Anexo:Condados de Carolina del Norte
El estado de Carolina del Norte se divide en 100 condados. Carolina del Norte ocupa el puesto 28º por superficie, pero el séptimo lugar por número de condados en el país.[1]

Tras la restauración de la monarquía en 1660, Carlos II de Inglaterra recompensó a ocho personas el 24 de marzo de 1663, por su fiel apoyo en sus esfuerzos por recuperar el trono de Inglaterra. Concedió a los ocho becarios, llamado Lores Propietarios, la tierra llamada Carolina, en honor de Carlos I, su padre. La Provincia de Carolina, de 1663 a 1729, fue una colonia británica en América del Norte. En 1729, la Provincia de Carolina del Norte fue oficialmente dividida de la Provincia de Carolina del Sur.
La historia de Carolina del Norte se prolonga durante más de 240 años, comenzando en 1668 con la creación del Condado de Albemarle y terminando en el año 1911 con la creación de el condado de Hoke Hyde. En ese tiempo, cinco condados se han dividido o desaparecido por completo, siendo el último en 1791 el Condado de Dobbs.
La Tabla incorpora el código de la Norma Federal de Procesamiento de Información (FIPS, Federal Information Processing Standard),[2] usada por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos para la identificación exclusiva de estados y condados. Carolina del Norte tiene el código FIPS 37, que cuando se combina con el condado código aparece como 37XXX.
Condados de Carolina del Norte
Condado |
FIPS Código [2] |
Capital del Condado [3] |
Creado [3] |
Origen [4] |
Etymology [4] |
Población (2000)[3][5] |
Superficie [3][5] |
Mapa |
Condado de Alamance | 001 | Graham | 1849 | Condado de Orange | La Batalla de Alamance en la cual se deriva de nativa estadounidense de "blue clay" encontrado en el Gran Arrollo Alamance. | 130 800 | km² ( 435 mi²) | 1127![]() |
Condado de Alexander | 003 | Taylorsville | 1847 | Condados de Caldwell, Iredell y Wilkes | William J. Alexander, miembro de la legislatura y Representante de la Cámara de los Comunes de Carolina del Norte. | 33 603 | km² ( 263 mi²) | 681![]() |
Condado de Alleghany | 005 | Sparta | 1859 | Condado de Ashe | Se deriva de "una corrupción del nombre indio delawareño por el Río Allegheny y el Río Ohio que quiere decir 'una corriente fina.'" | 10 667 | km² ( 236 mi²) | 611![]() |
Condado de Anson | 007 | Wadesboro | 1750 | Bladen County | George, Lord Anson (1697-1762), a celebrated English admiral who circumnavigated the globe. | 25 275 | km² ( 537 mi²) | 1391![]() |
Condado de Ashe | 009 | Jefferson | 1799 | Wilkes County | Samuel Ashe (1725-1813), a Revolutionary patriot, superior court judge, and governor of North Carolina. | 24 384 | km² ( 427 mi²) | 1106![]() |
Condado de Avery | 011 | Newland | 1911 | Caldwell County, Mitchell County, and Watauga County | Waightstill Avery (1741-1821), a soldier of the Revolution and Attorney General of North Carolina. | 17 167 | km² ( 247 mi²) | 640![]() |
Condado de Beaufort | 013 | Washington | 1712 | Original county | Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, who in 1709 became one of the Lords Proprietor. | 44 958 | km² ( 959 mi²) | 2484![]() |
Condado de Bertie | 015 | Windsor | 1722 | Chowan County | James or Henry Bertie, two Lords Proprietor of colonial North Carolina. | 19 773 | km² ( 741 mi²) | 1919![]() |
Condado de Bladen | 017 | Elizabethtown | 1734 | New Hanover County | Martin Bladen, a member of the Board of Trade. | 32 278 | km² ( 887 mi²) | 2297![]() |
Condado de Brunswick | 019 | Bolivia | 1764 | Bladen County and New Hanover County | George I of Great Britain (1660-1727), Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg. | 73 143 | km² ( 1050 mi²) | 2719![]() |
Condado de Buncombe | 021 | Asheville | 1791 | Burke County and Rutherford County | Edward Buncombe, a Revolutionary soldier, who was wounded and captured at the Battle of Germantown, and died a paroled prisoner in Filadelfia (Pensilvania). | 206 330 | km² ( 660 mi²) | 1709![]() |
Condado de Burke | 023 | Morganton | 1777 | Rowan County | Thomas Burke (1747-1783), a member of the Continental Congress and governor of North Carolina. | 89 148 | km² ( 515 mi²) | 1334![]() |
Condado de Cabarrus | 025 | Concord | 1792 | Mecklenburg County | Stephen Cabarrus (1754-1808), member of the legislature and Speaker of the North Carolina House of Commons. | 131 063 | km² ( 365 mi²) | 945![]() |
Condado de Caldwell | 027 | Lenoir | 1841 | Burke County and Wilkes County | Joseph Caldwell (1773-1835), the first president of the University of North Carolina. | 77 415 | km² ( 474 mi²) | 1228![]() |
Condado de Camden | 029 | Camden | 1777 | Pasquotank County | Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden (1714-1794), who opposed the taxation of the American colonists. | 6885 | km² ( 306 mi²) | 793![]() |
Condado de Carteret | 031 | Beaufort | 1722 | Craven County | John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville (1690-1763), who inherited one-eighth share in the Province of Carolina through his great-grandfather George Carteret. | 59 383 | km² ( 1341 mi²) | 3473![]() |
Condado de Caswell | 033 | Yanceyville | 1777 | Orange County | Richard Caswell (1729-1789), member of the first Continental Congress and first governor of North Carolina after the Declaration of Independence. | 23 501 | km² ( 428 mi²) | 1109![]() |
Condado de Catawba | 035 | Newton | 1842 | Lincoln County | Catawba Native American tribe. | 141 685 | km² ( 414 mi²) | 1072![]() |
Condado de Chatham | 037 | Pittsboro | 1771 | Orange County | William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), Secretary of State during the French and Indian War and was later Prime Minister of Great Britain. | 49 329 | km² ( 709 mi²) | 1836![]() |
Condado de Cherokee | 039 | Murphy | 1839 | Macon County | Cherokee Native American tribe. | 24 298 | km² ( 497 mi²) | 1287![]() |
Condado de Chowan | 041 | Edenton | 1668 | Albemarle County | Chowan Native American tribe. | 14 526 | km² ( 233 mi²) | 603![]() |
Condado de Clay | 043 | Hayesville | 1861 | Cherokee County | Henry Clay (1777-1852), statesman and orator who represented Kentucky in both the House of Representatives and Senate. | 8775 | km² ( 221 mi²) | 572![]() |
Condado de Cleveland | 045 | Shelby | 1841 | Lincoln County and Rutherford County | Benjamin Cleveland (1738-1806), a colonel in the American Revolutionary War who took part in the Battle of Kings Mountain. | 96 287 | km² ( 469 mi²) | 1215![]() |
Condado de Columbus | 047 | Whiteville | 1808 | Bladen County and Brunswick County | Christopher Columbus (1451-1507), navigator, explorer, and one of the first Europeans to explore the Americas. | 54 749 | km² ( 954 mi²) | 2471![]() |
Condado de Craven | 049 | New Bern | 1712 | Bath County | William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven (1608-1697), who was a Lords Proprietor of colonial North Carolina. | 91 436 | km² ( 774 mi²) | 2005![]() |
Condado de Cumberland | 051 | Fayetteville | 1754 | Bladen County | Prince William, Duke of Cumberland (1721-1765), a military leader and son of George II. | 302 963 | km² ( 658 mi²) | 1704![]() |
Condado de Currituck | 053 | Currituck | 1668 | Albemarle County | "Traditionally said to be an American Indian word for wild geese," also rendered "Coratank." | 18 190 | km² ( 526 mi²) | 1362![]() |
Condado de Dare | 055 | Manteo | 1870 | Currituck County, Hyde County, and Tyrrell County | Virginia Dare (b. 1587), the first child born of English parents in America. | 29 967 | km² ( 1562 mi²) | 4046![]() |
Condado de Davidson | 057 | Lexington | 1822 | Rowan County | William Lee Davidson (1746-1781), an American Revolutionary War general who was mortally wounded at Cowan's Ford. | 147 246 | km² ( 567 mi²) | 1469![]() |
Condado de Davie | 059 | Mocksville | 1836 | Rowan County | William Richardson Davie (1756-1820), a member of the Federal Convention and governor of North Carolina. | 34 835 | km² ( 267 mi²) | 692![]() |
Condado de Duplin | 061 | Kenansville | 1750 | New Hanover County | Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin (1710-1787), who was the 9th Earl of Kinnoull. | 49 063 | km² ( 819 mi²) | 2121![]() |
Condado de Durham | 063 | Durham | 1881 | Orange County and Wake County | The city of Durham which was named in honor of Dr. Bartlett Snipes Durham who donated the land on which the railroad station was located. | 223 314 | km² ( 298 mi²) | 772![]() |
Condado de Edgecombe | 065 | Tarboro | 1741 | Bertie County | Richard Edgcumbe, 1st Baron Edgcumbe (1680-1758), a Lord High Treasurer and Paymaster-General for Ireland. | 55 606 | km² ( 507 mi²) | 1313![]() |
Condado de Forsyth | 067 | Winston-Salem | 1849 | Stokes County | Benjamin Forsyth (d. 1814), an American officer during the War of 1812. | 306 067 | km² ( 413 mi²) | 1070![]() |
Condado de Franklin | 069 | Louisburg | 1779 | Bute County | Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), an author, politician, statesman, and Founding Father of the Estados Unidos. | 47 260 | km² ( 495 mi²) | 1282![]() |
Condado de Gaston | 071 | Gastonia | 1846 | Lincoln County | William Gaston (1778-1844), a United States Congressman and justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. | 190 365 | km² ( 364 mi²) | 943![]() |
Condado de Gates | 073 | Gatesville | 1779 | Chowan County, Hertford County, and Perquimans County | Horatio Gates (1727-1806), an American general during the Revolution at the Battle of Saratoga. | 10 516 | km² ( 346 mi²) | 896![]() |
Condado de Graham | 075 | Robbinsville | 1872 | Cherokee County | William Alexander Graham (1804-1875), a United States Senator, governor of North Carolina, and United States Secretary of the Navy. | 7993 | km² ( 302 mi²) | 782![]() |
Condado de Granville | 077 | Oxford | 1746 | Edgecombe County | John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville (1690-1763), who inherited one-eighth share in the Province of Carolina through his great-grandfather George Carteret. | 48 498 | km² ( 537 mi²) | 1391![]() |
Condado de Greene | 079 | Snow Hill | 1791 | Dobbs County Originally named Glasgow County | Nathanael Greene (1742-1786), a major general of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War. | 18 794 | km² ( 266 mi²) | 689![]() |
Condado de Guilford | 081 | Greensboro | 1771 | Orange County and Rowan County | Francis North, 1st Earl of Guilford (1704-1790), a British politician and father of Prime Minister of Great Britain, Frederick North. | 421 048 | km² ( 658 mi²) | 1704![]() |
Condado de Halifax | 083 | Halifax | 1758 | Edgecombe County | George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax (1716-1771), a British statesman and President of the Board of Trade. | 57 370 | km² ( 731 mi²) | 1893![]() |
Condado de Harnett | 085 | Lillington | 1855 | Cumberland County | Cornelius Harnett (1723-1781), an American Revolutionary and delegate in the Continental Congress. | 91 025 | km² ( 601 mi²) | 1557![]() |
Condado de Haywood | 087 | Waynesville | 1808 | Buncombe County | John Haywood (1754-1827), a North Carolina State Treasurer. | 54 033 | km² ( 555 mi²) | 1437![]() |
Condado de Henderson | 089 | Hendersonville | 1838 | Buncombe County | Leonard Henderson (1772-1833), Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. | 89 173 | km² ( 375 mi²) | 971![]() |
Condado de Hertford | 091 | Winton | 1759 | Bertie County, Chowan County, and Northampton County | Francis Seymour-Conway, 1st Marquess of Hertford (1718-1794), who was Lord of the Bedchamber to George II and George III. | 22 601 | km² ( 360 mi²) | 932![]() |
Condado de Hoke | 093 | Raeford | 1911 | Cumberland County and Robeson County | Robert Hoke (1837-1912), a Confederate general during the American Civil War. | 33 646 | km² ( 392 mi²) | 1015![]() |
Condado de Hyde | 095 | Swan Quarter | 1705 | Original county Originally named Wickham County | Edward Hyde (c. 1650-1712), a governor of colonial North Carolina. | 5826 | km² ( 1424 mi²) | 3688![]() |
Condado de Iredell | 097 | Statesville | 1788 | Rowan County | James Iredell (1751-1799), a comptroller at the port of Edenton and one of the original justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. | 122 660 | km² ( 597 mi²) | 1546![]() |
Condado de Jackson | 099 | Sylva | 1851 | Haywood County and Macon County | Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), the 7th President of the United States. | 33 121 | km² ( 494 mi²) | 1279![]() |
Condado de Johnston | 101 | Smithfield | 1746 | Craven County | Gabriel Johnston (1699-1752), a governor of colonial North Carolina. | 121 965 | km² ( 796 mi²) | 2062![]() |
Condado de Jones | 103 | Trenton | 1779 | Craven County | Willie Jones (1740-1801), opposed the ratification of the United States Constitution and declined an invitation to the Constitutional Convention. | 10 381 | km² ( 473 mi²) | 1225![]() |
Condado de Lee | 105 | Sanford | 1907 | Chatham County and Moore County | Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), a career United States Army officer and general of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War. | 49 040 | km² ( 259 mi²) | 671![]() |
Condado de Lenoir | 107 | Kinston | 1791 | Dobbs County | William Lenoir (1751-1839), a captain in the American Revolutionary War who took part in the Battle of Kings Mountain. | 59 648 | km² ( 402 mi²) | 1041![]() |
Condado de Lincoln | 109 | Lincolnton | 1779 | Tryon County | Benjamin Lincoln (1733-1810), a major general during the American Revolutionary War who participated in the Siege of Yorktown. | 63 780 | km² ( 307 mi²) | 795![]() |
Condado de McDowell | 111 | Marion | 1842 | Burke County and Rutherford County | Joseph McDowell (1756-1801), a soldier in the American Revolutionary War who took part in the Battle of Kings Mountain. | 42 151 | km² ( 446 mi²) | 1155![]() |
Condado de Macon | 113 | Franklin | 1828 | Haywood County | Nathaniel Macon (1758-1837), a member and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. | 29 811 | km² ( 519 mi²) | 1344![]() |
Condado de Madison | 115 | Marshall | 1851 | Buncombe County and Yancey County | James Madison (1751-1836), the 4th President of the United States. | 19 635 | km² ( 452 mi²) | 1171![]() |
Condado de Martin | 117 | Williamston | 1774 | Halifax County and Tyrrell County | Josiah Martin (1737-1786), the last governor of colonial North Carolina. | 25 593 | km² ( 461 mi²) | 1194![]() |
Condado de Mecklenburg | 119 | Charlotte | 1762 | Anson County | Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818), the queen consort of George III of the United Kingdom. | 695 454 | km² ( 546 mi²) | 1414![]() |
Condado de Mitchell | 121 | Bakersville | 1861 | Burke County, Caldwell County, McDowell County, Watauga County, and Yancey County | Elisha Mitchell (1793-1857), a professor at the University of North Carolina who measured the height of Mount Mitchell. | 15 687 | km² ( 222 mi²) | 575![]() |
Condado de Montgomery | 123 | Troy | 1779 | Anson County | Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), a major general during the Revolutionary War who was killed at the Battle of Quebec. | 26 822 | km² ( 502 mi²) | 1300![]() |
Condado de Moore | 125 | Carthage | 1784 | Cumberland County | Alfred Moore (1755-1810), a captain in the Revolutionary War and justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. | 74 769 | km² ( 706 mi²) | 1829![]() |
Condado de Nash | 127 | Nashville | 1777 | Edgecombe County | Francis Nash (1742-1777), a brigadier general in the Revolutionary War who was mortally wounded at the Battle of Germantown. | 87 420 | km² ( 543 mi²) | 1406![]() |
Condado de New Hanover | 129 | Wilmington | 1729 | Craven County | The royal family of England, members of the House of Hanover. | 160 307 | km² ( 328 mi²) | 850![]() |
Condado de Northampton | 131 | Jackson | 1741 | Bertie County | James Compton, 5th Earl of Northampton (1687-1754), a British peer and politician. | 22 086 | km² ( 551 mi²) | 1427![]() |
Condado de Onslow | 133 | Jacksonville | 1734 | New Hanover County | Arthur Onslow (1691-1768), Speaker of the British House of Commons. | 150 355 | km² ( 909 mi²) | 2354![]() |
Condado de Orange | 135 | Hillsborough | 1752 | Bladen County, Granville County, and Johnston County | William V, Prince of Orange (1748-1806), the last Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic. | 118 227 | km² ( 401 mi²) | 1039![]() |
Condado de Pamlico | 137 | Bayboro | 1872 | Beaufort County and Craven County | Pamlico Sound and the Pamlico Native American tribe. | 12 934 | km² ( 566 mi²) | 1466![]() |
Condado de Pasquotank | 139 | Elizabeth City | 1668 | Albemarle County | Derived from the Native American word pasketanki which meant "where the current of the stream divides or forks." | 34 897 | km² ( 289 mi²) | 749![]() |
Condado de Pender | 141 | Burgaw | 1875 | New Hanover County | William Dorsey Pender (1834-1863), Confederate soldier who was mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg of the American Civil War. | 41 082 | km² ( 933 mi²) | 2416![]() |
Condado de Perquimans | 143 | Hertford | 1668 | Albemarle County | Perquimans Native American tribe. | 11 368 | km² ( 329 mi²) | 852![]() |
Condado de Person | 145 | Roxboro | 1791 | Caswell County | Thomas Person, an American Revolutionary War patriot. | 35 623 | km² ( 404 mi²) | 1046![]() |
Condado de Pitt | 147 | Greenville | 1760 | Beaufort County | William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), Secretary of State during the French and Indian War and was later Prime Minister of Great Britain | 133 798 | km² ( 655 mi²) | 1696![]() |
Condado de Polk | 149 | Columbus | 1855 | Henderson County and Rutherford County | William Polk (1758-1834), officer in the American Revolutionary War and first president of the State Bank of North Carolina. | 18 324 | km² ( 239 mi²) | 619![]() |
Condado de Randolph | 151 | Asheboro | 1779 | Guilford County | Peyton Randolph (c. 1721-1755), the first President of the Continental Congress. | 130 454 | km² ( 790 mi²) | 2046![]() |
Condado de Richmond | 153 | Rockingham | 1779 | Anson County | Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond (1735-1806), a firm supporter of the American colonists and advocated removal of British troops. | 46 564 | km² ( 480 mi²) | 1243![]() |
Condado de Robeson | 155 | Lumberton | 1787 | Bladen County | Thomas Robeson, an officer in the American Revolutionary War. | 123 339 | km² ( 951 mi²) | 2463![]() |
Condado de Rockingham | 157 | Wentworth | 1785 | Guilford County | Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham (1730-1782), a British statesmen and two-time Prime Minister of Great Britain. | 91 928 | km² ( 572 mi²) | 1481![]() |
Condado de Rowan | 159 | Salisbury | 1753 | Anson County | Matthew Rowan (d. 1769), was the acting Governor of colonial North Carolina following the death of Governor Nathaniel Rice. | 130 340 | km² ( 524 mi²) | 1357![]() |
Condado de Rutherford | 161 | Rutherfordton | 1779 | Tryon County | Griffith Rutherford (c. 1721-1805), an officer in the American Revolutionary War and a political leader in Carolina del Norte. | 62 889 | km² ( 566 mi²) | 1466![]() |
Condado de Sampson | 163 | Clinton | 1784 | Duplin County | John Sampson, a member of Josiah Martin's council. | 60 161 | km² ( 947 mi²) | 2453![]() |
Condado de Scotland | 165 | Laurinburg | 1899 | Richmond County | The country Scotland in the British Isles. | 35 998 | km² ( 321 mi²) | 831![]() |
Condado de Stanly | 167 | Albemarle | 1841 | Montgomery County | John Stanly (1774-1834), a United States Congressman and Speaker of the North Carolina House of Commons. | 58 100 | km² ( 404 mi²) | 1046![]() |
Condado de Stokes | 169 | Danbury | 1789 | Surry County | John Stokes, a soldier of the Revolution who was seriously wounded at the Waxhaw massacre. | 44 711 | km² ( 456 mi²) | 1181![]() |
Condado de Surry | 171 | Dobson | 1771 | Rowan County | The county of Surrey in England, birthplace of then governor William Tryon. | 71 219 | km² ( 538 mi²) | 1393![]() |
Condado de Swain | 173 | Bryson City | 1871 | Jackson County and Macon County | David Lowry Swain (1801-1868), a governor of North Carolina and president of the University of North Carolina. | 12 968 | km² ( 541 mi²) | 1401![]() |
Condado de Transylvania | 175 | Brevard | 1861 | Henderson County and Jackson County | Derived from the Latín words, trans meaning across and sylva meaning woods. | 29 334 | km² ( 381 mi²) | 987![]() |
Condado de Tyrrell | 177 | Columbia | 1729 | Chowan County, Currituck County, and Pasquotank County | John Tyrrell, at one time was a Lords Proprietor. | 4149 | km² ( 600 mi²) | 1554![]() |
Condado de Union | 179 | Monroe | 1842 | Anson County and Mecklenburg County | Created as a compromise after a dispute between local Whigs and Democrats as to whether it should be named Clay or Jackson county. | 123 677 | km² ( 640 mi²) | 1658![]() |
Condado de Vance | 181 | Henderson | 1881 | Franklin County, Granville County, and Warren County | Zebulon Baird Vance (1830-1894), a Confederate military officer in the American Civil War, twice governor of North Carolina, and United States Senator. | 42 954 | km² ( 270 mi²) | 699![]() |
Condado de Wake | 183 | Raleigh | 1771 | Cumberland County, Johnston County, and Orange County | Margaret Wake, the wife of British colonial governor William Tryon. | 627 846 | km² ( 857 mi²) | 2220![]() |
Condado de Warren | 185 | Warrenton | 1779 | Bute County | Joseph Warren (1741-1775), a Patriot and volunteer private who was mortally wounded at the Battle of Bunker Hill. | 19 972 | km² ( 444 mi²) | 1150![]() |
Condado de Washington | 187 | Plymouth | 1799 | Tyrrell County | George Washington (1732-1799), the 1st President of the United States. | 13 723 | km² ( 424 mi²) | 1098![]() |
Condado de Watauga | 189 | Boone | 1849 | Ashe County, Caldwell County, Wilkes County, and Yancey County | The Watauga River, which came from a Native American word meaning "beautiful water." | 42 695 | km² ( 313 mi²) | 811![]() |
Condado de Wayne | 191 | Goldsboro | 1779 | Dobbs County | Anthony Wayne (1745-1796), a general in the American Revolutionary War. | 113 329 | km² ( 557 mi²) | 1443![]() |
Condado de Wilkes | 193 | Wilkesboro | 1778 | Surry County | John Wilkes (1725-1797), an English radical, journalist and politician. | 65 632 | km² ( 760 mi²) | 1968![]() |
Condado de Wilson | 195 | Wilson | 1855 | Edgecombe County, Johnston County, Nash County, and Wayne County | Louis D. Wilson, a state legislator from Edgecombe County who died of fever at Veracruz during the Mexican-American War. | 73 814 | km² ( 374 mi²) | 969![]() |
Condado de Yadkin | 197 | Yadkinville | 1850 | Surry County | The Yadkin River. | 36 348 | km² ( 337 mi²) | 873![]() |
Condado de Yancey | 199 | Burnsville | 1833 | Buncombe County and Burke County | Bartlett Yancey (1785-1828), a United States Congressman, Speaker of the North Carolina Senate, and early advocate for the North Carolina Public School System. | 17 774 | km² ( 313 mi²) | 811![]() |

Condados históricos
- Condado de Albemarle (abolido en 1739)
- Condado de Bath (abolido en 1739)
- Condado de Bute (abolido en 1779)
- Condado de Dobbs (abolido en 1791)
- Condado de Tryon (abolido en 1779)
- «How Many Counties are in Your State?». Click and Learn. Consultado el 2 de junio de 2007.
- «EPA County FIPS Code Listing». US Environmental Protection Agency. Consultado el 6 de febrero de 2008.
- «NACo - Find a county». National Association of Counties. Consultado el 6 de febrero de 2008.
- «County Histories». The State Library of North Carolina. Consultado el 6 de febrero de 2008.
- «North Carolina QuickFacts». U.S. Census Bureau. Consultado el 6 de febrero de 2008. (2000 Census)
- Corbitt, David Leroy. The Formation of the North Carolina Counties, 1663-1943. Raleigh: State Dept. of Archives and History, 1950. Reprint, Raleigh: Division of Archives and History, North Carolina Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1987. ISBN 0-86526-032-X
- Powell, William S. The North Carolina Gazetteer. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1968. Reprint, 1985. ISBN 0-8078-1247-1
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