Anexo:Categorías de los NAVGTR Awards
Los NAVGTR Awards son una ceremonia de premios otorgados por la National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers o NAVGTR desde 2001. A continuación se listan las categorías de los premios, con los nominados y ganadores de cada año.
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | |
2001 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (Francis Co) Metal Gear Solid 2 (Jennifer Gallo, Asa Hammond, Ben Lopez, Christian Severin) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Kyo Ladopoulos, Sean Miller) Onimusha: Warlords |
Final Fantasy X | Hiroshi Kuwabara (ewp), Kengo Sasaoka (ewp) | |
2001 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Dead or Alive 3 (Keiichi Abe) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Kyo Ladopoulos, Sean Miller) Pikmin Super Smash Bros. Melee |
Ico | Takeshi Ambe (Ico, Yorda, Queen), Atsuko Fukuyama (Ico, Yorda, Queen), Mizuki Muramatsu (Smokeman, Ico), Fumito Ueda (Protagonista animator) | |
2002 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Tony Gialdini) Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Super Mario Sunshine |
Kingdom Hearts | Tatsuya Kando | |
2002 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Jet Set Radio Future Mark of Kri (Erik Medina) Metroid Prime (Derek Bonikowski, Dax Pallotta, Stephen Zafros) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Steve Dupont) |
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus | ||
2003 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty (Michael Boon) Final Fantasy X-2 (Kohichiro Shiratori) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Peter Hajba) Silent Hill 3 (Naoki Tarama, Sōsuke Honda, Shiro Kanemori) |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Dany Joannette | |
2003 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Tomoo Hiraoka, Masaki Koshikawa, Taro Yamauchi, Ryuji Ikeda, Yosuke Takahashi, Yōjirō Hirashita, Naonori Osada, Atsuhiro Ishikawa, Makoto Fukahori, Takuji Otsuka, Akira Izumi) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Kimihiro Ozaki, Takahiro Nishigaki, Chikako Nishizaki, Takeshi Yamaguchi) Viewtiful Joe |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Richard Arroyo, Bruno Rochefort, Omar Morsy, Patrick Tassé, Patrick Pelletier, Allan Treitz, Dominic Vincent, Frederic Madore | |
2004 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Benny Edlund) Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Tomohiro Kawamura) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Jerome Desplas) |
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater | Hajime Yashiro, So Toyota (ewp), Masahiro Yoshinaga (ewp), Makoto Akashi (ewp), Goro Kaneko (ewp) | |
2004 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Burnout 3: Takedown The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Benny Edlund) Doom 3 (James Houska, Fred Nilsson, Eric Webb) Ninja Gaiden |
Half-Life 2 | Miles Estes, Bay Raitt | |
2005 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Devil May Cry 3 (Yosuke Yamashita) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Agnès Billard, Joëlle Dupire, Patrick Harboun, Dominique Libanio, Yves Rolland) Psychonauts (Raymond Crook, Mark Hamer, Tyler Hurd, Christopher Magovern, Razmig Mavlian, Chris Schultz) X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (Kris Peterson) |
God of War | Robert Blye, Jessica Arbogast, Kwon Min | |
2005 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Burnout Revenge (Shaun Adams, Richard Franke, Omar Mohammed, Yuta Nakamura, Ian Palmer, Lee Walton) God of War (Frank Strocco) Nintendogs (Michiho Hayashi, Akito Osanai, Kenji Shinmoto, Masaaki Ishikawa, Masanobu Sato, Mieko Ajima, Hideaki Takamura) Resident Evil 4 |
Shadow of the Colossus | Atsuko Fukuyama, Masanobu Tanaka, Daisuke Uchikawa, Sousuke Honda, Tatsuhiko Tachibe, Rory Little | |
2006 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty 3 (Luis Bolivar (Yosh), Eric Campanella, Jamie Egerton, Bourbaki Joseph, William Lykke, Marvin Rojas, Adam Rosas, Jon Stoll, Jimmy Zielinski) Fight Night Round 3 (Koichiro Shiratori, Hirotaka Sawada) Gears of War (Scott Dossett, Aaron Herzog, Jay Hosfelt) Ōkami | Final Fantasy XII | Koichiro Shiratori, Hirotaka Sawada | |
2006 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Gears of War (Scott Dossett, Aaron Herzog, Jay Hosfelt) Kingdom Hearts II (Tatsuya Kando) LocoRoco (Tomohito Hashiguchi, Tsutomu Kouno) Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania (Kelly Scott) | Ōkami | Takaaki Yamanouchi, Tatsuro Iwamoto, Nobuaki Yamazaki, Eijiro Nishimura | |
2007 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War II (Dwayne Mason) Heavenly Sword (Martin Binfield, Laura Thomas) The Witcher (Piotr Chomiak, Piotr Janiszewski, Kamil Kozłowski, Piotr Żyła) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Eric Baldwin, Kion Phillips, Van Phan) |
Assassin's Creed | Sylvain Bernard | |
2007 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Heavenly Sword (Martin Binfield, Laura Thomas) Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Troy Slough, Michael Yosh, John Kim) |
Assassin's Creed | Youssef El Aakouchi, Marc-Andre Houde, Mike Mennillo, Wilson Mui, Chi Chun, Ng, Mikael Persson, Hugues Richer, Gaelle Robert, Matt Sifton, Frederick Taylor, Kristjan Zadziuk | |
2008 | Animación, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Devil May Cry 4 (Yasuyo Hirao) Gears of War 2 (Scott Dossett, Aaron Herzog, Alex Whitney) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Teppei Takehana) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Noah Bordner, Kento Kojima, David Lam, Jax Lee, YuehChih Eric Lin, Ann Mikulka, Matt Ornstein, Christine Phelan, Patrick Przybyla, Tristan Sacramento) |
Dead Space | Conant Fong | |
2008 | Animación, Motor de Juego | Castle Crashers (Dan Paladin) Mirror's Edge (Tobias Dahl) Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy (Sean Letts) Spore (John Cimino, Tony Gialdini, Gal Roth) World of Goo (Kyle Gabler) |
Prince of Persia | David Wilkinson, Dennis Collantes, Daniel Desjardins | |
2009 | Animación, 2D o 3D Limitado | A Boy and His Blob (Eleazar Del Rosario) And Yet It Moves (Claude Schaube) PixelJunk Shooter Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Tadashi Hiramatsu) |
Patapon 2 | ||
2009 | Animación, 3D | Assassin's Creed II (Cristinel Bostan, Chi Chun Ng, Gaëlle Robert) Batman: Arkham Asylum (Zafer Coban) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Mark Grigsby, Paul Messerly) Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Josh Scherr, Jeremy Lai-Yates, Michael Yosh, Eric Baldwin | |
2010 | Animación | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West God of War III (Bruno Velazquez) Heavy Rain (Clément Castanier) Mass Effect 2 (Parrish Ley, Brad Kinley) |
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Marc-André Clermont | |
2011 | Animación | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Dead Space 2 L.A. Noire (Tor Sigurdsson, Daniel Armstrong, Philip Sullivan, David Zwierzchaczewski) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Josh Scherr, Eric Baldwin, Jeremy Lai-Yates) |
Rayman Origins | Anthony Le Du, Nicolas Athane, Anais Dusautois, Nadége Floriot, Eric Verwaerde | |
2012 | Animación | Alan Wake's American Nightmare (John Root) Assassin's Creed III (Elaine Duffy, Mike Mennillo, Philippe Trudelle) Karateka (Richard Arroyo, Ralph Bull, Ernie Urzua) Max Payne 3 (Mark Tennant) |
Dust: An Elysian Tail | ||
2012 | Animación, Interactive | Mark of the Ninja Persona 4 Arena Shank 2 (Aaron Bouthillier, Allan Cortez, Jordan Krahn, Elard Meneses, Alex Savin, Leo Ito, Yumiko Sasakawa, Eugene Trakhtenberg) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Jason Diaz, David Andrade, Chris Cantero, Chad Davis, Bang Lee, Tim McNulty, Patrick Przybyla, Justin Rochon, Amor Stewart, Seth Stockholm) |
Journey | Jacky Ke Jiang | |
2013 | Animación | Beyond: Two Souls (Teppei Takehana) Rayman Legends The Last of Us Tomb Raider (Brandon Fernández) |
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Kazuyoshi Onoda, Masafumi Yokota | |
2013 | Animación, Artística | Abzu Dishonored 2 (Damien Pougheon) Far Cry Primal (Catherine Tirran, Wang Wen) Inside (Andreas N. Grontved) |
The Last Guardian | Masanobu Tanaka | |
2013 | Animación, Interactive | Dead Space 3 (David Jackson, Primo A. Navidad, Seth Swanson, Neal Thibod, Shane Ushijima, Nestor Angeles Jr.) DuckTales Remastered (Jesse Octavio Lopez) Knack (Aaron Papa, Richard Pince) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Erin Olorenshaw, Rob Willock) |
The Walking Dead: 400 Days | Jessica Brezzo | |
2014 | Animación, Artística | Mario Kart 8 Tengami Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Luca Erbetta, Sylvie Gorris, Nicolas Leger, Valérie Geoffroy, Stéphane Rose) Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z (Jason Shum) |
South Park: The Stick of Truth | Jack Shih, Jenny Yu | |
2014 | Animación, Técnicos | Bayonetta 2 (Takaaki Yamaguchi) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Infamous Second Son Titanfall (Bruce Ferriz, Mark Grigsby, Paul Messerly) |
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor | Camille Chu | |
2015 | Animación, Artística | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Josselin Authelet) Fallout 4 (Josh Jones) King's Quest Chapter I: A Knight To Remember (Nathan Dunlap, Christian Brierley, Linda Petch) Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Teruhiko Suzuki) |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | Brandon Fernandez | |
2015 | Animación, Técnicos | Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Dom Drozdz) Dying Light (Dawid Lubryka) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Yusuke Nishida) The Order: 1886 (Daniel Sipes, Adam Byrne) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Jamie Bury | |
2016 | Animación, Técnicos | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Jason Greenberg, Mark DeRidder) Dishonored 2 (Damien Pougheon) DOOM (Shinichiro Hara, Brett Paton) Gears of War 4 (Jason Hopkins) |
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Jeremy Yates, Michael Yosh |
Dirección de Arte
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (Pakin Liptawat) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Farzad Varahramyan) Onimusha: Warlords (Yukihiro Hayashi) Soul Reaver 2 |
Final Fantasy X | Yusuke Naora, Shintaro Takai, Tetsuya Takahashi | Square |
2001 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Devil May Cry Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (Pakin Liptawat) Final Fantasy X (Yusuke Naora (world), Shintaro Takai (battle)) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Farzad Varahramyan) |
Ico | Katsuhiko Abe, Taijuro Hachiya, Kaihei Hayano, Tsutomu Kouno, Atsushi Morioka, Kazuhiro Numata, Nanako Ohmura, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Mikiko Takeda, Chikara Ueno | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2002 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Kingdom Hearts (Takayuki Ohdachi) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Tetsuo Kadonaga) Resident Evil Zero (Hiroyuki Hayashi) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Hugo Dallaire) |
Metroid Prime | Todd Keller | Retro Studios |
2002 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Age of Mythology (Lance Hoke) Animal Crossing (Hugo Dallaire) Jet Set Radio Future (Ryūta Ueda) Kingdom Hearts (Takayuki Ohdachi) The Mark of Kri (Jeff Remmer) Resident Evil Zero (Hiroyuki Hayashi) |
Metroid Prime | Retro Studios | |
2003 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Final Fantasy X-2 (Shintaro Takai) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Saku Lehtinen) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Raphaël Lacoste) |
Panzer Dragoon Orta | Robert Schonfisch, Vicki Morawietz (ewp) | Smilebit |
2003 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Robert Olson) Final Fantasy X-2 (Shintaro Takai) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Raphaël Lacoste) |
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker | Nintendo | |
2004 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Fable (Kiki Wolfkill) Half-Life 2 (Viktor Antonov) Ninja Gaiden (Tomonobu Itagaki, Hiroaki Matsui) Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Makoto Hanafusa) |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | Aaron Garbut, Alex Horton | Rockstar North |
2004 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Fable (Kiki Wolfkill) Far Cry (Eric Guimbault) Myst IV Revelation (Pascal Blanché) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Mickail Labat) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Nathalie Provost) |
Doom 3 | Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud, Andy Chang, Seneca Menard, Kenneth Scott (Protagonista artist), Patrick Thomas | id Software |
2005 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War (Terry Smith, Steve Caterson) King Kong Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Olivier Leonardi) Psychonauts (Scott Campbell) | We Love Katamari | Keita Takahashi, Takeshi Ugajin | Namco |
2005 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Killer 7 (Akihiko Ishizaka) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Olivier Leonardi) Psychonauts (Scott Campbell) Shadow of the Colossus |
God of War | Terry Smith, Steve Caterson, Stig Asmussen, Ken Feldman, Gustavo Rasche, Mark Ahlin, Mark Anderson, Paul Coda, Dennis Johnson, Charlie Wen | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2006 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War (Jeremiah O'Flaherty) Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Dan Hay) Suikoden V (Hideki Tanaka) The Godfather (Margaret Foley) |
Final Fantasy XII | Hiroshi Kamohara (ewp), Kazuyuki Ikumori (ewp) | Square Enix |
2006 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Matthew Carofano) Final Fantasy XII (Hideo Minaba, Isamu Kamikokuryo) Gears of War (Jeremiah O'Flaherty) Yoshi's Island DS (Yasuhisa Nakagawa) |
Ōkami | Naoki Katakai | Clover Studio |
2007 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Assassin's Creed (Raphaël Lacoste) Call of Duty 4 (Richard Kriegler) God of War II (Stig Asmussen) Heavenly Sword (Hugues Giboire) |
BioShock | Scott Sinclair, Mauricio Tejerina, Rob Waters, Nate Wells | 2K Boston |
2007 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Assassin's Creed (Raphaël Lacoste) Eternal Sonata God of War II (Stig Asmussen) Tomb Raider: Anniversary (Andrew Wood) |
BioShock | Scott Sinclair | 2K Boston |
2008 | Dirección de Arte en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Dead Space (Jan Milham) Final Fantasy IV (Akira Oguro, Airi Yoshioka) Lego Indiana Jones (James Cunliffe) Tomb Raider: Underworld (Darrell Gallagher) |
Gears of War 2 | Chris Perna | Epic Games |
2008 | Dirección de Arte, Motor de Juego | Braid (David Hellman) Little Big Planet (Kareem Ettouney) PixelJunk Eden Tales of Vesperia (Yan Shuang) |
Fallout 3 | Istvan Pely, Adam Adamowicz, Craig Mullins | Bethesda Game Studios |
2009 | Dirección de Arte | Assassin's Creed II (Mohammed Gambouz) Batman: Arkham Asylum (David Hego) Brütal Legend (Lee Petty) inFamous |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Erick Pangilinan, Robh Ruppel | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Alan Wake (Saku Lehtinen) Call of Duty: Black Ops (Colin Whitney) Heavy Rain (François Baranger, Benoît Godde) Just Cause 2 (Stefan Ljungqvist) |
Limbo | Morten Christian Bramsen | Playdead |
2010 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | BioShock 2 (Mat Tremblay) Disney Epic Mickey (Mark Stefanowicz) God of War III (Ken Feldman) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Tetsuya Notoya, Rieko Kawahara, Yumiko Sano) |
Mass Effect 2 | Alistair McNally | BioWare |
2010 | Dirección de Arte, Época | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Mohammed Gambouz) Fable III (John McCormack) Mafia II (Roman Hladík) |
Red Dead Redemption | Daren Bader | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Jonathan-Jacques Belletête) Portal 2 |
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Erick Pangilinan, Robh Ruppel | Naughty Dog |
2011 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | Bastion (Jen Zee) El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron LittleBigPlanet 2 (Kareem Ettouney) Rayman Origins (Floriane Marchix) |
Alice: Madness Returns | Kenneth Wong | Spicy Horse |
2011 | Dirección de Arte, Época | Total War: Shogun 2 | Assassin's Creed: Revelations | Raphael Lacoste | Ubisoft Montreal |
2012 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Far Cry 3 (Jean-Alexis Doyon) Spec Ops: The Line (Mathias Wiese) Street Fighter X Tekken (Akira Toba) The Unfinished Swan (Hokyo Lim) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Richard Zambarano) |
The Darkness II | Mat Tremblay | Digital Extremes |
2012 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | Darksiders II (Han Randhawa) Dokuro Fez (Fez) The Bridge (Mario Castañeda) |
Botanicula | Jaromir Plachy | Amanita Design |
2012 | Dirección de Arte, Época | Assassin's Creed III Dragon's Dogma (Daigo Ikeno) Total War: Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai |
Dishonored | Sebastien Mitton | Arkane Studios |
2013 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Grand Theft Auto V (Aaron Garbut) Remember Me (Aleksi Briclot, Michel Koch) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Scott Lee) Tomb Raider (Patrick Sirk) |
The Last of Us | Erick Pangilinan | Naughty Dog |
2013 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | God of War: Ascension (Christopher Sutton) Puppeteer Rayman Legends Tearaway (Oliver Ruddick) |
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Takashi Ogomori | Level-5 |
2013 | Dirección de Arte, Época | Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Raphaël Lacoste) Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Olivier Nicolas) Ryse: Son of Rome (Peter Gornstein) The Bureau: XCOM Declassified |
Bioshock: Infinite | Scott Sinclair | Irrational Games |
2014 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Destiny (Christopher Barrett) Transistor (Jen Zee) The Wolf Among Us (David Bogan) |
Far Cry 4 | Jean-Alexis Doyon | Ubisoft Divertissements Inc. |
2014 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | Child of Light (Thomas Rollus) Hohokum (Richard Hogg) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Philip Straub) Monument Valley |
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Matthew M. Goldman | BioWare |
2014 | Dirección de Arte, Época Influencia | Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Tengami Thief (Emanuel Garcia) Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Paul Tumelaire) |
Assassin's Creed: Unity | Mohammed Gambouz | Ubisoft Divertissements Inc. |
2015 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Batman: Arkham Knight (David Hego) Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (Andrew Hamilton) Fallout 4 (Istvan Pely) Life Is Strange (Michel Koch) |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | Brenoch Adams | Crystal Dynamics |
2015 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | Bloodborne (Jian Ping Qiu) Ori and the Blind Forest (Maximilian Degen) Rocket League Yoshi's Woolly World (Yasuko Sugiyama, Sachiko Nakamichi, Shingo Hosokawa, Tomoya Abe) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Krzysztof Krzyścin | CD Projekt Red |
2015 | Dirección de Arte, Época Influencia | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Thierry Dansereau) Fallout 4 (Istvan Pely) The Order: 1886 (Nathan Phail-Liff) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Marian Chomiak | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Dirección de Arte, Contemporáneo | Forza Horizon 3 (Benjamin Penrose) Inside (Jeremy Petreman, Marek Bogdan) Tom Clancy's The Division (Gabriel Odgren) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Robh Ruppel, Erick Pangilinan) |
DOOM | Jonathan Lane | id Software |
2016 | Dirección de Arte, Fantasía | Darkest Dungeon (Chris Bourassa) Final Fantasy XV (Tomohiro Hasegawa, Yusuke Naora Isamu Kamikokuryo) Owlboy (Simon Stafsnes Andersen) Titanfall 2 (Joel Emslie) |
The Last Guardian | Fumito Ueda | SIE Japan Studio |
2016 | Dirección de Arte, Época Influencia | Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (Glenn Brace) Dishonored 2 (Sebastien Mitton) Far Cry Primal (Mickael Labat) The Banner Saga 2 (Arnie Jorgensen, Igor Artyomenko) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine | Lucjan Wiecek | CD Projekt Red |
Dirección de Cámara
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Devil May Cry (Hideki Kamiya) Halo (Joseph Staten) NFL 2K2 (Tim Walter) Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 |
Ico | Hajime Sugiyama | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2002 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Irene Nolan) Metroid Prime Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Jean-Sébastien Morin) |
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus | Bruce Oberg | Sucker Punch Productions |
2003 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Project Gotham Racing 2 SSX 3 |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | lippe Morin, Rémi Lacoste, Max Bricault | Ubisoft |
2004 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Half-Life 2 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Hideo Kojima) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow | Sly 2: Band of Thieves | Bruce Oberg | Sucker Punch Productions |
2005 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | God of War (Jessica Brunelle) King Kong (Christophe Morel) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Max Bricault, Jesse Malcolm Sweet, Pierre Michaud) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory |
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves | Bruce Oberg | Sucker Punch Productions |
2006 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Ōkami (Yusuke Kan) Rule of Rose (Shuji lshikawa) Viva Pinata |
Gears of War | Cliff Bleszinski, Ray Davis | Epic Games |
2007 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | BioShock Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare God of War II (Mark Simon (Protagonista), Andy Ashcraft, Paul Edwards) Nights: Journey of Dreams (Takashi Iizuka) |
Heavenly Sword | Ninja Theory | |
2008 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Gears of War 2 Mirror's Edge Ninja Gaiden II (Tomonobu Itagaki, Hiroaki Matsui, Katsunori Ehara) Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy (Emmanuel Valdez) |
Dead Space | Brett Robbins | EA Redwood Shores |
2009 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Batman: Arkham Asylum (Sefton Hill) Dead Space: Extraction Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Resident Evil 5 (Toshio Ohashi) |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Pål Engstad, Travis McIntosh, Dan Liebgold | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Darksiders God of War III (Mark Simon) Heavy Rain (Maxime Brochen, Steven Brochen, Damien Charbon) Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Max Bricault, Patrick Bonin) |
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Bruno Bouchard, Juan Esteban Diaz, Patrick Bonin | Ubisoft Montreal |
2011 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Gears of War 3 Sonic Generations (Hiroshi Miyamoto) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Jose Astacio, Eugene Chung, Anthony Jacob) |
Dead Space 2 | Robert Foster | Visceral Games |
2012 | Dirección de Cámara, Motor de Juego | Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Motomu Toriyama) Sniper Elite V2 The Walking Dead Uncharted: Golden Abyss (John Garvin) XCOM: Enemy Unknown |
Max Payne 3 | Colin Entwistle | Rockstar Games |
2013 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Beyond: Two Souls (Maxime Brochen) Bioshock: Infinite Super Mario 3D World XCOM: Enemy Within |
The Last of Us | Travis McIntosh | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | FIFA 15 Mario Kart 8 (Yusuke Shiraiwa) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (Yuji Ogaito) The Wolf Among Us (Dennis Lenart) | D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die | Levente Verõ | Access Videojuegos |
2015 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Batman: Arkham Knight (Francesco Sternativo) Fallout 4 Mortal Kombat X (Dominic Cianciolo) The Order: 1886 (Chad Verrall) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Paweł Świerczyński | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Dirección de Cámara en un Motor de Juego | Chronos Dishonored 2 (Damien Pougheon) Final Fantasy XV (Hajime Tabata) Republique |
Inside | Arnt Jensen | Playdead |
Diseño de Personajes
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Diseño de Personajes | Conker’s Bad Fur Day (Don Murphy) Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (John Paik) Final Fantasy X (Tetsuya Nomura) Ico (Chika Fukui, Kazuhiro Numata, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Fumito Ueda) | Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee | Oddworld Inhabitants | |
2002 | Diseño de Personajes | Animal Crossing (Noriko Ikegawa, Yoshihisa Morimoto) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Ian McQue) Kingdom Hearts (Tetsuya Nomura) Metroid Prime (Chuck Crist, Don Hogan, Andrew Jones, Gene Kohler Jr., Ryan Powell, Elizabeth Foster, Luis Ramirez, Danny Richardson, Alejandro Roura, Elben Schafers, LeRoy Strauss) |
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus | Sucker Punch Productions | |
2003 | Diseño de Personajes | Deus Ex: Invisible War The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Ryūji Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Oyama, Keisuke Nishimori, Yo Ohnishi, Koji Takahashi, Daisuke Kageyama) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Voodoo Vince (Doug Williams) |
Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball | Yasushi Nakakura, Hideyuki Kato, Muneaki Kubota, Haruhiko Shikata, Akiko Matsui | Tecmo |
2004 | Diseño de Personajes | Fable (Ian Yarwood-Lovett) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Takanari Tajima, Koichi Ebe, Keiichiro Takahashi, Ryotaro Takahashi, Tasuku Tsuchiya, Yoshio Yamakawa) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Ian McQue) Pikmin 2 | Viewtiful Joe 2 | Kumiko Suekane | Capcom |
2005 | Diseño de Personajes | Destroy All Humans! God of War (Dave Matthews) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Psychonauts (Scott Campbell, Peter Chan) |
Shadow of the Colossus | Shunpei Suzuki, Hitoshi Niwa, Atsuko Fukuyama, Fumito Ueda | Team Ico |
2006 | Diseño de Personajes | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Hiu Lai Chong, Josh Jones, Gary L. Noonan, Hugh Riley, Juan Sanchez) Final Fantasy XII (Akihiko Yoshida) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Yggdra Union (Satoko Kiyuduki) |
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | William Thompson (ewp) | Traveller's Tales |
2007 | Diseño de Personajes | God of War II (Louis Lu (Protagonista), Kevin Anderson, Go Woon Choi, Ken Huynh, Erik San Juan) Heavenly Sword (Laura Kippax) Overlord PaRappa the Rapper |
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade | Chris Robinson | Blizzard Entertainment |
2008 | Diseño de Personajes | Chrono Trigger (Akira Toriyama) Fable II Grand Theft Auto IV (Michael Kane, Alan Nolan, Alisdair Wood, Chris Brincat, Gordon Brown, Toks Solarin, Findlay McGechie) Little Big Planet |
Castle Crashers | Jeff Bandelin, Dan Paladin | The Behemoth |
2009 | Diseño de Personajes | Afro Samurai (Damian Kim, Kyoon Lee, Josh Tiefer) Brütal Legend (Raymond Crook, Mike Fudge, David Gardner, Stephen Gregory, Mark Hamer, Tyler Hurd, Ruel Pascual, Christine Phelan, Elliott Roberts, David Russell, Chris Schultz) inFamous Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Andrew Coombes | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Diseño de Personajes | Darksiders (Gray Ginther) God of War III (Patrick Murphy) Heavy Rain (Thierry Prodhomme) Mass Effect 2 (Jaemus Wurzbach) |
Red Dead Redemption | Denis Cawson | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Diseño de Personajes | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Koki Kinoshita) The Gunstringer |
Stacking | Dave Russell | Double Fine Productions |
2012 | Diseño de Personajes | Dishonored (Florence Lapalu) Journey Mass Effect 3 (Rodrigue Pralier, Jaemus Wurzbach) The Darkness II (Michael Brennan) The Walking Dead (Steven Moore) |
Skullgirls | Alex Ahad | Reverge Labs |
2013 | Diseño de Personajes | Grand Theft Auto V (Alan Nolan, Ben Clark, Chris Brincat, Jamie-Lee Lloyd, Stuart Hansell, Toks Solarin) Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Kenichiro Yoshimura, Yonghee Cho) Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Toshihiro Kuriaki) The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Jason Findley) |
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag | Patrick Lambert | Ubisoft |
2014 | Diseño de Personajes | Assassin's Creed: Unity (Vincent Gaigneux, Patrick Lambert, Remko Troost) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Destiny (Shi Kai Wang/Shiek Wang) Transistor (Jen Zee) |
Bayonetta 2 | Mari Nishimura, Yusuke Hashimoto, Eiichi Shimizu | PlatinumGames |
2015 | Diseño de Personajes | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Mathieu Cornille, Taissa Abdoullina) Batman: Arkham Knight (Albert Feliu Gomis) Evolve (Vidonm Medina, Jon Finch, Cochey Cantu) Fallout 4 (Ben Carnow, Lucas Hardi, Charles Kim, Christiane H. K. Meister, Dennis Mejillones, Dane Olds, Yan Qin) |
Life Is Strange | Kenny Laurent | Dontnod Entertainment |
2016 | Diseño de Personajes | Dishonored 2 (Jean-Luc Monnet) DOOM (Jason Martin) The Last Guardian (Yutaro Sakai) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Frank Tzeng) |
Overwatch | Renaud Galand | Blizzard Entertainment |
Diseño de Controles
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Diseño de Controles | Grand Theft Auto III (Adam Fowler, Obbe Vermeij) Halo (Chris Butcher, Bernie Freidin, Charles Gough, Mat Noguchi, Matt Segur, Eamon McKenzie, Stefan Sinclair, Ben Wallace) Ico (Fumiaki Hara, Jinji Horagai) Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 | Pikmin | Hiroaki Takenaka, Masamichi Abe (ewp), Shigefumi Hino (ewp) | Nintendo |
2002 | Diseño de Controles | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Alexander Roger) Metroid Prime (Mark Johnston) Spider-Man: The Movie (Jason Bare) | Steel Battalion | Capcom | |
2003 | Diseño de Controles | Beyond Good & Evil The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Makoto Sasaki, Kenji Matsutani) Tony Hawk's Underground Viewtiful Joe Wakeboarding Unleashed |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Jordan Mechner | Ubisoft |
2004 | Diseño de Controles | Katamari Damacy (Kazumi Yamabe) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Hideo Kojima) Pikmin 2 (Yoshikazu Yamashita) Spider-Man 2 Viewtiful Joe 2 (Noriyuki Ohtani) |
Sly 2: Band of Thieves | Nate Fox | Sucker Punch Productions |
2005 | Diseño de Controles | The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Chris Cudahy) Nintendogs Shadow of the Colossus (Jinji Horagai) We Love Katamari (Kazumi Yamabe) |
Guitar Hero | John Tam | Harmonix |
2006 | Diseño de Controles | Company of Heroes (Drew Dunlop) Gears of War (Ray Davis) LocoRoco (Seiji Sasaki, Daichi Honda) Ōkami (Ryuta Takahashi) Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri (Masaki Shibuya, Takayuki Shigematsu, Takeki Kaifuku, Hiroyuki Nishi, Haruhisa Itou) |
Wii Sports | Junji Morii (ewp) | Nintendo |
2007 | Diseño de Controles | Assassin's Creed (Richard Dumas) Heavenly Sword (John Lusty) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Masahiro Nitta, Eiji Nishikawa) Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 (Sarah Yang) |
Super Mario Galaxy | Yasuhiko Matsuzaki, Mei Ide | Nintendo |
2008 | Diseño de Controles | Little Big Planet (Amy Phillips, Anton Kirczenow, Allan Robertson, James Fairbairn, Jonny Hopper, Luke Petre, Matt Willis, Anthony Yu, Paul Holden) Mirror's Edge (Mikael Lagré, Kjell Reuterswärd, Martin Wester, Johan Åkesson) Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (Tetsuo Yamamoto) Tom Clancy's EndWar (Gu Yu) |
Boom Blox | Mark Burroughs, Josh Leyshock, Chris DeLeon, Tamar Zeithlian | EA Los Angeles |
2009 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | A Boy and His Blob (Larry Holdaway) DJ Hero Klonoa (Eiji Akahori) Trials HD |
New Super Mario Bros. Wii | Mei Ide, Yoshifumi Masaki, Satoko Okada | Nintendo |
2009 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Assassin's Creed II Flower Ghostbusters: The Video Videojuego (Erik Touve) inFamous |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Bill Green, Magali Stretton, Jim Whitworth | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | DJ Hero 2 (Alex Zoro) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Yuhei Matsuda, Naoya Abe, Yuji Shibata, Yasuhiro Masuoka, Keita Sakunaga, Satoshi Kobayashi, Kazunobu Sameshima, Tomonori Kowari) Pinball FX 2 Super Street Fighter IV (Takuo Katsura, Hideaki Maruyama, Masafumi Taketoshi, Yuki Kabashima, Seiichi Yamaguchi) |
Super Meat Boy | Tommy Refenes | Team Meat |
2010 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Disney Epic Mickey (Gabriel Farris) Heavy Rain (Jean-Charles Perrier) Just Cause 2 (Andreas Nilsson, Ragnar Svensson, Lena Fernqvist, Rickard Granfeldt) Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Atsutomo Nakagawa) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Katsuyasu Ando, Norihiro Aoyagi, Hideyuki Sugawara, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tatsuro Ota, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Kazuya Sumaki, Wataru Tanaka) Vanquish (Kiyohiko Sakata, Shuichiro Chiboshi) | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Steven Masters | Ubisoft Montreal |
2011 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | Anomaly: Warzone Earth (Barlomiej Walecki) Child of Eden (Yoshio Inoue) LittleBigPlanet 2 (Paul Holden) Rayman Origins (David Punset Martínez) |
Kung-Fu High Impact | Virtual Air Guitar Company | |
2011 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Bulletstorm (Lukasz Migas) El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Gears of War 3 (Joe Graf) Portal 2 |
Batman: Arkham City | Bill Green, Ashraf Mohammad, Keith Nakamura, Magali Stretton, Jim Whitworth, Anthony Wicker, James Wicker | Rocksteady Studios |
2012 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | Escape Plan Mark of the Ninja New Super Mario Bros. U (Keigo Nakanishi) Soulcalibur V (Danielle Hunt) Street Fighter X Tekken (Takuo Katsura) Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack |
Mark of the Ninja | Nels Anderson | Klei Entertainment |
2012 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Halo 4 (Scott Stevens) Resident Evil 6 (Soji Seta) Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers (Christian Niemand, Sebastian Schulz, Johannes Spohr, Philipp Beau, Alexander Gerb, Alexander Jahl) ZombiU (Guillaume Sauveur) |
Far Cry 3 | Jamie Keen | Ubisoft Montreal |
2013 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | Badland (Johannes Vuorinen) Civilization V: Brave New World (Ken Grey) Dragon's Crown (Kentaro Ohnishi, Takafumi Noma, Hajime Neya, Takehiro Yamamoto, Teruhisa Kanayama, Yuya Uenishi) Mario & Luigi: Dream Team | Rayman Legends | Emile Morel | Ubisoft |
2013 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Batman: Arkham Origins (Olivier Pomarez) Beyond: Two Souls (Jean-Charles Perrier) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Michael Wasilewski) |
The Last of Us | Ian Jones | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | EyePlay Leo's Fortune Magic 2015 - Duels of the Planeswalkers OlliOlli (John Ribbins) |
Super Smash Bros | HAL Laboratory, Inc. | |
2014 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Bayonetta 2 (Mai Ohkura) Destiny (David Candland) Infamous Second Son (Nate Fox) Watch Dogs (Kevin Guillemette) |
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor | Bob Roberts | Monolith Productions |
2015 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | Axiom Verge (Tom Happ) | Super Mario Maker | Satoko Okada | Nintendo |
2015 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Carl Granberg) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Noriaki Okamura) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Yuichi Yamamoto, Kenji Matsutani) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Dan-Marian Voinescu, Yaroslav Getsevich, Fernando Forero, Vladimir Vilimovsky, Bartosz Bigaj) |
Splatoon | Nintendo | |
2016 | Diseño de Controles, 2D o 3D Limitado | Headlander Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Severed Unravel |
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 | Bandai Namco Entertainment | |
2016 | Diseño de Controles, 3D | Abzu Dishonored 2 (Dinga Bakaba) Metroid Prime: Federation Force Mirror's Edge Catalyst |
DOOM | Peter Sokal | id Software |
2016 | Diseño de Controles, Realidad Virtual | Eagle Flight Eve: Valkyrie House of the Dying Sun RIGS: Mechanized Combat League (Clay Fowler) |
Superhot VR | Superhot Team | |
Precisión de Mando
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Precisión de Mando | Devil May Cry (Kazunori Inoue) Jak and Daxter Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 |
Halo | Chris Butcher, Bernie Freidin, Charles Gough, Mat Noguchi, Matt Segur, Eamon McKenzie, Stefan Sinclair, Ben Wallace | Bungie |
2002 | Precisión de Mando | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (Doug Tooley) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Alexander Roger) MechAssault (Daniel Broder, Noel Llopis, David McKibbin, Scott D. Ramsay, Robert Riebau, Michael Springer, Ned Way, Brian Whooley) Metroid Prime (Mark Johnston) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Antoine Dodens) | Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 | Neversoft | |
2003 | Precisión de Mando | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Jim Napier) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Claude Langlais) Top Spin (Pierre Adane, Ludovic Balsan, Laurent Caumont, Laurent Gorga, Xavier Lemaire, Fabrice Monerie, Cyril Tissier, Samuel Toulouse, Olivier Bucher, Christophe Lallement, Pierre Portal) |
Soulcalibur II | Shinobu Nimura, Yoshihito Iwanaga, Takashi Koshigoe, Tadashi Obama, Masaaki Hoshino, Hiroyuki Kobota, Ken Matsumoto, Junji Hata, Shoichi Isowaki, Sei Nakatani, Hidenori Iwakiri | Namco |
2004 | Precisión de Mando | Burnout 3: Takedown (Richard Parr) Pikmin 2 (Yoshikazu Yamashita) Sly 2: Band of Thieves Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Michael Ryssen) Viewtiful Joe 2 (Noriyuki Ohtani) |
Ninja Gaiden | Team Ninja | |
2005 | Precisión de Mando | Guitar Hero (Philip Winston) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Charles Jacob) Resident Evil 4 (Kiyohiko Sakata) We Love Katamari (Kazumi Yamabe) |
Gran Turismo 4 | Akihiko Tan | Polyphony Digital |
2006 | Precisión de Mando | Elite Beat Agents (Robert Ota Dieterich) Gears of War (Ray Davis) LocoRoco (Seiji Sasaki, Daichi Honda) Tomb Raider: Legend (Rob Pavey) |
Guitar Hero II | James Wiley Fleming, Dan Schmidt, Marc Flury (ewp) | Harmonix |
2007 | Precisión de Mando | Heavenly Sword (John Lusty) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Masahiro Nitta, Eiji Nishikawa) Rock Band (James Wiley Fleming) Super Mario Galaxy (Hideaki Shimizu) | The Orange Box | Valve Corporation | |
2008 | Precisión de Mando | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Boom Blox (Jeff Dixon) Mirror's Edge (Mikael Lagré, Kjell Reuterswärd, Martin Wester, Johan Åkesson) PixelJunk Eden |
World of Goo | Ron Carmel, Allan Blomquist | 2D Boy |
2009 | Precisión de Mando | Flower Prototype (Bryan Brandt, Chris Cudahy, Kevin Coughlan) Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Pål-Kristian Engstad, Travis McIntosh, Dan Liebgold) |
inFamous | Nate Fox, Bruce Oberg | Sucker Punch Productions |
2010 | Precisión de Mando | Halo: Reach (Petar Kotevski) Pinball FX 2 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Katsuyasu Ando, Norihiro Aoyagi, Hideyuki Sugawara, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tatsuro Ota, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Kazuya Sumaki, Wataru Tanaka) |
Super Meat Boy | Tommy Refenes | Team Meat |
2011 | Precisión de Mando | Dead Space 2 (Sylvain Martel) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Hiroshi Umemiya) Rayman Origins (Sarang Vaidya) Super Mario 3D Land (Norihiro Aoyagi, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tatsuro Ota, Hideyuki Sugawara, Hideyuki Tatsuta, Hirokazu Matsuda, Katsuyasu Ando, Kazuhiro Musa, Kiyoshi Takeuchi) |
Portal 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2012 | Precisión de Mando | Borderlands 2 Fez New Super Mario Bros. U (Renaud Bédard) Street Fighter X Tekken (Takuo Katsura) Wipeout 2048 |
New Super Mario Bros. U | Nintendo | |
2013 | Precisión de Mando | BattleBlock Theater Injustice: Gods Among Us (Jim Bulvan, Mark Inglis) Killzone: Mercenary Rayman Legends |
Tomb Raider | Steve Austin | Crystal Dynamics |
2014 | Precisión de Mando | Bayonetta 2 (Shuichiro Chiboshi) Luftrausers (Jan Willem Nijman) Super Smash Bros Titanfall (Earl Hammon Jr.) |
Destiny | Peter Mielcarski | Bungie |
2015 | Precisión de Mando | Batman: Arkham Knight (Andrew Mattingly) Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Alexander Conserva, Peter Livingstone) Halo 5: Guardians (Tom Burdak, Matt Dalby, David R. Garza II, Leonard Holman, Gareth Lough, Adam Zakowicz, Richard Le (MAQ LLC), Bryce Mercado (Ciber)) Ori and the Blind Forest (Gennadiy Korol) |
Rocket League | Psyonix | |
2016 | Precisión de Mando | Battlefield 1 Dishonored 2 (Dinga Bakaba) Forza Horizon 3 (Chris Phillips, Marco Conti) Mirror's Edge Catalyst |
DOOM | Billy Ethan Khan | id Software |
Diseño de Vestuario
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Diseño de Vestuario | Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (John Paik) Final Fantasy X (Tetsuya Nomura) Ico (Chika Fukui, Kazuhiro Numata, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Fumito Ueda) Onimusha: Warlords (Satoshi Takamatsu, Takahiro Kawano, Hiroshi Nakamura, Fuminori Satou, Kenichiro Yoshimura, Yoshinori Matsushita) |
Devil May Cry | Makoto Tsuchibayashi | Capcom |
2002 | Diseño de Vestuario | Animal Crossing (Noriko Ikegawa, Yoshihisa Morimoto) Mark of Kri Resident Evil Zero (Koji Ishida, Shin Yuasa, Gen Kobayashi, Toru Nakazawa, Kenichiro Yoshimura, Yoshinori Matsushita) Shinobi (Makoto Tsuchibayashi) |
Kingdom Hearts | Tetsuya Nomura, Fumi Nakashima, Tomoyuki Sato, Takuya Iwasaki, Mihoko Ishii | Square Enix |
2003 | Diseño de Vestuario | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Devil May Cry 2 (Hakuei, Tatsuya Ohshima, M. Kondo, Kozono, Koki.k, Emiko Watanabe, YU‑SUKE, RVT 1000R) Soulcalibur II (Hiroaki Kado, Akira Nakajima, Seidou Ozawa, Hideo Yoshie, Shizuka Shiino, Hirokazu Takeda, Tomoko Imura, Mikiko Ichinose) |
Final Fantasy X-2 | Tetsuya Nomura, Tetsu Tsukamoto | Square Enix |
2004 | Diseño de Vestuario | BloodRayne 2 (Scott Wetterschneider) Fable (Ian Yarwood-Lovett) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Takuji Sasaki, Takuo Ueda, Junichi Fujita) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Tania Bureau-Civil, Benoit Regimbal Cote, Martin Fontaine, Matthew Kresge, Nicolas Oroc) |
Shadow Hearts: Covenant | Miyako Kato | Nautilus |
2005 | Diseño de Vestuario | Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (Kyoko Saitou) Jade Empire Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Jeff Goslan) |
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening | Kazuma Kaneko | Capcom |
2006 | Diseño de Vestuario | Final Fantasy XII (Akihiko Yoshida) Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Shaun Absher, Heikki Anttila, Alessandro Baldasseroni, Ian Joyner, Alexandre Litchinko, Laurent Pierlot, David Stinnett) N3: Ninety-Nine Nights Suikoden V (Kaori Fujita, Riya Hozmi, Subzero Kizaki, Mikisato, Kazuhiro) |
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | Christiane Meister | Bethesda Game Studios |
2007 | Diseño de Vestuario | Assassin's Creed (Mathieu Aerni, Benoit Carrière, Véronique Fortin, Patrick Gagné, David Giraud, Ian Ladouceur, Michel Thibault) GrimGrimoire (Kouichi Maenou, George Kamitani) Heavenly Sword (Laura Kippax) Odin Sphere |
Eternal Sonata | tri-Crescendo | |
2008 | Diseño de Vestuario | Disgaea 3: Absence of JusticeLost Odyssey (Takehiko Inoue) Soulcalibur IV (Hideo Yoshie) The World Ends with You (Gen Kobayashi) |
Fable II | Jamie Durrant | Lionhead Studios |
2009 | Diseño de Vestuario | Assassin's Creed II (Michel Thibault) Brütal Legend (Raymond Crook, Mike Fudge, David Gardner, Stephen Gregory, Mark Hamer, Tyler Hurd, Ruel Pascual, Christine Phelan, Elliott Roberts, David Russell, Chris Schultz) Demon's Souls (Makoto Satoh, Masato Miyazaki) Ghostbusters: The Video Videojuego (Robert Frye) |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Andrew Coombes | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Diseño de Vestuario | Bayonetta (Mari Shimazaki) Darksiders (Gray Ginther) Final Fantasy XIII (Nao Ikeda, Isao Ōishi, Mihoko Ishii) Red Dead Redemption (Denis Cawson) |
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Anais Bernabe, Remi Farjaud, Johan Grenier, Antoine Rol | Ubisoft Montreal |
2012 | Diseño de Vestuario | Assassin's Creed III (Ed Hardison IV) Asura's Wrath (Yusuke Tokitsu) Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Yusuke Naora) Mass Effect 3 (Rodrigue Pralier, Jaemus Wurzbach) |
WWE '13 | Yuke's | |
2013 | Diseño de Vestuario | Batman: Arkham Origins (Jay Evans) Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Toshihiro Kuriaki) Ryse: Son of Rome (Abdenour Bachir, Lars Martinsson, Hyejin Moon, Min-Chih Wang) Total War: Rome II |
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag | Patrick Lambert | Ubisoft |
2014 | Diseño de Vestuario | Assassin's Creed: Unity (Vincent Gaigneux, Patrick Lambert, Remko Troost) Bayonetta 2 (Mari Nishimura, Yusuke Hashimoto, Eiichi Shimizu) Infamous Second Son (Horia Dociu, Neal Hanson, Levi Hopkins, Susan Luo) Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Paul Tumelaire) |
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Matt Rhodes | BioWare |
2015 | Diseño de Vestuario | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Mathieu Cornille, Taissa Abdoullina) Fallout 4 (Ben Carnow, Lucas Hardi, Charles Kim, Christiane H. K. Meister, Dennis Mejillones, Dane Olds, Yan Qin) Final Fantasy Type-0 HD The Order: 1886 (Adam Skutt) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Paweł Mielniczuk | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Diseño de Vestuario | Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (Masayoshi Wada, Atsushi Saito, Akihisa Kuramochi, Tsutomu Terada) Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Brian Horton, Aaron Beck) Odin Sphere Leifthrasir The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine (Pawel Mielniczuk) |
Dishonored 2 | Jean-Baptiste Ferder, Florence Lapalu | Arkane Studios |
Dirección, Cinemáticas de Videojuego
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Devil May Cry (Hideki Kamiya) Final Fantasy X (Motomu Toriyama (event), Takayoshi Nakazato (map), Toshiro Tsuchida (battle)) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Farzad Varahramyan) Onimusha: Warlords (Shimako Sato, Ryu Kaneda) |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | So Toyota (ewp), Kyle Cooper (ewp), Ellerey Gave (ewp), Jennifer Gallo (ewp), Asa Hammond (ewp), Ben Lopez (ewp), Christian Severin (ewp) | Konami |
2002 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Kingdom Hearts (Tetsuya Nomura) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Rockstar North | |
2003 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Saku Lehtinen, Tommi Anttila) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Ron Martin) Silent Hill 3 (Kazuhide Nakazawa) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (David Hibbeln) XIII (Nathalie Nogard-Moschetti) |
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun | Barry Jackson, Chris Silagyi | Electronic Arts |
2004 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Doom 3 (James Houska, Fred Nilsson, Eric Webb) Fable Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut (Daisuke Inari) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Minoru Nakai) |
Halo 2 | Joseph Staten | Bungie |
2005 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War (Allan Becker) Indigo Prophecy (David Cage) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Mathieu Latulippe) Ultimate Spider-Man |
Psychonauts | Tim Schafer | Double Fine Productions |
2006 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Dead Rising (Yoshinori Kawano) Gears of War (Chan Park, Joseph McGuffin, Robert Castaneda) Ōkami (Hideki Kamiya) Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends |
Final Fantasy XII | Eiji Fujii | Square Enix |
2007 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War II (Cory Barlog) Halo 3 (CJ Cowan) Heavenly Sword (Saul Metzstein) Hellgate: London (Phil Shenk) |
BioShock | Ken Levine | 2K Boston |
2008 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Jeramy Cooke) Dead Space Dynasty Warriors 6 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Martin Stoltz) | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots | Hideo Kojima | Kojima Productions |
2009 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Batman: Arkham Asylum (Sefton Hill) Brütal Legend (Tim Schafer) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Jason West) Resident Evil 5 (Jim Sonzero, Toshio Ohashi (Polygon Pictures Inc.)) | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Amy Hennig | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Dirección, Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Sylvain Bernard) Final Fantasy XIII (Motomu Toriyama) God of War III (Stig Asmussen) Mass Effect 2 |
Heavy Rain | David Cage | Quantic Dream |
2011 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Catherine (Katsura Hashino) Dead Space 2 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Adam Badowski) |
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Taylor Kurosaki, Kion Phillips, Marianne Hayden, Keith Paciello | Naughty Dog |
2012 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Far Cry 3 (Robert Darryl Purdy) Lego The Lord of the Rings (Jon Burton, James McLoughlin) Mass Effect 3 Max Payne 3 Resident Evil 6 (Masanori Kobayashi, Ken Ohara) |
Assassin's Creed III | David Wilkinson | Ubisoft Montreal |
2013 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Dead Space 3 (Beth Pielert) God of War: Ascension (Todd Papy) Lost Planet 3 (Matthew Sophos) The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Dennis Lenart) |
The Last of Us | Shaun Escayg | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Dragon Age: Inquisition (Tim Golem, Nathan Zufelt) Far Cry 4 (Sébastien Bergeron) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Christian Cantamessa) |
The Wolf Among Us | Dennis Lenart | Telltale Games |
2015 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Fallout 4 Life Is Strange Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Takaaki Yamagishi) The Order: 1886 (Pablo Chavez) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Paweł Świerczyński | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Dirección en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Brian Horton, Jeffrey Keith Negus) Dishonored 2 (Harvey Smith) Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (David Brown, Phil Gray) Quantum Break (Saku Lehtinen) |
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Bruce Straley, Neil Druckmann | Naughty Dog |
Diseño del Videojuego
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Diseño del Videojuego | Grand Theft Auto III (Craig Filshie, William Mills, Chris Rothwell, James Worrall) Halo (John Howard) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Hideo Kojima) Pikmin (Yutaka Hiramuki, Tetsuya Nakata, Katsuhito Nishimura, Yuzuru Ogawa, Yoshikazu Yamashita) |
Ico | Fumito Ueda | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2002 | Diseño del Videojuego | Animal Crossing James Bond 007: NightFire (Bill Beacham, Andrew Collins, Gareth Glover, Kev Harrison, Aaron Jenkins) Metroid Prime (Mark Pacini) Ratchet & Clank (Brian Allgeier) SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs (Graham Keys) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Andrew Duthie, Craig Filshie, William Mills, Chris Rothwell, Imran Sarwar, James Worrall, John Haime | Rockstar North |
2003 | Diseño del Videojuego | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Jordan Mechner) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (David Falkner, Steven Gilmour, Casey Hudson Drew Karpyshyn James Ohlen, Preston Watamaniuk, Derek Watts) The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Debi Laezman) |
Beyond Good & Evil | Michel Ancel, Jean-Sebastien Morin, Bertrand Israël, Francois Emery, Jean-Francois Le Quéré, Nicolas Carré, Mehdi Daou El Makane, Mohamed Gambouz, Vincent Monnier, Mounir Riday, Nicolas Soulier | Ubisoft |
2004 | Diseño del Videojuego | Fable (Peter Molyneux, Dene Carter, Ben Huskins, Mark Webley) Katamari Damacy (Masatoshi Ogita) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Kevin Guillemette) Rome: Total War (Robert T. Smith, Mike Brunton, Michael de Plater, Jamie Ferguson, Chris Gambold) The Sims 2 (Matthew M. Brown) |
Half-Life 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2005 | Diseño del Videojuego | Nintendogs Resident Evil 4 (Hiroshi Shibata, Koji Kakae, Shigenori Nishikawa) The Movies (Adrian Moore) We Love Katamari (Masatoshi Ogita, Takako Maeda, Akihiro Takano, Kazunori Okanaka) |
Shadow of the Colossus | Fumito Ueda, Junichi Hosono | Team Ico |
2006 | Diseño del Videojuego | Dead Rising Final Fantasy XII (Takeshi Iwabuchi, Masahiro Kataoka) New Super Mario Bros. (Masataka Takemoto, Yasuhisa Yamamura, Kosono Okina, Haruka Kakinuma, Shinya Hiratake) Ōkami |
Gears of War | Cliff Bleszinski, Lee Perry | Epic Games |
2007 | Diseño del Videojuego | BioShock (Paul Hellquist) Crush (Alex Butterfield) Mass Effect (Preston Watamaniuk) Super Mario Galaxy (Shigeru Miyamoto) The Ship (Simon Hill, Duncan Blair) |
The Orange Box | Valve Corporation | |
2008 | Diseño del Videojuego | Left 4 Dead Mirror's Edge (Thomas Andersson) Patapon (Hiroyuki Kotani) Spore (Alex Hutchinson) |
Little Big Planet | Mark Healey, David Smith, Craig Kerrison, Victor Ågren | Media Molecule |
2009 | Diseño del Videojuego | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Todd Alderman, Steve Fukuda, Mackey McCandlish, Zied Rieke) inFamous Left 4 Dead 2 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Richard Lemarchand, Neil Druckmann) |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Ian Bell | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Steven Masters) BioShock 2 (Mathieu Bérube, Allen Goode (downloadable content), Tom Galt (downloadable content)) Red Dead Redemption (Silas Morse, Alan Blaine, Kris Roberts) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Kenta Motokura) |
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty | Michael Heiberg, Matthew Morris | Blizzard Entertainment |
2010 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Epic Mickey (Robert Chase Jones) Limbo (Jeppe Carlsen) Super Meat Boy (Edmund McMillen, Tommy Refenes) Vanquish (Masaaki Yamada, Shigenori Nishikawa, Junichi Oka) |
Heavy Rain | Sophie Buhl, Caroline Marchal | Quantic Dream |
2011 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Batman: Arkham City (Ian Ball) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games) Portal 2 Rayman Origins (Mihnea Ilicevici) |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Bruce Nesmith | Bethesda Game Studios |
2011 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Bastion (Amir Rao, Greg Kasavin) From Dust (Denis Muffat-Méridol) Frozen Synapse (Ian Hardingham) Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (Takayuki Isobe, Yasuhiro Noguchi, Hisashi Natsumura) |
SpaceChem | Zach Barth | Zachtronics Industries |
2012 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Joseph Chiang) Far Cry 3 (Kevin Guillemette, Jamie Keen, Andrea Zanini) Mass Effect 3 (Preston Watamaniuk) New Super Mario Bros. 2 XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Ananda Gupta) Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |
Assassin's Creed III | Steven Masters | Ubisoft Montreal |
2012 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Dokuro Fez (Fez) Journey (Anna White, Christopher Cabcabin, Philip Ilatovsky) Mark of the Ninja (Nels Anderson) Sound Shapes Xenoblade Chronicles (Koh Kojima) |
Dishonored | Christophe Carrier | Arkane Studios |
2011 | Diseño del Videojuego, Clásico Resucitado | Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (Chad Armstrong) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Metal Gear Solid HD Collection The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection |
Ōkamiden | Atsushi Inaba | Mobile & Videojuego Studio, Inc. |
2013 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Eric Baptizat) Super Mario 3D World XCOM: Enemy Within (Ananda Gupta) |
Bioshock: Infinite | Adrian Balanon, Forrest Dowling | Irrational Games |
2013 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Antichamber (Alexander Bruce, Robin Arnott, Siddhartha Barnhoorn, Julian Bruce, Mike Blackney) The Cave (Jean Paul LeBreton) The Stanley Parable (William Pugh, Davey Wreden) The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Ryan Kaufman) |
The Last of Us | Bruce Straley | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Assassin's Creed: Unity (Alexandre Pedneault) Dark Souls II (Naotoshi Zin) Far Cry 4 (Gauthier Malou) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (Hideo Kojima) |
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Mike Laidlaw | BioWare |
2014 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Destiny (James McQuillan) Monument Valley (Ken Wong) Super Time Force Transistor (Amir Rao, Greg Kasavin) |
This War of Mine | Rafał Włosek, Michal Drozdowski | 11 bit studios |
2015 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Frédéric St-Laurent B.) Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Gavin Locke) Fallout 4 (Emil Pagliarulo Todd Howard) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Hideo Kojima) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Grzegorz Mocarski | CD Projekt Red |
2015 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Bloodborne (Kazuhiro Hamatani) Life Is Strange (Baptiste Moisan) Pillars of Eternity (Joshua Eric Sawyer) Undertale (Toby Fox) |
Splatoon | Nintendo | |
2016 | Diseño del Videojuego, Franquicia | Dishonored 2 (Dinga Bakaba) Forza Horizon 3 (Martin Connor) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Kurt Margenau, Emilia Schatz, Anthony Newman, Richard Cambier) XCOM 2 (Mark Nauta) |
DOOM | Peter Sokal | id Software |
2016 | Diseño del Videojuego, Nueva IP | Dead by Daylight Inside (Jeppe Carlsen) Overwatch (David M. Adams, Michael Chu, Jeremy Craig, Geoff Goodman, Michael Heiberg, Scott Mercer) Republique |
The Last Guardian | Fumito Ueda | SIE Japan Studio |
Motor de Juego
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2012 | Motor de Juego | Crush 3D (Peter Pimley) Dragon's Dogma (Yoshiharu Nakao) Mass Effect 3 (David Falkner) Spelunky (Andrew Hull) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Casey O'Toole) | Trials Evolution | Russell Allen | RedLynx Ubisoft Shanghai |
2013 | Motor de Juego | Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Shinji Hatada) Battlefield 4 (Erik Westerlund, Jonas Kjellström) Disney Infinity Fire Emblem: Awakening XCOM: Enemy Within (Justin Boswell) | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD | Daiki Iwamoto, Takuhiro Dohta, Hajime Suzuki | Nintendo |
2014 | Motor de Juego | FIFA 15 FTL: Faster Than Light (Matthew Davis) Infamous Second Son (Adrian Bentley) Tengami (Phil Tossell) | Alien: Isolation | Michael Bailey | Creative Assembly |
2015 | Motor de Juego | Bloodborne (Ryu Matsumoto, Naoto Saigusa, Kazutoshi Nakajima, Tomoaki Takesue, Shinichiro Nishida, Takahiro Doi, Tomoki Otsuka) Fallout 4 (Guy Carver) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Junji Tago) Super Mario Maker (Yusaku Shimizu) | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Balázs Török | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Motor de Juego | Dishonored 2 (Sylvain Praloix, Sylvain Been) DOOM (Billy Ethan Khan) Pokémon Go Stellaris (Daniel Eriksson, Alexander Ivannikov, Mehrnaz Amanat Bari, Rikard Aslund, Joakim Bennedich) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Tyler Thornock | Naughty Dog |
Videojuego del Año
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego del Año | Devil May Cry (Masaaki Yamada, Joesuke Kaji) Halo (Jason Jones) Ico (Fumito Ueda) Metal Gear Solid 2 Hideo Kojima Pikmin (Shigeru Miyamoto) |
Grand Theft Auto III | Leslie Benzies, Dan Houser, Jamie King, Renaud Sebbane, Gary J. Foreman, Jeremy Pope | DMA Design |
2002 | Videojuego del Año | Animal Crossing (Takashi Tezuka) Metroid Prime (Michael Mann) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Wu Dong Hao) |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Leslie Benzies, Dan Houser, Jeremy Pope, Jamie King | Rockstar North |
2003 | Videojuego del Año | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Ubisoft | ||
2004 | Videojuego del Año | Burnout 3: Takedown (Paul Cross, Chris Roberts) Katamari Damacy (Masatoshi Ogita) Ninja Gaiden (Tomonobu Itagaki) Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (Grady Hunt) Rome: Total War (Robert T. Smith, Mike Brunton, Michael de Plater, Jamie Ferguson, Chris Gambold) |
Half-Life 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2005 | Videojuego del Año | Civilization IV (Soren Johnson) God of War (David Jaffe) Psychonauts (Tim Schafer) Resident Evil 4 (Hiroshi Shibata, Koji Kakae, Shigenori Nishikawa) |
Shadow of the Colossus | Kenji Kaido, Yasuhide Kobayashi, Fumito Ueda | Team Ico |
2006 | Videojuego del Año | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Todd Howard) Final Fantasy XII (Yasumi Matsuno) Gears of War (Cliff Bleszinski) LocoRoco (Tsutomu Kouno) Viva Pinata (Gregg Mayles, Justin Cook, Gavin Price, Matthew Carter) |
Ōkami | Atsushi Inaba | Clover Studio |
2007 | Videojuego del Año | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Jason West) Mass Effect (Casey Hudson) Rock Band Super Mario Galaxy (Shigeru Miyamoto) The Orange Box |
BioShock | Alyssa Finley | 2K Boston |
2008 | Videojuego del Año | Gears of War 2 (Cliff Bleszinski) Left 4 Dead Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Hideo Kojima) Mirror's Edge (Tom Farrer) |
Little Big Planet | Luci Black, Martin Lynagh, Michelle Ducker, Claire Boissiere | Media Molecule |
2009 | Videojuego del Año | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Todd Alderman, Steve Fukuda, Mackey McCandlish, Zied Rieke) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Richard Lemarchand, Neil Druckmann) |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Sefton Hill | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Videojuego del Año | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Steven Masters) Darksiders (Timothy Bell) Heavy Rain (David Cage) Limbo (Arnt Jensen) Mass Effect 2 (Casey Hudson) StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (Robert Pardo) |
Red Dead Redemption | Steve Martin, David Kunkler | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Videojuego del Año | Batman: Arkham City (Daniel Bailie, Nathan Burlow) Battlefield 3 (Patrick Bach) Catherine (Kazuhisa Wada) Dark Souls (Hidetaka Miyazaki) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bruce Nesmith) Portal 2 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Richard Lemarchand, Jacob Minkoff) |
Minecraft | Markus Persson | Mojang |
2012 | Videojuego del Año | Borderlands 2 Far Cry 3 (Kevin Guillemette, Jamie Keen, Andrea Zanini) Spec Ops: The Line (Cory Davis, François Coulon) The Walking Dead (Sean Vanaman) Torchlight II |
Journey | Jenova Chen, Robin Hunicke | thatGamecompany |
2013 | Videojuego del Año | Battlefield 4 (Lars Gustavsson) Bioshock: Infinite (Ken Levine) Grand Theft Auto V (Leslie Benzies, Imran Sarwar) Super Mario 3D World The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Eiji Aonuma) Tomb Raider (Noah Hughes) |
The Last of Us | Bruce Straley | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Videojuego del Año | Far Cry 4 (Alex Hutchinson) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Matt Allen) South Park: The Stick of Truth (Eric Stough, Bruce Howell, Adrien Beard) Super Smash Bros. |
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Mike Laidlaw | BioWare |
2015 | Videojuego del Año | Batman: Arkham Knight (Sefton Hill) Bloodborne (Hidetaka Miyazaki) Fallout 4 (Todd Howard) Splatoon (Yusuke Amano, Tsubasa Sakaguchi) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Piotr Krzywonosiuk | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Videojuego del Año | Dark Souls III (Hidetaka Miyazaki) Inside (Arnt Jensen) Pokémon Go Stardew Valley (Eric Barone) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Bruce Straley, Neil Druckmann) |
Overwatch | Jeffrey Kaplan | Blizzard Entertainment |
Videojuego, Clásico Resucitado
Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Kōji Horie) Crazy Taxi 2 (Kenji Kanno) Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Protagonistaer (Julian Eggebrecht) Unreal Tournament (Peter Clark) |
Grand Theft Auto III | Leslie Benzies, Dan Houser, Jamie King, Renaud Sebbane, Gary J. Foreman, Jeremy Pope | DMA Design |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Todd Arnold, Sam Clifford) Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Peter Hirschmann) Metroid Fusion (Tomoyoshi Yamane, Takehiko Hosokawa) Metroid Prime (Michael Mann) TimeSplitters 2 (Stephen Ellis, David Doak) |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Leslie Benzies, Dan Houser, Jeremy Pope, Jamie King | Rockstar North |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (William Morrison) Jak II Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike |
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne | Markus Maki, Kaweh Kazemi, Stefan Willixhofer, Hannes Seifert, Gregor Eigner (ewp), Frank Kern (ewp), Brandon Rose | Remedy Entertainment |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Doom 3 (Tim Willits) Halo 2 (Jason Jones) Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (Randy Thompson) Viewtiful Joe 2 (Atsushi Inaba) |
Half-Life 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Call of Duty 2 (Eric Riley) The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Eric Holmes) Quake 4 (Eric C. Biessman) Ultimate Spider-Man (Brian Reed) |
Battlefield 2 | Sean Decker | Digital Illusions |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Hiroto Yamaguchi) Daxter (Michael John) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (Leslie Benzies) Metroid Prime Hunters (Shigeki Yamashiro, Robert Champagne) |
Half-Life 2: Episode One | Valve Corporation | |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | God of War II (Cory Barlog) Halo 3 (James McQuillan, Joseph Tung) Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction The Orange Box |
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Jason West | Infinity Ward |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Battlefield: Bad Company (Karl-Magnus Troedsson) Gears of War 2 (Cliff Bleszinski) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Hideo Kojima) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky (Anton Bolshakov) |
Grand Theft Auto IV | Leslie Benzies, Imran Sarwar, William Mills | Rockstar North |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Todd Alderman, Steve Fukuda, Mackey McCandlish, Zied Rieke) Killzone 2 (Steven Ter Heide, Angie Smets) Left 4 Dead 2 Red Faction: Guerrilla (Rick E. White) |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | Sefton Hill | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Björn Johnsson, Anders Gyllenberg, John Hargelid) BioShock 2 God of War III (Whitney Wade, Kenneth T. Roy) Just Cause 2 (Daniel Willför) |
Red Dead Redemption | Steve Martin, David Kunkler | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Batman: Arkham City (Sefton Hill) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games) Portal 2 Saints Row: The Third (Nick Lee) |
Battlefield 3 | Fredrik Loving, Sara Jansson | EA DICE |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Cesar Stastny) Far Cry 3 (Kevin Guillemette, Jamie Keen, Andrea Zanini) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Ionuţ Grozea) Prototype 2 (Matthew Armstrong) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Matt Krystek, Matt Bettelman, Jared Ellott, Keith Evans, Chris Pasetto, David Ruiz, Gabriel Sheets, J. R. Vosovic, Travis Wiglesworth) |
Max Payne 3 | Sergei Kuprejanov | Rockstar Games |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Batman: Arkham Origins (Eric Holmes) Grand Theft Auto V (Leslie Benzies, Imran Sarwar) Metro: Last Light (Viacheslav Aristov) Saints Row IV |
Bioshock: Infinite | Mike Syrny | Irrational Games |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Bayonetta 2 (Atsushi Inaba) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Glen Schofield, Michael Condrey) Far Cry 4 (Cedric Decelle) Wolfenstein: The New Order (Lars Johansson) |
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor | Nathan Edson, Zeb Wedell | Monolith Productions |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Batman: Arkham Knight (Sefton Hill) Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Jason Blundell, Daniel Bunting) Just Cause 3 Transformers: Devastation (Robert Conkey, Atsushi Inaba) |
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | Hideo Kojima, Kenichirō Imaizumi | Kojima Productions |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Acción | Battlefield 1 (Aleksander Svendsen Grondal) Dishonored 2 (Harvey Smith) Hitman (Christian Elverdam) Titanfall 2 (Steve Fukuda) |
DOOM | Marty Stratton | id Software |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Shigeru Miyamoto, Yoshiki Okamoto, Hiroshi Yamauchi) Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Shigeru Miyamoto, Yoshiki Okamoto, Hiroshi Yamauchi) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Jeffrey Nicholas Brown, Lorne Lanning) Silent Hill 2 (Akihiro Imamura) |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | Hideo Kojima | Konami |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Resident Evil Zero (Takahiro Ushiroda, Takayoshi Miyake, Isamu Hara, Tomohiro Kida, Yasuhiro Itoge) Shenmue II (Yu Suzuki) |
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Mathieu Ferland, Reid Schneider, Roxane Gosselin, Francois Coulon | Ubisoft |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Deus Ex: Invisible War (Ricardo Bare) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (Richard Dansky) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka, Satoru Iwata) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Tron 2.0 |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Yannis Mallat | Ubisoft |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Myst IV: Revelation (Patrick Fortier) Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Keiji Inafune) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Jean-Christophe Guyot) |
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater | Hideo Kojima, Yoshikazu Matsuhana | Konami |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (Tsuyoshi Tanaka) Fatal Frame III: The Tormented Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Jean-Christophe Guyot) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (André Roy) |
Resident Evil 4 | Hiroyuki Kobayashi | Capcom |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Broken Sword: The Angel of Death Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Jarl Schjerverud, Henning Solberg) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (Hideo Kojima) Sam and Max: Episode 1 (Brendan Q. Ferguson, David Grossman, Steve Purcell) |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess | Shigeru Miyamoto | Nintendo |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (Matthew Tomporowski) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (Stig Fjeldheim) |
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass | Daiki Iwamoto, Eiji Aonuma, Shigeru Miyamoto, Hidemaro Fujibayashi | Nintendo |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (Takeshi Yamazaki, Keisuke Yamakawa) Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox (Mark Magdamit) Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst (Adrian Woods) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Eric Lajeunesse) |
Prince of Persia | Ben Mattes, Jamal Rguigui | Ubisoft Montreal |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Assassin's Creed II (Patrice Désilets) Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Akihiro Hino) Resident Evil 5 (Jun Takeuchi) Tales of Monkey Island: Lair of the Leviathan (Joe Pinney, Sean Vanaman, David Grossman, Brendan Q. Ferguson, Jake Rodkin, Will Armstrong, Mark Darin, Michael Stemmle) |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Bruce Straley | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (Daniel Neuburger, Daniel Bryner, Bryan Enriquez, Jeff Wajcs) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Hideo Kojima) Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Graeme Jennings) Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (Akihiro Hino) |
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Vincent Pontbriand-Trudel | Ubisoft Montreal |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Assassin's Creed Revelations (Alexandre Amancio) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (David Anfossi) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Ryuji Kobayashi) |
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Amy Hennig | Naughty Dog |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Resident Evil 6 (Jiro Taoka) Resident Evil: Revelations Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (Kotaro Uchikoshi) |
Assassin's Creed III | Alex Hutchinson | Ubisoft Montreal |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Martin Schelling) The Walking Dead: 400 Days (Sean Ainsworth, Mark Darin, Harrison G. Pink) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Maxime Béland) Tomb Raider (Noah Hughes) |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds | Hiromasa Shikata | Nintendo |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Assassin's Creed: Unity (Antoine Vimal du Monteil, Philippe Ducharme) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (Hideo Kojima, Kenichirō Imaizumi) |
The Walking Dead: Season Two | Sara Guinness, Kirsten Kennedy | Telltale Games |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5 - The Vault of the Traveler | Rise of the Tomb Raider | Noah Hughes | Crystal Dynamics |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Aventura | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice (Takeshi Yamazaki, Takuro Fuse) Salt and Sanctuary (James Silva, Michelle Silva) Watch Dogs 2 Zero Time Dilemma (Kotaro Uchikoshi) |
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Bruce Straley, Neil Druckmann | Naughty Dog |
Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Mario Party 3 (Kenji Kikuchi) Pokemon Crystal (Satoru Iwata, Satoshi Yamato, Shigeru Miyamoto, Tsunekazu Ishihara) Wario Land 4 (Takehiro Izushi) |
Klonoa 2 | Namco | |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (Tsuyoshi Wakayama) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords (Su Chol Lee, Mitsuaki Araki, Joko Kazuki) Mario Party 4 (Fumihisa Sato) Super Monkey Ball 2 (Toshihiro Nagoshi) |
Super Mario Sunshine | Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Ape Escape 2 (Hiromasa Ohkubo, Takahiro Okano, Hideyuki Ikeda, Teku Kobayashi, Hidekuni Sakai) Kirby's Air Ride (Hiroaki Suga, Masayoshi Tanimura, Shigeru Miyamoto) Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Hiroyuki Jinnai, Takehiro Izushi, Hiroaki Tsuru) |
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 | Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Pikmin 2 (Shigeru Miyamoto Takashi Tezuka) Sly 2: Band of Thieves |
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door | Shigeru Miyamoto, Ryouichi Kitanishi | Intelligent Systems |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Animal Crossing: Wild World (Takashi Tezuka) Kirby: Canvas Curse The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Shigeru Miyamoto) Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves WarioWare: Touched! |
We Love Katamari | Toshiya Hara, Hideki Tomida, Keita Takahashi | Namco |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Mega Man Powered Up (Hiroyuki Yamato, Yuujirou Hayakawa, Yusuke Tokita, Gentarou Tanzawa) New Super Mario Bros. (Takashi Tezuka) Nintendogs: Dalmation (Shigeru Miyamoto) Yoshi's Island DS (Hiroyuki Kawaguchi, Kōki Mogi, Ayae Hayashi, Shinichi Iida, Kou Okamoto, Atsushi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Shimoda) |
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | Jon Burton | Traveller's Tales |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Cooking Mama: Cook Off (Joe McHale) Super Paper Mario (Kensuke Tanabe, Ryouichi Kitanishi) |
Super Mario Galaxy | Yoshiaki Koizumi, Shigeru Miyamoto, Takao Shimizu | Nintendo |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Animal Crossing: City Folk (Takashi Tezuka) Lego Batman: The VideoVideojuego (Kieran Gaynor) Lego Indiana Jones: The Aventura Originals (Paul Flanagan) Mega Man 9 (Satoru Nishizawa, Ryota Ito, Satoshi Yazima) |
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise | Steven Brand | Rare |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Historia (Toshiharu Izuno, Akira Otani, Yoshihiko Maekawa) Patapon 2 Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Koji Takahashi, Koji Kitagawa) |
New Super Mario Bros. Wii | Takashi Tezuka, Hiroyuki Kimura | Nintendo |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Kirby's Epic Yarn (Kazumasa Yonetani) Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4 (Jon Burton) Super Scribblenauts (Sean Wissler) Toy Historia 3: The Video Videojuego (Linda Jo) |
Super Mario Galaxy 2 | Yoshiaki Koizumi, Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | LittleBigPlanet 2 (Kengo Kurimoto) Nintendogs + Cats Rayman Origins (Michel Ancel) Sonic Generations (Takashi Iizuka) |
Super Mario 3D Land | Yoshiaki Koizumi | Nintendo |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Jon Burton) Lego The Lord of the Rings (Jon Burton) New Super Mario Bros. U Paper Mario: Sticker Star |
New Super Mario Bros. U | Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Katsuya Eguchi) Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Jon Burton) Pokemon X & Y (Shusaku Egami, Junichi Masuda, Takato Utsunomiya, Hitoshi Yamagami) Rayman Legends |
Super Mario 3D World | Nintendo | |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Kensuke Tanabe) |
Lego Batman 3 | Arthur Parsons | Traveller's Tales |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Lego Dimensions (Douglas Heder) Yoshi's Woolly World (Atsushi Kono) |
Super Mario Maker | Takashi Tezuka, Yosuke Oshino | Nintendo |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia Familiar | Pokémon Go Ratchet & Clank Super Mario Run (Shigeru Miyamoto) |
Dragon Quest Builders | Kazuya Niinou | Square Enix Business Division 5 |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Bloody Roar 3 Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium (Hidetoshi Ishizawa (Neo_G), Takechan, Oni Suzuki, Mitsuaki Araki, Haman Satoru, Buruma) Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves Guilty Gear X Super Smash Bros. Melee (Masahiro Sakurai) |
Dead or Alive 3 | Team Ninja | |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Tatsuya Nakae, Spp Iorya, Buruma, Oni Suzuki, Obata Shinichiro, Hidetoshi Ishizawa) Tekken 4 Virtua Fighter 4 WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth (James Flaharty, Nicholas Wlodyka) |
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance | John Podlasek, Paulo Garcia, Brian LeBaron, Ed Boon | Midway Games |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution | Soulcalibur II | Hiroaki Yotoriyama, Akiko Tange, Koh Onda | Project Soul |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Def Jam: Fight for NY (Lauren Wirtzer, Hideyuki Iwashita, Josh Holmes) Godzilla: Save the Earth (Kirby Fong) Guilty Gear Isuka Mortal Kombat: Deception (Ed Boon) |
Dead or Alive Ultimate | Team Ninja | |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Soulcalibur III (Tetsuya Akatsuka) Tekken 5 (Yuichi Yonemori, Kazuo Takahashi, Takahiro Noda, Takehiro Shimizu, Kunihiko Minakata, Hironori Ikeda, Hayato Iinuma) WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 (Naoto Ueno, Kensuke Kanouda, Osamu Hashimoto, Naoto Kuge) |
Fight Night Round 2 | Keith J. Morton | Electronic Arts |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Christopher Sabat) Guilty Gear Judgment Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Ed Boon) Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (Kazuo Takahashi, Hayato Iinuma, Takahiro Noda, Hironori Ikeda, Kunihiko Minakata) |
Fight Night Round 3 | Electronic Arts | |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Bleach: Dark Souls Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Naruto: The Broken Bond Soulcalibur IV |
Super Smash Bros. Brawl | Kensuke Tanabe, Keisuke Terasaki, Akiya Sakamoto | Sora Ltd. |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Punch-Out!! (Jamie Ip, Matt McTavish) | Street Fighter IV | Takashi Tsukamoto | Capcom |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Tetsuya Tomotoshi) UFC Undisputed 2010 Yakuza 3 (Toshihiro Nagoshi, Masayoshi Kikuchi) |
Super Street Fighter IV | Yoshinori Ono | Capcom |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Mortal Kombat (Ed Boon) Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online WWE All Stars (Sal DiVita) Yakuza 4 (Atsuki Ichikawa, Kazuhito Hirano) |
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds | Akihito Kadowaki, Go Usuma | Capcom |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Karateka (Jordan Mechner) Persona 4 Arena (Naoki Sawakawa) Street Fighter X Tekken (Taketoshi Sano, Yukiko Hokao, Tetsunosuke Seki) WWE '13 |
UFC Undisputed 3 | Hiromi Furuta | Yuke's |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Infinity Blade III Killer Instinct (Michael Willette) WWE 2K14 (Takayoshi Akasaka) |
Injustice: Gods Among Us | Ed Boon | NetherRealm Studios |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | EA Sports UFC (Jazz Brousseau) Ultra Street Fighter IV (Derek Neal) | Super Smash Bros. | Masahiro Sakurai | HAL Laboratory, Inc. |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | Killer Instinct Season 2 (Michael Willette) | Mortal Kombat X | Ed Boon | NetherRealm Studios |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Peleas | EA Sports UFC 2 (Brian Hayes) The King of Fighters XIV (Yasuyuki Oda) WWE 2K17 |
Street Fighter V | Takayuki Nakayama | Capcom Dimps |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Rompecabezas
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Rompecabezas | Bomberman Generations (Osamu Harada) Frogger Beyond (Shosen Cho) Super Bust-A-Move 2 Worms Blast (Mark Lewis Baldwin, Kevin Carthew, John Dennis, Paul Dunstan, John Eggett, Paul Kilburn, Grant Towell) | Tetris Worlds | Kirsten Forbes, Nathan Rose, Curtis R. Cherrington, Jason Garwood | Radical Entertainment Blue Planet Software 3d6 Videojuegos |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Rompecabezas | Bombastic (Hiroyuki Kotani) | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo | Capcom | |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Extreme-G 3 Le Mans 24 Hours (Justin Halliday, Andrew Carter) Mario Kart: Super Circuit Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero Wave Race: Blue Storm (Minoru Arakawa, Shigeru Miyamoto, Shigeki Yamashiro) |
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec | Kazunori Yamauchi, Sean Kelly, Shiho de Ruiter - Miyazaki, Taku Imasaki, Kenneth Chan, Nicole Nokes (ewp) | Polyphony Digital |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Colin McRae Rally 3 (David Osbourn, Jamie Lowes) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (William Ho) Sega GT 2002 Twisted Metal: Black |
Burnout 2: Point of Impact | Joe Bonar, Rupert Brooker | Criterion Games |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | F-Zero GX (Toshihiro Nagoshi) Midnight Club II Need for Speed Underground Project Gotham Racing 2 (Martyn R. Chudley) Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild (Jordan Itkowitz, Adam Kraver) |
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! | Shigeru Miyamoto, Tadashi Sugiyama, Shinya Takahashi, Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | F-Zero: GP Legend (Hitoshi Yamagami) Need for Speed: Underground 2 (Chuck Osieja) OutRun 2 (Steve Lycett, Travis Ryan, Colin Stone) RalliSport Challenge 2 (Patrick Bach) |
Burnout 3: Takedown | Shiobhan Reddy, Rupert Brooker, Catherine Schell, Adrian Selby | Criterion Games |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Gran Turismo 4 (Kazunori Yamauchi) Mario Kart DS (Shigeru Miyamoto) Need for Speed: Most Wanted Project Gotham Racing 3 |
Burnout Revenge | Criterion Games | |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | ATV Offroad Fury 4 (Graham Bromley) FlatOut 2 (Janne Alanenpää) OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (Travis Ryan) Test Drive Unlimited (Ahmed Boukhelifa, Christophe Laboureau) |
Ridge Racer 7 | Bandai Namco Entertainment | |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Project Gotham Racing 4 (Ged Talbot) | Forza Motorsport 2 | Alan Hartman | Turn 10 Studios |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | FlatOut: Head On (Janne Alanepää) Mario Kart Wii (Shigeru Miyamoto) Midnight Club: Los Angeles (Jeffrey Pidsadny) Wipeout HD |
Burnout Paradise | Matt Webster | Criterion Games |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Dirt 2 (Matthew Horsman) | Forza Motorsport 3 | Dan Greenawalt | Turn 10 Studios |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | F1 2010 (Stephen Hood) Gran Turismo 5 (Kazunori Yamauchi) Hydro Thunder Hurricane (Ralf Knoesel) |
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit | Alan McDairmant, Hamish Young, Matt Webster, Paul Ross, Pete Lake, Steve Cuss | Criterion Games |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Driver: San Francisco (Marie-Jo Leroux) Forza Motorsport 4 (William Giese) Mario Kart 7 (Hideki Konno) Motorstorm: Apocalypse Need for Speed: The Run (Alex Grimbley, Brian Lindley, Steve Anthony) |
MotorStorm: Apocalypse | Evolution Studios | |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Dirt: Showdown (Richard Todd) F1 Online: The Videojuego Forza Horizon (Martin Connor) Need for Speed: Most Wanted (James Hans, Leanne Loombe, Neil Manners, Robert O'Farrell, Vanesa Lorena Tate) Trials Evolution (Roger Carpenter) |
LittleBigPlanet Karting | Andrew Bracken | United Front Videojuegos |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Gran Turismo 6 Grid 2 Need for Speed: Rivals (Craig Sullivan) |
Forza Motorsport 5 | Dan Greenawalt | Turn 10 Studios |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Forza Horizon 2 (Chris Taylor) | Mario Kart 8 | Hideki Konno | Nintendo |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Carreras | Dirt Rally F1 2016 NASCAR Heat Evolution TrackMania Turbo (Florent Castelnérac) |
Forza Horizon 3 | Ralph Fulton | Playground Games |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dragon Warrior VII (Yuji Horii) Final Fantasy Chronicles Paper Mario (Ryota Kawade) Phantasy Star Online (Yuji Naka) | Final Fantasy X | Yoshinori Kitase | Square |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Asheron's Call 2: Fallen Kings (Nik Davidson) Grandia Xtreme Icewind Dale II (Joshua Eric Sawyer) Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II Summoner 2 (Sandeep Shekar) Wild Arms 3 (Akifumi Kaneko) |
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind | Todd Howard, Ashley Cheng, Todd Vaughn | Bethesda Softworks |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dark Cloud 2 (Akihiro Hino) Final Fantasy X-2 (Yoshinori Kitase) |
Final Fantasy XI | Square Enix | |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (David Maldonado) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Akitoshi Kawazu) Shadow Hearts: Covenant (Jeremy Airey) Tales of Symphonia (Takashi Hasegawa) |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords | Obsidian Entertainment | |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | City of Villains (Matthew Miller, Melissa Bianco, Brian Gilmore, Floyd Grubb, Nellie Hughes) Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich (Dorian Hart, Alexx Kay), PoPoLoCrois (Hiromori Fukuoka) X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (Dan Vondrak) |
Dragon Quest VIII | Ryutaro Ichimura, Yoshiki Watabe, Yuu Miyake, Taichi Inuzuka, Yukinobu Chida, Akihiro Hino | Level-5 |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Gavin Carter, Craig Lafferty) Kingdom Hearts II (Tetsuya Nomura) Neverwinter Nights 2 (Joshua Eric Sawyer, Ferret Baudoin) Suikoden V (Hidehito Okamoto) |
Final Fantasy XII | Hiroaki Kato | Square Enix |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade | Shane Dabiri | Blizzard Entertainment |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice Fable II (Peter Molyneux) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (Atsushi Watanabe, Azusa Kido) Valkyria Chronicles (Takanobu Yoshino, Kohei Yamashita) |
Fallout 3 | Gavin Carter | Bethesda Game Studios |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Yuji Horii) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (Fūma Yatō) Star Ocean: Second Evolution Suikoden Tierkreis |
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | Tetsuya Nomura | Square Enix |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Yuji Horii) Fable III (Peter Molyneux) Fallout: New Vegas (Mikey Dowling, Jason Fader, Matt Singh, Tess Treadwell) World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (Chris Metzen) | Mass Effect 2 | Adrien Cho, Nathan Plewes, Jesse Houston | BioWare |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dark Souls (Hidetaka Miyazaki) Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten Dungeon Siege III (Richard Taylor) Star Wars: The Old Republic (Holden Hume) |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Craig Lafferty | Bethesda Game Studios |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Diablo III (Robert Pardo) Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Torchlight II |
Mass Effect 3 | Jesse Houston, Casey Hudson | BioWare |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Shadowrun Returns (Brian Poel) Shin Megami Tensei IV Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Tales of Xillia (Hideo Baba) |
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate | Maki Maruyama | Capcom |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Dark Souls II (Shinichiro Nishida, Yuzo Kojima) Dragon Age: Inquisition (Mike Laidlaw) |
South Park: The Stick of Truth | Chris Brion | Obsidian Entertainment South Park Digital Studios |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Fallout 4 (Todd Howard) Xenoblade Chronicles X (Tetsuya Takahashi) |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Piotr Krzywonosiuk | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Juegos de Rol | Bravely Second: End Layer (Kensuke Nakahara) Dark Souls III Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (Satoshi Ohyama) The Banner Saga 2 |
Final Fantasy XV | Hajime Tabata | Square Enix Business Division 2 |
Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | Madden NFL 2002 (Jonah Stich) NBA 2K2 NFL 2K2 (Christopher Larson) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x (Nigel Mills) | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 | Scott Pease, Nicole Willick, Stacey Drellishak | Neversoft |
2002 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA 2003 NBA 2K3 (Derrick Aynaga) NFL 2K3 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 (Mike Olsen) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (Stacey Ganem) | Madden NFL 2003 | Jeremy Strauser, Phil Frazier, Jason Barnes, Kenny Ilko | Electronic Arts |
2003 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | Links 2004 (Mark McArthur) Madden NFL 2004 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 Tony Hawk's Underground (Stacey Ganem) | SSX 3 | Larry LaPierre, J. David Elton, Conor Lumpkin | Electronic Arts |
2004 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | ESPN NBA 2K5 (Jeremy Tiner, Dedan Anderson, Mark Washington, MVP Baseball 2004 (Brent Nielsen) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Stacey Ganem) World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International (Shingo Takatsuka) | ESPN NFL 2K5 | Jeffrey J. Thomas, Asif Chaudhri, Eric Sorenson (ewp), Rick Brown (ewp), Brandon Justice (ewp), Abe Navarro (ewp), Matt Underwood (ewp), Dave Zdyrko (ewp) | Visual Concepts |
2005 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA 06 (Pauline Moller) NHL 2K6 (Colin O'Hara) Tony Hawk's American Wasteland | World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International | Konami | |
2006 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA 07 (Joe Booth) Madden NFL 07 (David Ortiz) NBA 2K7 NHL 2K7 | World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 | Seabass Takatsuka | Konami |
2007 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | NHL 08 | Madden NFL 08 | Electronic Arts | |
2008 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA 09 (Paul Hossack) Madden NFL 09 (Dale Jackson) NHL 09 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 |
Mario Super Sluggers | Bandai Namco Entertainment | |
2009 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA 10 (Lindsay Blenkhorn) Madden NFL 10 MLB 09: The Show |
Wii Sports Resort | Takayuki Shimamura, Yoshikazu Yamashita | Nintendo |
2010 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | FIFA Soccer 11 MLB 10: The Show NBA 2K11 NHL 11 |
Madden NFL 11 | EA Tiburon | |
2011 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | NHL 12 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters Top Spin 4 Virtua Tennis 4 | Madden NFL 12 | EA Tiburon | |
2012 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | Madden NFL 13 Mario Tennis Open (Hiroyuki Takahashi, Shugo Takahashi) NHL 13 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 SSX | FIFA 13 | EA Canada | |
2013 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | MLB 13: The Show NBA 2K14 Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (Hatsumi Naoya) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 |
FIFA 14 | Electronic Arts | |
2014 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | Mario Golf: World Tour (Hiroyuki Takahashi, Shugo Takahashi, Toshiharu Izuno) MLB 14: The Show |
FIFA 15 | Sebastián Enrique | EA Canada |
2015 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | MLB 15: The Show PES 2016 |
NBA 2K16 | Visual Concepts | |
2016 | Videojuego, Franquicia de Deportes | Madden NFL 17 MLB The Show 16 (Jody Kelsey) NBA 2K17 NHL 17 |
FIFA 17 | EA Canada | |
Videojuego, Música o Actuación
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2004 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Donkey Konga EyeToy: Groove (Ron Festejo) Get On da Mic Taiko: Drum Master | Dance Dance Revolution Extreme | Konami | |
2005 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 (Stillwind) Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Takao Shimizu) EyeToy: Kinetic (Tom Holmes) In the Groove (Jason Asbahr, John Tam) | Guitar Hero | John Tam, Greg LoPiccolo, Daniel Sussman, Rob Kay, Alex Rigopulos | Harmonix |
2006 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Elite Beat Agents (Masako Harada, Shinya Saito) Guitaroo Man Lives! (Masako Harada) SingStar Rocks! (Paulina Bozek) | Guitar Hero II | Daniel Sussman, Elena Siegman, Tracy Rosenthal-Newsom, Helen McWilliams | Harmonix |
2007 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Josh Randall) Jam Sessions (Kosuke Asakura) | Rock Band | Harmonix | |
2008 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Audiosurf (Dylan Fitterer) Auditorium Lips (Earnest Yuen) SingStar ABBA (Fanee Sazaklidou) | Rock Band 2 | Harmonix | |
2009 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | DJ Hero Guitar Hero 5 Lego Rock Band | The Beatles: Rock Band | Naoko Takamoto | Harmonix |
2010 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Bit.Trip Runner (Alex Neuse) Dance Central (Naoko Takamoto) Def Jam Rapstar (Brian Berger, Michael Glover, Walter Randolph) DJ Hero 2 (Jamie Jackson) | Rock Band 3 | Stephanie Peczon | Harmonix |
2011 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Kinect: Disneyland Adventures Just Dance 3 The Black Eyed Peas Experience Twister Mania (Johnny O'Donnell, Adam Cavaluzi) | Rocksmith | Jason V. Schroeder | Ubisoft San Francisco |
2012 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Beat Sneak Bandit Rock Band Blitz | Dance Central 3 | Matt Boch, Jon Carter, Tom Bartlett | Harmonix |
2013 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación | Jungle Rumble Propinquity | Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien | Gaijin Videojuegos | |
2014 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación | Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd TxK (Jeff Minter) | Just Dance 2015 | Matthew Tomkinson | Ubisoft Paris |
2015 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación | Guitar Hero Live (Jamie Jackson, David Osbourn) Rock Band 4 | Crypt of the NecroDancer | Ryan Clark | Brace Yourself Videojuegos |
2016 | Videojuego, Música o Actuación-Based | Audioshield Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Masami Yone) | Thumper | Drool | |
Videojuego, Acción Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Conker's Bad Fur Day (Chris Seavor) Halo (Jason Jones) Jak and Daxter (Roppyakyu Tsurumi, Katsuhiko Kanazawa) Red Faction | Max Payne | Petri Jarvilehto, George Broussard, Scott Miller, Kevin Hoare | Remedy Entertainment |
2002 | Videojuego, Acción Original | MechAssault (Michael J. McDonald) Ratchet & Clank (Brian Allgeier) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs (Graham Keys) | Battlefield 1942 | Lars Gustavsson, Niklas Persson, Ken Balthaser, Jamil Dawsari | Digital Illusions |
2003 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Armed and Dangerous (Timothy Williams, Bob Stevenson, Nick Bruty) The Simpsons: Hit & Run (John Melchior) True Crime: Streets of LA (Luxoflux) | Call of Duty | Vince Zampella, Thaine Lyman, Ken Murphy, Eric Grossman, Daniel Hagerty, Eric W. Adams (ewp) | Infinity Ward |
2004 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Breakdown (Ryouji Ichikari) Far Cry (Christopher Natsuume, Jack Mamais, Richard Tsao) Painkiller (Adrian Chmielarz) Star Wars: Battlefront (Jens Hartvig Andersen) | Alien Hominid | John Baez | The Behemoth |
2005 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Destroy All Humans! (Dan Teasdale, Courtney Pasieczny, Jamie Lack, Arash Mohebbi) F.E.A.R. (Tim Shymkus) Gun King Kong (Michel Ancel, Sébastien Morin) Psychonauts (Tim Schafer) | God of War | Shannon Studstill, Sandy Abe, Whitney Wade, Yumi Yang, David Jaffe | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2006 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Dead Rising (Hayato Tsuru, Masashi Yoshida, Jiro Taoka, Hidehiro Goda, Yusuke Sakurai, Yutaka Utsugi, Tsuyoshi Mizuta) Just Cause (Magnus Nedfors) Prey (Chris Rhinehart) Resistance: Fall of Man Saints Row (Alvan Monje, Anoop Shekar, Douglas Nelson) | Gears of War | Rod Fergusson | Epic Games |
2007 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Crysis (Bernd Diemer) S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Anton Bolshakov) The Darkness (Lars Johansson) The Ship (Simon Hill) | BioShock | Alyssa Finley | 2K Boston |
2008 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Braid (Jonathan Blow) Castle Crashers (Tom Fulp) Dead Space (Bret Robbins) PixelJunk Eden | Mirror's Edge | Tom Farrer | EA DICE |
2009 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Borderlands (Simon Hurley, Stephen Palmer) Brütal Legend (Erik Robson) Fat Princess Prototype (Eric Holmes) | 'Splosion Man | Twisted Pixel Games | |
2010 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Alan Wake (Mikael Kasurinen, Sami Järvi, Saku Lehtinen, Jyri Ranki, Olli Tervo, Sami Vanhatalo, Jarno Wallgrèn) Darksiders (Timothy Bell) Limbo (Arnt Jensen) Monday Night Combat (Robert Berry Jr., Logan DeMelt, Greg Stackhouse) Vanquish (Masaaki Yamada, Shigenori Nishikawa, Junichi Oka) | Super Meat Boy | Edmund McMillen Tommy Refenes | Team Meat |
2011 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Bulletstorm (Adrian Chmielarz) El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (Yusuke Nakagawa) Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (Michel Gagné, Joe Olson) Jetpack Joyride (Adam Wood, Brent Hobson, Cedar Jones, Grant Peters, Jason Harwood, Jason Maundrell, Joe Gatling, Luke Muscat, Peter McNeill, Shath Maguire, Sierra Asher, Stephen Last, Daniel Johns, Phil Larsen, Shainiel Deo) Rage (Tim Willits) | Payday: The Heist | Oliver J. Smith | Overkill Software |
2012 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Dishonored (Raphaël Colantonio, Harvey Smith) Dust: An Elysian Tail (Dean Dodrill) Hybrid I Am Alive (Laurent Erignoux) Spelunky (Derek Yu) | Fez | Thomas Scott | Polytron Corporation |
2013 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Badland BattleBlock Theater Guacamelee! Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (Andy Schatz, Andy Nguyen) | The Last of Us | Bruce Straley | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Destiny (Jonty Barnes) Shovel Knight | Titanfall | Drew McCoy, Steve Fukuda | Respawn Entertainment |
2015 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Lovers en un Dangerous Spacetime | Bloodborne | Hidetaka Miyazaki | FromSoftware |
2016 | Videojuego, Acción Original | Adr1ft (Adam Orth) Hyper Light Drifter (Alex Preston) Republique The Lab | Overwatch | Jeffrey Kaplan | Blizzard Entertainment |
Videojuego, Aventura Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Devil May Cry (Masaaki Yamada, Joesuke Kaji) Extermination (Hidetaka Suehiro (Swery), Keisuke Mori, Teku Kobayashi, Tadafumi Kamioka, Masayoshi Kurokawa) Onimusha: Warlords (Keiji Inafune) Pikmin (Shigeru Miyamoto) | Ico | Kenji Kaido, Darren Yager, Ron Allen, Kenneth Chan | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2002 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Fatal Frame (Keisuke Kikuchi) Shadow of Destiny (Philip McDonnell) Syberia (Dominic Mercure, Patrik Méthé) The Thing (Andrew Curtis) | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem | Denis Dyack, Karyn DePetris, Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata, Kenji Miki | Silicon Knights |
2003 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Primal (Katie Lea) Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (Victor Garrido, Padraig Crowley) The Getaway (Chun Wah Kong (Protagonista designer), Alex Carlyle, Max Harvey, Stuart Harvey, Dominic Robilliard) | Beyond Good & Evil | Yves Guillemot | Ubisoft |
2004 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Peter Wanat) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Takuya Iwasaki) Missing: Since January (Éric Viennot, Gérald Obringer, Olivier Dupouy, Buu-Lâm Le, Minh Phan, Nicolas Delaye) Siren (Junya Ohkura (BHZ), Kohei Nanri) | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy | Brian Eddy, Alexander W. Offermann | Midway Games |
2005 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Christopher Gray) Haunting Ground (Yukio Andō) Shadow of the Colossus (Fumito Ueda) Trace Memory (Rika Suzuki) |
Indigo Prophecy | Constantine Hantzopoulos, Guillaume de Fondaumière, Nathalie Chody | Quantic Dream |
2006 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine (Britney K. Brimhall, Christopher T. Warren) Bully (Chris Stimson, Josh Needleman) Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Dan Vondrak) Rule of Rose (Noriyuki Boda) |
Ōkami | Atsushi Inaba | Clover Studio |
2007 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Assassin's Creed (Jade Raymond) Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (Jalil AMR) Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Haruki Suetsugu) | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune | Amy Hennig | Naughty Dog |
2008 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (Kevin Sheller) Penny Arcade Adv. Ep 1: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village | Akihiro Hino | Level-5 |
2009 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | 1912: Titanic Mystery (Jeff Hendricks, Jörg Henseler) Cursed Mountain (Tobe Mayr, Christoph Quas, Georg Heinz) Drawn: The Painted Tower (Christian Campbell) Mini Ninjas (Jonas Lind) | inFamous | Greg Phillips, Sam Thompson | Sucker Punch Productions |
2010 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Deadly Premonition (Tomio Kanazawa, Kuniaki Kakuwa) Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Mat Hart) The Whispered World (Marco Hüllen) | Heavy Rain | Charles Coutier | Quantic Dream |
2011 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Catherine (Katsura Hashino) Lost in Shadow (Osamu Tsuchihashi) Stacking (Lee Petty) Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (Craig D. Adams) | L.A. Noire | Naresh Hirani | Team Bondi |
2012 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Botanicula (Jaromír Plachý) Closure (Tyler Glaiel) Dear Esther (Dan Pinchbeck) The Dream Machine | The Walking Dead | Sean Vanaman Jake Rodkin | Telltale Games |
2013 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller (Cesar Bittar) Gone Home The Stanley Parable The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Ryan Kaufman) | Beyond: Two Souls | Charles Coutier | Quantic Dream |
2014 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Among the Sleep Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Watch Dogs (Jonathan Morin) The Wolf Among Us (Joe Pinney) | Broken Age: Act I | Greg Rice | Double Fine Productions |
2015 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | Life Is Strange (Luc Baghadoust) | Ori and the Blind Forest | Thomas Mahler | Moon Studios |
2016 | Videojuego, Aventura Original | 1979 Revolution: Black Friday (Navid Khonsari) Edge of Nowhere Here They Lie (Cory Davis, John Garcia-Shelton, Toby Gard, Richard Smith) The Last Guardian (Fumito Ueda) | Firewatch | Olly Moss, Sean Vanaman | Campo Santo |
Videojuego, Familiar Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | The Adventures of Cookie & Cream (Atsushi Taniguchi) Aladdin in Nasira’s Revenge (Ben Tuszynski, Craig Howard) Luigi's Mansion (Hiroshi Yamauchi, Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka) Razor Freestyle Scooter | Super Monkey Ball | Toshihiro Nagoshi | Amusement Vision |
2002 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Disney's Treasure Planet (Chris Takami) Lego Soccer Mania (David Rutter, Mark James, Andrew Hersee) Stitch: Experiment 626 (Jeffrey S. Marks) | Animal Crossing | Takashi Tezuka | Nintendo |
2003 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Backyard Basketball (Philip DeLuca, Rachel Frost, Zenon Thornton, Aimee Paganini) Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup (Matt Birch, Jez Harris, Guy Miller) | Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga | Shigeru Miyamoto, Tetsuo Mizuno, Takuji Hotta (ewp), Satoshi Kira (ewp), Takashi Tezuka (ewp) | Nintendo |
2004 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Astro Boy: Omega Factor (Tetsu Okano) Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Wing S. Cho) The Number Devil (Robert Ott, Caya Maue) | Katamari Damacy | Mitsumasa Fujita, Toshiya Hara, Lindsay Gray, Noriko Wada | Namco |
2005 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Lost in Blue (Masahiro Ueno) Nintendogs (Shigeru Miyamoto) Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit | Lego Star Wars | John Burton, Tom Stone, Loz Doyle | Traveller's Tales Griptonite Videojuegos Aspyr Giant Interactive Entertainment |
2006 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Cooking Mama (Takeshi Nagashima) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (Yukiko Hinokidani, Takako Kikuto, Motohiro Suzuki) LocoRoco (Tsutomu Kouno) Super Princess Peach (Takayuki Ikeda) | Viva Pinata | Chris Sutherland, Steven Brand | Rare |
2007 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer (Robbie Graham, Alison Wilson) Drawn to Life (Jeremiah Slaczka) Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck (Jeff Pomegranate) | Calling All Cars! | David Jaffe | Sony |
2008 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Boom Blox (Steven Spielberg) De Blob Mechanic Master World of Goo (Kyle Gabler) | Little Big Planet | Luci Black, Martin Lynagh, Michelle Ducker, Claire Boissiere | Media Molecule |
2009 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Bonsai Barber Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (Peter Ong) Little King's Historia (Tomo Ikeda) Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor (Randy Smith) | Scribblenauts | Joshua Billeaudeau, Kirsten Gavoni | 5th Cell |
2010 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Costume Quest (Tasha Harris) Guilty Party (Thomas Kang) Kinectimals (David Braben) Max and the Magic Marker (Mikhail Akopyan) | Epic Mickey | Alex Chrisman, Adam Creighton | Junction Point Studios |
2011 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (Tomoaki Imanishi, Yusuke Sasaki) Where Is My Heart? | Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure | Toys for Bob | |
2012 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Dokuro Double Fine Happy Action Theater Gets to the Exit | Amazing Alex | Rovio Entertainment | |
2013 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Disney Infinity Videojuego & Wario Puppeteer Tearaway (Rex Crowle) | Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Akihiro Hino | Level-5 |
2014 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Hohokum Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake | The Counting Kingdom | Jenna Hoffstein | Little Worlds Interactive |
2015 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Donut County (Ben Esposito) | Splatoon | Yusuke Amano, Tsubasa Sakaguchi | Nintendo |
2016 | Videojuego, Familiar Original | Owlboy (Simon Stafsnes Andersen) Song of the Deep | The Flame in the Flood | The Molasses Flood | |
Videojuego, Pelea Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2002 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Pride FC (Takuro Seino) Rocky (Mark Sample) | Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee | Kirby Fong, Kyle Peschel | Pipeworks Software |
2003 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Def Jam Vendetta | War of the Monsters | Incognito Entertainment | |
2004 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Onimusha Blade Warriors (Jun Takeuchi, Keiji Inafune) | Custom Robo | NOISE | |
2005 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (Kyle Shubel) Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble | The Warriors | Greg Bick, Rob Nelson, Jeronimo Barrera | Rockstar Toronto |
2006 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked (Takeo Isogai) Yakuza (Justin Lambros) | God Hand | Atsushi Inaba | Clover Studio |
2009 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Fate/unlimited codes The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai (Stuart Platt) | MadWorld | Masanao Maeda, Hiroyuki Miyazaki | PlatinumGames |
2012 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Skullgirls | Awesomenauts | Ronimo Videojuegos | |
2013 | Videojuego, Pelea Original | Slayin | TowerFall | Matt Thorson | |
Videojuego, Rompecabezas Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2002 | Videojuego, Rompecabezas Original | Egg Mania (Mark Fisher) Hoyle Casino 2003 Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories (Satoshi Shimomura) | Puyo Pop | Sonic Team | |
2003 | Videojuego, Rompecabezas Original | Mojo! | FarSight Studios | ||
Videojuego, Carreras Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Kazuhiro Goji) Cel Damage (Rich Hilmer) Kinetica (Shannon Studstill) Project Gotham Racing (Martyn R. Chudley, Stephen Gaffney, Chris Pickford, Kev Reilly, Allan Speed, Ged Talbot, Peter Wallace, Glyn Williams, Brian Woodhouse) | Splashdown | Ken George, Mark Mahler | Rainbow Studios |
2002 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | JetX20 (Josh Hassin) Quantum Redshift (Nick Burcombe, Lee Carus-Wescott, Martin Linklater, Chris Roberts, Andy Satterthwaite, Neil Thompson, Paul Bahr-Naylor, Andrew McMaster, Jon Dugdale) RalliSport Challenge (Tomas Hallbeck) Stuntman (Martin Edmondson) | Italian Job | Peter Hickman, Ben Gunstone | Rockstar Games |
2003 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Auto Modellista (Tatsuya Nakae, Obata Shinichiro (Exige), Ryozo Tsujimoto, Keni Kinoshita, Kojimax, Mori‑Ba | Downhill Domination | Incognito Entertainment | |
2004 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Juiced (Richard Badger) MTX Mototrax | TrackMania | Pascal Herold | Nadeo |
2005 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | FlatOut (Janne Alanepää, Tommi Hartikainen) Forza Motorsport (Dan Greenawalt) Pokémon Dash (Miki Obata, Norio Matsumura) | Jak X: Combat Racing | Grady Hunt, Sam Thompson, Greg Phillips | Naughty Dog |
2006 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Cars (Jordan Itkowitz) GT Pro Series Pursuit Force (James Smith) Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Toby Schadt, Mike Ebert) | Excite Truck | Richard Garcia | Monster Games |
2007 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Colin McRae: Dirt (Matthew Horsman, Brian Coller, Jamie Adamson, Paul Coleman, Paul Lovell) | MotorStorm | Mick Hocking, Simon Benson | Evolution Studios |
2008 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Baja: Edge of Control (Michelle Bizzarro) Grid (Ralph Fulton) | Pure | Mary Casey, Claire Edmonds | Black Rock Studio |
2009 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Stoked | Trials HD | RedLynx | |
2010 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Joe Danger ModNation Racers (Klaus Monies, Mark Riddell, Mat Thomas, Nick Letizia, Ryan Senger, Wesley Holder, William Ho) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (Travis Ryan) Split/Second (Alice Guy) | Blur | Steven Ackrich | Bizarre Creations |
2012 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Road Warrior: Multiplayer Racing Ski Safari Subway Surfers | Slingshot Racing | Crescent Moon Videojuegos | |
2013 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Gas Guzzlers Extreme | LocoCycle | Bill Muehl | Twisted Pixel Games |
2014 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Driveclub (Matt Southern) | The Crew | Ahmed Boukhelifa, Stéphane Beley (Fergus) | Ubisoft Reflections Ivory Tower |
2015 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Fast Racing Neo | Project CARS | Andy Tudor, Stephen Viljoen | Slightly Mad Studios |
2016 | Videojuego, Carreras Original | Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo (Irvin Zonca) | Radial-G: Racing Revolved | Tammeka Games | |
Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage Dark Cloud (Akihiro Hino) Golden Sun (Hiroyuki Takahashi, Shugo Takahashi) Okage: Shadow King (Tadato Kawano) | Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance | Darren L. Monahan, Kevin Osburn | Snowblind Studios |
2002 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Chris Avellone) Freedom Force (Matt McKnight) Neverwinter Nights (Trent Oster, Marc Holmes, Scott Greig, Don Moar, Mark Brockington, Brent Knowles, James Ohlen, Rob Bartel, Tobyn Manthorpe) | Kingdom Hearts | Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase, Peter Wyse, Patrick Larkin, Emiko Yamamoto | Square Enix |
2003 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand (Hideo Kojima) Pirates of the Caribbean (Dmitry Demianovsky) Xenosaga Episode 1 (Hirohide Sugiura) | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Michael Gallo, Julio Torres, Casey Hudson, Nathan Plewes (ewp) | BioWare |
2004 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Baten Kaitos (Saiji Yakumo) City of Heroes (Jack Emmert, Al Rivera, Sean Michael Fish, Matthew Miller, Craig Zinkievich, Michael Lewis, Melissa Bianco, Brian Gilmore, Eric Nelson, David Wood, Jane Kalmes) Fable (Peter Molyneux, Dene Carter, Ben Huskins, Mark Webley) La Pucelle: Tactics (Yoshitsuna Kobayashi) | World of Warcraft | Mark Kern, Shane Dabiri, Carlos Guerrero | Blizzard Entertainment |
2005 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Guild Wars (Patrick Wyatt, Jeff Strain, Mike O'Brien) Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome (Sōhei Niikawa) | Jade Empire | Steve Lam, Chris Klassen, Jim Bishop, Sheldon Carter (ewp), Keith Soleski (ewp) | BioWare |
2006 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Contact (Akira Ueda) Enchanted Arms (Masanori Takeuchi) Steambot Chronicles (Kotaro Kita) | Titan Quest | Jeff Goodsill | Iron Lore Entertainment |
2007 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Eternal Sonata Odin Sphere (Takehiro Shiga, Yoshio Nishimura, Entsugu Inatani, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Kouichi Maenou, Yasuo Shirai, Daichi Yamashita) | Mass Effect | Casey Hudson | BioWare |
2009 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Dragon Age: Origins (Brent Knowles, Mike Laidlaw, James Ohlen) Half-Minute Hero (Ryota Hayashi) | Demon's Souls | Masanori Takeuchi | FromSoftware |
2010 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Infinite Space (Naoki Terashima) No Heroes Allowed! Resonance of Fate (Takeshi Itou) What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? (Koushi Nakanishi) | 3D Dot Videojuego Heroes | Masanori Takeuchi | Silicon Studio |
2011 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Cave Historia 3D Rift (Ken Allen, Adam Gershowitz, Harold Hanlin) The Binding of Isaac (Edmund McMillen, Florian Himsl) | Bastion | Amir Rao | Supergiant Games |
2012 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | The Last Historia (Takuya Matsumoto) Xenoblade Chronicles (Koh Kojima) | Dragon's Dogma | Hiroyuki Kobayashi | Capcom |
2013 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Ascend: Hand of Kul High Strangeness Path of Exile Sorcery | Dragon's Crown | George Kamitani | Vanillaware |
2014 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Bravely Default (Tomoya Asano) Transistor (Amir Rao, Greg Kasavin) Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Bruno Galet) Wayward Souls | Child of Light | Patrick Plourde | Ubisoft Montreal |
2015 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Pillars of Eternity (Joshua Eric Sawyer, Brandon Adler) | Undertale | Toby Fox | Toby Fox |
2016 | Videojuego, Juego de Rol Original | Grand Kingdom (Tomohiko Deguchi) I Am Setsuna (Atsushi Hashimoto) Tom Clancy's The Division (Petter Sydow, Magnus Jansen, Julian Gerighty) Tyranny (Brian Heins) | Darkest Dungeon | Red Hook Studios | |
Videojuego, Deportes Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | NBA Hoopz (Brian Lowe) Rugby Triple Play Baseball |
NBA Street | William M. Mozell, Josh Holmes, Thomas Singleton | NuFX |
2002 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | Aggressive Inline (Vincent Castillo) Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Jem Maza, Eric Koch) | Jet Set Radio Future | Smilebit | |
2003 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Tomonobu Itagaki) ESPN NHL Hockey Top Spin (François Giuntini, Stéphane Dupas, Pierre Adane), Wakeboarding Unleashed | World Soccer: Winning Eleven 6 International | Konami | |
2004 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | NFL Street NHL Eastside Hockey Manager (Marc Vaughan) | ESPN Major League Baseball | Blue Shift Inc. | |
2005 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | Outlaw Tennis (Jason Shenkman) Super Mario Strikers (Brandon Gill) | Mario Superstar Baseball | Namco | |
2006 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | Mario Hoops 3-on-3 (Shigeru Miyamoto) Super Swing Golf (Keisuke Kikuchi, Kohei Shibata) Table Tennis (Benjamin Johnson) | Wii Sports | Katsuya Eguchi, Kiyoshi Mizuki, Shigeru Miyamoto | Nintendo |
2007 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | The Bigs (Daniel Brady) | Skate | EA Black Box | |
2009 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | Your Shape | EA Sports Active | EA Canada | |
2010 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa EA Sports MMA | Kinect Sports | Richard Cousins, Harry Robinsons, Chris Sutherland | Rare |
2014 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | The Golf Club (Anthony Kyne) | OlliOlli | Simon Bennett, Thomas Hegarty | Roll7 |
2015 | Videojuego, Deportes Original | IDARB | Rocket League | Sarah Hebbler | Psyonix |
Videojuego, Simulación
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2002 | Videojuego, Simulación | Combat Flight Simulator 3 Sid Meier's SimGolf (Alex Hutchinson, Michael McCormick) Sims Online Sims Unleashed (Phil Steinmeyer) | Steel Battalion | Atsushi Inaba | Capcom |
2003 | Videojuego, Simulación | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Tim LeTourneau, Jonathan Knight, Margaret Ng) Railroad Tycoon 3 (Natsuki Isaki) Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection (Jonny Watts) | Sim City 4 | Tiberius Astianax Lazar | Maxis |
2004 | Videojuego, Simulación | Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (Gary Carr, Peter Molyneux, Mark Webley) Dog's Life Gallop Racer 2004 The Urbz: Sims in the City | The Sims 2 | Linda Currie | Maxis |
2005 | Videojuego, Simulación | Armored Core: Nine Breaker (Clint McCaul, Dan Magaha) Falcon 4.0: Allied Force (Brandon Seltz, John Feil, Justin Wood, Patrick Cook, Paul Lange) Lock On: Modern Air Combat (Hunter Howe, Charles London) Silent Hunter III (Benjamin Bell) | The Movies | Lionhead Studios | |
2006 | Videojuego, Simulación | Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Gabriel Dobrev) The Sims 2: Open for Business The Sims 2: Pets (Kiyoshi Ohkawa) Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania | Sid Meier's Railroads! | Dirk Riegert | Firaxis Games |
2007 | Videojuego, Simulación | Trainz Railwayz (JoAnna Lio Amos, Lyndsay Pearson) | Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation | Tadashi Sugiyama | Project Aces |
2008 | Videojuego, Simulación | Air Traffic Chaos (Natsuki Isaki) | Spore | Richard Hofmeier | Maxis |
2009 | Videojuego, Simulación | Dawn of Discovery Tropico 3 (Gabriel Dobrev) | The Sims 3 | Maxis | |
2011 | Videojuego, Simulación | Steel Diver (Steel Diver) | Ace Combat: Assault Horizon | Will Wright | Project Aces |
2012 | Videojuego, Simulación | Cart Life | Tropico 4 | Bing Gordon, Sid Meier | Haemimont Videojuegos |
2013 | Videojuego, Simulación | SimCity | Star Command | Star Command, LLC | |
2014 | Videojuego, Simulación | Tropico 5 | The Sims 4 | Kevin Gibson, Grant Rodiek, Ryan Michael Vaughan | The Sims Studio |
2015 | Videojuego, Simulación | Fallout Shelter (Ashley Pannell) Prison Architect (Chris Delay) | Kerbal Space Program | Squad | |
2016 | Videojuego, Simulación | Planet Coaster (James Dixon) Starbound (Finn Brice) | Stardew Valley | Eric Barone | ConcernedApe |
Videojuego, Clase Especial
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix (Takashi Sagawa, Eitetsu Yamamoto, Shinichirō Niide, Shizumon, Reika) One Piece Mansion (Noritaka Funamizu, Yoshiki Okamoto, Yoshihiro Sudou) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: 3rd Edition | Frequency | Tracy Rosenthal-Newsom, Tim Ryan, Mike Benton, Greg LoPiccolo | Harmonix |
2002 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Cubivore Magic: The Gathering Online Monopoly Party |
DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution | Yoshihiko Ota, Hirotaka Ishikawa, Gozo Kitao, Ken Ogasawara | Konami |
2003 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Amplitude (Chuck Doud), Dance Dance Revolution Ultra Mix (Daniel Tyrrell) DDR Max 2 WarioWare Inc.: Mega MicroVideojuego$ (Koichi Kawamoto) | Karaoke Revolution | Josh Randall, Tracy Rosenthal-Newsom, Michael McHale, Shawn R. Green | Konami |
2004 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Chessmaster 10th Edition (Eduard Pandele) Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Videojuego$ (Goro Abe, Kyoko Watanabe, Ryutaro Takahashi) | Feel the Magic: XY/XX | Yuji Naka, Yojiro Ogawa | Sonic Team |
2005 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Meteos Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trauma Center: Under the Knife (Masayoshi Sutou, Taketoyo Yasuda, Akemi Ootaka, Yoshiaki Kurihara, Yuji Ootou) | Lumines | Q Entertainment, Opus, Fupac | |
2006 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Big Brain Academy (Takashi Tezuka) Gunpey Lumines II (Tetsuya Mizuguchi) Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Masayoshi Sutou) | Brain Age | Shinya Takahashi | Nintendo |
2007 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Crush (Paul Mottram) Mercury Meltdown Revolution Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulations (Shu Takumi) Picross DS (Yuuki Sukekuni) | Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords | Colin Wilkinson, Tobi Saulnier, Mike Pearson, Jimi Doss, Janeen Fawkner | Infinite Interactive |
2008 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking (Denis Doré) Personal Trainer: Cooking My Weight Loss Coach, Scene It? Seinfeld Deluxe (Steven Stamatiadis) Wii Fit (Shigeru Miyamoto) | Buzz!: Quiz TV | Dan Croucher | Relentless Software |
2009 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Peggle Dual Shot (Matthew Lee Johnston) Space Invaders Infinity Gene (Reisuke Ishida) | Flower | Jenova Chen | thatGamecompany |
2010 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Chime Echoshift Picross 3D (Tsuyoshi Wakayama, Mariko Kimizuka, Tetsuya Mochizuki, Tadashi Hashikura) Puzzle Quest 2 (Marcus Savino) | The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom | V. Garrett Bittner, Denby Grace | The Odd Gentlemen 2K China |
2011 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time Fruit Ninja Kinect (Scott West) Kung-Fu High Impact SpaceChem (Zach Barth) | Swarm | Hothead Games | |
2012 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Crush 3D (Paul Mottram) Cubemen Dyad Lumines Electronic Symphony Sound Shapes | Journey | Jenova Chen, Robin Hunicke | thatGamecompany |
2013 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Antichamber Depression Quest (Zoë Quinn) Device 6 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Dual Destinies (Motohide Eshiro) | Rain | Sony | |
2014 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Hitman Go | Monument Valley | Ustwo | |
2015 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | You Must Build a Boat (Konstantin Zavoloka) | The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna | Croteam | |
2016 | Videojuego, Clase Especial | Abzu (Matt Nava) Overcooked | That Dragon, Cancer | Numinous Games | |
Videojuego, Estrategia
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth Kessen II (Yōichi Erikawa) | Advance Wars | Takehiro Izushi | Intelligent Systems |
2002 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Age of Mythology (Ian M. Fischer) Dynasty Tactics Medieval: Total War (Michael M. Simpson) | Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos | Chris Sigaty, Frank Gilson, Chris Millar, Frank Pearce (ewp) | Blizzard Entertainment |
2003 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Advance Wars 2 (Tōru Narihiro) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yasumi Matsuno) Gladius (Rachel Bryant) Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (Morgan W. Gray) Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Chris Sigaty) | Command & Conquer: Generals | Harvard Bonin, Michael Verdu, Julio Valladares, Jill Goodall, Shawn Jacoby (ewp) | Electronic Arts |
2004 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Full Spectrum Warrior (Bernard Whang) Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (Hyunki Lee) The Political Machine (Joe Engalan) | Rome: Total War | Mike Simpson (Project Director), Rich Blenkinsop, Guy Cunis, Ed Turkington, Christian Astillero, Erick Fernandez, Ross Manton (ewp), Luci Black (ewp), George Fidler (ewp) | Creative Assembly |
2005 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Black & White 2 (Peter Molyneux, Ronald Millar Sr.) Darwinia (Chris Delay, Andrew Bainbridge) Sid Meier’s Pirates! (Sid Meier, Dan Magaha, Casey O'Toole) Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War (Jay Wilson, Andrew Chambers, Chris Degnan, Damon Gauthier, Jeffrey Nicholas Brown, Neil Jones-Rodway) | Civilization IV | Barry Caudill, Jesse Smith, Dan Magaha | Firaxis Games |
2006 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs (Wallace H. Wachi Jr.) DEFCON Medieval II: Total War (Robert T. Smith) Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (Brian Reynolds) | Company of Heroes | John Johnson | Relic Entertainment |
2007 | Videojuego, Estrategia | GrimGrimoire The Eye of Judgment (Yusuke Watanabe, Shou Asano (Paical Inc.), Kyousuke Wakasa, Eiji Yamada, Sho Suga) World in Conflict (Jeffrey Nicholas Brown, Kathy Carter-Humphreys) | Supreme Commander | Gary Wagner, Jeremy Ables, Evan Pongress, David Kirwan | Gas Powered Videojuegos |
2008 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Age of Booty (David V. Bowman) Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Jim Vessella) Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (Yuichi Murasawa) Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning | Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Colonization | Jesse Smith, Liam Collins, Jason Bergman | Firaxis Games |
2009 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Empire: Total War (Ross Manton) Plants vs. Zombies (George Fan) Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (Jonny Ebbert) | PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe | Q-Games | |
2010 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Greed Corp (Harry van Mierloo) Napoleon: Total War (Ross Manton) Civilization V (Dennis Shirk) Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Chaos Rising (Jonny Ebbert) | StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty | Chris Sigaty | Blizzard Entertainment |
2011 | Videojuego, Estrategia | From Dust (Éric Chahi) Frozen Synapse (Ian Hardingham) Iron Brigade (Trenched) (Brad Muir) Total War: Shogun 2 | Age of Empires Online | Dex Manley, Torsten Reinl | Robot Entertainment Gas Powered Videojuegos |
2012 | Videojuego, Estrategia | King Arthur II: The Role-Playing WarVideojuego (Shams Jorjani, Jörgen Björklund, Staffan Berglén) Orcs Must Die! 2 (Timothy A. Deen, Ian M. Fischer, Joseph D. Gillum, Jerome K. Jones, David Leary, Zeke Marks) Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Total War Battles Total War: Shogun 2 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown | Garth DeAngelis, Clint McCaul, Amber Hinden | Firaxis Games |
2013 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Civilization V: Brave New World (Ed Beach) Fire Emblem: Awakening (Toru Narihiro) Plants vs. Zombies 2 Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Michael Bybee, Skye Chandler, Joshua Horst, Kyle Williams) | XCOM: Enemy Within | Clint McCaul | Firaxis Games |
2014 | Videojuego, Estrategia | The Banner Saga (Max Knechtel) FTL: Faster Than Light (Justin Ma, Matthew Davis) | Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft | Dan Elggren | Blizzard Entertainment |
2015 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Invisible, Inc. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (Chris Sigaty, Michael Morhaime) | Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes | Allen Pestaluky, Ben Kane, Brian Fetter | Steel Crate Games |
2016 | Videojuego, Estrategia | Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (Kouhei Maeda, Genki Yokota) XCOM 2 (Jake Solomon) |
Civilization VI | Firaxis Games | |
Gráficos, Técnicos
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Jak and Daxter Madden NFL 2002 NFL 2K2 (Matt Karnes) Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Protagonistaer (Thomas Engel) | Halo | Chris Butcher, Bernie Freidin, Charles Gough, Mat Noguchi, Matt Segur, Eamon McKenzie, Stefan Sinclair, Ben Wallace | Bungie |
2002 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Battlefield 1942 (Riccard Linde, Oscar Carlén) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Stuart Petri) Metroid Prime (Mark Johnston) Resident Evil Zero (Kenichi Ueda) Steel Battalion (Sawaki Takeyasu) Super Mario Sunshine | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Antoine Dodens, Frédéric Blais, David Chabot, Mathieu Laforce, Alain Turcotte, Yannick Létourneau, Jean-Francois Prévost | Ubisoft |
2003 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Jef Johnstone) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Jason Knipe) Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Henri Blåfield, Mikko Huovinen) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Dany Bergeron, Alex Gingras, Mickail Labat, Thierry Laberge, Vincent Lamontagne, Sébastien Laporte, Patrick Limoges, Sébastien Primeau, Élie Rocray, Céline Tellier) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 | Need for Speed Underground | Electronic Arts | |
2004 | Gráficos, Técnicos | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Doom 3 (John Carmack) Far Cry (Vladimir Kajalin) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow | Half-Life 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2005 | Gráficos, Técnicos | F.E.A.R. (Alan Noon) Project Gotham Racing 3 (Peter Roe, Boz Briers) Quake 4 (Bobby Duncanson) Resident Evil 4 (Yusuke Hashimoto) | Shadow of the Colossus | Hajime Sugiyama, Jinji Horagai, Takuya Seki, Masanobu Tanaka | Team Ico |
2006 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Final Fantasy XII (Kotaro Beppu, Keisuke Miyazaki, Taku Wakisaka, Hirofumi Kawai, Genichi Kawada, Hiroki Miyazaki, Hirotaka Sato, Masashi Nakata, Manabu Ishizaki) Gears of War Ōkami (Takuo Yamamoto, Norikazu Kudo) Resistance: Fall of Man | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | Guy Carver, Craig Walton | Bethesda Game Studios |
2007 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Heavenly Sword Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Judd Simantov) World in Conflict (Magnus Larsson) | Crysis | Crytek | |
2008 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Far Cry 2 (Marc-André Deslongchamps, Frédéric Chappart) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Mirror's Edge (Andreas Fougner, Nilo Kaboteh, Lars Mårtensson) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed | Little Big Planet | Amy Phillips, Anton Kirczenow, Allan Robertson, James Fairbairn, Jonny Hopper, Luke Petre, Matt Willis, Moo Yu, Paul Holden | Media Molecule |
2009 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Assassin's Creed II (Frédérick Champoux, Clément Colin, John Huelin, Eric Le, Benoit Miller, Dmytro Mosiychuk) Batman: Arkham Asylum (James Norman) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Michael Boon) Forza Motorsport 3 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Michael Hatfield | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Call of Duty: Black Ops (Stev Kalinowski) Heavy Rain (Ronan Marchalot) Hydrophobia Just Cause 2 | God of War III | Brian Genna | SIE Santa Monica Studio |
2011 | Gráficos, Técnicos | L.A. Noire (Andrew Hamilton) LittleBigPlanet 2 (Jin-Hee Park) Sonic Generations The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Michael Hatfield, Teagan Morrison) | Crysis 2 | Vaclav Kyba, Nicolas Schulz | Crytek |
2012 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Max Payne 3 (Chris Oat) Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil: Revelations Spec Ops: The Line (Wojciech Zielinski) | Far Cry 3 | Mickael Gilabert | Ubisoft Montreal |
2013 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Wafaa BenHammou, Vladimir Eskandari, Karine Létourneau, Maxime Tremblay) Beyond: Two Souls (Norbert Crétinon) Bioshock Infinite (Spencer Luebbert) Crysis 3 (Nicolas Schulz) |
The Last of Us | Eben Cook | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Far Cry 4 (Danny Deslongchamps) Infamous Second Son Mario Kart 8 | Assassin's Creed: Unity | Christian Sirois | Ubisoft Divertissements Inc. |
2015 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Fallout 4 (Scott Franke) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Akio Sakamoto, Kunio Takabe) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Steve Austin) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Krzysztof Krzyścin) | Star Wars Battlefront | Christopher Birger, Arne Schober | Electronic Arts |
2016 | Gráficos, Técnicos | Battlefield 1 (Stefan Vukanovic) DOOM (Hammed Al-Tamimi) Forza Horizon 3 (Gareth Harwood) The Last Guardian (Makoto Izawa) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Teagan Morrison, Waylon Brinck | Naughty Dog |
Premio Honorario
Año | Categoría | Receptor(es) |
2008 | Premio Honorario | Mike Acton, Andy Burke, Geoff Evans |
2009 | Premio Honorario | Dennis McCauley |
2010 | Premio Honorario | OneBigVideojuego, Chime (Martin De Ronde, Ciaran Walsh, Ste Curran, Paul Hartnoll, Philip Glass) Video Games Live (Tommy Tallarico, Jack Wall) |
2011 | Premio Honorario | Skip Rizzo |
2012 | Premio Honorario | Indie Games: The Movie - Lisanne Pajot, James Swirsky |
2013 | Premio Honorario | Anita Sarkeesian Mark Cerny |
2014 | Premio Honorario | Karen Schrier |
2015 | Premio Honorario | Mark DeLoura Toru Iwatani |
2016 | Premio Honorario | Mark Barlet |
Innovación, Jugabilidad
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Frequency (Dan Schmidt) Grand Theft Auto III (Craig Filshie, William Mills, Chris Rothwell, James Worrall) Halo (John Howard) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Jeffrey Nicholas Brown, Lorne Lanning) | Pikmin | Hiroaki Takenaka, Masamichi Abe (ewp), Shigefumi Hino (ewp) | Nintendo |
2002 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Metroid Prime (Mark Pacini) Rez (Katsuhiko Yamada) SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs (Graham Keys) Steel Battalion (Masaki Higuchi) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Animal Crossing | Naoki Mori (ewp), Katsuya Eguchi (ewp), Hisashi Nogami (ewp) | Nintendo |
2003 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (Hideo Kojima) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Jordan Mechner) | EyeToy: Play | Ron Festejo | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2004 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | EyeToy: AntiGrav (Dan Schmidt) Fable (Peter Molyneux, Dene Carter, Ben Huskins, Mark Webley) Full Spectrum Warrior (Richard Wyckoff) The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (Satoru Iwata Shigeru Miyamoto) | Katamari Damacy | Keita Takahashi | Namco |
2005 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Lumines Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Kazuya Nuri) The Movies (Adrian Moore) WarioWare: Touched! | Nintendogs | Junji Morii, Kiyoshi Mizuki, Hideki Konno, Shigeru Miyamoto | Nintendo |
2006 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Electroplankton (Toshio Iwai) LocoRoco (Tsutomu Kouno) Odama (Yutaka Saitō) Viva Pinata (Gregg Mayles, Justin Cook, Gavin Price, Matthew Carter) | Nintendo Wii | Nintendo | |
2007 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Crush (Alex Butterfield) Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (Steve Fawkner) The Eye of Judgment (Yusuke Watanabe, Shou Asano (Paical Inc.), Kyousuke Wakasa, Eiji Yamada, Sho Suga) The Ship (Simon Hill, Duncan Blair) | Drawn to Life | Jeremiah Slaczka | 5th Cell |
2008 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Auditorium Boom Blox (Yoshitomo George Moriwaki) Mirror's Edge (Thomas Andersson) World of Goo (Kyle Gabler) | Little Big Planet | Mark Healey, David Smith | Media Molecule |
2009 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Demon's Souls (Daisuke Satake, Hiroshi Nakamura, Masahiro Miki, Wataru Inata, Masaya Shiraishi, Tetsuya Amabiki) Half-Minute Hero (Kiichi Hosaka, Koichi Takazawa, Kazuo Araki, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Toshinari Fujii) inFamous) LostWinds 2: Winter of the Melodias (Steven Burgess) Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor (David Kalina) Tilt: An Adventure in 1.5 Dimensions | Scribblenauts | Jeremiah Slaczka | 5th Cell |
2010 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Chime Echoshift Max & the Magic Marker (Mikhail Akopyan) WarioWare D.I.Y. | Heavy Rain | Caroline Marchal | Quantic Dream |
2011 | Innovación en Jugabilidad | Deus Ex: Human Revolution (François Lapikas, Antoine Thisdale, Pierre-Francis Lafleur) Minecraft (Markus Persson) Rayman Origins (Lorenzo Avi, Julien Chevalier, Romain Claude, Axel Cossardeaux) Spacechem (Zach Barth) | Lost in Shadow | Masakazu Echigo | Hudson Soft |
Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Bomberman Online (Kouji Yamamoto) NFL 2K2 (Christopher Larson) Ooga Booga (Nathan Bamberger) Phantasy Star Online | Halo | Chris Butcher, Bernie Freidin, Charles Gough, Mat Noguchi, Matt Segur, Eamon McKenzie, Stefan Sinclair, Ben Wallace, Michael Evans, Chris Carney, David Dunn, Peter Marks, Derrick Moore, Stephen Okasaki, Adrian Perez | Bungie |
2002 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Animal Crossing (Yuhiki Ōtsuki) e-Reader Steel Battalion (Masaki Higuchi) WaveBird | Xbox Live | Microsoft | |
2003 | Innovación, Tecnología de Videojuegos | Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (Hideo Kojima) Videojuego Boy Advance SP Karaoke Revolution (Christine Legge) Xbox Music Mixer | EyeToy | Richard Marks, Ph.D. | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2004 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Fredrik Ljungdahl, Jens Andersson) Donkey Konga EyeToy: AntiGrav (Dan Schmidt) Taiko: Drum Master (Takeharu Kijima) | Nintendo DS | Nintendo | |
2005 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Nintendogs (Yoji Inagaki) PlayStation Portable The Movies (Adrian Moore) WarioWare: Twisted! (Noriyuki Sato, Norikatsu Furuta, Ko Takeuchi, Kazuyoshi Osawa, Takaya Fujii, Goro Abe, Hideo Hatayama, Yasutaka Takeuchi, Kyoko Watanabe, Ryutaro Takahashi, Osamu Yamauchi, Kenichi Nishimaki, Toshihiro Nishii, Kenji Matsumoto, Yuki Tsuji, Masanobu Matsunaga, Naoko Mori, Masaru Nishimura, Youhei Kubotsu, Kazuhiko Furukawa, Kazuhito Norimoto, Yasuhito Fujisawa, Eiko Haruki, Naotaka Ohnishi, Teruyuki Hirosawa, Mami Nishimura, Yasuhisa Baba, Masayuki Taira, Yukie Kuwa) | Guitar Hero | Eran Egozy, Eric Malafeew, Phil Winston | Harmonix |
2006 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Havok FX 4.0 PlayStation 3 Unreal Engine 3 Vivox Precision Studio | Nintendo Wii | Nintendo | |
2007 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | The Eye of Judgment (Yusuke Watanabe, Shou Asano (Paical Inc.), Kyousuke Wakasa, Eiji Yamada, Sho Suga) | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Richard A. Baker, Robert Field, Francesco Gigliotti, Earl Hammon Jr. | Infinity Ward |
2008 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Videojuegobryo 2.5 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Hideo Kojima) Mirror's Edge (Thomas Andersson) Torque Motor de Juego Advanced 1.7.1 | Fallout 3 | Steve Meister | Bethesda Game Studios |
2009 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | DJ Hero Unity Engine | Red Faction: Guerrilla | Eric Arnold, Jay Kreibich | Volition |
2010 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Heavy Rain (Sophie Buhl) OnLive uDraw VideojuegoTablet XNA Videojuego Studio 4 | Kinect | Professor Andrew Blake | Microsoft |
2011 | Innovación, Tecnología de Videojuegos | Child of Eden (Eiichiro Ishige) Just Dance 3 Rayman Origins (Mihnea Ilicevici) Rift (Drew Clowery, Christopher Junior, Matthew Kelley, Andrew Krausnick, Joshua Kurtz, Adrian Lim, Ian Noble, Gina Reams) | L.A. Noire | Oliver Bao | Team Bondi |
2012 | Innovación, Tecnología de Videojuegos | Gaikai Videojuegoglobe Google Native Client NaCl Symphony | Sphero | Orbotix | |
2013 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | iPad Air Ouya PlayStation 4 Xbox One | Oculus Rift Development Kit | Palmer Luckey | Oculus Rift |
2014 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | EyePlay Assassin's Creed: Unity (Frédérick Champoux) | P.T. | Konami | |
2015 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | ANT VR Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Martin Donlon, Trevor Walker) Grow Home (Andrew Willans, Justin Lim) Guitar Hero Live | Valve Steam Controller | Valve | |
2016 | Innovación en Tecnología de Videojuegos | Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Julien Bouvrais) DOOM (Jake Campbell) Eagle Flight No Man's Sky | HTC Vive | HTC | |
Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Destroy All Humans! (Grant Albrecht como Cryptosporidium-Crypto, G-Man 1 and Urban Crazy) | Psychonauts (Richard Horvitz como Raz) | Richard Horvitz | Double Fine Productions |
2006 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine (Christopher Warren como Valerie the Drag Queen) Bully (Gerry Rosenthal como Jimmy Hopkins) Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love (Grant Albrecht como Crypto) Family Guy Video Videojuego! (Seth MacFarlane como Peter Griffin) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp como Jack Sparrow) | Daxter (Max Casella como Daxter) | Max Casella | Ready at Dawn |
2007 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Hot Brain (Fred Willard como Ed Warmer) PaRappa the Rapper (John Simpson III como PaRappa) | Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (David Kaye como Clank) | David Kaye | Insomniac Games |
2008 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (Grant Albrecht como Cryptosporidium and Jack Trippleson) | No More Heroes (Robin Atkin Downes como Travis Touchdown) | Robin Atkin Downes | Grasshopper Manufacture |
2009 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (Armin Shimerman como Dr. Nefarious) Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (James Arnold Taylor como Ratchet) The House of the Dead: Overkill (Anthony Aroya como Isaac Washington) The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (Dominic Armato como Guybrush Threepwood) | Brütal Legend (Jack Black como Eddie Riggs) | Jack Black | Double Fine Productions |
2010 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Bayonetta (Hellena Schmied como Bayonetta) Guilty Party (Tim Dadabo como Various Vozs) No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Robin Atkin Downes como Travis Touchdown) Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (Christopher Robin Miller como Professor Layton) | DeathSpank (Michael Dobson como DeathSpank) | Michael Dobson | Hothead Games |
2011 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Bulletstorm (Steve Blum como Grayson Hunt) | Bastion (Logan Cunningham como Rucks) | Logan Cunningham | Supergiant Games |
2012 | Actuación en Comedia, Protagonista | Quantum Conundrum (John de Lancie como Prof. Fitz Quadwrangle) | Borderlands 2 (David Eddings como Claptrap) | David Eddings | Gearbox Software |
2013 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Protagonista | Deadpool (Nolan North como Deadpool) DuckTales Remastered (Alan Young como Uncle Scrooge) Lego City Undercover (Joseph May como Chase McCain) Puppeteer (Stephen Greif como the Narrator) | The Stanley Parable (Kevan Brighting como the Narrator) | Kevan Brighting | Galactic Cafe |
2014 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Protagonista | Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright (Christopher Robin Miller como Professor Layton) Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright (Trevor White como Phoenix Wright) Tesla Effect (Chris Jones como Tex Murphy) | Broken Age: Act I (Elijah Wood como Shay) | Elijah Wood | Double Fine Productions |
2015 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Protagonista | Minecraft: Historia Mode (Catherine Taber como Jesse) Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! (Lorne Lanning como Abe) | Tales from the Borderlands (Troy Baker como Rhys) | Troy Baker | Telltale Games, Gearbox Software |
2016 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Protagonista | Ratchet & Clank (James Arnold Taylor como Ratchet) | King's Quest Chapter V: The Good Knight (Christopher Lloyd como King Graham) | Christopher Lloyd | The Odd Gentlemen |
Protagonista Rendimiento, Drama
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | God of War (Terrence C. Carson como Kratos) Indigo Prophecy (Sharon Mann como Samantha Malone, Kate Morrison, Markus Kane (Young), Mary Kane, TV Evangelist, Operator and Disaster Reporter) | Gun (Thomas Jane como Colton White) | Thomas Jane | Neversoft |
2006 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Ellie Conrad-Leigh como Zoë Castillo) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Patrick Stewart como Emperor Uriel Septim VII) Half-Life 2: Episode One (Merle Dandridge como Alyx Vance) Scarface: The World Is Yours (Vida Guerra como Femme Fatale) | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Sean Bean como Emperor Martin Septim) | Sean Bean | Bethesda Game Studios |
2007 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Heavenly Sword (Anna Torv como Nariko) Heavenly Sword (Lydia Baksh como Kai) | Mass Effect (Jennifer Hale como Commander Shepard (Female)) | Jennifer Hale | BioWare |
2008 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Grand Theft Auto IV (Michael Hollick como Niko Bellic) Tomb Raider: Underworld (Keeley Hawes como Lara Croft) | Fallout 3 (Liam Neeson como James - Father) | Liam Neeson | Bethesda Game Studios |
2009 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Assassin's Creed II (Nolan North como Desmond Miles) The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Vin Diesel como Riddick) Halo 3: ODST (Nathan Fillion como Edward Buck) Left 4 Dead 2 (Chad Coleman como Coach) Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Christopher Miller como Professor Layton) | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Nolan North como Nathan Drake | Nolan North | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Call of Duty: Black Ops (Gary Oldman como Viktor Reznov and Dr. Clarke) Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Andy Serkis como Monkey and Pyramid) Heavy Rain (Pascal Langdale como Ethan Mars) Mass Effect 2 (Mark Meer como Commander Shepard (Male)) | Red Dead Redemption (Rob Wiethoff como John Marston) | Rob Wiethoff | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Billy Murray como Price) Catherine (Troy Baker como Vincent Brooks) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Elias Toufexis como Adam Jensen) L.A. Noire (Adam Harrington como Roy Earle) | L.A. Noire (Aaron Staton como Cole Phelps) | Aaron Staton | Team Bondi |
2012 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Alan Wake's American Nightmare (Matthew Porretta como Alan Wake) Far Cry 3 (Michael Mando como Vaas) Halo 4 (Mackenzie Mason como Cortana) Max Payne 3 (James McCaffrey como Max Payne) Sleeping Dogs (Will Yun Lee como Wei Shen) | The Walking Dead (Dave Fennoy como Lee Everett) | Dave Fennoy | Telltale Games |
2013 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Beyond: Two Souls (Ellen Page como Jodie Holmes) Remember Me (Kezia Burrows como Nilin) The Last of Us (Ashley Johnson como Ellie) Tomb Raider (Camilla Luddington como Lara Croft) | The Last of Us (Troy Baker como Joel) | Troy Baker | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Infamous First Light (Laura Bailey como Fetch) Infamous Second Son (Troy Baker como Delsin Rowe) The Walking Dead: Season Two (Melissa Hutchison como Clementine) The Wolf Among Us (Adam Harrington como Bigby Wolf) | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Kevin Spacey como Jonathan Irons) | Kevin Spacey | Sledgehammer Games |
2015 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Fallout 4 (Brian T. Delaney como Male Player Character) Her Historia (Viva Seifert como Wife) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Camilla Luddington como Lara Croft) The Order: 1886 (Steve West como Grayson and Sir Galahad) | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Doug Cockle como Geralt de Rivia) | Doug Cockle | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Protagonista | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Brian Bloom como Nick Reyes) Firewatch (Cissy Jones como Delilah) Mafia III (Alex Hernandez como Lincoln Clay) Quantum Break (Shawn Ashmore como Jack Joyce) | Firewatch (Rich Sommer como Henry) | Rich Sommer | Campo Santo |
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Luigi's Mansion Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Yoji Shinkawa) Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Aimee E. Smith) Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Protagonistaer (Karen Chelini) | Ico | Katsuhiko Abe, Taijuro Hachiya, Kaihei Hayano, Tsutomu Kouno, Atsushi Morioka, Kazuhiro Numata, Nanako Ohmura, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Mikiko Takeda, Chikara Ueno, Takuya Seki, Hajime Sugiyama, Roland Herrington (ewp) | Sony Interactive Entertainment |
2002 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (Denis Dyack) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (John Burk) Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (Yoji Shinkawa) Metroid Prime (Todd Keller) Resident Evil Zero (Hiroshi Kasajima) | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Hugo Dallaire, Yves Allaire, Antoine Dodens, Frédéric Blais, David Chabot, Mathieu Laforce, Alain Turcotte, Yannick Létourneau, Jean-Francois Prévost | Ubisoft |
2003 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Call of Duty (Brad Allen, Chris Hassell, Jeff Heath, Paul Jury (Protagonista 2D), Justin Thomas, Kevin Chen (Concept Art)) Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Michael Bray (ArtSource), Jef Johnstone) Deus Ex: Invisible War Need for Speed: Underground | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Ubisoft | |
2004 | Iluminación/Texturizado | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Jan Andersson, Jens Matthies) Half-Life 2 (Dhabih Eng) Ninja Gaiden (Yuko Miyamoto, Chiharu Adachi, Yuichi Hasegawa, Shintaro Ito, Ryoji Sugita) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Nathalie Nogard-Moschetti, Grégory Piche, David García) | Doom 3 | id Software | |
2005 | Iluminación/Texturizado | God of War (Stig Asmussen, Ken Feldman, Gustavo Rasche) Quake 4 (Kevin Long) Shadow of the Colossus (Yuta Kimura, Hironobu Nakano) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Audran Guerard, Benoit Carrière, Jean-Philippe Rajotte, Michelle Wu) | Resident Evil 4 | Ryuichi Okano | Capcom |
2006 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (Nicolas Bracq (Nikko), Bruno Baron (Adol), Franois Launet (Goomi), Jeremy Delchiapo (Jeremy), Albert Bonnefous (Lobo)) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Final Fantasy XII (Kaori Sato) Resistance: Fall of Man | Gears of War | Chris Perna | Epic Games |
2007 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Assassin's Creed (André Bastien, Caroline Boulay, Virginie Cinq-Mars, Dominique Grandmont, Sebastien Hebert, Samuel Jacques, Myriam Laforest, Simon Pelletier, Guylaine Rhéaume) God of War II (Maximilian Vaughn Ancar (Protagonista), Wade Mulhern) Heavenly Sword (Matthew Preece) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Toby Tobler) | BioShock | Stephen Alexander, Chad King | 2K Boston |
2008 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Condemned 2: Bloodshot (Matthew Allen) Little Big Planet (Jim Unwin, Rex Crowle) Mirror's Edge (Oscar Carlén, Erland Körner, Wille Wintertidh) Siren: Blood Curse (Morimasa Onda) | Dead Space | Chi Wai Lao, Dave Blizard, Begoña Colomar, Vivian Ding, Rachel Mina, Joe Palrang, Atsushi Seo | EA Redwood Shores |
2009 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Assassin's Creed II (Sebastien Hebert, The Chinh Ngo) Batman: Arkham Asylum (William Smith) Killzone 2 (Roderick van der Steen, Marianna Loo, Gordon De Haseth) Resident Evil 5 (Shuuichi Kawata, Naotaka Yoshitomi) | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Tate Mosesian, Dave Witters | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Alan Wake (Astrid Madsen, Tiago Rocha) BioShock 2 God of War III (Nate Homan, Yuliya Vinokur) Limbo (Morten Christian Bramsen) | Heavy Rain | Sylvain Muzé | Quantic Dream |
2011 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Battlefield 3 (Oscar Carlén, Andreas Chrysovitsanos, Andrew Hamilton, Joakim Svärling) Dead Space 2 (Atsushi Seo) F.E.A.R. 3 (Suzana Kilic) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Adam Coggin, Sanjay Chand) | Batman: Arkham City | Abelardo Polonio | Rocksteady Studios |
2012 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Alan Wake's American Nightmare 'Dear Esther (Robert Briscoe) Far Cry 3 (Dominique Grandmont, Sebastien Hebert) Halo 4 (Kenny Magnusson) Hitman: Absolution (Oleksandr Pshenychnyy) | Assassin's Creed III | Pascal Barriault | Ubisoft Montreal |
2013 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Beyond: Two Souls (Sylvain Muzé) Bioshock Infinite (Stephen Alexander) Metro: Last Light (Sergey Karmalsky, Alexander Bereznyak) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Grzegorz Puzniak, Danila Pogalov, Taeha Park, Paramjit Sarai, Kent Wilson) | The Last of Us | Vivian Ding | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Infamous Second Son (Jason Connell, Toby Tobler, Matt Vainio, Carlon Addison, Jeremy Forbes, Cory Lee, Tom Mabe, Christopher Swick, Mark Wood) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Nancy Larouche) Thief (Karla Martinez) Watch Dogs (Jean-Philippe Leroux) | Alien: Isolation | Ben Hutchings | Creative Assembly |
2015 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Annie Dumais) Batman: Arkham Knight (Florian Desaunay) Dying Light (Aleksander Netzel, Łukasz Kozak, Łukasz Krawczyk) Star Wars Battlefront (Dave Kintner) | Rise of the Tomb Raider | Brandon Russell | Crystal Dynamics |
2016 | Iluminación/Texturizado | Dishonored 2 (Damien Laurent, Pierre Pronier) DOOM (Brian Ellebracht, Tony Garza) Quantum Break (Laurent Harduin) Titanfall 2 (Todd Sue) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Mark Shoaf, Leandro Amaral | Naughty Dog |
Rendimiento Drama Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2010 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Jesper Kyd) Final Fantasy XIII (Masashi Hamauzu) Halo: Reach (C. Paul Johnson) Mass Effect 2 (Jack Wall | Red Dead Redemption | Craig Conner | Rockstar San Diego |
2010 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Nitin Sawhney) Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Riei Saito) Heavy Rain (Alastair Lindsay) Nier | Alan Wake | Petri Alanko | Remedy Entertainment |
2011 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Jesper Kyd) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Brian Tyler) Crysis 2 (Borislav Slavov, Tilman Sillescu) Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Michael A. McCann) Infamous 2 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Greg Edmonson | Naughty Dog |
2011 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (Masato Kouda, Kento Hasegawa) Payday: The Heist (Simon Viklund) Rise of Nightmares (Ron Fish) Shadows of the Damned (Akira Yamaoka) | Rage | Rob Abernethy (Red Note Audio) | id Software |
2012 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Far Cry 3 (Simon Landry) Halo 4 (Neil Davidge) Karateka (Christopher Tin) Mass Effect 3 (Sascha Dikiciyan, Sam Hulick, Chris Lennertz, Clint Mansell, Cris Velasco) Max Payne 3 (Jake Duzsik, John Famiglietti, Jupiter Keyes, BJ Miller) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Michael A. McCann) |
Assassin's Creed III | Lorne Balfe | Ubisoft Montreal |
2012 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | Dear Esther (Louisa Fuller (Violin), Tom Pigott-Smith (Violin), Rachel Robson (Viola), Chris Worsey (Chello), Andrew Skeet (Piano), Clara Sanabras (Vocals), Jessica Curry (Samples and Audio Effects)) Mark of the Ninja (Vincent DeVera, Jason Garner) Sleeping Dogs (Jeff Tymoschuk) The Last Historia (Nobuo Uematsu) | Journey | Austin Wintory | thatGamecompany |
2013 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | God of War: Ascension (Tyler Bates) Lost Planet 3 (Jack Wall) Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Glenn Stafford) XCOM: Enemy Within (Roland J. Rizzo) | Tomb Raider | Jason Graves | Crystal Dynamics |
2013 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller (Austin Haynes) Remember Me (Olivier Derivière) Ryse: Son of Rome (Borislav Slavov) Soul Sacrifice | The Last of Us | Gustavo Santaolalla | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Dark Souls II (Yuka Kitamura) Infamous Second Son (Bryan Mantia, Marc Canham, Nathan Johnson) Wasteland 2 (Mark Morgan) The Wolf Among Us (Jared Emerson-Johnson) | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare | Sledgehammer Games | |
2014 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | The Banner Saga (Austin Wintory) Dawngate (Jeff Broadbent) Titanfall (Stephen Barton) Valiant Hearts: The Great War WildStar | Destiny | C. Paul Johnson, Michael Salvatori, Martin O'Donnell | Bungie, Inc. |
2015 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Jack Wall) Halo 5: Guardians (Kazuma Jinnouchi) Killer Instinct Season 2 (Mick Gordon) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Justin Burnett) | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikolai Stroinski | CD Projekt Red |
2015 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (Jessica Curry) Grey Goo (Frank Klepacki) Pillars of Eternity (Justin Bell) The Order: 1886 (Jason Graves) | Bloodborne | Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitō, Yuka Kitamura, Nobuyoshi Suzuki, Cris Velasco, Michael Wandmacher | FromSoftware |
2016 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Franquicia | Dark Souls III (Yuka Kitamura, Nobuyoshi Suzuki) Dishonored 2 (Daniel Licht) Mafia III (Jim Bonney, Jesse Harlin) Watch Dogs 2 (Hudson Mohawke) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Henry Jackman, Jonathan Mayer, Scott Hanau | Naughty Dog |
2016 | Rendimiento Drama Original, Nueva IP | Severed Stellaris (Andreas Waldetoft) The Last Guardian (Takeshi Furukawa) Virginia (Lyndon Holland) | Tom Clancy's The Division | Ola Strandh | Massive Entertainment |
Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2010 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Donkey Kong Country Returns (Minako Hamano, Masaru Tajima, Shinji Ushiroda, Daisuke Matsuoka) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Kōichi Sugiyama) Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (Noriyuki Iwadare) Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary | Super Mario Galaxy 2 | Mahito Yokota, Ryo Nagamatsu, Koji Kondo | Nintendo |
2010 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | 3D Dot Videojuego Heroes Bayonetta (Hiroshi Yamaguchi) | Super Meat Boy | Danny Baranowsky | Team Meat |
2011 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Kung-Fu High Impact LittleBigPlanet 2 Rayman Origins (Christophe Héral, Billy Martin) | Patapon 3 | Kemmei Adachi, Daisuke Miyake, Yu Ogata | Pyramid, SIE Japan Studio |
2011 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | Bastion (Darren Korb) Jetpack Joyride Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest PlayStation Move Heroes | Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet | Andrew Scott | Shadow Planet Productions |
2012 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Kid Icarus: Uprising (Motoi Sakuraba, Yuzo Koshiro, Masafumi Takada, Noriyuki Iwadare, Takahiro Nishi) Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Skylanders: Giants Touch My Katamari Wipeout 2048 | Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two | Jim Dooley | Junction Point Studios Blitz Videojuegos Studios |
2012 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | Botanicula (DVA, Bára Kratochvílová, Jan Kratochvíl) Dyad Escape Plan Papo & Yo Spelunky (Eirik Suhrke) | Fez | Rich Vreeland | Polytron Corporation |
2013 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | DuckTales Remastered Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Power Glove) Rayman Legends The Walking Dead: 400 Days (Jared Emerson-Johnson) | The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds | Ryo Nagamatsu | Nintendo |
2013 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | BattleBlock Theater Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (Austin Wintory) Puppeteer The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Jared Emerson-Johnson) | Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Joe Hisaishi | Level-5 |
2014 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (David Wise) Hyrule Warriors (Masato Koike, Yuki Matsumura) Mario Kart 8 South Park: The Stick of Truth (Jamie Dunlap) | Bayonetta 2 | Masami Ueda | PlatinumGames |
2014 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | Hohokum Shovel Knight (Jake Kaufman) Super Time Force Transistor (Darren Korb) | Child of Light | Béatrice Martin | Ubisoft Montreal |
2015 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Michael Cottone (The Green Kingdom), Prey Growl, Jasper Byrne, James Kent (Perturbator), Magna, Vestron Vulture, Magic Sword, Scattle, Stephen Gilarde (M.O.O.N.), Life Companions, Franck Hueso (Carpenter Brut), iamthekidyouknowwhatimean, Cinimod, Benny Smiles, LipPi Sound, Kalle Jonnson (Dubmood), Mega Drive, El Tigr3, Light Club, Old Future Fox Gang, Modulogeek, Alexandre Blanchard, David Scott (Nounverber), Johan Bengtsson (Mitch Murder), Niklas Åkerblad (El Huervo), Chromacle, Dag Unenge, Riddarna, Tibor Knopf (Sjellos), The Castanets) King's Quest Chapter I: A Knight to Remember (Ben Stanton, David Stanton) Tales of Zestiria (Masaru Shiina Motoi Sakuraba) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (Koji Kondo) | Tales from the Borderlands | Jared Emerson-Johnson | Telltale Games Gearbox Software |
2015 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | Axiom Verge (Tom Happ) Crypt of the Necrodancer (Danny Baranowsky) Galak-Z: The Dimensional (Sam Bird), Undertale (Toby Fox) | Life Is Strange | Jonathan Morali (Syd Matters) | Dontnod Entertainment |
2016 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Franquicia | Kirby: Planet Robobot (Hirokazu Ando) Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 (Junichi Funada) Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 (Ricardo Almeida) Ratchet & Clank (Michael Bross) | Mirror's Edge Catalyst | James Slavin | EA DICE |
2016 | Rendimiento Mezcla de Luz Original, Nueva IP | Hyper Light Drifter (Richard Vreeland (Disasterpeace)) Overcooked Overwatch (Derek Duke) Stardew Valley (Eric Barone) | Furi | The Game Bakers | |
Rendimiento Música Original
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Rendimiento Música Original | Devil May Cry (Masami Ueda) Final Fantasy Chronicles Final Fantasy X (Junya Nakano Masashi Hamauzu) Onimusha: Warlords (Nariyuki Nobuyama, Kōtarō Matsumoto, Takashi Uno, Toshihiko Horiyama) | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | Harry Gregson-Williams, Norihiko Hibino, Rika Muranaka | Konami |
2002 | Rendimiento Música Original | Jet Set Radio Future Medal of Honor: Frontline (Michael Giacchino) Metroid Prime (Kenji Yamamoto, Kouichi Kyuuma) Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II | Kingdom Hearts | Yoko Shimomura | Square Enix |
2003 | Rendimiento Música Original | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Kenta Nagata, Hajimi Wakai, Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo) Secret Weapons Over Normandy (Michael Giacchino) | Silent Hill 3 | Akira Yamaoka | Konami |
2004 | Rendimiento Música Original | Fable (Russell Shaw) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Kumi Tanioka) Katamari Damacy Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Akari Kaida, Hideki Okugawa, Kota Suzuki) | Halo 2 | Martin O'Donnell | Bungie |
2005 | Rendimiento Música Original | Advent Rising (Tommy Tallarico, Michael Richard Plowman, Emmanuel Fratianni) Destroy All Humans! (Garry Schyman) Jade Empire (Jack Wall) Shadow of the Colossus (Kow Otani) | Dragon Quest VIII | Kōichi Sugiyama | Level-5 |
2006 | Rendimiento Música Original | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Leon Willett) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Jeremy Soule) Final Fantasy XII (Hitoshi Sakimoto) Suikoden V (Yoshihiro Tsukahara, Takashi Watanabe, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Chiharu Mukaiyama) | Company of Heroes | Jeremy Soule | Relic Entertainment |
2007 | Rendimiento Música Original | Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War Dead Head Fred (Rod Abernethy, Jason Graves) Lair (John Debney) Universe at War: Earth Assault (Frank Klepacki) | Mass Effect | Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, Richard Jacques, David Kates | BioWare |
2008 | Rendimiento Música Original | Castle Crashers (David Orr, Selcuk Bor, Waterflame, Cycerin, Snayk, Piercing Lazer, ParagonX9, Helix, Ian Slider, Will Stamper) Chrono Trigger (Yasunori Mitsuda Nobuo Uematsu) Resistance 2 (Boris C. Salchow) World of Goo (Kyle Gabler) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford) | Patapon | Kemmei Adachi, Daisuke Miyake | Pyramid SIE Japan Studio |
2009 | Rendimiento Música Original | Afro Samurai (Howard Drossin) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Hans Zimmer Lorne Balfe) Dragon Age: Origins (Inon Zur) inFamous (Amon Tobin, James Michael Dooley, Mel Wesson, Jonathan Mayer, Martin Tilman) | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Greg Edmonson | Naughty Dog |
Colección de Canciones
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2003 | Colección de Canciones | Primal (16 Volt - combat tracks and intro night club, Eric Powell, Mike Peoples, John Desalvo) Project Gotham Racing 2 (Fred Northup) Tony Hawk's Underground (Westies, Tim Riley, Brandon Young) True Crime: Streets of LA (Bright Riley, DeMonica Plummer) | Amplitude | Harmonix | |
2004 | Colección de Canciones | Burnout 3: Takedown (Stephen Root) Def Jam: Fight for NY (Gordon Durity) Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Brandon Young) | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | Dan Houser, Navid Khonsari, Tim Sweeney (ewp), Heinz Henn (ewp) | Rockstar North |
2005 | Colección de Canciones | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Craig Conner) Indigo Prophecy) The Warriors (Steve Donohoe) Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Brandon Young, Tim Riley) | Guitar Hero | Eric Brosius, Kasson Crooker | Harmonix |
2006 | Colección de Canciones | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (Ivan Pavlovich, Andi Hanley) Lumines II (Nobuhiko Shimizu, Julie Sessing-Turner) Saints Row (Cornerstone Promotion) SingStar Rocks! (Grace Ep) | Guitar Hero II | Chris Larkin | Harmonix |
2007 | Colección de Canciones | Boogie Rock Band (Will Littlejohn) SingStar Pop Skate | BioShock | 2K Boston | |
2008 | Colección de Canciones | Braid (Magnatune) Rock Band 2 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 The World Ends with You | Grand Theft Auto IV | Craig Conner, Ivan Pavlovich, Andi Hanley | Rockstar North |
2009 | Colección de Canciones | Band Hero Brütal Legend (Emily Ridgway) DJ Hero Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City (Craig Conner) Guitar Hero 5 The Saboteur (Laura Epp) | The Beatles: Rock Band | Harmonix | |
2010 | Colección de Canciones | Call of Duty: Black Ops (Katie Sippel) DJ Hero 2 (Rich Orchard) Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (Stephan Vankov) Mafia II (Xenia Mul) | BioShock 2 | 2K Marin | |
2011 | Colección de Canciones | ABBA: You Can Dance L.A. Noire (Craig Conner) | Just Dance 3 | Ubisoft Paris Ubisoft Reflections | |
2012 | Colección de Canciones | Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two) Forza Horizon (Robert John Gorham) LittleBigPlanet PS Vita Lollipop Chainsaw (Akira Yamaoka) Max Payne 3 (Ivan Pavlovich, Jaesun Celebre, Tony Mesones) Sleeping Dogs (Rashid Hille) | Lumines Electronic Symphony | Q Entertainment | |
2013 | Colección de Canciones | Grand Theft Auto V (Ivan Pavlovich, Jaesun Celebre, Jeff Silverman, Tony Mesones) Rocksmith 2014 Edition Saints Row IV | Bioshock: Infinite | Jim Bonney | Irrational Games |
2014 | Colección de Canciones | Hohokum SingStar Ultimate Party Sunset Overdrive Transistor (Darren Korb) | Just Dance 2015 | Alkis Argyriadis | Ubisoft Paris |
2015 | Colección de Canciones | Fallout 4 (Christopher S. Parker, Brandracket LLC) Life Is Strange (Feel for Music) | Rock Band 4 | Harmonix | |
2016 | Colección de Canciones | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Sarah Schachner, Stephen Miller) Dead Rising 4 Dishonored 2 (COPILOT) Forza Horizon 3 | Mafia III | Hangar 13 | |
Canción, Original o Adaptada
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2003 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Dark Cloud 2 - "Time is Changing" | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne - "Late Goodbye" | Sami Järvi (ewp) Kärtsy Hatakka (ewp), Kimmo Kajasto (ewp) | Remedy Entertainment |
2005 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Advent Rising - "Greater Lights"" Indigo Prophecy - "Santa Monica" Magna Carta: Tears of Blood - "Tears of Blood" Romancing SaGa - "Menuett" | We Love Katamari – "Katamari on the Swing" | Yuri Misumi, Hiroshi Okubo, Masashi Sugiyama, Katsuro Tajima, Hideki Tobeta, Akitaka Toyama, Yoshihito Yano, Tomomitsu Kaneko, Kanako Kakino | Namco |
2006 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Kingdom Hearts II - "Sanctuary" LocoRoco - "Loco Roco No Uta" Lumines II - "Heavenly Star" | Final Fantasy XII - "Kiss Me Good-Bye" | Nobuo Uematsu – "Angela Aki" | Square Enix |
2007 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Mass Effect - "M4 Part II" PaRappa the Rapper - "Do You Know Why We Stopped the Car?" World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - "Lament of the Highborne" | Portal – "Still Alive" | Valve Corporation | |
2008 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Haze - "Haze" Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - "Never More" The World Ends with You - "Twister" | The World Ends with You - "The One Star" | Square Enix | |
2009 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | DJ Hero - "Taking My Ball" Dragon Age: Origins - "I Am the One" | Klonoa – "LaLaLa" | Kanako Kakino, Junko Ozawa | Bandai Namco Entertainment |
2010 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Bayonetta - "Fly Me to the Moon" Deadly Premonition - "Greenvale" Deadly Premonition - "The Woods and the Goddess" Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - "Always on My Mind" | Alan Wake - "The Poet and the Muse" | Remedy Entertainment | |
2011 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Bastion - "Setting Sail, Coming Home" L.A. Noire - "Torched Song" LittleBigPlanet 2 - "Victoria’s Lab" | Portal 2 - "Want You Gone" | Jonathan Coulton | Valve Corporation |
2012 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Call of Duty: Black Ops II - "Nino Precioso" Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - "Help Me Help You" Journey - "I Was Born for This" NeverDead - "Love" Silent Hill: Book of Memories - "Love Psalm" | Max Payne 3 - "9 Círculos" | Leandro Roque de Oliveira (Emicida) | Rockstar Games |
2013 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | BattleBlock Theater - "Buckle Your Pants" Contrast - "House on Fire" Rain - "Clair De Lune" | Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - "Kokoro no Kakera" | Mamiko Suzuki | Level-5 |
2014 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | 1954: Alcatraz - "Try and Forget Me" (Pedro Macedo Camacho) Destiny - "Hope for the Future" (Paul McCartney) Dragon Age: Inquisition - "The Dawn Will Come" (Trevor Morris David Gaider) Transistor - "We All Become" (Darren Korb, Ashley Barret) | Infamous Second Son - "Heart-Shaped Box" | Nirvana Dead Sara | Sucker Punch Productions |
2015 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Devil's Third - "Bleed Out" (Mike Reagan, Julian Coryell, Erin Reagan, Mateo Laboriel, Carmen Twillie) Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - "The Mourning Tree" (Jessica Curry) Fallout 4 - "Good Neighbor" (Lynda Carter John Jarvis, Kerry Marx) Rare Replay - "Opening Number" | Life Is Strange - "To All of You" | Jonathan Morali (Syd Matters) | Dontnod Entertainment |
2016 | Canción, Original o Adaptada | Civilization VI - "Sogno di Volare" Dishonored 2 - "Gold Dust Woman" The Flame in the Flood - "What We Leave Behind" | Final Fantasy XV - "Stand by Me" | Square Enix Business Division 2 | |
Edición de Sonido, Cinemáticas de Videojuego
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2004 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (Kenji Shibazaki) | Doom 3 | Rik Schaffer | id Software |
2005 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty 2 (Mark Ganus, Earbash Audio Inc.) Indigo Prophecy Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Jamie McMenamy, Michael Bross) We Love Katamari (Yu Miyake) | Resident Evil 4 | Capcom | |
2006 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (Kenichi Mikoshiba) Gears of War (Jamey Scott Ōkami (Atsushi Mori) Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (Mike Cody, Kristofor Mellroth) | Final Fantasy XII | Shojiro Nakaoka, Makoto Ise | Square Enix |
2007 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Hellgate: London (Dave Steinwedel) Mass Effect (Steven Sim) | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Peter Blumel, Drew McCoy | Infinity Ward |
2008 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Roy Machado) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Brian Tibbetts, Tom Bible, Aaron Brown, Erik Foreman) | Dead Space | Kristine Barrett, Lawrence Chandler | EA Redwood Shores |
2009 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Earbash Audio Inc.) Halo Wars (J. D. Smith) Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Red Faction: Guerrilla (Jake Kaufman, Dan Wentz) | Batman: Arkham Asylum | Thom Brennan, Solange Schwalbe | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Ben Minto, Bence Pajor, Mari Saastamoinen) Call of Duty: Black Ops (Chris Cowell) Final Fantasy XIII (Jota Goto) God of War III (Paul M. Fox, Chris Hegstrom) | Mass Effect 2 | Shauna Perry, Simon Charles Pressey | BioWare |
2011 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Adam Boyd, Earbash Audio Inc., Wabi Sabi Sound) Child of Eden (Keiichi Sugiyama, Ayako Minami, Takako Ishida) Portal 2 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | Tom Hite | Naughty Dog |
2012 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Final Fantasy XIII-2 Resident Evil 6 (Jamison Boaz, Marie Ishikawa, Juan Flores) Starhawk (Ted Kocher, Andrew Buresh, Scott Hanau) Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Rob Burns, Adam Block, John Drelick, Christopher D'Ambrosio, Mark Loperfido, Ian Mika, Mike Niederquell) Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Andrew Buresh, Scott Shoemaker,Michael Bricker, Sam Marshall, Ted Kocher, Joel Yarger, Jason Swan) | Mass Effect 3 | Rob Blake | BioWare |
2013 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | God of War: Ascension (Mario Lavin) Puppeteer Remember Me (Sébastien Gaillard, Nicolas Bredin, Pierre-Jean Griscelli, Louis Martin, Antoine Babary, Gilles Camous) Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Alexander L. Ephraim, Jon Graves, Caroline Hernandez, Clinton Jones) | The Last of Us | Shannon Potter | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Far Cry 4 (Ding Jun Mei) Infamous Second Son Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (Akihiro Teruta) Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Michael Norris) | Dragon Age: Inquisition | Anders Clerwall | BioWare |
2015 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Felix Tievant) Bloodborne (Tsukasa Saitō, Nobuyoshi Suzuki, Hideyuki Etō, Yuka Kitamura, Shoi Miyazawa, Takashi Onodera) Fallout 4 (James Tanenbaum) The Order: 1886 (Bryan Ploof, Emily Schrivner) | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Kuba Pietrzak (Juice) | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Edición de Sonido en Cinemáticas de Videojuego | Battlefield 1 (Bence Pajor) Dark Souls III (Hideyuki Eto) Dishonored 2 (Thomas Mitton) Gears of War 4 (Jimmy Smith) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Phil Kovats | Naughty Dog |
Efectos de Sonido
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Efectos de Sonido | Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (David Rovin) Ico (Masaaki Kaneko, Keiichi Kitahara) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Akihiro Honda, Ryoji Makimura) Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Protagonistaer (Rudolf Stember) | Silent Hill 2 | Akira Yamaoka | Konami |
2002 | Efectos de Sonido | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Allan Walker, Craig Conner, Raymond Usher, Stuart Ross, Will Morton) Metroid Prime (Clark Wen) Resident Evil Zero (Kenji Shibazaki) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Ashif Hakik, Boyd Post, Ian Rodia) SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs (Nathan Brenholdt) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem | Steven S. Henifin | Silicon Knights |
2003 | Efectos de Sonido | Armed and Dangerous (Michael Frayne) Silent Hill 3 (Akira Yamaoka) | Call of Duty | Rik W. Schaffer, Chuck Russom, Jack Grillo | Infinity Ward |
2004 | Efectos de Sonido | Call of Duty: United Offensive (Justin Skomarovsky) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Sōtarō Tojima, Hiroe Noguchi, Waichiro Ozaki, Ryoji Makimura, Akihiro Honda, Kazunori Hideya, Masashi Watanabe) Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Clark Wen, Scott Petersen) Pikmin 2 (Takahiro Watanabe) | Doom 3 | Christian Antkow, Ed Lima, Rik Schaffer, Chris Vrenna | id Software |
2005 | Efectos de Sonido | F.E.A.R. (Kristofor Mellroth, Brian Pamintuan, Kristen Quebe) God of War (Jonathan Hawkins, Jason McDonald) Quake 4 (Zachary Quarles, Kevin Schilder) Resident Evil 4 (Misao Senbongi) | Call of Duty 2 | Mark Ganus | Infinity Ward |
2006 | Efectos de Sonido | Call of Duty 3 (Chris Cowell, Steve Goldberg, Scott Purvis, Gary Spinrad, Brian Tuey) Company of Heroes (Rusty Dunn) Dead Rising (Arata Iwashina, Hiroaki Igarashi) Gears of War (Jamey Scott) | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | Mark Lampert | Bethesda Game Studios |
2007 | Efectos de Sonido | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (John Paul Fasal) Crysis (Christian Schilling Muyshondt) Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Christian Antkow) The Orange Box | BioShock | Emily Ridgway | 2K Boston |
2008 | Efectos de Sonido | Gears of War 2 (Joey Kuras, Jamey Scott) Left 4 Dead Mirror's Edge (Pedro Alfageme, Matthew Wilson) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (David Wayne Collins) | Dead Space | Don Veca, Dave Feise, Andrew Lackey, David Swenson, Chris Chikes, Marcus Egan, Jason Heffel, David Farmer, William Rudolph | EA Redwood Shores |
2009 | Efectos de Sonido | Batman: Arkham Asylum (Lee Banyard, Andrew Riley) Dead Space: Extraction (Steve Duckworth, Xan Williams, Duncan Bradshaw, Lee Campbell, Guy Cockcroft, Jeremy Corbett, Jim Croft, Sarah Scott, Kevin Stainwright, Mark Topley) Left 4 Dead 2 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Lydian Tone) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | Mark Ganus, John Paul Fasal | Infinity Ward |
2010 | Efectos de Sonido | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Ben Minto, Bence Pajor, Mari Saastamoinen) BioShock 2 (George Spanos) Final Fantasy XIII (Masayuki Sato) God of War III (Paul M. Fox, Chris Hegstrom) | Call of Duty: Black Ops | Brian Tuey, Chris Cowell | Treyarch |
2011 | Efectos de Sonido | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Adam Boyd, Earbash Audio Inc., Wabi Sabi Sound) Clone Wars Adventures: Battle of Umbara Dead Space 2 (J. White) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Lydian Tone, Chris Pinkston, Mark Camperell, Ronald Dutch Hill) | Portal 2 | Valve Corporation | |
2012 | Efectos de Sonido | Assassin's Creed III (Ian MacBeth, Martin Weissberg, Dominique Voegelé),) Far Cry 3 (Jens Jungmark) Resident Evil 6 (Yasuyuki Tsujino) Sine Mora (Tamás Kreiner) Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (Hideyuki Eto) | Halo 4 | Sotaro Tojima | 343 Industries |
2013 | Efectos de Sonido | Bioshock: Infinite (Scott Haraldsen) Dead Space 3 (Andrew Boyd, Joseph Concha, Michael Caisley, Geoff Garnett (Wabi Sabi), Damian Kastbauer, Andrew Lackey (Wabi Sabi), David Levison, David Lowmiller, RJ Mattingly, Robb Mills, Bill Rudolph, Sean Vora, Michael Wilga) God of War: Ascension (Paul Poduska) Metro: Last Light (Andrew Prohorov (PROF), Dimitriy Dyachenko, Dmitry Kuzmenko) | The Last of Us | Phil Kovats | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Efectos de Sonido | Destiny (Jay Weinland) Infamous Second Son Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Michael Norris) South Park: The Stick of Truth (Austin Shannon) | Alien: Isolation | Mark Angus | Creative Assembly |
2015 | Efectos de Sonido | Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (Anthony Hales) Fallout 4 (Dave Schreiber) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Jack Grillo) The Order: 1886 (Carsten Rojahn) | Star Wars Battlefront | Philip Eriksson, David Jegutidse, Gustav Rathsman, Martin Wöhrer | Electronic Arts |
2016 | Efectos de Sonido | Battlefield 1 (Bence Pajor) Dishonored 2 (Thomas Mitton) MLB The Show 16 (Steve Conrad, Kurt Kellenberger) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Phil Kovats) | Far Cry Primal | Mohamed Rabia | Ubisoft Montreal |
Soporte de Rendimiento en una Comedia
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Psychonauts (Earl Boen como Butcher) Psychonauts (Mark Ivanir como Mikhail Bulgakov) Psychonauts (David Kaye como Ford Cruller) Psychonauts (Armin Shimerman como Raz's Father) | Psychonauts (Sherrie Jackson como Quentin Hedgemouse) | Sherrie Jackson | Double Fine Productions |
2006 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine (John Bell como Various Vozs) Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love (Richard Horvitz como Orthopox and Suburban Crazy) Family Guy (Seth Green como Chris Griffin) | Bully (Peter Vack como Gary Smith) | Peter Vack | Rockstar Vancouver |
2007 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | PaRappa the Rapper (Lea Alomar como Sunny Funny) PaRappa the Rapper (Armstead Christian como PJ Berri and Parappa's Dad) Surf’s Up (Jeff Bridges como Big Z and Geek) | The Simpsons Videojuego (Will Wright como himself) | Will Wright | Electronic Arts |
2008 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Crash: Mind over Mutant (Nolan North como Dr. N. Gin) Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (Richard Steven Horvitz como Orthopox) Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (James Horan como Saxon) Secret Agent Clank (Jim Ward como Captain Qwark) | Little Big Planet (Stephen Fry como the Narrator) | Stephen Fry | Media Molecule |
2009 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Brütal Legend (Tim Curry como Doviculus) Eat Protagonista: The Return of Matt Hazard (Neil Patrick Harris) Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (Jim Ward como Captain Qwark) The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (Earl Boen como LeChuck) | Ghostbusters: The Video Videojuego (Bill Murray como Dr. Peter Venkman) | Bill Murray | Red Fly Studio |
2010 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The VideoVideojuego (R. Lee Ermey como Wildcat) Bayonetta (Richard Epcar como Antonio) Bayonetta (Stephanie Sheh como Cereza) Bayonetta (Yuri Lowenthal como Luka and Temperantia) | Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The VideoVideojuego (Paul Reubens como Bat-Mite) | Paul Reubens | WayForward Technologies |
2011 | Rendimiento in Comedia, Soporte | Bulletstorm (Anthony De Longis como General Sarrano) Bulletstorm (Chris Cox como Rell) LittleBigPlanet 2 (Colin McFarlane como Avalon Centrifuge) | Shadows of the Damned (Greg Ellis como Johnson) | Greg Ellis | Grasshopper Manufacture |
2012 | Soporte de Rendimiento, Comedia | Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Frank Welker como Oswald) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Steven Blum como Ra’s, Penguin, Bane and Alfred) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Rob Paulsen como the Riddler) Thomas Was Alone (Danny Wallace como the Narrator) | Borderlands 2 (Dameon Clarke como Handsome Jack) | Dameon Clarke | Gearbox Software |
2013 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Soporte | DuckTales Remastered (June Foray como Ma Beagle) DuckTales Remastered (Russi Taylor como Webby, Huey, Dewey and Louie) Puppeteer (Nick Ellsworth como Moon Bear King) Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Yuri Lowenthal como Sir Galleth) | Lego City Undercover (Trevor White como Frank Honey) | Trevor White | TT Games |
2014 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Soporte | Broken Age: Act I (David Kaufman como Marek) Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Brian Beacock como Monokuma) Little Big Planet 3 (Hugh Laurie como Newton) South Park: The Stick of Truth (Matt Stone como Various Vozs) | South Park: The Stick of Truth - Trey Parker como Various Vozs | Trey Parker | Obsidian Entertainment, South Park Digital Studios |
2015 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Soporte | Minecraft: Historia Mode (Martha Plimpton como Olivia) Xenoblade Chronicles X (Chris Cason como Tatsu) | Tales from the Borderlands (Erin Yvette como Sasha) | Erin Yvette | Telltale Games Gearbox Software |
2016 | Rendimiento en una Comedia, Soporte | King's Quest Chapter V: The Good Knight (Wallace Shawn como Manny) Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Harrison Ford como Han Solo) Ratchet & Clank (Jim Ward como Captain Qwark) Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE (Inori Minase como Tsubasa) | Lego Marvel's Avengers (Stan Lee como himself) | Stan Lee | Traveller's Tales |
Soporte de Rendimiento en un Drama
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Gun (Kris Kristofferson como Ned White) The Warriors (Dorsey Wright como Cleon) True Crime: New York City (Laurence Fishburne como Isaiah Reed) True Crime: New York City (Christopher Walken como F.B.I. Agent Gabriel Whitting) | Jade Empire (John Cleese como Sir Roderick) | John Cleese | BioWare |
2006 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | 24: The Videojuego (Andreas Katsulas como Governor Radford) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Terence Stamp como Mankar Camoran) Final Fantasy XII (Catherine Taber como Penelo) Kingdom Hearts II (Christopher Lee como DiZ/Ansem the Wise) | Neverwinter Nights 2 (Adam Sietz como Khelgar, Elgun and the King of Shadows) | Adam Sietz | Obsidian Entertainment |
2007 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | God of War II (Linda Hunt como the Narrator) Heavenly Sword (Andy Serkis como King Bohan) Mass Effect (Fred Tatasciore como Saren Arterius) | Mass Effect (Cam Clarke como Private Fredricks) | Cam Clarke | BioWare |
2008 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Mike Neumann como Cpl. Sam Corrion) Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Gideon Emery como PFC Dawson) Grand Theft Auto IV (Jason Zumwalt como Roman Bellic) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Nathalie Cox como Juno Eclipse) | Grand Theft Auto IV (Timothy Adams como Brucie Kibbutz) | Timothy Adams | Rockstar North |
2009 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Assassin's Creed II (Roger Craig Smith como Ezio Auditore da Firenze) Dragon Age: Origins (Tim Curry como Arl Howe) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Claudia Black como Chloe Frazer) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Emily Rose como Elena Fisher) | Batman: Arkham Asylum (Mark Hamill como the Joker) | Mark Hamill | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Alan Wake (Fred Berman como Barry Wheeler) Fallout: New Vegas (Felicia Day como Veronica Santangelo) Heavy Rain (Sam Douglas como Scott Shelby) Red Dead Redemption (Sophia Marzocchi como Abigail Marston) | God of War III (Rip Torn como Hephaestus) | Rip Torn | SIE Santa Monica Studio |
2011 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Kevin McKidd como Soap) Catherine (Yuri Lowenthal como Tobias Nebbins) L.A. Noire (Will Collyer como James Tiernan) L.A. Noire (Erika Heynatz como Elsa Lichtmann) | Catherine (Michelle Ruff como Katherine McBride) | Michelle Ruff | Atlus |
2012 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Alan Wake's American Nightmare (Matthew Porretta como Mr. Scratch) Dear Esther (Nigel Carrington como the Narrator) Syndicate (Rosario Dawson como Lily Drawl) The Last Historia (Blake Ritson como Lord Jirall) Xenoblade Chronicles (Jenna-Louise Coleman como Melia) | The Walking Dead (Melissa Hutchison como Clementine) | Melissa Hutchison | Telltale Games |
2013 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Beyond: Two Souls (Willem Dafoe como Nathan Dawkins) Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Steffan Rhodri como Drippy) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (Laura Bailey como Nemissa) The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 – Faith (Chuck Kourouklis como Toad) | Bioshock Infinite (Courtnee Draper como Elizabeth) | Courtnee Draper | Irrational Games |
2014 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Dragon Age: Inquisition (Corinne Kempa como Leliana) The Walking Dead: Season Two (Gavin Hammon como Kenny) The Walking Dead: Season Two (Scott Porter como Luke) Watch Dogs (Aaron Douglas como Jordi Chin) | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Phil LaMarr como Ratbag) | Phil LaMarr | Monolith Productions |
2015 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Batman: Arkham Knight (John Noble como Scarecrow) Fallout 4 (Stephen Russell como Codsworth/Nick Valentine) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (William Roberts como Uncle Vesemir) Until Dawn (Brett Dalton como Mike) | Batman: Arkham Knight (Mark Hamill como the Joker) | Mark Hamill | Rocksteady Studios |
2016 | Rendimiento en un Drama, Soporte | Darkest Dungeon (Wayne June como the Narrator) Final Fantasy XV (Amy Shiels como Lunafreya Nox Fleuret) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine (MyAnna Buring como Anna Henrietta) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Emily Rose como Elena Fisher) | Quantum Break (Aidan Gillen como Paul Serene) | Aidan Gillen | Remedy Entertainment |
Uso del Sonido
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Uso del Sonido | Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (David Rovin) Final Fantasy X (Minoru Akao) Frequency (Josh Randall) Ico (Masaaki Kaneko) | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | Kazuki Muraoka, Akihiro Honda, Maki Kirioka, Syuichi Kobori, Kazuki Muraoka, Alan Meyerson | Konami |
2002 | Uso del Sonido | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (Denis Dyack) Metroid Prime (Clark Wen) Resident Evil Zero (Ichiro Kohmoto) Steel Battalion (Collette Sunderman, Tomomitsu Matsushita) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Allan Walker, Craig Conner, Raymond Usher, Stuart Ross, Will Morton, Dan Houser, Navid Khonsari | Rockstar North |
2003 | Uso del Sonido | Call of Duty (Chuck Russom) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Jérémi Valiquette) Tron 2.0 (James Ackley) | Silent Hill 3 | Akira Yamaoka | Konami |
2004 | Uso del Sonido | Doom 3 (Christian Antkow) Half-Life 2 Myst IV: Revelation (Mathieu Jeanson) Thief: Deadly Shadows (Eric Brosius) | Silent Hill 4: The Room | Konami | |
2005 | Uso del Sonido | God of War (Jonathan Hawkins, Jason McDonald) King Kong (Yoan Fanise) Resident Evil 4 (Misao Senbongi) The Suffering: Ties That Bind (Nick Radovich) | F.E.A.R. | James Ackley, Kristofor Mellroth, Brian Pamintuan, Kristen Quebe, Ron Fish | Monolith Productions |
2006 | Uso del Sonido | Company of Heroes (Jennifer Lewis) Guitar Hero II (Jamey Scott) Ōkami (Atsushi Mori) Resistance: Fall of Man (Alan Gerrard, Chris Braymen, Jim Sproul, Laurent Betbeder, Richard Griffiths) | Gears of War | Jamey Scott | Epic Games |
2007 | Uso del Sonido | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Adam Levenson) Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Christian Antkow) Everyday Shooter (Jonathan Mak) Treasure Tunes | Flow | thatGamecompany | |
2008 | Uso del Sonido | Auditorium Fallout 3 (Mark Lampert) Gears of War 2 (Caesar Filori) Patapon (Kemmei Adachi, Daisuke Miyake) | Dead Space | Don Veca, Dave Feise, Andrew Lackey, David Swenson | EA Redwood Shores |
2009 | Uso del Sonido | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Mark Ganus) Dead Space: Extraction (Don Veca) Left 4 Dead 2 Patapon 2 | Batman: Arkham Asylum | Lee Banyard, Andrew Riley | Rocksteady Studios |
2010 | Uso del Sonido | Alan Wake (Mark Yeend) Call of Duty: Black Ops (Brian Tuey) Chime Heavy Rain (Stephen O'Callaghan, Ash Sargant) Red Dead Redemption (Jeffrey R. Whitcher) | Limbo | Martin Stig Andersen | Playdead |
2011 | Uso del Sonido en un Franquicia | Dead Space 2 (Andrew Boyd) F.E.A.R. 3 (Richard Carle) Rayman Origins (Christophe Héral) Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Tom Hays) | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 | Mark Ganus | Infinity Ward |
2011 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Catherine (Atsushi Kitajoh) L.A. Noire (Matthew Smith) Pulse Rage (Christian Antkow) | Papa Sangre | Somethin' Else | |
2012 | Uso del Sonido, Franquicia | Mass Effect 3 (Rob Blake) Max Payne 3 (Matthew Smith) Sniper Elite V2 (Nick Brewer) Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Garin Hiebert, Jim Sproul, Joshua Breindel, Laurent Betbeder, Nicky Hind, Jianhua Shen, Carlo Vogelsang) | Call of Duty: Black Ops II | Brian Tuey | Treyarch |
2012 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Journey (Steve Johnson) Mark of the Ninja (Matthew Marteinsson, Daniel Gagnon) The Last Historia (Hirotomi Imoto) The Walking Dead (Lazar Levine) | Sound Shapes | Shaw-Han Liem | Queasy Videojuegos SIE Santa Monica Studio |
2013 | Uso del Sonido, Franquicia | Battlefield 4 (Andrew Boyd, Paul Gorman) Dead Space 3 (Nick Laviers) Rayman Legends Saints Row IV | Bioshock: Infinite | Scott Haraldsen | Irrational Games |
2013 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs Antichamber Beyond: Two Souls (Xavier Despas) Outlast (Jonathan Wachoru) | The Last of Us | Phil Kovats | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Uso del Sonido, Franquicia | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Dragon Age: Inquisition (Anders Clerwall) Far Cry 4 (Yassine Abouelfalah) Infamous Second Son | Alien: Isolation | Mark Angus | Creative Assembly |
2014 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Among the Sleep Child of Light (Hugo Bastien) Titanfall (Bryan Watkins, Mitchell Osias) Tomodachi Life | Destiny | Jay Weinland | Bungie |
2015 | Uso del Sonido, Franquicia | Fallout 4 (Dave Schreiber) King's Quest Chapter I: A Knight to Remember (Hexany Audio) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Jack Grillo) Super Mario Maker (Koichi Kyuma) | Star Wars Battlefront | Philip Eriksson, David Jegutidse, Gustav Rathsman, Martin Wöhrer | Electronic Arts |
2015 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (Anthony Hales) Evolve (Caron Weidner, Michael C. Schapiro) The Order: 1886 (Carsten Rojahn) Until Dawn (Adam Rowley, Joanna Orland, Alan McDermott, Jordan Pedder, Dylan Vadamootoo, Simon Gumbleton, Garry Taylor, Stephen O'Callaghan, Iain Hetherington, Tim Shepherd) | Crypt of the Necrodancer | Brace Yourself Videojuegos | |
2016 | Uso del Sonido, Franquicia | Dishonored 2 (Thomas Mitton) DOOM (Chris Hite, Chad Mossholder) Far Cry Primal (Mohamed Rabia) Mafia III (Matt Bauer) | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | Phil Kovats | Naughty Dog |
2016 | Uso del Sonido, Nueva IP | Dead by Daylight Inside (Andreas Frostholm Roeboe) Quantum Break (Richard Lapington) The Flame in the Flood (Pat Balthrop) | Tom Clancy's The Division | Simon Koudriavtsev | Massive Entertainment |
Rendimiento de Voces
Guion en una Comedia
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Guion, Comedia | Destroy All Humans! (Tom Abernathy) Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich (Ken Levine) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Lorne Lanning, Gautam Babbar) | Psychonauts | Tim Schafer Erik Wolpaw | Double Fine Productions |
2006 | Guion, Comedia | Bully (Dan Houser, Jacob Krarup) Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love (Tom Abernathy) Elite Beat Agents (Koji Ito, Kishiko Miyagi) Viva Pinata | Sam & Max: Episode 1 | Brendan Q. Ferguson, David Grossman, Steve Purcell | Telltale Games |
2007 | Guion, Comedia | Dead Head Fred Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck Super Paper Mario Team Fortress 2 | The Simpsons Videojuego | Electronic Arts | |
2008 | Guion, Comedia | American McGee's Grimm Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Mical Pedriana) Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (Merrill Hagan) No More Heroes (Goichi Suda) | Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 | Jerry Holkins | Hothead Games |
2009 | Guion, Comedia | Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Tales of Monkey Island: Lair of the Leviathan (Sean Vanaman) The House of the Dead: Overkill (Jonathan Burroughs) Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees (Andy Hartzell) | Brütal Legend | Tim Schafer | Double Fine Productions |
2010 | Guion, Comedia | Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (Takeshi Yamazaki, Sou Mayumi, Yuichirou Akita) Costume Quest (Gabe Miller, Elliott Roberts) DeathSpank Guilty Party (Wideload Videojuegos) | Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The VideoVideojuego | WayForward Technologies | |
2011 | Guion, Comedia | Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster Stacking (Lee Petty) | The Baconing | Herschel Leibovitz | Hothead Games |
2012 | Guion, Comedia | Abobo's Big Adventure Borderlands 2 Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Jon Burton) Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness (Robert Boyd, Jerry Holkins) WWE '13 | Thomas Was Alone | Mike Bithell | Bossa Studios Curve Digital |
2013 | Guion en una Comedia | Deadpool (Daniel Way) Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Lucien Soulban) Lego City Undercover Saints Row IV | The Stanley Parable | Davey Wreden, William Pugh | Galactic Café |
2014 | Guion en una Comedia | Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Shu Takumi) Jazzpunk (Luis Hernandez, Jess Brouse) Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Kazutaka Kodaka) Broken Age (Tim Schafer) | South Park: The Stick of Truth | Eric Fenstermaker, Trey Parker Matt Stone | Obsidian Entertainment South Park Digital Studios |
2015 | Guion en una Comedia | Minecraft: Historia Mode (Laura Jacqmin, Michael Choung) | Tales from the Borderlands | Telltale Games Gearbox Software | |
2016 | Guion en una Comedia | Day of the Tentacle Remastered (Dave Grossman, Tim Schafer, Gary Winnick) Headlander (Lee Petty) King's Quest Chapter III: Once Upon a Climb Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (Shunsuke Kobayashi) | Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives | Owlchemy Labs | |
Guion, Diálogos
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2001 | Guion, Diálogos | Conker's Bad Fur Day (Chris Seavor) Devil May Cry Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (Stanley Liu) Okage: Shadow King | Final Fantasy X | Square | |
2002 | Guion, Diálogos | Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem Kingdom Hearts (Teruaki Sugawara) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Timothy R. Miller, Pure Illusion) Spider-Man: The Movie (Matthew B. Rhoades) | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Dan Houser, James Worrall | Rockstar North |
2003 | Guion, Diálogos | Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Final Fantasy X-2 (Teruaki Sugawara) Jak II Primal (Jonathan Ashley) | Armed and Dangerous | Aaron Loeb, Timothy Williams | Planet Moon Studios |
2004 | Guion, Diálogos | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Andrea Toyias, Patrick McNutty) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Marilyn Teorey, Anthony Litton) Katamari Damacy The Bard's Tale (Mike Tallarico) | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door | Intelligent Systems | |
Guion en un Drama
Año | Categoría | Nominados | Ganador | Receptor(es) | Empresa Desarrolladora |
2005 | Guion, Drama | God of War (Marianne Krawczyk, Alexander Stein, David Jaffe, Keith Fay) Killer7 (Suda 51, Shinji Mikami) Resident Evil 4 The Warriors | Indigo Prophecy | David Cage | Quantic Dream |
2006 | Guion, Drama | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Ted Peterson, Michael Kirkbride) Final Fantasy XII (Daisuke Watanabe, Miwa Shoda) Rule of Rose (Hiromasa Inoue, Masahiko Maezawa, Minako Toyoda) Suikoden V (Kazuyoshi Tsugawa) | Neverwinter Nights 2 | Charles Mead | Obsidian Entertainment |
2007 | Guion, Drama | Eternal Sonata Heavenly Sword (Rhianna Pratchett, Tameem Antoniades, Andy Serkis) Odin Sphere (George Kamitani) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (Yuichiroh Tanaka) | Mass Effect | Drew Karpyshyn, Lukas Kristjanson, Christopher L'Etoile, Mac Walters, Patrick Weekes | BioWare |
2008 | Guion, Drama | Braid (Jonathan Blow) Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Mike Neumann) Chrono Trigger (Masato Kato) Lost Odyssey (Hironobu Sakaguchi) | Fallout 3 | Emil Pagliarulo | Bethesda Game Studios |
2009 | Guion, Drama | Assassin's Creed II (Corey G. May, Michael Wendschuh) Batman: Arkham Asylum (Paul Dini) Dragon Age: Origins (David Gaider) inFamous | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | Michael Hourihan | Naughty Dog |
2010 | Guion, Drama | Alan Wake (Sami Järvi) Fallout: New Vegas (Chris Avellone, Eric Fenstermaker, Travis Stout) Heavy Rain (David Cage) Mass Effect 2 (Mac Walters, Drew Karpyshyn) | Red Dead Redemption | Dan Houser, Michael Unsworth, Christian Cantamessa, Rupert Humphries | Rockstar San Diego |
2011 | Guion, Drama | Brink (Edward Stern) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Paul Haggis, Will Staples) The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Sebastian Stępień) Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (Amy Hennig) | Catherine | Atlus | |
2012 | Guion, Drama | Far Cry 3 (Jeffrey Yohalem) Mass Effect 3 (Mac Walters) Spec Ops: The Line (Richard Pearsey, Walt Williams) The Darkness II (Paul Jenkins, Chad Rocco, Jack Scalici, Robbie Thompson, Walt Williams) The Last Historia | The Walking Dead | Sean Vanaman | Telltale Games |
2013 | Guion en un Drama | Beyond: Two Souls (David Cage) Bioshock: Infinite (Ken Levine) Gone Home Remember Me (Alain Damasio, Stéphane Beauverger) | The Last of Us | Neil Druckmann | Naughty Dog |
2014 | Guion en un Drama | Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Mark Boal, Eric Hirshberg, John Maclnnes) Dragon Age: Inquisition (David Gaider) Infamous First Light The Wolf Among Us (Pierre Shorette) | The Walking Dead: Season Two | Nick Breckon, Andrew Grant | Telltale Games |
2015 | Guion en un Drama | Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Craig Houston) Fallout 4 (Emil Pagliarulo) Her Historia (Sam Barlow) Life Is Strange (Christian Divine) | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | Arkadiusz Borowik, Jakub Szamałek, Karolina Stachyra, Aleksandra Motyka, Bartosz Von Ochman | CD Projekt Red |
2016 | Guion en un Drama | 1979 Revolution: Black Friday (Navid Khonsari, Brian Wood) Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Brian Bloom, Taylor Kurosaki) Quantum Break (Mikko Rautalahti, Tyler Smith) Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Neil Druckmann, Josh Scherr, Tom Bissell, Ryan James) | Firewatch | Chris Remo, Jake Rodkin, Olly Moss, Sean Vanaman | Campo Santo |
Guion, Historia
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