Anexo:Embajadores de Bangladés en China

El embajador de Bangladés en la República Popular de China es acreditado regularmente ante el gobierno en Ulán Bator.

designado Embajador Referencias Primer ministro de Bangladés Premier chino Fin de Misión
01975-10-04 04 de octubre de 1975 Abdul Momin (1921-2007) Muhammad Mansur Ali Zhou Enlai 01979 1979
01980 1980 Mir Mohammed Rezaul Karim Azizur Rahman Zhao Ziyang 01982 1982
01982-11-27 27 de noviembre de 1982 Chowdhury Manzur Murshed The Bangladesh Ambassador to China, Mr. C. M. Murshed, would be concurrently accredited to the "Democratic Kampuchea", En 1977 fue embajador en Kabul, en 1983 fue embajador en Copenhague., 1969 fue Pakistan's Ambassador in China Murshed was the fourth Bengali ambassador to China in the 1980s,, (Dacca home service in Bengali 0100 gmt 27 Nov 82) Indian Defence and Home Minister inspect border with Bangladesh[1] Hossain Mohammad Ershad Zhao Ziyang 01984 1984
01984 1984 Khwaja Mohammed Kaiser (*01985-03-13 13 de marzo de 1985) 01973-02-19 19 de febrero de 1973: fue Alto Comisionado en Singapur, En 1975 fue embajador en Rangún Burma, Khwaja Mohammed Kaiser admitted that there were upward of 500,000 trespassers in Arakan whom Burma had some rights to eject and implored the Burmese authorities not to press the issue during political turmoils in Bangladesh. En 01979-10 octubre de 1979 Presidente del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, (PTI in English 1015 gmt 14 Mar 85) Bangladesh ambassador to China dies KM Kaiser, Ambassador of Bangladesh to China, died from a heart attack on 13th March in Peking (Xinhua in Chinese 1540 gmt 13 Mar 85) Ataur Rahman Khan Zhao Ziyang 01985-03-13 13 de marzo de 1985
01985-05-03 03 de mayo de 1985 Enayetullah Khan (*01939-10-01 01 de octubre de 1939) Enayetullah Khan editor of English Weekly HOLIDAY WEEKLY, 1998 Enayetullah Khan was arrested a few months later. Quoting intelligence source, Syed (1986) wrote that khan was involved in anti-Bangladesh conspiracy. It is really surprising, therefore, that President Mujih released Khan and appointed him his information advisor, According to Khan, Mujib made the following remarks when he (Khan) went to see the president after being released from jail: "I am sorry for what,,, Enayetullah Khan, former Bangladesh ambassador to Burma (1985–1987) and China (1987–1989),,, Enayetullah Khan, son of the now defunct Convention Muslim League's President Jabbar Khan, has of late started a ceaseless heinous campaign,,, De 01977-12 diciembre de 1977 a 01978-06 junio de 1978 fue ministro de administración y reforma de tierras. 1985: decided to appoint Mr. A.Z.M. Enayetullah Khan Editor weekly Holiday as Bangladesh Ambassador to China the Foreign Office announced in Dhaka. Mr. Khan succeeds Ambassador K.M Kaiser who died in Beijing recently,,, Born 0" October I, 1939 Mr Khan obtained his M.A in Philosophy in I960 and started his career as a journalist with the then Pakistan Observer in 1958. He was the President of the National Press Club during 1974-77 and Editor of the Bangladesh Tiimes during 1975-77. I[2] Ataur Rahman Khan Zhao Ziyang 01989 1989
01987 1987 en:Farooq Sobhan Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury Li Peng 01990 1990
01993 1993 Shafi Sami En 1987 fue Alto Comisionado en Islambad Khaleda Zia Li Peng
02005 2005 Ashfquar Rahman Khaleda Zia Wen Jiabao 02012-10-09 09 de octubre de 2012
02012-10-09 09 de octubre de 2012 Muhammad Azizul Haque 穆哈迈德·阿兹祖尔·哈克大使[3] Sheikh Hasina Wen Jiabao 02014-10-21 21 de octubre de 2014



  1. Chowdhury Manzur Murshed
  2. Enayetullah Khan
  3. Muhammad Azizul Haque
  4. Wolfgang Bartke (1984). «The diplomatic service of the People's Republic of China as of November 1984». Consultado el 5 de marzo de 2016.
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