Laws 1946 Harry Miller Lydenberg Doctor of Humane Letters 1946 Keyes Dewitt Metcalf Doctor of Humane Letters 1946 William Mathewson Milliken Doctor of Fine Arts 1946 Charles Grosvenor Osgood Doctor of Letters 1946 G. Bromley Oxnam Doctor of Divinity 1946 Albert Eide Parr Doctor of Science 1946 Lester Bowles Pearson Doctor of Laws 1946 George Gaylord Simpson Doctor of Science 1946 Chauncey Brewster Tinker Doctor of Letters 1946 Henry Raup Wagner Doctor of Humane Letters 1946 Lawrence Counselman Wroth Doctor of Humane Letters 1946 Robert R. Williams Doctor of Science 1943 Albert Richard Behnke Master of Science 1942 Vannevar Bush Doctor of Laws 1942 Artemus Lamb Gates Master of Arts 1942 Robert Abercrombie Lovett Master of Arts 1942 General Frank Ross McCoy Doctor of Laws 1942 Charles Merz Doctor of Letters 1942 Reinhold Niebuhr Doctor of Divinity 1942 Ts Vung Soong Doctor of Laws 1942 Leonard Bacon Master of Arts 1941 Henry Bryant Bigelow Doctor of Science 1941 Angus Dun Doctor of Divinity 1941 Thomas Francis Master of Science 1941 Charles Lindley Wood Doctor of Laws 1941 Robert Emmet Sherwood Doctor of Letters 1941 Kenneth Charles Morton Sills Doctor of Laws 1941 Elmer Edgar Stoll Doctor of Letters 1941 Francis Henry Taylor Doctor of Fine Arts 1941 Wendell Lewis Wilkie Doctor of Laws 1941 Gilmore David Clarke Doctor of Humane Letters 1940 Edward Adelbert Doisy Doctor of Science 1940 Leroy Upson Gardner Master of Science 1940 Henry Solon Graves Doctor of Laws 1940 Arthur Howe Master of Arts 1940 Fiorello LaGuardia Doctor of Laws 1940 Peter Kerr Doctor of Laws 1940 Carl Sandburg Doctor of Letters 1940 Hu Shih Doctor of Laws 1940 Paul Tillich Doctor of Divinity 1940 Eduard Benes Doctor of Laws 1939 William Adams Delano Master of Arts 1939 Arthur Frederick Fischer Master of Arts 1939 Ernest William Goodpasture Master of Science 1939 Augustus Noble Hand Doctor of Laws 1939 Ross Granville Harrison Doctor of Science 1939 Archibald MacLeish Doctor of Letters 1939 George Stewart Doctor of Divinity 1939 Hugh Robert Wilson Doctor of Laws 1939 Hans Zinsser Doctor of Science 1939 Walter Elias Disney Master of Arts 1938 Maitland Fuller Griggs Doctor of Humane Letters 1938 Serge Koussevitzky Doctor of Music 1938 Eugene Markley Landis Master of Science 1938 Thomas Mann Doctor of Letters 1938 James Lukens McConaughy Doctor of Laws 1938 Morgan Phelps Noyes Doctor of Divinity 1938 Endicott Peabody Doctor of Laws 1938 Stanley Forman Reed Doctor of Laws 1938 Howard Chandler Robbins Doctor of Divinity 1938 Wendell Meredith Stanley Doctor of Science 1938 John Buchan Doctor of Laws 1938 Stephen Vincent Benet Doctor of Letters 1937 Edward Grant Buckland Doctor of Laws 1937 Henry Wise Hobson Doctor of Divinity 1937 Cordell Hull Doctor of Laws 1937 H. H. K'Ung Doctor of Laws 1937 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Doctor of Science 1937 James Gore King McClure Master of Arts 1937 John Howard Northrop Doctor of Science 1937 Robert Kilburn Root Doctor of Letters 1937 Homer William Smith Master of Science 1937 Juan Terry Trippe Master of Arts 1937 Samuel Herbert Fisher Doctor of Laws 1936 Sinclair Lewis Doctor of Letters 1936 Edwin Carlyle Lobenstine Doctor of Divinity 1936 William McFee Master of Arts 1936 Carl Milles Doctor of Humane Letters 1936 Robert Moses Master of Arts 1936 Theophilus Shickel Painter Doctor of Science 1936 Charles Brown Sears Doctor of Laws 1936 Richard Edwin Shope Master of Science 1936 Horace Dutton Taft Doctor of Laws 1936 George Macaulay Trevelyan Doctor of Letters 1936 Charles McLean Andrews Doctor of Letters 1935 Carter Glass Doctor of Laws 1935 Walter Hampden Master of Arts 1935 Rufus Matthew Jones Doctor of Divinity 1935 Henry Clifford Knight Master of Arts 1935 Schuyler Merritt Doctor of Laws 1935 Alfred Lawrence Ripley Doctor of Laws 1935 Carl Emil Seashore Doctor of Science 1935 Igor Sikorsky Master of Science 1935 Robert Gordon Sproul Doctor of Laws 1935 John Baillie Doctor of Divinity 1934 James Bryant Conant Doctor of Laws 1934 Claude Moore Fuess Doctor of Letters 1934 Robert Bartholow Harshe Doctor of Humane Letters 1934 Albert Francis Judd Master of Arts 1934 Frederick George Keyes Doctor of Science 1934 Adolf Meyer Doctor of Science 1934 William Lyon Phelps Doctor of Laws 1934 Duncan Phillips Master of Arts 1934 John Levi Rice Master of Arts 1934 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Doctor of Laws 1934 Charles Cutler Torrey Doctor of Letters 1934 Ernest William Brown Doctor of Science 1933 Pearl Sydenstricker Buck Master of Arts 1933 William Bosworth Castle Master of Science 1933 Hugh Smith Cumming Doctor of Laws 1933 Harold Willis Dodds Doctor of Laws 1933 Lincoln Ellsworth Master of Science 1933 Alfred Lee Loomis Master of Science 1933 William Millis Maltbite Doctor of Laws 1933 Harry Alfred Peters Master of Arts 1933 Alfred Newton Richards Doctor of Science 1933 Ernest Fremont Tittle Doctor of Divinity 1933 Herbert Eustis Winlock Doctor of Letters 1933 Othmar Hermann Amman Master of Science 1932 Newton Diehl Baker Doctor of Laws 1932 Carl Lotus Becker Doctor of Letters 1932 George Arthur Buttrick Doctor of Divinity 1932 Fielding Hudson Garrison Doctor of Letters 1932 William Irwin Grubb Doctor of Laws 1932 Lee Lawrie Master of Arts 1932 Frank Rattray Lillie Doctor of Science 1932 Eugene Meyer Doctor of Laws 1932 Frank Brett Noyes Master of Arts 1932 George Townsend Adee Master of Arts 1931 Samuel Randall Detwiler Master of Science 1931 John Ripley Freeman Doctor of Science 1931 Hugh Gibson Doctor of Laws 1931 Learned Hand Doctor of Laws 1931 Eugene Lindsay Opie Doctor of Science 1931 Frank Chamberlin Porter Doctor of Divinity 1931 James Grafton Rogers Master of Arts 1931 Edwin Park Root Master of Arts 1931 Ray Lyman Wilbur Doctor of Laws 1931 Robert Borthwick Adam Master of Arts 1930 Edwin Grant Conklin Doctor of Science 1930 Wilbur Lucius Cross Doctor of Letters 1930 James Lawder Gamble Master of Science 1930 William Gillette Master of Arts 1930 Paul Wilberforce Harrison Master of Arts 1930 Ronald Charles Lindsay Doctor of Laws 1930 Francis John McConnell Doctor of Divinity 1930 Charles Schuchert Doctor of Science 1930 Thomas Day Thacher Doctor of Laws 1930 Benjamin Wisner Bacon Doctor of Divinity 1929 William Henry Carmalt Doctor of Laws 1929 Willa Cather Doctor of Letters 1929 Arthur Holly Compton Doctor of Science 1929 Richard Thornton Fisher Master of Science 1929 George Leslie Harrison Master of Arts 1929 Vincent Massey Doctor of Laws 1929 William Dewitt Mitchell Doctor of Laws 1929 John Hill Morgan Master of Arts 1929 William Hallock Park Doctor of Science 1929 Henry Knox Sherrill Doctor of Divinity 1929 Henry Lewis Stimson Doctor of Laws 1929 Frank Aydelotte Doctor of Laws 1928 Otto Tremont Bannard Doctor of Laws 1928 Charles Reynolds Brown Doctor of Divinity 1928 Paul Claudel Doctor of Letters 1928 Evarts Ambrose Graham Master of Science 1928 James Guthrie Harbord Doctor of Laws 1928 Herbert Eugene Ives Doctor of Science 1928 C. Ubo Ariens Kappers Doctor of Science 1928 John Livingston Lowes Doctor of Letters 1928 Bruce Rogers Master of Arts 1928 George William Russell Doctor of Letters 1928 Dean Sage Master of Arts 1928 Robbins Battell Stoeckel Master of Arts 1928 James Y. C. Yen Master of Arts 1928 John Jacob Abel Doctor of Science 1927 Carl William Blegen Master of Arts 1927 Richard Evelyn Byrd Master of Arts 1927 Charles Value Chapin Doctor of Laws 1927 Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Master of Arts 1927 Charles Whitney Gilkey Doctor of Divinity 1927 William Buckhout Greeley Master of Arts 1927 James Colquhoun Irvine Doctor of Science 1927 Adolph Keller Doctor of Divinity 1927 Charles Louis Kirschner Master of Arts 1927 Charles Lanier Lawrance Master of Arts 1927 Dwight Whitney Morrow Doctor of Laws 1927 William Allan Neilson Doctor of Letters 1927 Willis van Devanter Doctor of Laws 1927 George Hoyt Whipple Master of Arts 1927 Alfred North Whitehead Doctor of Science 1927 William W. Atterbury Doctor of Laws 1926 Frank Learoyd Boyden Master of Arts 1926 Julian Wheeler Curtiss Master of Arts 1926 Clarence Day Master of Arts 1926 Lee Deforest Doctor of Science 1926 Alphonse Raymond Dochez Doctor of Science 1926 Charles Henry Forbes Master of Arts 1926 Gustavo VI Adolfo de Suecia Doctor of Laws 1926 Charles Martin Tornov Loeffler Doctor of Music 1926 Henry Robinson Luce Master of Arts 1926 Max Mason Doctor of Laws 1926 Andrew William Mellon Doctor of Laws 1926 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill Doctor of Letters 1926 George Campbell Pidgeon Doctor of Divinity 1926 Lucius Franklin Robinson Doctor of Laws 1926 Robert Russell Wicks Doctor of Divinity 1926 Samuel Williston Doctor of Laws 1926 Samuel Parkes Cadman Doctor of Divinity 1925 John Staige Davis Master of Arts 1925 John Hays Hammond Doctor of Laws 1925 Edward Stephen Harkness Master of Arts 1925 Ernest Martin Hopkins Doctor of Laws 1925 John Matthews Manly Doctor of Letters 1925 Robert Andrews Millikan Doctor of Science 1925 John Monroe Moore Doctor of Divinity 1925 Arthur Boothby Morrill Master of Arts 1925 Gifford Pinchot Doctor of Laws 1925 Francis Cole Pratt Master of Arts 1925 Agnes Repplier Doctor of Letters 1925 James Rockwell Sheffield Doctor of Laws 1925 Donald Dexter van Slyke Doctor of Science 1925 Owen D. Young Doctor of Laws 1925 George Burton Adams Doctor of Laws 1924 Frederick Grant Banting Doctor of Science 1924 Howard Carter Doctor of Science 1924 Robert Frost Doctor of Letters 1924 Ossip Gabrilowitsch Master of Arts 1924 Clement Collester Hyde Master of Arts 1924 William Lyon Mackenzie King Doctor of Laws 1924 David Kinley Doctor of Laws 1924 George Lyman Kittredge Doctor of Letters 1924 William Smith Mason Master of Arts 1924 Paul Dwight Moody Doctor of Divinity 1924 Edward Lambe Parsons Doctor of Divinity 1924 John Russell Pope Master of Arts 1924 Harlan Fiske Stone Doctor of Laws 1924 Frederick Wells Williams Master of Arts 1924 George Deforest Brush Master of Arts 1923 Prince Gelasio Caetani Doctor of Laws 1923 Walter Bradford Cannon Doctor of Science 1923 John Scudder Chandler Doctor of Divinity 1923 William Phelps Eno Master of Arts 1923 Henry Walcott Farnam Doctor of Laws 1923 Livingston Farrand Doctor of Laws 1923 Harry Emerson Fosdick Doctor of Divinity 1923 Charles Merrill Hough Doctor of Laws 1923 Jacques Loeb Doctor of Science 1923 Henry Fairfield Osborn Doctor of Science 1923 Joseph Hyde Pratt Master of Arts 1923 Sherman Day Thacher Master of Arts 1923 Edith Wharton Doctor of Letters 1923 Mary Emma Woolley Doctor of Laws 1923 Clifford Whittingham Beers Master of Arts 1922 Charles Joseph Bennett Master of Arts 1922 John Joseph Carty Doctor of Science 1922 Russell Henry Chittenden Doctor of Laws 1922 Robert Alexander Falconer Doctor of Laws 1922 Francis Patrick Garvan Master of Arts 1922 Murray Shipley Howland Doctor of Divinity 1922 John Campbell Merriam Doctor of Science 1922 Mary Adelaide Nutting Master of Arts 1922 Adolph S. Ochs Master of Arts 1922 Edwin Arlington Robinson Doctor of Letters 1922 Willard Learoyd Sperry Doctor of Divinity 1922 Lloyd Warren Master of Arts 1922 Fu-Chun Yen Master of Arts 1922 James Rowland Angell Doctor of Laws 1921 William Rose Benet Master of Arts 1921 Isaiah Bowman Master of Arts 1921 Benjamin Nathan Cardozo Doctor of Laws 1921 Marie Curie Doctor of Science 1921 John William Davis Doctor of Laws 1921 George Bird Grinnell Doctor of Letters 1921 Marcus Hensey Holcomb Doctor of Laws 1921 William James Hutchins Doctor of Divinity 1921 Robert Jones Doctor of Laws 1921 Julia Clifford Lathrop Master of Arts 1921 Archibald Marshall Doctor of Letters 1921 Hideyo Noguchi Doctor of Science 1921 James Gamble Rogers Master of Arts 1921 Anson Phelps Stokes Doctor of Laws 1921 Henry Prentiss Armsby Doctor of Science 1920 Preston Brown Master of Arts 1920 Thomas Dewitt Cuyler Doctor of Laws 1920 William Darrach Master of Arts 1920 Albert Feuillerat Doctor of Letters 1920 Auckland Campbell Geddes Doctor of Laws 1920 Arthur Goodenough Doctor of Divinity 1920 Herbert Edwin Hawkes Master of Arts 1920 Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand Doctor of Laws 1920 Malcolm Lee McBride Master of Arts 1920 Edward William Nelson Master of Arts 1920 John Joseph Pershing Doctor of Laws 1920 Charles Henry Brent Doctor of Divinity 1919 Charles Albert Coffin Master of Arts 1919 Harvey Cushing Doctor of Science 1919 Russell Cornell Leffingwell Master of Arts 1919 Jean-Julien Lemordant Master of Arts 1919 Robert Stewart McClenahan Master of Arts 1919 Désiré Joseph Mercier Doctor of Laws 1919 Orville Anderson Petty Doctor of Divinity 1919 Admiral William Sowden Sims Doctor of Laws 1919 William Josiah Snow Doctor of Laws 1919 Samuel Wesley Stratton Doctor of Science 1919 Samuel Hosea Wadhams Master of Arts 1919 Orville Wright Master of Arts 1919 Alfred Lawrence Aiken Master of Arts 1918 Paul Wayland Bartlett Master of Arts 1918 Henry Stanford Brooks Master of Arts 1918 Benedict Crowell Master of Arts 1918 Henry Drysdale Dakin Doctor of Science 1918 Henry Pomeroy Davison Doctor of Laws 1918 James Edgar Gregg Doctor of Divinity 1918 Herbert Clark Hoover Doctor of Laws 1918 John Masefield Doctor of Letters 1918 Edward Sylvester Morse Doctor of Science 1918 Frank Lyon Polk Master of Arts 1918 Rufus Isaacs Doctor of Laws 1918 William Renwick Riddell Doctor of Laws 1918 Robert Scoville Master of Arts 1918 Daniel Sylvester Tuttle Doctor of Divinity 1918 LeBaron Russell Briggs Doctor of Laws 1917 Shirley Jackson Case Doctor of Divinity 1917 Robert Melville Danford Master of Arts 1917 Myron Timothy Herrick Doctor of Laws 1917 William Temple Hornaday Master of Arts 1917 Pierre Jay Master of Arts 1917 John Kelman Doctor of Divinity 1917 Ignace Jan Paderewski Doctor of Music 1917 Frederick Noah Pease Master of Arts 1917 Ernest Rutherford Doctor of Science 1917 Martin Antoine Ryerson Master of Arts 1917 Theobald Smith Doctor of Science 1917 Andre Pierre Gabriel Amedee Tardieu Doctor of Laws 1917 Frederic Collin Walcott Master of Arts 1917 Julian Alden Weir Master of Arts 1917 Arthur Whiting Master of Arts 1917 Elmer Bragg Adams Doctor of Laws 1916 Herbert Adams Master of Arts 1916 Simeon Eben Baldwin Doctor of Laws 1916 Arthur Dean Bevan Master of Arts 1916 John Jay Chapman Doctor of Letters 1916 Frank Miles Day Master of Arts 1916 Charles Allen Dinsmore Doctor of Divinity 1916 George Sherwood Eddy Master of Arts 1916 Vii Kuin Wellington Koo Doctor of Laws 1916 David Russell Lyman Master of Arts 1916 John Singer Sargent Doctor of Laws 1916 Lauress John Birney Doctor of Divinity 1915 Henry Sloane Coffin Doctor of Divinity 1915 Ralph Adams Cram Doctor of Laws 1915 Katherine Bement Davis Master of Arts 1915 Edwin Musser Herr Master of Arts 1915 Charles Evans Hughes Doctor of Laws 1915 George Foot Moore Doctor of Letters 1915 Charles Wardell Stiles Doctor of Science 1915 Melville Elijah Stone Master of Arts 1915 William Roscoe Thayer Doctor of Letters 1915 Peter Ainslie Doctor of Divinity 1914 Edward Robinson Baldwin Master of Arts 1914 John Kimberly Beach Doctor of Laws 1914 Edwin Howland Blashfield Master of Arts 1914 William Herbert Corbin Master of Arts 1914 Charles Franklin Craig Master of Arts 1914 William Crawford Gorgas Doctor of Laws 1914 Sidney Lewis Gulick Doctor of Divinity 1914 James Hartness Master of Arts 1914 John Howland Master of Arts 1914 Henry Hun Master of Arts 1914 Elliott Proctor Joslin Master of Arts 1914 Fred Towsley Murphy Master of Arts 1914 Romulo Naon Doctor of Laws 1914 George Wharton Pepper Doctor of Laws 1914 Jean Sibelius Doctor of Music 1914 Edgar Fahs Smith Doctor of Science 1914 Oliver Cotton Smith Master of Arts 1914 Richard Pearson Strong Doctor of Science 1914 William Francis Verdi Master of Arts 1914 Mary Emma Wooley Master of Arts 1914 Arthur Judson Brown Doctor of Divinity 1913 Harvey Cushing Master of Arts 1913 Daniel Chester French Master of Arts 1913 John Grier Hibben Doctor of Laws 1913 David Franklin Houston Doctor of Laws 1913 Howard Mansfield Master of Arts 1913 Alfred Noyes Doctor of Letters 1913 Arthur Amos Noyes Doctor of Science 1913 Samuel Oscar Prentice Doctor of Laws 1913 George Dudley Seymour Master of Arts 1913 Joseph Hopkins Twichell Doctor of Divinity 1913 Boyd Vincent Doctor of Divinity 1913 Samuel Wendell Willston Doctor of Science 1913 Frank Frost Abbott Master of Arts 1912 Cecilia Beaux Master of Arts 1912 Alfred East Doctor of Laws 1912 Henry Turner Eddy Doctor of Science 1912 George Washington Goethals Doctor of Laws 1912 William Brian Hooker Master of Arts 1912 Edward H. Hume Master of Arts 1912 Theodore Caldwell Janeway Master of Arts 1912 Benjamin Jepson Master of Arts 1912 Eugene William Lyman Doctor of Divinity 1912 Franklin MacVeagh Doctor of Laws 1912 Harry Gideon Wells Master of Arts 1912 William W. Atterbury Master of Arts 1911 Mabel Thorpe Boardman Master of Arts 1911 Charles Frederick Brooker Master of Arts 1911 William Henry Howell Doctor of Science 1911 Franz Kneisel Doctor of Music 1911 George William Knox Doctor of Divinity 1911 Joseph Rucker Lamar Doctor of Laws 1911 Tun Yen Liang Doctor of Laws 1911 Walter McClintock Master of Arts 1911 John Muir Doctor of Letters 1911 Josiah Royce Doctor of Laws 1911 George Edgar Vincent Doctor of Laws 1911 Jane Addams Master of Arts 1910 John Burroughs Doctor of Letters 1910 William Bradley Coley Master of Arts 1910 Kenyon Cox Master of Arts 1910 Simon Flexner Doctor of Science 1910 Walter Francis Frear Doctor of Laws 1910 James Jerome Hill Doctor of Laws 1910 Melancthon Williams Jacobus Doctor of Divinity 1910 Truman Handy Newberry Master of Arts 1910 Thomas Osborne Doctor of Science 1910 Charles Doolittle Walcott Doctor of Laws 1910 Joseph Augustus Blake Master of Arts 1909 Jacob McGavock Dickinson Doctor of Laws 1909 John Pierrepont Codrington Foster Master of Arts 1909 John Marshall Holcombe Master of Arts 1909 Henry Edward Krehbiel Master of Arts 1909 William Lawrence Doctor of Divinity 1909 Edward Caldwell Moore Doctor of Divinity 1909 Eliakim Hastings Moore Doctor of Science 1909 Edward Williams Morley Doctor of Science 1909 William Thompson Sedgwick Doctor of Science 1909 Charles Stillman Sperry Doctor of Laws 1909 William Graham Sumner Doctor of Laws 1909 Otto Tremont Bannard Master of Arts 1908 Hugh Black Doctor of Divinity 1908 Magrane Coxe Master of Arts 1908 Samuel James Elder Doctor of Laws 1908 William Kent Master of Arts 1908 George Washington Kirchney Doctor of Laws 1908 Graham Lusk Doctor of Science 1908 John Meigs Master of Arts 1908 William Vaughn Moody Doctor of Letters 1908 John Pierpont Morgan Doctor of Laws 1908 Theodore Thornton Munger Doctor of Divinity 1908 Joaquim Nabuco Doctor of Letters 1908 William Beach Olmsted Master of Arts 1908 John Coit Spooner Doctor of Laws 1908 Frederick Trevor Hill Master of Arts 1907 Frederick Newton Judson Doctor of Laws 1907 Philander Chase Knox Doctor of Laws 1907 Vance Criswell McCormick Master of Arts 1907 Henry Pickering Walcott Doctor of Laws 1907 Francis Bacon Doctor of Science 1906 Henry Herbert Donaldson Doctor of Science 1906 Charles Coolidge Haight Master of Arts 1906 George Edward Ide Master of Arts 1906 Walter Belknap James Master of Arts 1906 Frank Johnston Jones Master of Arts 1906 William Williams Keen Doctor of Laws 1906 Chentung Liang-Cheng Doctor of Laws 1906 Benjamin Drake Magruder Doctor of Laws 1906 James Gore King McClure Doctor of Divinity 1906 Charles Sanger Mellen Master of Arts 1906 Victor Howard Metcalf Master of Arts 1906 Carl Stoeckel Master of Arts 1906 Samuel Escue Tillman Master of Arts 1906 Edmund Wetmore Doctor of Laws 1906 William Williams Master of Arts 1906 Edward Anderson Alderman Doctor of Laws 1905 Huber Gray Buehler Master of Arts 1905 Lebaron Bradford Colt Doctor of Laws 1905 Edward Elgar Doctor of Music 1905 John Franklin Genung Doctor of Divinity 1905 Goerge Ellery Hale Doctor of Science 1905 Abraham Jacobi Doctor of Laws 1905 Frederic William Keator Doctor of Divinity 1905 Samuel Waldron Lambert Master of Arts 1905 James Wallace Pinchot Master of Arts 1905 Theodore William Richards Doctor of Science 1905 Augustus Saint Gaudens Doctor of Laws 1905 Alfred Ernest Stearns Master of Arts 1905 Henry Waters Taft Master of Arts 1905 Cayetano Arellano Doctor of Laws 1904 Frank Heino Damrosch Doctor of Music 1904 Robert Weeks De Forest Doctor of Laws 1904 Trinidad H. Pardo De Tavera Master of Arts 1904 William Henry Goodyear Master of Arts 1904 William Dameron Guthrie Master of Arts 1904 William Stewart Halstead Doctor of Laws 1904 Artemas Haynes Master of Arts 1904 George Chandler Holt Doctor of Laws 1904 Henry Churchill King Doctor of Divinity 1904 George Payne McLean Master of Arts 1904 Stewart Means Doctor of Divinity 1904 Samuel Edwin Merwin Master of Arts 1904 Edgar Gardner Murphy Master of Arts 1904 Charles Richard van Hise Doctor of Laws 1904 Lyman Abbott Doctor of Divinity 1903 William Dewitt Alexander Doctor of Laws 1903 Herbert Wolcott Bowen Master of Arts 1903 William Henry Brewer Doctor of Laws 1903 George Gray Doctor of Laws 1903 George Sherburn Hutchings Master of Arts 1903 Benjamin Johnson Lang Master of Arts 1903 James Sumner Pettit Master of Arts 1903 Charles Millard Pratt Master of Arts 1903 William Rogers Richards Doctor of Divinity 1903 Thomas Thacher Doctor of Laws 1903 Louis Comfort Tiffany Master of Arts 1903 Nicholas Murray Butler Doctor of Laws 1902 Franklin Bowditch Dexter Doctor of Letters 1902 William Blair Graves Master of Arts 1902 Samuel Hart Doctor of Divinity 1902 William Huntington Doctor of Divinity 1902 Charles Rockwell Lanman Doctor of Laws 1902 Henry Cabot Lodge Doctor of Laws 1902 Robert Curtis Ogden Master of Arts 1902 Roswell Park Doctor of Laws 1902 Endicott Peabody Master of Arts 1902 James Whitcomb Riley Master of Arts 1902 Eliphalet Whittlesey Doctor of Laws 1902 Harlan Page Beach Master of Arts 1901 Frederick Henry Betts Doctor of Laws 1901 Theodore Low De Vinne Master of Arts 1901 William Earle Dodge Master of Arts 1901 William Herbert Perry Faunce Doctor of Divinity 1901 James Lawrence Houghteling Master of Arts 1901 Gifford Pinchot Master of Arts 1901 James Monroe Taylor Doctor of Divinity 1901 Williston Walker Doctor of Divinity 1901 Edmund Beecher Wilson Doctor of Laws 1901
siglo XIX
Nombre Grado Año Poultney Bigelow Master of Arts 1900 William Newton Clarke Doctor of Divinity 1900 Samuel Train Dutton Master of Arts 1900 Edward Dwight Eaton Doctor of Divinity 1900 Calvin Noyes Kendall Master of Arts 1900 Julian Kennedy Master of Arts 1900 Elihu Root Doctor of Laws 1900 Robert Eliot Speer Master of Arts 1900 Lewis Atterbury Stimson Doctor of Laws 1900 Frederic Adams Doctor of Laws 1899 William Beebe Master of Arts 1899 Robert Somers Brookings Master of Arts 1899 Francis Marvin Bunce Master of Arts 1899 David Stuart Dodge Doctor of Divinity 1899 John William Griggs Doctor of Laws 1899 Frederick John Kingsbury Doctor of Laws 1899 Herman Livingston Master of Arts 1899 Emory McClintock Doctor of Laws 1899 Charles Sedgwick Minot Doctor of Laws 1899 John R. Mott Master of Arts 1899 William Augustus Otis Master of Arts 1899 James Pierpont Master of Arts 1899 George Adam Smith Doctor of Divinity 1899 John Hampden Thomas Master of Arts 1899 Franz Johannes von Rottenburg Doctor of Laws 1899 William Clinton Wise Master of Arts 1899 Charles Andrews Doctor of Laws 1898 Henry Samuel Barnum Doctor of Divinity 1898 Chauncey Bunce Brewster Doctor of Divinity 1898 Russell Wheeler Davenport Master of Arts 1898 Jacob Lyman Greene Master of Arts 1898 John Hays Hammond Master of Arts 1898 Charles Frederick Johnson Doctor of Letters 1898 George Henry Knight Master of Arts 1898 William McKinley Doctor of Laws 1898 Daniel Merriman Doctor of Divinity 1898 David Brainerd Perry Doctor of Divinity 1898 George Keyes Tufts Master of Arts 1898 Irving Goodwin Vann Doctor of Laws 1898 James Wolcott Wadsworth Master of Arts 1898 Edwin Austin Abbey Doctor of Laws 1897 Charles William Benton Master of Arts 1897 Charles Noyes Chadwick Master of Arts 1897 George Whitfield Chadwick Master of Arts 1897 Samuel Harden Church Master of Arts 1897 John Slade Ely Master of Arts 1897 Theodore Newel Ely Master of Arts 1897 Archer Milton Huntington Master of Arts 1897 Henry Roseman Lang Master of Arts 1897 Edwin Stevens Lines Doctor of Divinity 1897 Alfred Thayer Mahan Doctor of Laws 1897 William Gordon McCabe Doctor of Letters 1897 George Foote Moore Doctor of Divinity 1897 Theophil Mitchell Prudden Doctor of Laws 1897 Charles Comfort Tiffany Doctor of Divinity 1897 John Watson Doctor of Divinity 1897 John Wurts Master of Arts 1897 Theodore Bacon Doctor of Laws 1896 Theodore Alfred Bingham Master of Arts 1896 Charles Francis Brown Doctor of Laws 1896 John Watson Foster Doctor of Laws 1896 William Henry Hunt Master of Arts 1896 John LaFarge Master of Arts 1896 Dwight Whitney Learned Doctor of Divinity 1896 Dwight Loomis Doctor of Laws 1896 Graham Lusk Master of Arts 1896 Rufus Wheeler Peckham Doctor of Laws 1896 Samuel Lewis Penfield Master of Arts 1896 Horatio McLeod Reynolds Master of Arts 1896 Henry vanDyke Doctor of Divinity 1896 William Henry Welch Doctor of Laws 1896 Horace Lemuel Wells Master of Arts 1896 Henry Roger Wolcott Master of Arts 1896 Thomas Gray Bennett Master of Arts 1895 William Webb Browning Master of Arts 1895 Edward Grant Buckland Master of Arts 1895 Henry Cuyler Bunner Master of Arts 1895 Wilhelm D rpfeld Doctor of Laws 1895 Edward Miner Gallaudet Doctor of Laws 1895 William Torrey Harris Doctor of Laws 1895 Edward Washburn Hopkins Master of Arts 1895 Robert Allen Hume Doctor of Divinity 1895 William Carrington Mayo Master of Arts 1895 John Punnett Peters Doctor of Divinity 1895 Henry Augustus Rowland Doctor of Laws 1895 Newman Smyth Doctor of Divinity 1895 William Jewett Tucker Doctor of Laws 1895 Joseph Folger Barnard Doctor of Laws 1894 Homer Franklin Bassett Master of Arts 1894 Francis Brown Doctor of Divinity 1894 Joseph Leonard Daniels Doctor of Divinity 1894 John Chipman Gray Doctor of Laws 1894 Thornton Mills Hinkle Master of Arts 1894 Albert Francis Judd Doctor of Laws 1894 Caleb Lamson Master of Arts 1894 Samuel Henry Lee Master of Arts 1894 Charles Luedeking Master of Arts 1894 William Thompson Lusk Doctor of Laws 1894 Horation William Parker Master of Arts 1894 Charles Joseph Hardy Ropes Doctor of Divinity 1894 Edmund Clarence Stedman Doctor of Laws 1894 Nikola Tesla Master of Arts 1894 Cornelius Vanderbilt Master of Arts 1894 Andrew Judson White Master of Arts 1894 Walter Allen Master of Arts 1893 Charles Bartlett Andrews Doctor of Laws 1893 William Loring Andrews Master of Arts 1893 Hiram Bingham Doctor of Divinity 1893 Wilson Shannon Bissell Doctor of Laws 1893 Daniel Hudson Burnham Master of Arts 1893 Sylvester Clarke Master of Arts 1893 William Lewis Elkin Master of Arts 1893 George Angier Gordon Doctor of Divinity 1893 Henry Strong Gulliver Master of Arts 1893 Edwin Franklin Hall Bachelor of Laws 1893 Allen Maxcy Hiller Master of Arts 1893 Robert Forman Horton Doctor of Divinity 1893 Henry Elias Howland Master of Arts 1893 Martin Kellogg Doctor of Laws 1893 John Francis Logie Master of Arts 1893 George Manierre Master of Arts 1893 Alexander Caldwell McClurg Master of Arts 1893 Frank Arthur Mitchell Master of Arts 1893 Frederick Law Olmsted Doctor of Laws 1893 Theodore Gordon Peck Master of Arts 1893 John Andrew Peters Doctor of Laws 1893 George Richards Master of Arts 1893 James Bradford Ryder Master of Arts 1893 John William Sterling Doctor of Laws 1893 Henry Albert Stimson Doctor of Divinity 1893 Joseph Joachim Synnott Master of Arts 1893 William Howard Taft Doctor of Laws 1893 Horace Dutton Taft Master of Arts 1893 Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft Doctor of Laws 1892 Walter Ray Bridgman Master of Arts 1892 Henry Martyn Denniston Master of Arts 1892 Theodore William Dwight Doctor of Laws 1892 Tryon Holkar Edwards Master of Arts 1892 Charles Henry Hall Doctor of Laws 1892 Orlando Metcalf Harper Master of Arts 1892 Ebenezer J. Hill Master of Arts 1892 Edward Sackett Hume Master of Arts 1892 Laurence Hutton Master of Arts 1892 Frederick Wolcott Jackson Master of Arts 1892 Joseph Jefferson Master of Arts 1892 William Lathrop Kingsley Doctor of Letters 1892 Walter William Law Master of Arts 1892 Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury Doctor of Laws 1892 Webster Merrifield Master of Arts 1892 Donald Alexander Smith Doctor of Laws 1892 James Stoddard Master of Arts 1892 John Payne Studley Master of Arts 1892 Charles Mellen Tyler Doctor of Divinity 1892 James Madison Barker Doctor of Laws 1891 Edward Bement Master of Arts 1891 Sherman Miller Booth Master of Arts 1891 David Josiah Brewer Doctor of Laws 1891 Henry Billings Brown Doctor of Laws 1891 James Campbell Master of Arts 1891 Henry Augustus Coit Doctor of Laws 1891 Edward Lewis Curtis Doctor of Divinity 1891 Thomas Frederick Davies Doctor of Divinity 1891 John Walker Fearn Master of Arts 1891 Anthony Higgins Doctor of Laws 1891 Morris Ketchum Jesup Master of Arts 1891 Robert Underwood Johnson Master of Arts 1891 William James Linton Master of Arts 1891 James Stetson Metcalfe Master of Arts 1891 Cyrus LaRue Munson Master of Arts 1891 John Willock Noble Doctor of Laws 1891 Arthur Hubbell Palmer Master of Arts 1891 Hiram Sterling Pomeroy Master of Arts 1891 Gould Abijah Shelton Master of Arts 1891 James Stalker Doctor of Divinity 1891 Joseph Burbeen Walker Master of Arts 1891 Adolphus Julius Frederick Behrends Doctor of Divinity 1890 Edward Coke Billings Doctor of Laws 1890 Stephen Smith Burt Master of Arts 1890 Loomis Joseph Campbell Master of Arts 1890 William Frierson Cooper Doctor of Laws 1890 Francis Delafield Doctor of Laws 1890 Henry Martyn Dexter Doctor of Laws 1890 Joseph Benjamin Dimmick Master of Arts 1890 Walter Edwards Master of Arts 1890 Dorsey Gardner Master of Arts 1890 Frederic Byron Hall Master of Arts 1890 John Kean Master of Arts 1890 John Knowles Paine Doctor of Music 1890 William Walter Phelps Doctor of Laws 1890 William Edgar Simonds Master of Arts 1890 Augustus Hopkins Strong Doctor of Divinity 1890 Elihu Thomson Master of Arts 1890 Morgan Gardner Bulkeley Master of Arts 1889 Albert Stanburrough Cook Master of Arts 1889 Henry Laurens Dawes Doctor of Laws 1889 John Kinne Hyde DeForest Doctor of Divinity 1889 Andrew Martin Fairbairn Doctor of Divinity 1889 Augustus Hall Fenn Master of Arts 1889 Francis Miles Finch Doctor of Laws 1889 Daniel Coit Gilman Doctor of Laws 1889 Willard Preble Hall Master of Arts 1889 Henry Phelps Johnston Master of Arts 1889 Charles Ray Palmer Doctor of Divinity 1889 Gardiner Spring Plumley Doctor of Divinity 1889 George Matthews Sharp Master of Arts 1889 John Sloane Master of Arts 1889 William Douglas Sloane Master of Arts 1889 Paul Peter Waldenstr m Doctor of Divinity 1889 Horatio Charles Wood Doctor of Laws 1889 Timothy Lester Woodruff Master of Arts 1889 Alvery Augustus Adee Master of Arts 1888 Charles Griswold Bartlett Master of Arts 1888 George Anacleto Corrado Bendelari Master of Arts 1888 Samuel Langhorne Clemens Master of Arts 1888 Caspar Frederick Goodrich Master of Arts 1888 William Tod Helmuth Doctor of Laws 1888 William Henry Jordan Master of Arts 1888 Stanley Matthews Doctor of Laws 1888 Francis Landey Patton Doctor of Divinity 1888 Samuel Clarke Perkins Doctor of Laws 1888 Stephen Pierson Master of Arts 1888 Alfred Lawrence Ripley Master of Arts 1888 Henry Cornelius Robinson Doctor of Laws 1888 Elias Benjamin Sanford Master of Arts 1888 Henry Stoddard Master of Arts 1888 Frederic Wesson Master of Arts 1888 Andrew Dickson White Doctor of Laws 1888 William Collins Whitney Doctor of Laws 1888 Albert Barnes Master of Arts 1887 John Sheldon Beach Doctor of Laws 1887 Henry Augustin Beers Master of Arts 1887 John Brown Doctor of Divinity 1887 Newell Meeker Calhoun Master of Arts 1887 William Bates Davenport Master of Arts 1887 Chauncey Mitchell Depew Doctor of Laws 1887 Frank Austin Gooch Master of Arts 1887 Arthur Twining Hadley Master of Arts 1887 Zephaniah Swift Holbrook Master of Arts 1887 George Anson Jackson Master of Arts 1887 Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury Master of Arts 1887 William Gilbert Mixter Master of Arts 1887 James Brown Olney Master of Arts 1887 Francis Greenwood Peabody Doctor of Divinity 1887 Orville Hitchcock Platt Doctor of Laws 1887 Eugene Lamb Richards Master of Arts 1887 Sidney Irving Smith Master of Arts 1887 Elisha Smith Thomas Doctor of Divinity 1887 John Randolph Tucker Doctor of Laws 1887 Arthur Martin Wheeler Master of Arts 1887 Theodore Salisbury Woolsey Master of Arts 1887 Sidney Burr Beardsley Master of Arts 1886 David Hillhouse Buel Master of Arts 1886 John Guy Crump Master of Arts 1886 Timothy Dwight Doctor of Divinity 1886 Melville Egleston Master of Arts 1886 Franklin Woodbury Fisk Doctor of Divinity 1886 Joseph Roswell Hawley Doctor of Laws 1886 Dwight Holbrook Master of Arts 1886 Oliver Wendell Holmes Doctor of Laws 1886 Charles Hopkins Master of Arts 1886 Elbert Brinckerhoff Monroe Master of Arts 1886 Thomas Mather North Master of Arts 1886 Cyrus Northrop Doctor of Laws 1886 Norris Galpin Osborn Master of Arts 1886 Lemuel Stoughton Polwin Doctor of Divinity 1886 Oliver Perry Shiras Doctor of Laws 1886 Joseph Hopkins Twichell Master of Arts 1886 Edward Payson Vining Master of Arts 1886 Edwin Saxton Wheeler Master of Arts 1886 Lewis Orsmond Brastow Master of Arts 1885 Amos Sheffield Chesebrough Doctor of Divinity 1885 Edward Benton Coe Doctor of Divinity 1885 Henry Baldwin Harrison Doctor of Laws 1885 Edward Young Hincks Doctor of Divinity 1885 George Frisbie Hoar Doctor of Laws 1885 Frederic Robertson Honey Bachelor of Philosophy 1885 George Rogers Howell Master of Arts 1885 Charles Frederick Johnson Master of Arts 1885 Edward Mordecai Reed Master of Arts 1885 John Edward Russell Master of Arts 1885 Eugene Schuyler Doctor of Laws 1885 Edward Rockwell Chapin Master of Arts 1884 Richard Crain Dean Master of Arts 1884 William Henry Fenn Doctor of Divinity 1884 George Hoadly Doctor of Laws 1884 Charles Brinckerhoff Richards Master of Arts 1884 Ellis Henry Roberts Doctor of Laws 1884 Nathaniel Shipman Doctor of Laws 1884 Charles Ferdinand Southmayd Doctor of Laws 1884 David Trumbull Doctor of Divinity 1884 Kinsley Twining Doctor of Divinity 1884 Thomas Francis Bayard Doctor of Laws 1883 George Washington Cable Master of Arts 1883 Edward Young Hincks Master of Arts 1883 George Foote Moore Master of Arts 1883 Benjamin Dean Pettengill Master of Arts 1883 Henry Berton Sands Master of Arts 1883 George Shiras Doctor of Laws 1883 David Torrance Master of Arts 1883 Alexander Stevenson Twombly Doctor of Divinity 1883 Thomas McDonald Waller Master of Arts 1883 John Williams Doctor of Divinity 1883 Edward Oliver Wolcott Master of Arts 1883 William Burnham Woods Doctor of Laws 1883 William Eliot Barrows Master of Arts 1882 Joshua Twing Brooks Master of Arts 1882 William Wallace Crapo Doctor of Laws 1882 William Lee Cushing Master of Arts 1882 Marcial Martinez Doctor of Laws 1882 Theodore Runyon Doctor of Laws 1882 Owen Street Doctor of Divinity 1882 Thomas Bailey Aldrich Master of Arts 1881 Frank Edwin Beckwith Master of Arts 1881 William Henry Carmalt Master of Arts 1881 Austin Flint Doctor of Laws 1881 Henry Honeychurch Gorringe Master of Arts 1881 Alexander Hannay Doctor of Divinity 1881 William Dean Howells Master of Arts 1881 Elias Warner Leavenworth Doctor of Laws 1881 George Absalom Peters Master of Arts 1881 William Callyhan Robinson Master of Arts 1881 William Nathan Harrell Smith Doctor of Laws 1881 Francis Amasa Walker Doctor of Laws 1881 Francis Wayland Master of Arts 1881 Henry Martyn Dexter Doctor of Divinity 1880 Joseph Emerson Doctor of Divinity 1880 Samuel Arthur Galpin Master of Arts 1880 Horace Bunch Gould Master of Arts 1880 Rutherford Birchard Hayes Doctor of Laws 1880 Charles Philip Helfenstein Master of Arts 1880 William Davison Hennen Master of Arts 1880 William Ireland Knapp Master of Arts 1880 John Hampden Lewis Master of Arts 1880 Selah Merrill Master of Arts 1880 Alexander Moss Merwin Master of Arts 1880 Alfred Mitchell Master of Arts 1880 William Augustus Rogers Master of Arts 1880 Hugh White Sheffey Doctor of Laws 1880 Joseph Shortlidge Master of Arts 1880 Theodore Thomas Doctor of Music 1880 Leonard Waldo Master of Arts 1880 Frederic DeForest Allen Master of Arts 1879 Henry Wilson Archer Master of Arts 1879 Leonard Woolsey Bacon Doctor of Divinity 1879 John Wylie Barrow Master of Arts 1879 Eli Whitney Blake Doctor of Laws 1879 Henry Thorp Bulkley Master of Arts 1879 Edward Carrington Master of Arts 1879 James Wesley Cooper Master of Arts 1879 William Frazier Master of Arts 1879 Asaph Hall Doctor of Laws 1879 Charles Jeremy Hoadley Master of Arts 1879 John Francis Hoff Master of Arts 1879 William Jones Hoppin Master of Arts 1879 Theodore John Keep Master of Arts 1879 Cortland Lucas Latimer Master of Arts 1879 Robert James Livingston Master of Arts 1879 John Angus Manning Master of Arts 1879 John Stuart Patterson Master of Arts 1879 George Schley Master of Arts 1879 Nathaniel Winthrop Starr Master of Arts 1879 John Edwards Todd Doctor of Divinity 1879 William Holme Van Buren Doctor of Laws 1879 Peter Anthony VanBergen Master of Arts 1879 William Craig Wharton Bachelor of Arts 1879 Charles Archibald Winthrop Master of Arts 1879 Joseph Anderson Doctor of Divinity 1878 Edward Woolsey Bacon Master of Arts 1878 Sherburne Wesley Burnham Master of Arts 1878 William Bliss Hincks Master of Arts 1878 William Law Learned Doctor of Laws 1878 Donald Grant Mitchell Doctor of Laws 1878 Dwight Morris Master of Arts 1878 John Duane Park Doctor of Laws 1878 Lyell Thompson Adams Master of Arts 1877 William Macleod Barbour Master of Arts 1877 Jacob Dolson Cox Doctor of Laws 1877 Robert William Dale Doctor of Divinity 1877 Winston Jones Davie Master of Arts 1877 Richard Dudley Hubbard Doctor of Laws 1877 John Codman Hurd Doctor of Laws 1877 Artemas Martin Master of Arts 1877 James Parsons Master of Arts 1877 Mase Shepard Southward Master of Arts 1877 Samuel Wells Williams Doctor of Laws 1877 Orlando Franklin Bump Master of Arts 1876 Charles Reed Knight Doctor of Laws 1876 Thomas Collier Platt Master of Arts 1876 Alexander Duncan Savage Master of Arts 1876 William Tecumseh Sherman Doctor of Laws 1876 Yung Wing Doctor of Laws 1876 Robert Percy Alden Master of Arts 1875 Charles Jesup Arms Master of Arts 1875 Hubert Howe Bancroft Master of Arts 1875 Josiah Clark Doctor of Laws 1875 David Sherman Hart Master of Arts 1875 Simon Newcomb Doctor of Laws 1875 Levi Leonard Paine Doctor of Divinity 1875 Edwin Pond Parker Doctor of Divinity 1875 Oliver Henry Perry Master of Arts 1875 Henry Ward Poole Master of Arts 1875 Samuel Jones Tilden Doctor of Laws 1875 Timothy Tredwell Master of Arts 1875 Frank Vincent Master of Arts 1875 Henry Trowbridge Wiswall Master of Arts 1875 Jairus Harvlin Carpenter Master of Arts 1874 Franklin Carter Master of Arts 1874 Edward Strong Dwight Doctor of Divinity 1874 Rufus Ellis Doctor of Divinity 1874 Edward Whiting Gilman Doctor of Divinity 1874 Henry Hitchcock Doctor of Laws 1874 John Daniel Hodges Bachelor of Arts 1874 Richard William Hubbard Master of Arts 1874 Charles Roberts Ingersoll Doctor of Laws 1874 Charles Ives Master of Arts 1874 John Macnie Master of Arts 1874 John Henry Niemeyer Master of Arts 1874 Benjamin Douglas Silliman Doctor of Laws 1874 John Spaulding Master of Arts 1874 Launt Thompson Master of Arts 1874 Morris Woodruff Master of Arts 1874 Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater Doctor of Laws 1873 John Emory Clark Master of Arts 1873 Mordecai Cubitt Cooke Master of Arts 1873 James Edward English Master of Arts 1873 George Vail Gould Bachelor of Arts 1873 Richard Gleason Greene Master of Arts 1873 Marshall Jewell Master of Arts 1873 Edwards Pierrepont Doctor of Laws 1873 Johnson Tuttle Platt Master of Arts 1873 Origen Storrs Seymour Doctor of Laws 1873 Nathaniel Matson Terry Master of Arts 1873 Joseph Henry Thayer Doctor of Divinity 1873 Henry Clay Townsend Master of Arts 1873 Francis Amasa Walker Master of Arts 1873 Charles Francis Adams Doctor of Laws 1872 Henry Blodget Doctor of Divinity 1872 Elihu Burritt Master of Arts 1872 Isaac Newton Carleton Master of Arts 1872 Charles Cleveland Dodge Master of Arts 1872 Samuel Harris Master of Arts 1872 Benjamin Franklin Harrison Master of Arts 1872 Gottlieb Henness Master of Arts 1872 William Ingraham Kip Doctor of Laws 1872 Herman Kr si Master of Arts 1872 William Thompson Lusk Master of Arts 1872 William Mason Doctor of Music 1872 Elisha Mulford Doctor of Laws 1872 Russell Sturgis Master of Arts 1872 William Mackergo Taylor Doctor of Divinity 1872 Ezra Tinker Master of Arts 1872 Adolf Wilhelm August Friedrich von Steinwehr Master of Arts 1872 Morrison Remick Waite Doctor of Laws 1872 Charles Dudley Warner Master of Arts 1872 Henry Sergeant West Master of Arts 1872 Henry Allon Doctor of Divinity 1871 Edward Thomas Barber Doctor of Medicine 1871 Joseph Battell Master of Arts 1871 Horace Bushnell Doctor of Laws 1871 Simeon Baldwin Chittenden Master of Arts 1871 Bradford Matthew Chaloner Durfee Master of Arts 1871 Henry Farnam Master of Arts 1871 Dwight Foster Doctor of Laws 1871 William Gamble Master of Arts 1871 John Brown Harmon Master of Arts 1871 Andrew Jackson Howe Master of Arts 1871 Charles Nichols Master of Arts 1871 Joseph Earl Sheffield Master of Arts 1871 Edmund Clarence Stedman Master of Arts 1871 Curtis Thompson Master of Arts 1871 James Hammond Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1871 John Turner Wait Master of Arts 1871 James Craig Watson Doctor of Philosophy 1871 John Ferguson Weir Master of Arts 1871 James Goodwin Batterson Master of Arts 1870 Joseph Augustine Benton Doctor of Divinity 1870 Rogers Birnie Master of Arts 1870 John Eddy Chandler Master of Arts 1870 Charles William Eliot Doctor of Laws 1870 Nathaniel Drake Haight Doctor of Medicine 1870 James Thomas Hyde Doctor of Divinity 1870 Eugene Keteltas Master of Arts 1870 Heman Mead Master of Arts 1870 Edward Strong Moseley Master of Arts 1870 Thomas Bond Raynolds Master of Arts 1870 Thomas Day Seymour Bachelor of Arts 1870 William Strong Doctor of Laws 1870 Ralph Patridge Emilius Thacher Master of Arts 1870 William Petit Trowbridge Master of Arts 1870 George Leon Walker Doctor of Divinity 1870 Josiah Dwight Whitney Doctor of Laws 1870 William Henry Willcox Master of Arts 1870 Ezra Abbott Doctor of Laws 1869 Porter Cornelius Bliss Master of Arts 1869 William Torrey Harris Master of Arts 1869 Charles Henry Luzenberg Master of Arts 1869 Lavalette Perrin Doctor of Divinity 1869 Edward Elbridge Salisbury Doctor of Laws 1869 George Frederic Shrady Master of Arts 1869 Lewis Henry Steiner Master of Arts 1869 Increase Niles Tarbox Doctor of Divinity 1869 Henry Wyllys Taylor Doctor of Laws 1869 Eli Whitney Master of Arts 1869 George Brinley Master of Arts 1868 Isaac Hill Bromley Master of Arts 1868 Samuel Giles Buckingham Doctor of Divinity 1868 Elisha Carpenter Master of Arts 1868 James Terry Gardner Bachelor of Philosophy 1868 John Gray Doctor of Medicine 1868 Leverett Griggs Doctor of Divinity 1868 Cornelius Ambrose Logan Master of Arts 1868 Charles Johnson McCurdy Doctor of Laws 1868 Daniel Bennett St. John Roosa Master of Arts 1868 Charles Janeway Still Doctor of Laws 1868 George William Trow Master of Arts 1868 Joseph White Doctor of Laws 1868 Robert John Locke Austin Master of Arts 1867 James George Barnett Doctor of Music 1867 Roswell Smith Burrows Master of Arts 1867 Charles Ely Master of Arts 1867 George Park Fisher Master of Arts 1867 William Augustus Norton Master of Arts 1867 Alexander Rizos Rangabe Doctor of Laws 1867 James Alexander Robert Master of Arts 1867 Abraham Hazen Robinson Doctor of Medicine 1867 Edwin McMasters Stanton Doctor of Laws 1867 Alphonso Taft Doctor of Laws 1867 Thomas Edward Vermilye Master of Arts 1867 Addison Emery Verrill Master of Arts 1867 Epher Whitaker Master of Arts 1867 William Dwight Whitney Master of Arts 1867 William Alfred Buckingham Doctor of Laws 1866 Levi Wells Hall Master of Arts 1866 James Joseph Lucas Bachelor of Arts 1866 Thomas Alexander Marshall Doctor of Laws 1866 James Merrill Safford Doctor of Philosophy 1866 Henry Clay Trumbull Master of Arts 1866 Stewart Lyndon Woodford Master of Arts 1866 Nelson Simmons Cobleigh Master of Arts 1865 William Maxwell Evarts Doctor of Laws 1865 Landon Ketchum Bachelor of Philosophy 1865 Harvey Dennison Kitchel Master of Arts 1865 Henry Jacob Labatt Master of Arts 1865 James Osborne Putnam Master of Arts 1865 Charles Patrick Shields Master of Arts 1865 William Morris Stewart Master of Arts 1865 Richard Salter Storrs Master of Arts 1865 Noah Haynes Swayne Doctor of Laws 1865 Alfred Howe Terry Master of Arts 1865 Alexander Catlin Twining Doctor of Laws 1865 Charles Henry Whittelsey Master of Arts 1865 Pierre Washington Wildey Master of Arts 1865 John Gross Barnard Doctor of Laws 1864 Frederick William Corliss Master of Arts 1864 Henry Augustus DuBois Doctor of Laws 1864 Ammi Giddings Master of Arts 1864 Charles Miner Runk Master of Arts 1864 Gustave Jacob Stoeckel Doctor of Music 1864 William Holme Van Buren Master of Arts 1864 Thomas Hill Doctor of Laws 1863 Samuel Jessup Master of Arts 1863 Nathaniel William Taylor Root Bachelor of Arts 1863 tienne Ag nor Doctor of Laws 1862 Hawley Olmstead Doctor of Laws 1862 Barnas Sears Doctor of Laws 1862 Walter Scott Alexander Master of Arts 1861 Henry Allen Grant Master of Arts 1861 William P. Haisley Bachelor of Arts 1861 William Hanna Thomson Master of Arts 1861 Oliver Wetmore Treadwell Master of Arts 1861 William Arnold Anthony Bachelor of Philosophy 1860 Josiah Curtis Master of Arts 1860 Cornelius Conway Felton Doctor of Laws 1860 Stephen Grosvesnor Hubbard Master of Arts 1860 Matthew Hall McAllister Master of Arts 1860 John Charles Mitchell Master of Arts 1860 John Duane Park Master of Arts 1860 Frederick Beecher Perkins Master of Arts 1860 Henry Martyn Seely Master of Arts 1860 Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard Doctor of Laws 1859 William Henry Brewer Master of Arts 1859 Samuel Jones Burr Master of Arts 1859 Henry Mills Day Bachelor of Arts 1859 William Rice Donaghe Master of Arts 1859 Samuel Bulkley Ruggles Doctor of Laws 1859 Oscar Moses Smith Master of Arts 1859 Asahel Thomson Doctor of Medicine 1859 John Boardman Trask Doctor of Medicine 1859 Orlando Williams Wight Master of Arts 1859 Israel DeWolf Andrews Master of Arts 1858 George Amos Benedict Master of Arts 1858 Marshall Spring Bidwell Doctor of Laws 1858 William Smiley Halsey Doctor of Medicine 1858 Peter Parker Master of Arts 1858 Leonard Jacob Sanford Master of Arts 1858 Louis Stadtm ller Bachelor of Philosophy 1858 William F. Stearns Doctor of Laws 1858 Lyman Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1858 Luther Henry Tucker Bachelor of Arts 1858 Mason Cogswell Weld Bachelor of Philosophy 1858 Charles Moore Wheatley Master of Arts 1858 George Jarvis Brush Master of Arts 1857 Ralph Deming Doctor of Medicine 1857 Divie Bethune Duffield Master of Arts 1857 Samuel William Johnson Master of Arts 1857 Charles Hogeboom Porter Master of Arts 1857 Henry Rogers Selden Doctor of Laws 1857 Charles Warner Thomas Master of Arts 1857 William Bird Master of Arts 1856 Edward Chester Bachelor of Arts 1856 Seth Hastings Grant Master of Arts 1856 Chester Hamlin Doctor of Medicine 1856 William Hungerford Doctor of Laws 1856 Gilman Kimball Doctor of Medicine 1856 Alonzo Groesbeck Shears Master of Arts 1856 Charles Sumner Doctor of Laws 1856 John Atwood Tomlinson Doctor of Medicine 1856 James Morris Whiton Master of Arts 1856 Erastus Bancroft Doctor of Medicine 1855 James Stewart Eaton Master of Arts 1855 Samuel Waldo Hart Doctor of Medicine 1855 Sidney Williams Rockwell Doctor of Medicine 1855 Henry Alanson Russell Master of Arts 1855 Charles Harrison Stedman Master of Arts 1855 Warren Thrall Doctor of Medicine 1855 Henry Matson Waite Doctor of Laws 1855 John Adams Doctor of Laws 1854 Henry Aldrich Doctor of Medicine 1854 Henry Dutton Doctor of Laws 1854 John Kilbourn Master of Arts 1854 Charles Smith Lester Master of Arts 1854 John Wesley Olmstead Master of Arts 1854 John Addison Porter Doctor of Medicine 1854 Lewis Richards Doctor of Medicine 1854 William Henry Seward Doctor of Laws 1854 Sabin Stocking Doctor of Medicine 1854 Justus Denslow Wilcox Doctor of Medicine 1854 William Frederick Williams Master of Arts 1854 William Lamont Wood Master of Arts 1854 Ashbel Woodward Doctor of Medicine 1854 James Gaston Barnwell Bachelor of Arts 1853 David Nelson Camp Master of Arts 1853 Moses Culver Master of Arts 1853 Joseph Samuel Ropes Master of Arts 1853 Joseph Thomas Master of Arts 1853 James Walker Doctor of Laws 1853 Horatio Thomas Wells Master of Arts 1853 John Wortabet Doctor of Medicine 1853 Henry Barnard Doctor of Laws 1852 Erastus Brigham Bigelow Master of Arts 1852 Edward Weeks Boldero Canning Master of Arts 1852 Albert Ensign Church Doctor of Laws 1852 Archibald Falconer Gould Master of Arts 1852 David Murdock Master of Arts 1852 William Burr Nash Doctor of Medicine 1852 William Henry Potter Master of Arts 1852 Bronson Burton Beardsley Bachelor of Arts 1851 Samuel Sparks Fisher Bachelor of Arts 1851 Elijah Baldwin Huntington Master of Arts 1851 James Kilbourn Master of Arts 1851 John Edward Parsons Master of Arts 1851 Thomas Reed Walker Master of Arts 1851 Jonathan Brace Master of Arts 1850 Charles Peck Bush Master of Arts 1850 Horace Benjamin Colton Master of Arts 1850 Nathaniel Cothren Bachelor of Arts 1850 Gurdon Evans Master of Arts 1850 Alfred Still Master of Arts 1850 Adonijah White Doctor of Medicine 1850 Merrill Whitney Williams Doctor of Medicine 1850 William Nelson Clarke Doctor of Medicine 1849 William Thaddeus Harris Master of Arts 1849 William Hillhouse Master of Arts 1849 Hames Napoleon McElligott Master of Arts 1849 Sylvanus Dryden Phelps Master of Arts 1849 Frederick Sedgwick Master of Arts 1849 Ezekiel Skinner Doctor of Medicine 1849 Joseph Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1849 Caleb Wright Master of Arts 1849 George Edmund Badger Doctor of Laws 1848 Alfred Louis Baury Master of Arts 1848 Joseph Pride Converse Doctor of Medicine 1848 William Darlington Doctor of Laws 1848 Samuel Griswold Goodrich Master of Arts 1848 John Foote Norton Master of Arts 1848 Nathaniel Sawyer Master of Arts 1848 Henry Strong Doctor of Laws 1848 Ethan Allen Andrews Doctor of Laws 1847 Clark Bissell Doctor of Laws 1847 Joel Canfield Doctor of Medicine 1847 Samuel Cooke Doctor of Divinity 1847 William Cothren Master of Arts 1847 David Smith Cowles Master of Arts 1847 Thomas Day Doctor of Laws 1847 Daniel Alfred Hovey Doctor of Medicine 1847 Mahlon Long Master of Arts 1847 Francis Spalding Palmer Master of Arts 1847 George Washington Schenck Master of Arts 1847 Horatio Seymour Doctor of Laws 1847 Orrin Chester White Doctor of Medicine 1847 Charles William Bradley Master of Arts 1846 Chauncey Burgess Doctor of Medicine 1846 John Middleton Clayton Doctor of Laws 1846 Joseph Clark Dowe Doctor of Medicine 1846 George Oglevie Jarvis Doctor of Medicine 1846 Daniel Lord Doctor of Laws 1846 John Morin Scott McKnight Master of Arts 1846 Samuel Finley Breese Morse Doctor of Laws 1846 John Pitkin Norton Master of Arts 1846 George Oliver Sumner Doctor of Medicine 1846 Roger Sherman Baldwin Doctor of Laws 1845 George Blackman Doctor of Medicine 1845 Oliver Billings Butterfield Master of Arts 1845 Stephen Dodd Master of Arts 1845 Edward Hall Master of Arts 1845 Thomas D. James Master of Arts 1845 Samuel Julius Learned Bachelor of Arts 1845 Robert Alexander Manwaring Doctor of Medicine 1845 Samuel Sherwood Noyes Doctor of Medicine 1845 Stephen Olin Doctor of Laws 1845 Benjamin Rogers Doctor of Medicine 1845 James Melville Saunders Master of Arts 1845 Gamaliel Hunt St. John Doctor of Medicine 1845 Thomas P. Wattles Doctor of Medicine 1845 Orin Witter Doctor of Medicine 1845 William Bird Bachelor of Arts 1844 Rufus Choate Doctor of Laws 1844 John Churchill Master of Arts 1844 William Cecil Dwight Master of Arts 1844 James Glynn Master of Arts 1844 Edward Robinson Doctor of Laws 1844 Benjamin Lincoln Swan Master of Arts 1844 Robert S. Thomas Master of Arts 1844 Jeheil Abbott Doctor of Medicine 1843 Abraham Chittenden Baldwin Master of Arts 1843 William Farmer Master of Arts 1843 John Greenwood Master of Arts 1843 Cyrus Hutchins Doctor of Medicine 1843 Vine Smith Doctor of Medicine 1843 John Thompson Master of Arts 1843 Datus William Doctor of Medicine 1843 John Watson Alvord Master of Arts 1842 Virgil Maro Dow Master of Arts 1842 Samuel Johnson Hitchcock Doctor of Laws 1842 Peleg Johnson Doctor of Medicine 1842 Samuel Sumner Marcy Doctor of Medicine 1842 Roswell Smith Master of Arts 1842 David Lowry Swain Doctor of Laws 1842 Uriah Turner Doctor of Medicine 1842 William Chauncey Williams Doctor of Medicine 1842 Cyrus Brewster Bachelor of Arts 1841 David Bates Douglass Doctor of Laws 1841 Eli Hall Doctor of Medicine 1841 Joseph Franklin Jewett Doctor of Medicine 1841 Thomas Hanscom Legar Master of Arts 1841 Eleazar Litchfield Doctor of Medicine 1841 Augustus Baldwin Longstreet Doctor of Laws 1841 Augustus Charles Thompson Master of Arts 1841 John William Allen Master of Arts 1840 Benjamin Hopkins Catlin Doctor of Medicine 1840 John Clark Master of Arts 1840 Edward Frost Master of Arts 1840 Arthur Granger Master of Arts 1840 Samuel Jones Master of Arts 1840 Mason Manning Doctor of Medicine 1840 Anson Moody Doctor of Medicine 1840 Austin Putnam Master of Arts 1840 Junius Smith Doctor of Laws 1840 Asa Witter Doctor of Medicine 1840 Orson Wood Doctor of Medicine 1840 John Dennison Baldwin Master of Arts 1839 Wells Beardsley Doctor of Medicine 1839 Emery Bissell Doctor of Medicine 1839 Thomas Clark Brinsmade Doctor of Medicine 1839 Sturges Bulkley Doctor of Medicine 1839 Richard Spaight Donnell Bachelor of Arts 1839 Christopher Dunkin Master of Arts 1839 Thomas Stevenson Jacocks Bachelor of Arts 1839 Lorenzo Marcy Doctor of Medicine 1839 William W. Miner Doctor of Medicine 1839 William Charles Redfield Master of Arts 1839 Reuben Hyde Walworth Doctor of Laws 1839 Ralph Carter Doctor of Medicine 1838 Edward Claudius Herrick Master of Arts 1838 Benjamin Welch Doctor of Medicine 1838 Ripley Perkins Adams Master of Arts 1837 Jonathan Messersmith Foltz Master of Arts 1837 James Rogers Doctor of Medicine 1837 Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles Master of Arts 1837 William Henry Stiles Master of Arts 1837 Charles Woodward Doctor of Medicine 1837 Charles Allen Master of Arts 1836 Samuel Grandon Johnston DeCamp Doctor of Medicine 1836 Samuel Wadsworth Gold Doctor of Medicine 1836 Gardiner Kellogg Master of Arts 1836 Benajah Ticknor Doctor of Medicine 1836 Lucius Tyler Doctor of Medicine 1836 Archibald Welch Doctor of Medicine 1836 Nathan Burton Master of Arts 1835 Lyman Caitlin Doctor of Medicine 1835 William McKee Dunn Master of Arts 1835 Charles Eldridge Doctor of Medicine 1835 Benjamin Munro Hill Master of Arts 1835 William Hyde Doctor of Medicine 1835 George Washington Lay Master of Arts 1835 Nathan Shelton Doctor of Medicine 1835 Joseph Barratt Doctor of Medicine 1834 Robert Birch Master of Arts 1834 Erastus Cole Master of Arts 1834 Samuel Augustus Foot Doctor of Laws 1834 Remus Marcus Fowler Master of Arts 1834 Edward John Ives Master of Arts 1834 Abijah Ladd Doctor of Medicine 1834 Gideon Algernon Mantell Doctor of Laws 1834 James Matheson Doctor of Divinity 1834 Milo Linus North Doctor of Medicine 1834 Samuel Punderson Doctor of Medicine 1834 Andrew Reed Doctor of Divinity 1834 Lloyd Seeley Doctor of Medicine 1834 Joshua Austin Spencer Master of Arts 1834 Benjamin Franklin Stoddard Doctor of Medicine 1834 Claiborne A. Watkins Master of Arts 1834 Henry Wikoff Bachelor of Arts 1834 Thomas Scott Williams Doctor of Laws 1834 Hezekiah Augur Master of Arts 1833 Caleb Hopkins Austin Doctor of Medicine 1833 William Henry Beecher Master of Arts 1833 Ezekiel Forman Chambers Doctor of Laws 1833 Gustavus Fellowes Davies Master of Arts 1833 Horatio Dow Doctor of Medicine 1833 Eleazar Butler Downing Doctor of Medicine 1833 Sereno Edwards Dwight Doctor of Divinity 1833 Henry Waggaman Edwards Doctor of Laws 1833 Richard Eells Doctor of Medicine 1833 Edward Everett Doctor of Laws 1833 Richard William Green Master of Arts 1833 Horatio Gridley Doctor of Medicine 1833 Asa Miller Holt Doctor of Medicine 1833 Chester Hunt Doctor of Medicine 1833 Sardis Brewster Morley Master of Arts 1833 Lyman Parker Doctor of Medicine 1833 Nehemiah Perry Doctor of Medicine 1833 William T. Shelton Doctor of Medicine 1833 Léon Vaïsse Master of Arts 1833 Cornelius Cornell Vanarsdalen Master of Arts 1833 Nathaniel Shelton Wheaton Doctor of Laws 1833 Gordon Winslow Master of Arts 1833 Theodore Lyman Wright Master of Arts 1833 Mowry Burgess Doctor of Medicine 1831 Joseph Comstock Doctor of Medicine 1831 Elias Pratt Ely Bachelor of Arts 1831 James Ely Master of Arts 1831 Ezra Fairchild Master of Arts 1831 Andrew French Doctor of Medicine 1831 Daniel Fuller Doctor of Medicine 1831 Francis Granger Master of Arts 1831 Samuel Henderson Harper Master of Arts 1831 William Fenn Hopkins Master of Arts 1831 Peter Kanouse Master of Arts 1831 Norman Lyman Doctor of Medicine 1831 Alexander Dallas Bache Master of Arts 1830 Henry Baldwin Doctor of Laws 1830 Seth Bliss Master of Arts 1830 William Augustus Brewster Doctor of Medicine 1830 Ezekiel Forman Chambers Master of Arts 1830 Ralph Emerson Doctor of Divinity 1830 Elizur Goodrich Doctor of Laws 1830 Thomas Smith Grimke Doctor of Laws 1830 Samuel Hart Doctor of Medicine 1830 Robert Charles Johnson Master of Arts 1830 John Judson Doctor of Medicine 1830 Henry Gilbert Ludlow Master of Arts 1830 Earl Swift Doctor of Medicine 1830 Benjamin Tallmadge Master of Arts 1830 Rufus Turner Doctor of Medicine 1830 Daniel Tyler Master of Arts 1830 George William Burnet Master of Arts 1829 Christopher Cotes Master of Arts 1829 Bela Farnham Doctor of Medicine 1829 Darius Hutchins Doctor of Medicine 1829 Samuel Percy McDonald Bachelor of Arts 1829 Charles Pomeroy Otis Master of Arts 1829 Timothy Pitkin Doctor of Laws 1829 Roger Minott Sherman Doctor of Laws 1829 Caleb Jewett Tenney Doctor of Divinity 1829 Luther Ticknor Doctor of Medicine 1829 Elisha Yale Master of Arts 1829 John Alsop Master of Arts 1828 Conant Catlin Doctor of Medicine 1828 Joshua Cornwell Doctor of Medicine 1828 William Heathcote DeLancey Doctor of Divinity 1828 Samuel Miles Hopkins Doctor of Laws 1828 Isaac Jennings Doctor of Medicine 1828 Luther Manning Doctor of Medicine 1828 William Robinson Doctor of Medicine 1828 Isaac Smith Doctor of Medicine 1828 Jabez Loomis White Doctor of Medicine 1828 Henry Woodward Doctor of Medicine 1828 John Adams Albro Master of Arts 1827 John Andrews Doctor of Medicine 1827 Elijah Baldwin Doctor of Medicine 1827 Charles Chauncey Doctor of Laws 1827 Daniel Comstock Doctor of Medicine 1827 David Daggett Doctor of Laws 1827 Timothy Dwight Master of Arts 1827 Justin Edwards Doctor of Divinity 1827 John Brain Foulke Master of Arts 1827 Jacob Green Doctor of Medicine 1827 Chester Hinman Bachelor of Arts 1827 Samuel Hubbard Doctor of Laws 1827 Charles Anthony Ingersoll Master of Arts 1827 Archibald Mercer Doctor of Medicine 1827 James Otis Pond Doctor of Medicine 1827 John Witherspoon Scott Master of Arts 1827 Samuel Simons Doctor of Medicine 1827 Gaylord Welles Doctor of Medicine 1827 Philip Battell Bachelor of Arts 1826 James Bowdoin Master of Arts 1826 Dyar Throop Brainard Doctor of Medicine 1826 Abner Brundage Master of Arts 1826 Samuel Buel Doctor of Medicine 1826 Chauncey Colton Bachelor of Arts 1826 Henry Fish Doctor of Medicine 1826 Samuel Glover Master of Arts 1826 Isaac Goodsell Doctor of Medicine 1826 Andrew Harris Doctor of Medicine 1826 Eleazar Hunt Doctor of Medicine 1826 William Beach Lawrence Master of Arts 1826 Eliphalet Price Master of Arts 1826 William Augustus Stevens Bachelor of Arts 1826 Samuel Hurd Walley Bachelor of Arts 1826 William Young Warren Bachelor of Arts 1826 Roswell Abernethy Doctor of Medicine 1825 Gideon Beardslee Doctor of Medicine 1825 James Bennett Doctor of Divinity 1825 George William Burnet Bachelor of Arts 1825 Truman Coe Master of Arts 1825 Robley Dunglison Doctor of Medicine 1825 James Christie Esten Doctor of Laws 1825 John M. Glover Master of Arts 1825 Robert Gracie Master of Arts 1825 Colby Knapp Doctor of Medicine 1825 Jared Mansfield Doctor of Laws 1825 James McConechy Master of Arts 1825 Samuel Nott Doctor of Divinity 1825 Royall Ross Doctor of Medicine 1825 Ithiel Town Master of Arts 1825 Thomas Thompson Wells Doctor of Medicine 1825 Timothy Phelps Beers Doctor of Medicine 1824 Elisha Cushman Master of Arts 1824 Elijah Hedding Master of Arts 1824 Thomas Carlton Henry Doctor of Divinity 1824 Andrew Huntington Doctor of Medicine 1824 Allyn Hyde Doctor of Medicine 1824 Noah A. Lacey Doctor of Medicine 1824 Henry Mitchell Doctor of Medicine 1824 Edward Palmer Master of Arts 1824 Smith Thompson Doctor of Laws 1824 Ambrose Seymour Todd Master of Arts 1824 Herman Landon Vaill Master of Arts 1824 Jared Andrus Master of Arts 1823 Gurdon Huntington Backus Master of Arts 1823 Joseph Battell Bachelor of Arts 1823 Richard Varick Dey Master of Arts 1823 Josiah Fuller Doctor of Medicine 1823 Silas Fuller Doctor of Medicine 1823 Levi Hedge Doctor of Laws 1823 James Hillhouse Doctor of Laws 1823 Stephen Titus Hosmer Doctor of Laws 1823 Isaac Insign Hough Doctor of Medicine 1823 James McFarlane Matthews Doctor of Divinity 1823 Austin Olcott Doctor of Medicine 1823 John Frederick Schroeder Master of Arts 1823 John Torrey Master of Arts 1823 Noah Webster Doctor of Laws 1823 Alexander Young Master of Arts 1823 John Caldwell Calhoun Doctor of Laws 1822 Samuel Carter Doctor of Medicine 1822 Jacob Catlin Doctor of Divinity 1822 John Elliott Doctor of Divinity 1822 Thomas Goodsell Doctor of Medicine 1822 Samuel Parkes Master of Arts 1822 Elijah Fitch Reed Doctor of Medicine 1822 Nathan Tisdale Doctor of Medicine 1822 Stephen VanRensselaer Doctor of Laws 1822 Francis Waters Master of Arts 1822 Francis Osborn Watts Bachelor of Arts 1822 Edward Wigglesworth Bachelor of Arts 1822 Jehiel Williams Doctor of Medicine 1822 Samuel Bayard Woodward Doctor of Medicine 1822 Robert Wormsted Alden Bachelor of Arts 1821 Timothy Fox Alden Bachelor of Arts 1821 Peter Gilchrist Clarke Master of Arts 1821 David Dickson Doctor of Divinity 1821 Nathaniel Leech Hooper Bachelor of Arts 1821 Ansel W. Ives Master of Arts 1821 Horace Sessions Bachelor of Arts 1821 Martin Snell Master of Arts 1821 William Elnathan Whitman Bachelor of Arts 1821 Alexander Backus Converse Master of Arts 1820 Ezra Stiles Gannett Bachelor of Arts 1820 Joseph Hughes Doctor of Divinity 1820 Oren Hyde Master of Arts 1820 George Washington Jacobs Master of Arts 1820 Jonathan Judd Master of Arts 1820 Nicholson Ross Morgan Master of Arts 1820 John Owen Doctor of Divinity 1820 Joseph Palmer Doctor of Medicine 1820 Samuel Wells Master of Arts 1820 Jasper Adams Master of Arts 1819 John Sherren Bartlett Doctor of Medicine 1819 Hiram Bingham Master of Arts 1819 Charles Adolphus Boardman Master of Arts 1819 William Buel Doctor of Medicine 1819 Thomas Bulfinch Coolidge Bachelor of Arts 1819 James Alexander Craig Master of Arts 1819 Stephen Elliott Doctor of Laws 1819 Epaphras Goodman Master of Arts 1819 James Gould Doctor of Laws 1819 William Graham Master of Arts 1819 William Samuel Johnson Master of Arts 1819 Thomas Miner Doctor of Medicine 1819 Enoch Thomas Parsons Bachelor of Arts 1819 George Henry Snelling Bachelor of Arts 1819 John William Sterling Doctor of Medicine 1819 William Tully Doctor of Medicine 1819 Oliver Wolcott Doctor of Laws 1819 Joshua Bates Doctor of Divinity 1818 Merritt Bradford Master of Arts 1818 Philip A. Cannon Master of Arts 1818 Mason Fitch Cogswell Doctor of Medicine 1818 Thomas Coit Doctor of Medicine 1818 Jonathan Dorr Doctor of Medicine 1818 Avery Downer Doctor of Medicine 1818 Warren R. Fowler Doctor of Medicine 1818 Francis Lister Hawks Master of Arts 1818 Edward Hitchcock Master of Arts 1818 Nathan Howard Doctor of Medicine 1818 Thomas Hubbard Doctor of Medicine 1818 David Hunt Doctor of Medicine 1818 Jonathan Knight Doctor of Medicine 1818 John Young Mason Bachelor of Arts 1818 John McCurdy Master of Arts 1818 William Orr Master of Arts 1818 John Samuel Peters Doctor of Medicine 1818 John Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1818 John Wagner Doctor of Medicine 1818 Ralph Wardlaw Doctor of Divinity 1818 John Richard Watrous Doctor of Medicine 1818 Miron Winslow Master of Arts 1818 William Czar Bradley Master of Arts 1817 Henry Champion Master of Arts 1817 Harry Crosswell Master of Arts 1817 Israel Day Master of Arts 1817 Simeon Field Doctor of Medicine 1817 Ezra Fisk Master of Arts 1817 Penuel Hutchins Doctor of Medicine 1817 William Shelton Doctor of Medicine 1817 Zephaniah Swift Doctor of Laws 1817 Elisha Pope Swift Master of Arts 1817 Joseph Gardiner Swift Master of Arts 1817 Hart Talcott Master of Arts 1817 Philemon Tracy Doctor of Medicine 1817 Benoni Upson Doctor of Divinity 1817 John Bestor Doctor of Medicine 1816 Grove Lawrence Brownell Master of Arts 1816 Jesse Carrington Doctor of Medicine 1816 Eber Liscom Clark Master of Arts 1816 Elisha Baldwin Cooke Master of Arts 1816 Leonard M. Davis Master of Arts 1816 Solomon Everest Doctor of Medicine 1816 Joseph Foot Doctor of Medicine 1816 Jonathan Ingersoll Doctor of Laws 1816 Jehiel Judd Master of Arts 1816 John Owen Miner Doctor of Medicine 1816 Joseph Palmer Doctor of Medicine 1816 Nathaniel Perry Doctor of Medicine 1816 Calvin Waite Master of Arts 1816 Sylvester Wells Doctor of Medicine 1816 Nathaniel Dwight Master of Arts 1815 Cornelius Bradford Everest Master of Arts 1815 Jesse Fisher Master of Arts 1815 Charles Goddard Bachelor of Arts 1815 Fosdick Harrison Master of Arts 1815 Benjamin Niles Master of Arts 1815 James Porter Master of Arts 1815 James Richards Doctor of Divinity 1815 Samuel Rockwell Master of Arts 1815 John Cotton Smith Doctor of Laws 1815 James Renwick Willson Master of Arts 1815 Abner Phelps Doctor of Medicine 1814 David Deming Master of Arts 1812 Roger Griswold Doctor of Laws 1812 Hubbel Loomis Master of Arts 1812 Asa McFarland Doctor of Divinity 1812 Benjamin Rush Doctor of Laws 1812 Elisha Fuller Wallace Bachelor of Arts 1812 Samuel Newell Master of Arts 1811 John Porter Bachelor of Arts 1810 Jonathan Edwards Porter Master of Arts 1810 William Storrs Master of Arts 1810 Samuel Willard Master of Arts 1810 William Barrett Bachelor of Arts 1809 David Deming Bachelor of Arts 1809 Chester Dewey Master of Arts 1809 Thomas Brattle Gannett Bachelor of Arts 1809 George Hayward Bachelor of Arts 1809 Evan Johns Master of Arts 1809 Samuel Rowland Master of Arts 1809 Samuel William Southmayd Master of Arts 1809 Reuben Taylor Master of Arts 1809 Abraham Wild Bachelor of Arts 1809 David Bogue Doctor of Divinity 1808 Saul Clark Master of Arts 1808 William Crafts Master of Arts 1808 David Dickson Master of Arts 1808 David Ely Doctor of Divinity 1808 George Gibbs Master of Arts 1808 George Leonard Master of Arts 1808 Nathan Smith Master of Arts 1808 William Davies Sohier Master of Arts 1808 Elijah Gardiner Welles Master of Arts 1808 Luke Wood Master of Arts 1808 William Fitch Backus Master of Arts 1807 James Cogswell Bachelor of Arts 1807 Alexander Hill Everett Bachelor of Arts 1807 Elias Gallup Master of Arts 1807 Stephen Mix Mitchell Doctor of Laws 1807 Francis Parkman Bachelor of Arts 1807 John Pye Smith Doctor of Divinity 1807 James Stevenson Bachelor of Arts 1807 Daniel Tyler Master of Arts 1807 Elizur Goodrich Bachelor of Arts 1806 Robert Hare Master of Arts 1806 Samuel Kendal Doctor of Divinity 1806 Frederick Perry Master of Arts 1806 James Watson Robbins Master of Arts 1806 Jonathan Sturges Doctor of Laws 1806 George Vaux Master of Arts 1806 Aaron Austin Master of Arts 1805 John Ambourloin Brimmer Master of Arts 1805 Samuel Cary Bachelor of Arts 1805 George Thomas Chapman Bachelor of Arts 1805 David Stoddard Greenough Bachelor of Arts 1805 John Wheelock Smith Bachelor of Arts 1805 Robert Smith Bachelor of Arts 1805 Nathan Strong Master of Arts 1805 Andrew Fuller Doctor of Divinity 1804 Benjamin Goodhue Master of Arts 1804 Bela Hubbard Doctor of Divinity 1804 Samuel Orne Bachelor of Arts 1804 Timothy Stone Master of Arts 1804 Ichabod Tucker Master of Arts 1804 James Talcott Watson Bachelor of Arts 1804 Daniel Appleton White Master of Arts 1804 Joseph Warren Crossman Master of Arts 1803 Edmund Fanning Doctor of Laws 1803 Nathan Metcalf Hale Bachelor of Arts 1803 Thomas Rich Master of Arts 1803 Cyprian Strong Doctor of Divinity 1803 John Wadsworth Bachelor of Arts 1803 John Willard Doctor of Divinity 1803 John Codman Bachelor of Arts 1802 John Player Crosby Bachelor of Arts 1802 John Mico Gannett Bachelor of Arts 1802 Samuel Hopkins Doctor of Divinity 1802 Asa King Master of Arts 1802 Richard Law Doctor of Laws 1802 Simeon Lyman Bachelor of Arts 1802 Eliphalet Pearson Doctor of Laws 1802 Leverett Saltonstall Bachelor of Arts 1802 Nathan Strong Bachelor of Arts 1802 Jonathan Bartlett Master of Arts 1801 Samuel Miller Master of Arts 1801 Jonathan Pomeroy Master of Arts 1801 Amos Garrett Thompson Master of Arts 1801
siglo XVIII
Nombre Grado Año Vinson Gould Master of Arts 1800 Azel Roe Doctor of Divinity 1800 Philo Ruggles Master of Arts 1800 Hezekiah Wright Strong Master of Arts 1800 John Treadwell Doctor of Laws 1800 Holland Weeks Master of Arts 1800 John Ward Gurley Master of Arts 1799 William Howe Master of Arts 1799 Jabez Munsell Master of Arts 1799 Francis Johonnot Oliver Master of Arts 1799 Richard Alsop Master of Arts 1798 John Coffin Master of Arts 1798 Theodore Dwight Master of Arts 1798 Peter Augustus Jay Master of Arts 1798 Bezaleel Pinneo Master of Arts 1798 John Woodhull Doctor of Divinity 1798 Clark Brown Master of Arts 1797 Abraham Jarvis Doctor of Divinity 1797 David Osgood Doctor of Divinity 1797 Benjamin Woolsey Rogers Master of Arts 1797 John Smith Master of Arts 1797 Daniel Storey Master of Arts 1797 Herman Swift Master of Arts 1797 Jonathan Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1797 Richard Watson Doctor of Divinity 1797 Andrew Adams Doctor of Laws 1796 Samuel Blatchford Master of Arts 1796 Benjamin Trumbull Doctor of Divinity 1796 Jeremiah Wadsworth Master of Arts 1796 Job Wight Master of Arts 1796 Amos Chase Master of Arts 1795 Joseph Field Master of Arts 1795 Abijah Hart Master of Arts 1795 John Clark Nightingale Master of Arts 1795 Ebenezer Porter Master of Arts 1795 Nathaniel Smith Master of Arts 1795 Heman Ball Master of Arts 1794 Clark Brown Bachelor of Arts 1794 Beriah Hotchkin Master of Arts 1794 James Richards Bachelor of Arts 1794 William Mackay Tennent Doctor of Divinity 1794 Moses Fiske Master of Arts 1793 John Sloss Hobart Doctor of Laws 1793 Roger Newberry Master of Arts 1793 Elijiah Brigham Master of Arts 1792 Thomas Murray Clark Bachelor of Arts 1792 Daniel Dewey Master of Arts 1792 William Emerson Master of Arts 1792 William Hillhouse Master of Arts 1792 William Hyslop Master of Arts 1792 Joshua Leonard Master of Arts 1792 Isaac Lewis Doctor of Divinity 1792 Richard Mansfield Doctor of Divinity 1792 Henry Marchant Doctor of Laws 1792 Samuel Miller Master of Arts 1792 Thomas Moore Master of Arts 1792 Josiah Quincy Bachelor of Arts 1792 Isaac Senter Doctor of Medicine 1792 John Eugene Tyler Master of Arts 1792 Royall Tyler Master of Arts 1792 Oliver Wolcott Doctor of Laws 1792 John Worthington Doctor of Laws 1792 John Allen Master of Arts 1791 Josias Lyndon Arnold Master of Arts 1791 Francis Childs Master of Arts 1791 Manasseh Cutler Doctor of Laws 1791 William Green Bachelor of Arts 1791 Benjamin Judd Master of Arts 1791 Joseph Lathrop Doctor of Divinity 1791 Samuel Macclintock Doctor of Divinity 1791 John McKnight Doctor of Divinity 1791 James Muir Doctor of Divinity 1791 William Whitridge Master of Arts 1791 Joseph Willard Doctor of Laws 1791 Elias Boudinot Doctor of Laws 1790 Moses Brown Bachelor of Arts 1790 James Cogswell Doctor of Divinity 1790 Oliver Ellsworth Doctor of Laws 1790 William Sherman Hart Master of Arts 1790 John Clark Nightingale Bachelor of Arts 1790 Chandler Robbins Master of Arts 1790 Erastus Wolcott Master of Arts 1790 Arthur Breese Master of Arts 1789 Samuel Sidney Breese Bachelor of Arts 1789 Charles Kilby Doctor of Medicine 1789 Samuel Lockwood Doctor of Divinity 1789 David Ramsey Doctor of Medicine 1789 Moses Robinson Master of Arts 1789 Zephaniah Willis Master of Arts 1789 John Adams Doctor of Laws 1788 John Erksine Doctor of Divinity 1788 Sylvester Gilbert Master of Arts 1788 Jeremiah Hallock Master of Arts 1788 William Samuel Johnson Doctor of Laws 1788 Eldad Lewis Master of Arts 1788 William Livingston Doctor of Laws 1788 Robert Rogers Master of Arts 1788 Flamen Ball Bachelor of Arts 1787 Lewis Dunham Doctor of Medicine 1787 Eliphalet Dyer Doctor of Laws 1787 Samuel Huntington Doctor of Laws 1787 Ephraim Kirby Master of Arts 1787 Richard Morris Master of Arts 1787 Joshua Paine Master of Arts 1787 William Frederick Rowland Master of Arts 1787 Samuel Ward Master of Arts 1787 John Bassett Bachelor of Arts 1786 Thomas Jefferson Doctor of Laws 1786 Andrew Law Master of Arts 1786 William Mackinnen Doctor of Laws 1786 Adonijah Strong Master of Arts 1786 Samuel Williams Doctor of Laws 1786 Matthias Burnet Master of Arts 1785 John Davenport Master of Arts 1785 George Duffield Doctor of Divinity 1785 Daniel Everett Master of Arts 1785 George Milne Doctor of Medicine 1785 William Patten Master of Arts 1785 James Wilson Master of Arts 1785 John Witherspoon Doctor of Laws 1785 Henry Wright Master of Arts 1785 Ebenezer Beardsley Master of Arts 1784 Lemuel Hopkins Master of Arts 1784 Erastus Sergeant Master of Arts 1784 Francesco dalVerme Doctor of Laws 1783 Timothy Johnes Doctor of Divinity 1783 Joseph Philippe Létombe Doctor of Laws 1783 Samuel Stanhope Smith Doctor of Divinity 1783 Jacob Wood Master of Arts 1783 Ebenezer Crosby Master of Arts 1782 Samuel Crosby Master of Arts 1782 Walter Lyon Master of Arts 1782 James Mann Master of Arts 1782 John Cosies Ogden Master of Arts 1782 Seth Payson Master of Arts 1782 Asa Piper Master of Arts 1782 Timothy Reed Bachelor of Arts 1782 Richard Salter Doctor of Divinity 1782 Samuel Wales Doctor of Divinity 1782 Eliphalet Williams Doctor of Divinity 1782 John Brooks Master of Arts 1781 William Channing Master of Arts 1781 Samuel Emery Master of Arts 1781 Enos Hitchcock Master of Arts 1781 Samuel Holden Parsons Master of Arts 1781 Ebenezer Pemberton Master of Arts 1781 Richard Price Doctor of Laws 1781 Josiah Read Master of Arts 1781 Seth Read Master of Arts 1781 Ezra Stiles Master of Arts 1781 George Washington Doctor of Laws 1781 Abel Whitney Master of Arts 1781 Peter Woodward Master of Arts 1781 William Rogers Master of Arts 1780 Solomon Southwick Master of Arts 1780 John Bartlett Doctor of Medicine 1779 Charles Chauncey Master of Arts 1779 Conrad Alexandre Gérard Doctor of Laws 1779 Matthew Griswold Doctor of Laws 1779 Samuel Huntington Master of Arts 1779 John Leverett Master of Arts 1779 John Thayer Bachelor of Arts 1779 Jonathan Trumbull Doctor of Laws 1779 Samuel Haven Master of Arts 1778 David Kellogg Master of Arts 1778 Nathaniel Macclintock Master of Arts 1778 Samuel Stebbins Master of Arts 1778 Ezra Stiles Bachelor of Arts 1778 Daniel Farrand Master of Arts 1777 John Smith Master of Arts 1777 Alexander MacWhorter Doctor of Divinity 1776 Richard Treat Doctor of Divinity 1776 Royall Tyler Bachelor of Arts 1776 Samuel Gray Master of Arts 1775 Andrew Eliot Master of Arts 1774 Dan Foster Master of Arts 1774 Benjamin Lord Doctor of Divinity 1774 John Marsh Master of Arts 1774 Nathan Perkins Master of Arts 1774 Benjamin Church Master of Arts 1773 William Gordon Master of Arts 1773 David Huntington Bachelor of Arts 1773 Richard Jackson Doctor of Laws 1773 Solomon Wiliams Master of Arts 1773 Seth Williams Master of Arts 1773 David Greene Master of Arts 1772 Ezra Horton Master of Arts 1772 David Howell Master of Arts 1772 Theodore Sedgwick Master of Arts 1772 Hezekiah Smith Master of Arts 1772 Samuel Whiting Master of Arts 1772 John Close Master of Arts 1771 William Mills Master of Arts 1771 Isaac Foster Master of Arts 1770 Jonathan Graham Bachelor of Arts 1770 Nathaniel Hazard Master of Arts 1770 Jedidiah Huntington Master of Arts 1770 Solomon Kellogg Master of Arts 1770 Thomas Brattle Master of Arts 1769 Jonathan Edwards Master of Arts 1769 John Hancock Master of Arts 1769 Nehemiah Williams Master of Arts 1769 William Hanna Master of Arts 1768 Samuel Kirkland Master of Arts 1768 Hugh Knox Master of Arts 1768 Roger Sherman Master of Arts 1768 John Wendell Master of Arts 1768 Josiah Dana Master of Arts 1766 Daniel Leonard Master of Arts 1766 Josiah Quincy Master of Arts 1766 Jesse Root Master of Arts 1766 Nathaniel Battelle Bachelor of Arts 1765 Thomas Bridgman Master of Arts 1765 Moses Hubbard Bachelor of Arts 1765 Joseph Lee Bachelor of Arts 1765 Jonathan Moore Master of Arts 1765 Josiah Sherman Master of Arts 1765 Samuel Taylor Master of Arts 1765 Josiah Thacher Master of Arts 1765 Joshua Upham Bachelor of Arts 1765 Joseph Willard Bachelor of Arts 1765 Noah Wadhams Master of Arts 1764 William Jackson Master of Arts 1763 John Kimberly Master of Arts 1763 William Cornelius George Bachelor of Arts 1762 Benjamin Chapman Master of Arts 1761 Samuel Barrett Master of Arts 1760 Noah Benedict Master of Arts 1760 Joseph Montgomery Master of Arts 1760 Benjamin Youngs Prime Master of Arts 1760 Henry Wells Master of Arts 1760 John Avery Bachelor of Arts 1759 Thaddeus Burr Master of Arts 1759 John Crocker Master of Arts 1759 Justin Ely Bachelor of Arts 1759 Lemuel Hedge Bachelor of Arts 1759 Ephraim Otis Master of Arts 1759 Benjamin Pickman Bachelor of Arts 1759 Benoni Bradner Master of Arts 1758 William Patten Master of Arts 1758 Mather Byles Master of Arts 1757 Samuel Clark Master of Arts 1757 Sylvanus Osborn Master of Arts 1757 Edward Walker Bachelor of Arts 1757 Edward Walker Master of Arts 1757 Francis Alison Master of Arts 1755 Joseph Perry Master of Arts 1755 James Beard Master of Arts 1754 Samuel Epes Master of Arts 1754 John Mascarene Master of Arts 1754 Marsh Perez Master of Arts 1754 Robert Ross Master of Arts 1754 William Cushing Master of Arts 1753 Jonathan Dorby Master of Arts 1753 John Ellis Master of Arts 1753 Samuel Fayerweather Master of Arts 1753 Benjamin Franklin Master of Arts 1753 George Leonard Master of Arts 1753 Joseph Palmer Master of Arts 1753 Grindall Rawson Master of Arts 1753 Nathaniel Robbins Master of Arts 1753 William Williams Master of Arts 1753 Joseph Green Master of Arts 1752 Edward Wigglesworth Master of Arts 1752 Andrew Oliver Master of Arts 1751 James Bowdoin Master of Arts 1750 Nathaniel Coffin Master of Arts 1750 Samuel Cooper Master of Arts 1750 Thomas Cushing Master of Arts 1750 William Ellery Master of Arts 1750 Stephen Greenleaf Master of Arts 1750 Ebenezer Storer Master of Arts 1750 Royall Tyler Master of Arts 1750 Thomas Balch Master of Arts 1741 Thomas Williams Master of Arts 1741 Elisha Marsh Master of Arts 1740 Anthony Davis Master of Arts 1737 John Graham Master of Arts 1737 Philemon Robbins Master of Arts 1733 Thomas Tyler Master of Arts 1732 John Hubbard Master of Arts 1730 Gilbert Tennent Master of Arts 1725 Samuel Mather Master of Arts 1724 David Yale Master of Arts 1724 Daniel Turner Doctor of Medicine 1723 Joseph Morgan Master of Arts 1719 David Parsons Bachelor of Arts 1705 Stephen Buckingham Master of Arts 1702 Joseph Coit Master of Arts 1702 Joseph Moss Master of Arts 1702 Salmon Treat Master of Arts 1702
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