Anexo:Canciones de Glee (temporada 5)


Lista de canciones de la quinta temporada de Glee
Versión covered
Interpretado por
"Yesterday" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesBerry, RachelRachel Berry1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1][2][3]
"Drive My Car" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde con New Directions1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Got to Get You into My Life" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesHummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson con la banda McKinley High1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1][3][4]
"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Help!" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Evans, SamSam Evans con New Directions, Vocal Adrenaline, Haverbrook School for the Deaf y Dalton Academy Warblers1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"A Hard Day's Night" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesBerry, RachelRachel Berry y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with Spotlight Diner co-workers1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"I Saw Her Standing There" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Evans, SamSam Evans, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman y Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1][2]
"All You Need Is Love" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson con New Directions, Dalton Academy Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, Haverbrook School for the Deaf, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, BurtBurt Hummel, Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Schuester, WillWill Schuester1. "Love, Love, Love"No NoSings the Beatles[1][3]
"Revolution" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesCohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoN/A
"Get Back" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesHummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Berry, RachelRachel Berry con estudiantes de NYADA2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Something" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesEvans, SamSam Evans con Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn y Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Here Comes the Sun" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesDani y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1][3][5]
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesPuckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams yRose, MarleyMarley Rose2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Hey Jude" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang y Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1]
"Let It Be" Beatles, TheThe BeatlesBerry, RachelRachel Berry, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel y New Directions2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"No NoSings the Beatles[1][3]
"Seasons of Love" RentJones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Puckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang y New Directions3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"I'll Stand by You" Pretenders, TheThe PretendersJones, MercedesMercedes Jones con New Directions3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"Fire and Rain" Taylor, JamesJames TaylorAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"If I Die Young" Band Perry, TheThe Band PerryLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez con New Directions3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"No Surrender" Springsteen, BruceBruce SpringsteenPuckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"Make You Feel My Love" AdeleBerry, RachelRachel Berry3. "The Quarterback"No NoThe Quarterback[6][7]
"Marry the Night" Lady GagaGilbert Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert4. "A Katy or a Gaga"No NoA Katy or a Gaga[8]
"Applause" Lady GagaEvans, SamSam Evans, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn y Rose, MarleyMarley Rose4. "A Katy or a Gaga"No NoA Katy or a Gaga[8][9]
"Wide Awake" Perry, KatyKaty PerryPuckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde y Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams4. "A Katy or a Gaga"No NoA Katy or a Gaga[8]
"Roar" Perry, KatyKaty PerryCohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Evans, SamSam Evans, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Dani y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez con New Directions y Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel4. "A Katy or a Gaga"No NoA Katy or a Gaga[8][9]
"You Are Woman, I Am Man" Funny GirlPaolo San Pablo y Berry, RachelRachel Berry5. "The End of Twerk"Sí TBA=
"Blurred Lines" Thicke, RobinRobin Thicke feat. T.I. y PharrellSchuester, WillWill Schuester, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman y Bree con New Directions y estudiantes del McKinley High students5. "The End of Twerk"Sí TBA=
"If I Were a Boy" BeyoncéAdams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams5. "The End of Twerk"Sí TBA=
"Wrecking Ball" Cyrus, MileyMiley CyrusRose, MarleyMarley Rose5. "The End of Twerk"Sí TBA=
"On Our Way" Royal Concept, TheThe Royal ConceptNew Directions5. "The End of Twerk"Sí TBA=
"Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)" Joel, BillyBilly JoelAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Evans, SamSam Evans con New Directions6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"Piano Man" Joel, BillyBilly JoelAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Spotlight Diner6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"My Life" Joel, BillyBilly JoelPuckerman, JakeJake Puckerman with New Directions females and the McKinley High Cheerios6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"Honesty" Joel, BillyBilly JoelAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"An Innocent Man Joel, BillyBilly JoelLynn, RyderRyder Lynn6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"Just the Way You Are" Joel, BillyBilly JoelHummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Evans, SamSam Evans y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"You May Be Right" Joel, BillyBilly JoelSchuester, WillWill Schuester, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn y Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman con New Directions y estudiantes del McKinley High6. "Movin' Out"No NoMovin' Out[10]
"Into the Groove" MadonnaPamela Lansbury7. "Puppet Master"Sí TBA=
"You're My Best Friend" QueenAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y New Directions7. "Puppet Master"Sí TBA=
"Nasty" / "Rhythm Nation" Jackson, JanetJanet JacksonPuckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Rose, MarleyMarley Rose y Bree con Cheerios de McKinley High7. "Puppet Master"Sí TBA=
"Cheek to Cheek" Astaire, FredFred AstaireSchuester, WillWill Schuester y Sylvester, SueSue Sylvester7. "Puppet Master"Sí TBA=
"The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)" YlvisNew Directions y Pamela Lansbury7. "Puppet Master"Sí TBA=
"Here Comes Santa Claus" Crosby, BingBing Crosby y The Andrews SistersHummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Berry, RachelRachel Berry8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" Lee, BrendaBrenda LeeAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Schuester, WillWill Schuester, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde y Rose, MarleyMarley Rose con New Directions8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"Mary's Boy Child" Boney M.Rose, MarleyMarley Rose, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams y Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" Alvin and the ChipmunksBerry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with Tolentino, CodyCody Tolentino8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"Love Child" Diana Ross & the SupremesAdams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams with Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Rose, MarleyMarley Rose y New Directions excepto Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"Away in a Manger" TraditionalLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde con New Directions8. "Previously Unaired Christmas"No NoThe Christmas Album Volume 4
"Whenever I Call You Friend" Loggins, KennyKenny Loggins y Nicks, StevieStevie NicksAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang con New Directions9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"Brave" Bareilles, SaraSara BareillesLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Berry, RachelRachel Berry9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)" En VogueAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang with New Directions and Schuester, WillWill Schuester9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"Beautiful Dreamer" Foster, StephenStephen FosterFunny Girl9. "Frenemies"No NoTBA
"Don't Rain on My Parade" Funny GirlLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"I Believe in a Thing Called Love" The DarknessElliott "Starchild" Gilbert y Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"Every Breath You Take" Police, TheThe PoliceBerry, RachelRachel Berry y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"Breakaway" Clarkson, KellyKelly ClarksonCohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson con New Directions9. "Frenemies"Sí TBA=
"Jumpin', Jumpin'" Destiny's ChildCohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Evans, SamSam Evans10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"Barracuda" HeartElliott "Starchild" Gilbert y Berry, RachelRachel Berry10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"Don't You (Forget About Me)" Simple MindsEvans, SamSam Evans, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"Danny's Song" Loggins and MessinaSchuester, WillWill Schuester y Pillsbury, EmmaEmma Pillsbury10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"Gloria" Branigan, LauraLaura BraniganLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert y Berry, RachelRachel Berry10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"The Happening" Supremes, TheThe SupremesHummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"Hold On" Wilson PhillipsCohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Evans, SamSam Evans, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Dani10. "Trio"Sí TBA[11]=
"I Love L.A." Newman, RandyRandy NewmanSchuester, WillWill Schuester, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Evans, SamSam Evans y Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman with New Directions11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"Vacation" Go-Go's, TheThe Go-Go'sAmazonians, TheThe Amazonians11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"Mr. Roboto" / "Counting Stars" Styx / OneRepublicJean-Baptiste and Throat Explosion11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"More Than a Feeling" BostonAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang and New Directions11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"America" Diamond, NeilNeil DiamondNew Directions11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" U2Sam Evans y New Directions11. "City of Angels"No NoCity of Angels[12]
"Raise Your Glass" PinkRhodes, AprilApril Rhodes y Schuester, WillWill Schuester with original and current New Directions members12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Toxic" Spears, BritneyBritney SpearsFabray, QuinnQuinn Fabray, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Pierce, BrittanyBrittany Pierce12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Defying Gravity" WickedJones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Berry, RachelRachel Berry12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Valerie" Ronson, MarkMark Ronson feat. Winehouse, AmyAmy WinehouseLopez, SantanaSantana Lopez y Pierce, BrittanyBrittany Pierce con Chang, MikeMike Chang y Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Keep Holding On" Lavigne, AvrilAvril LavignePuckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman con antiguos y actuales miembros de New Directions12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Happy" Williams, PharrellPharrell WilliamsHolliday, HollyHolly Holliday, Rhodes, AprilApril Rhodes, Schuester, WillWill Schuester, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson and Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones con antiguos y actuales miembros de New Directions12. "100"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"I Am Changing" DreamgirlsHummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Party All the Time" Murphy, EddieEddie MurphyHolliday, HollyHolly Holliday con antiguos y actuales estudialantes del McKinley High y Schuester, WillWill Schuester13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Loser like Me (Acoustic)" Original compositionAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Evans, SamSam Evans, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang and Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Be Okay" Oh HoneyBerry, RachelRachel Berry y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Just Give Me a Reason" Pink feat. Ruess, NateNate RuessFabray, QuinnQuinn Fabray y Puckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Don't Stop Believin'" JourneyNew Directions y Schuester, WillWill Schuester13. "New Directions"No NoCelebrating 100 Episodes[13]
"Downtown" Clark, PetulaPetula ClarkBerry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Evans, SamSam Evans14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"You Make Me Feel So Young" Sinatra, FrankFrank SinatraAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"Best Day of My Life" American AuthorsAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Evans, SamSam Evans with Beat Club Crew dancers14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"Rockstar" A Great Big WorldElliott "Starchild" Gilbert y Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"Don't Sleep in the Subway" Clark, PetulaPetula ClarkBerry, RachelRachel Berry y Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams with subway riders14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"People" Funny GirlBerry, RachelRachel Berry14. "New New York"No NoNew New York[14][15]
"No One Is Alone" Into the WoodsBerry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson15. "Bash"No NoBash[16][17]
"(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" Franklin, ArethaAretha FranklinJones, MercedesMercedes Jones15. "Bash"No NoBash[16]
"Broadway Baby" FolliesBerry, RachelRachel Berry y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson15. "Bash"No NoBash[16][17]
"Not While I'm Around" Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson15. "Bash"No NoBash[16]
"Colorblind" Riley, AmberAmber RileyJones, MercedesMercedes Jones15. "Bash"No NoBash[16][18]
"I'm Still Here" FolliesHummel, KurtKurt Hummel15. "Bash"No NoBash[16]
"Addicted to Love" Palmer, RobertRobert PalmerAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams with Jessica, Julie, Vanessa and female admirers16. "Tested"No NoTested[19]
"I Want to Know What Love Is" ForeignerJones, MercedesMercedes Jones with church choir16. "Tested"No NoTested[19]
"Love Is a Battlefield" Benatar, PatPat BenatarAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson and Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel16. "Tested"No NoTested[19]
"Let's Wait Awhile" Jackson, JanetJanet JacksonJones, MercedesMercedes Jones and Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams with Evans, SamSam Evans16. "Tested"No NoTested[19]
"Lovefool" Cardigans, TheThe CardigansBerry, RachelRachel Berry con Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Evans, SamSam Evans, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez17. "Opening Night"No NoOpening Night[20]
"N.Y.C." AnnieSylvester, SueSue Sylvester y Schuester, WillWill Schuester17. "Opening Night"No NoOpening Night[20]
"I'm the Greatest Star" Funny GirlBerry, RachelRachel Berry17. "Opening Night"No NoOpening Night[20]
"Who Are You Now?" Funny GirlBerry, RachelRachel Berry and Sylvester, SueSue Sylvester17. "Opening Night"No NoOpening Night[20]
"Pumpin Blood" NONONOBerry, RachelRachel Berry con Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez17. "Opening Night"No NoOpening Night[20]
"Wake Me Up" Avicii feat. Aloe BlaccBerry, RachelRachel Berry18. "Back-up Plan"No NoThe Back-Up Plan[21]
"Doo Wop (That Thing)" Hill, LaurynLauryn HillJones, MercedesMercedes Jones y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez18. "Back-up Plan"No NoThe Back-Up Plan[21]
"Story of My Life" One DirectionHummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson18. "Back-up Plan"No NoThe Back-Up Plan[21]
"Piece of My Heart" Big Brother and the Holding CompanyDolloway, JuneJune Dolloway y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson18. "Back-up Plan"No NoThe Back-Up Plan[21]
"The Rose" Midler, BetteBette MidlerBerry, RachelRachel Berry18. "Back-up Plan"No NoThe Back-Up Plan[21]
"I Melt with You" Modern EnglishEvans, SamSam Evans, Berry, RachelRachel Berry y Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones con Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams19. "Old Dog, New Tricks"No NoOld Dog, New Tricks[22]
"Memory" CatsHummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Banks, MaggieMaggie Banks con Lexington Home retirees19. "Old Dog, New Tricks"No NoOld Dog, New Tricks[22]
"Werewolves of London" Zevon, WarrenWarren ZevonEvans, SamSam Evans y Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams19. "Old Dog, New Tricks"No NoOld Dog, New Tricks[22]
"Lucky Star" MadonnaHummel, KurtKurt Hummel y Banks, MaggieMaggie Banks con Lexington Home retirees19. "Old Dog, New Tricks"No NoOld Dog, New Tricks[22]
"Take Me Home Tonight" Money, EddieEddie MoneyAbrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Banks, MaggieMaggie Banks, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Evans, SamSam Evans, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones y Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with Lexington Home retirees19. "Old Dog, New Tricks"No NoOld Dog, New Tricks[22]
"Shakin' My Head" Original compositionJones, MercedesMercedes Jones con Pierce, BrittanyBrittany Pierce y bailarines acróbatas20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][24]
"All of Me" Legend, JohnJohn LegendAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][25]
"Girls on Film" Duran DuranEvans, SamSam Evans con Darlene, CharlieCharlie Darlene y modelos femeninas20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][25]
"Glitter in the Air" PinkBerry, RachelRachel Berry20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project''[23][26]
"No Time at All" PippinDolloway, JuneJune Dolloway y Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][27]
"American Boy" Estelle feat. West, KanyeKanye WestAnderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson y Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][25]
"Pompeii" BastilleBerry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Evans, SamSam Evans, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams y Pierce, BrittanyBrittany Pierce20. "The Untitled Rachel Berry Project"No NoThe Untitled Rachel Berry Project[23][28]


  1. Goldberg, Lesley (4 de septiembre de 2013). «Glee Beatles Tribute Track List Released». The Hollywood Reporter. Consultado el 9 de septiembre de 2013.
  2. TV Scoop Team (29 de agosto de 2013). «Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Beauty and the Beast and More!». E! Online. NBCUniversal. Consultado el 12 de septiembre de 2013.
  3. Aguilera, Leanne (29 de agosto de 2013). «Glee First Listen: Lea Michele's Flawless Beatles Ballad and Demi Lovato's Grand Debut!». E! Online. NBCUniversal. Consultado el 12 de septiembre de 2013.
  4. Stack, Tim (17 de septiembre de 2013). «Glee' First Look: Does this mean Blaine and Kurt are [spoiler]? -- Exclusive Photo». Entertainment Weekly. Consultado el 18 de septiembre de 2013.
  5. Ausiello, Michael (28 de agosto de 2013). «Glee Naya Rivera Confirms: Demi Lovato's Character Will Romance Santana in Season 5». TV Line. Media. Consultado el 28 de agosto de 2013.
  6. « The Quarterback». 3 de octubre de 2013. Consultado el 3 de octubre de 2013.
  7. Vena, Jocelyn (7 de octubre de 2013). «Listen To Naya Rivera's Cory Monteith Tribute In Exclusive 'Glee' Track Here». MTV News. MTV. Consultado el 7 de octubre de 2013.
  8. « A Katy or a Gaga». Consultado el 30 de octubre de 2013.
  9. Ausiello, Michael (17 de octubre de 2013). «Glee 'Inspirational' Lady Gaga/Katy Perry Episode to Cover Hits 'Applause' and 'Roar». TVLine. PMC. Consultado el 17 de octubre de 2013.
  10. «Billy Joel Glee Tribute Episode to Air November 21 on Fox». 10 de octubre de 2013. Consultado el 10 de octubre de 2013.
  11. «Audio premiere: Trio». 3 de marzo de 2014. Consultado el 3 de marzo de 2014.
  12. « City of Angels». Consultado el 4 de marzo de 2014.
  13. Goldberg, Lesley (24 de febrero de 2014). «Glee's 100th Episode Song List Revealed». The Hollywood Reporter. Consultado el 2 de marzo de 2014.
  14. « New New York». Consultado el 22 de marzo de 2014.
  15. «All Songs From This Week's GLEE Now Available, Featuring FUNNY GIRL & More». Consultado el 31 de marzo de 2014.
  16. « Glee: The Music, Bash». Consultado el 4 de abril de 2014.
  17. Glee (4 de abril de 2014). «Broadway Baby». YouTube. Consultado el 6 de abril de 2014.
  18. «EXCLUSIVE! Glee Makes Us Colorblind With A New Original Song Performed By Amber Riley! Listen HERE!». Consultado el 3 de abril de 2014.
  19. « Glee: The Music, Tested». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2014.
  20. « Glee: The Music, Opening Night». Consultado el 16 de abril de 2014.
  21. « Glee: The Music, The Back Up Plan». Consultado el 23 de abril de 2014.
  22. « Glee: The Music, Old Dog, New Tricks». Consultado el 1 de mayo de 2014.
  23. « Glee: The Music, The Untitled Rachel Berry Project». Consultado el 7 de mayo de 2014.
  24. Stack, Tim (8 de mayo de 2014). «Glee season finale: Watch Mercedes & Brittany perform an original song -- Exclusive Video». Inside TV. Entertainment Weekly. Consultado el 11 de mayo de 2014.
  25. Dodge, Jeff (9 de mayo de 2014). «Glee Season 5 Finale Songs: Rachel Covers Pink, Mercedes and Brittany Perform an Original». BuddyTV. Consultado el 13 de mayo de 2014.
  26. Michele, Lea (29 de abril de 2014). «Twitter / @msleamichele: On the #Glee set today singing my all time favorite song "Glitter In The Air" by Pink.. Thank you @BFalchuk for letting me sing it:)». Consultado el 1 de mayo de 2014.
  27. Snetiker, Marc (28 de abril de 2014). «Shirley MacLaine on her 'Glee' guest spot and singing Janis Joplin». Inside TV. Entertainment Weekly. Consultado el 1 de mayo de 2014.
  28. Aguilera, Leanne (12 de mayo de 2014). «Glee Finale Sneak Peek: Rachel, Kurt and the Rest of the Gang Sing "Pompeii"— Listen Now!». E! Online. NBCUniversal. Consultado el 12 de mayo de 2014.
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