Anexo:Géneros de Tricholomataceae
Tricholomataceae es una familia de hongos del orden Agaricales. A ella pertenecen 78 géneros y 1020 especies.[1]

Amparoina spinosissima

A young Catathelasma imperiale

Clitocybe nebularis

Fayodia pseudoclusilis

Leucopaxillus giganteus

Leucopholiota decorosa

Mycenella bryophila

Omphalina griseopallida

Phyllotopsis nidulans

Pseudobaeospora sp.

Pseudoomphalina pachyphylla

Rimbachia bryophila

Tricholomopsis rutilans
Género | Año | Especie tipo | # de especies | Distribución |
Aeruginospora Höhn.[2] |
1908 | Aeruginospora singularis Höhn. |
2 | Australia, Sudeste de Asia |
Amparoina Singer[3] |
1958 | Amparoina spinosissima (Singer) Singer |
2 | América del Sur |
Arrhenia Fr.[4] |
1849 | Arrhenia auriscalpium (Fr.) Fr. |
25 (approx.) | mundial (templado) |
Arthromyces T.J.Baroni & Lodge[5] |
2007 | Arthromyces claviformis T.J.Baroni & Lodge |
2 | Centroamérica |
Arthrosporella Singer[6] |
1970 | Arthrosporella ditopa (Singer) Singer |
1 | América del Sur |
Asproinocybe R.Heim[7] |
1970 | Asproinocybe lactifera R.Heim |
5 | África (tropical) |
Austroclitocybe Raithelh.[8] |
1972 | Austroclitocybe veronicae Raithelh. |
1 | América del Sur (templado) |
Austroomphaliaster Garrido[9] |
1988 | Austroomphaliaster nahuelbutensis Garrido |
1 | América del Sur (templado) |
Callistodermatium Singer[10] |
1981 | Callistodermatium violascens Singer |
1 | Brasil |
Callistosporium Singer[11] |
1944 | Callistosporium palmarum (Murrill) Singer |
13 | mundial |
Cantharellopsis Kuyper[12] |
1986 | Cantharellopsis prescotii (Weinm.) Kuyper |
1 | Europa |
Cantharellula Singer[13] |
1936 | Cantharellula umbonata (J.F.Gmel.) Singer |
2 | mundial (templado) |
Catathelasma Lovejoy[14] |
1910 | Catathelasma evanescens Lovejoy |
4 | mundial (norte templado) |
Caulorhiza Lennox[15] |
1979 | Caulorhiza umbonata (Peck) Lennox |
3 | Estados Unidos |
Cellypha Donk[16] |
1959 | Cellypha goldbachii (Weinm.) Donk |
10 | mundial |
Clavomphalia E.Horak[17] |
1987 | Clavomphalia yunnanensis E.Horak |
1 | China |
Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude[18] |
1857 | Clitocybe nebularis (Batsch) P.Kumm. |
300 (approx.) | mundial (norte templado) |
Collybia (Fr.) Staude[19] |
1857 | Collybia tuberosa Fr. |
3 | mundial (norte templado) |
Conchomyces Overeem[20] |
1927 | Conchomyces verrucisporus Overeem |
2 | Indonesia |
Cynema Maas Geest. & E.Horak[21] |
1995 | Cynema alutacea Maas Geest. & E.Horak |
1 | Papúa Nueva Guinea |
Cyphellocalathus Agerer[22] |
1981 | Cyphellocalathus cecropiae (Singer) Agerer |
1 | mundial |
Delicatula Fayod[23] |
1889 | Delicatula integrella (Pers.:Fr.) Pat. |
2 | mundial (templado) |
Dendrocollybia R.H.Petersen & Redhead[24] |
2001 | Dendrocollybia racemosa (Pers.) R.H.Petersen & Redhead |
1 | mundial (templado) |
Dennisiomyces Singer[25] |
1955 | Dennisiomyces glabrescentipes Singer |
5 | América del Sur |
Dermoloma J.E.Lange ex Herink[26] |
1959 | Dermoloma cuneifolium (Fr.) Singer |
15 (approx.) | mundial |
Fayodia Kühner[27] |
1930 | Fayodia bisphaerigera (J.Lange) Kühner |
10 (approx.) | mundial (norte templado) |
Gamundia Raithelh.[28] |
1979 | Gamundia striatula Joss. & Konrad |
6 | Europa, América del Sur (templado) |
Haasiella Kotl. & Pouzar[29] |
1966 | Haasiella splendidissima Kotl. & Pouzar |
2 | Europa |
Hygroaster Singer[30] |
1955 | Hygroaster nodulisporus (Dennis) Singer |
2 | América (tropical) |
Infundibulicybe Harmaja[31] |
2003 | Infundibulicybe geotropa (Bull.) Harmaja |
13 | mundial |
Kinia Cons. et al.[32] |
2008 | Kinia privernensis Cons. et al. |
1 | Europa |
Lepista (Fr.) W.G.Sm.[33] |
1870 | Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P.Karst. |
50 (approx.) | mundial |
Lepistella T.J.Baroni & Ovrebo[34] |
2007 | Lepistella ocula T.J.Baroni & Ovrebo |
1 | América Central |
Leucocortinarius (J.E.Lange) Singer[35] |
1945 | Leucocortinarius bulbiger (Alb. & Schwein.) Singer |
1 | Europa |
Leucoinocybe Singer[36] |
1943 | Leucoinocybe lenta (Maire) Singer |
1 | Europa |
Leucopaxillus Boursier[37] |
1925 | Leucopaxillus paradoxus (Costantin & L.M.Dufour) Boursier |
15 (approx.) | Europa |
Leucopholiota (Romagn.) O.K.Mill. et al.[38] |
1996 | Leucopholiota decorosa (Peck) O.K.Mill. et al. |
1 | Estados Unidos |
Lulesia Singer[6] |
1970 | Lulesia densifolia (Singer) Singer |
3 | tropical |
Macrocybe Pegler & Lodge[39] |
1998 | Macrocybe titans (H.E.Bigelow & Kimbr.) Pegler et al. |
7 | mundial (trópicos) |
Melanoleuca Pat.[40] |
1897 | Melanoleuca vulgaris (Pat.) Pat. |
50 (approx.) | |
Melanomphalia M.P.Christ.[41] |
1936 | Melanomphalia nigrescens M.P.Christ. |
1 | Europa |
Mycenella (J.E.Lange) Singer[42] |
1938 | Mycenella cyatheae (Singer) Singer |
10 | mundial (templado) |
Mycoalvimia Singer[10] |
1981 | Mycoalvimia theobromicola Singer |
1 | Brasil |
Myxomphalia Hora[43] |
1960 | Myxomphalia maura (Fr.) Hora |
4 | mundial (norte templado) |
Neoclitocybe Singer[44] |
1962 | Neoclitocybe byssiseda (Bres.) Singer |
10 | mundial (esp. tropical) |
Neohygrophorus Singer ex Singer[44] |
1962 | Neohygrophorus angelesianus (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer |
1 | Norteamérica |
Omphaliaster Lamoure[45] |
1971 | Omphaliaster borealis (M.Lange & Skifte) Lamoure |
7 | mundial (norte templado) |
Omphalina Quél.[46] |
1886 | Omphalina pyxidata (Bull.) Quél. |
50 (approx.) | mundial (esp. templado) |
Palaeocephala Singer[44] |
1962 | Palaeocephala cymatelloides (Dennis & D.A.Reid) Singer |
1 | Sierra Leona |
Peglerochaete Sarwal & Locq.[47] |
1983 | Peglerochaete setiger Sarwal & Locq. |
1 | Sikkim |
Pegleromyces Singer[10] |
1981 | Pegleromyces collybioides Singer |
1 | Brasil |
Phaeomycena R.Heim ex Singer & Digilio[48] |
1966 | Phaeomycena aureophylla R.Heim |
5 | África, Asia |
Phyllotopsis E.-J.Gilbert & Donk ex Singer[49] |
1936 | Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers.) Singer |
5 | mundial (templado) |
Physocystidium Singer[50] |
1962 | Physocystidium cinnamomeum (Dennis) Singer |
1 | Trinidad y Tobago |
Pleurella E.Horak[51] |
1971 | Pleurella ardesiaca (G.Stev. & G.M.Taylor) E.Horak |
1 | Nueva Zelanda |
Pleurocollybia Singer[52] |
1947 | Pleurocollybia praemultifolia (Murrill) Singer |
5 | América, Asia |
Porpoloma Singer[53] |
1952 | Porpoloma sejunctum Singer |
12 (approx.) | Sudamérica |
Pseudoarmillariella (Singer) Singer[54] |
1956 | Pseudoarmillariella ectypoides (Peck) Singer |
2 | Norteamérica, Centroamérica |
Pseudobaeospora Singer[55] |
1942 | Pseudobaeospora oligophylla Singer |
20 (approx.) | mundial |
Pseudoclitocybe (Singer) Singer[54] |
1956 | Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer |
10 | mundial (templado; Sudamérica) |
Pseudohiatula (Singer) Singer[56] |
1938 | Pseudohiatula cyatheae Singer |
5 | mundial (tropical) |
Pseudohygrophorus Velen.[57] |
1939 | Pseudohygrophorus vesicarius Velen. |
1 | Europa |
Pseudolasiobolus Agerer[58] |
1983 | Pseudolasiobolus minutissimus Agerer |
1 | tropical |
Pseudoomphalina (Singer) Singer[54] |
1956 | Pseudoomphalina kalchbrenneri (Bres.) Singer |
5 (approx.) | mundial (tropical) |
Resupinatus Nees ex Gray[59] |
1821 | Resupinatus applicatus (Batsch) Gray |
20 (approx.) | mundial |
Rimbachia Pat.[60] |
1891 | Rimbachia paradoxa Pat. |
10 (approx.) | mundial (tropical) |
Ripartites P.Karst[61] |
1879 | Ripartites tricholoma (Alb. & Schwein.) P.Karst. |
5 (approx.) | mundial |
Squamanita Imbach[62] |
1946 | Squamanita schreieri Imbach |
10 | mundial |
Stanglomyces Raithelh.[63] |
1986 | Stanglomyces taxophilus Raithelh. |
1 | Sudamérica |
Tilachlidiopsis Keissler[64] |
1924 | Tilachlidiopsis racemosa Keissl. |
1 | mundial (norte templado) |
Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude[65] |
1857 | Tricholoma equestre (L.) P.Kumm. |
200 (approx.) | mundial (esp. norte templado) |
Tricholomopsis Singer[66] |
1939 | Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.) Singer |
30 (approx.) | mundial |
Tricholosporum Guzmán[67] |
1975 | Tricholosporum goniospermum (Bres.) Guzmán |
5 | mundial |
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