Anexo:Biota del esquisto de Burgess
La biota del esquisto de Burgess o biota de las lutitas de Burgess (en inglés, Burgess Shale) abarca a aquellas especies cuyos restos fósiles han sido hallados en dicho yacimiento por distintas expediciones desde finales del siglo XIX y que han sido descritas desde 1911.[1] A continuación una lista sobre las especies descritas en el esquisto de Burgess y en las formaciones geológicas adyacentes.

Representación de la biota del esquisto de Burgess:
1.- Vauxia, 2.- Choia, 3.- Pirania, 4.- Nisusia, 5.- Burgessochaeta, 6.- Ottoia, 7.- Louisella, 8.- Olenoides, 9.- Sidneyia, 10.- Leanchoilia, 11.- Marella, 12.- Canadaspis, 13.- Molaria, 14.- Burgessia, 15.- Yohoia, 16.- Waptia, 17.- Aysheaia, 18.- Scenella, 19.- Echmatocrinus, 20.- Pikaia, 21.- Haplophrentis, 22.- Opabina, 23.- Dinomischus, 24.- Wiwaxia, 25.- Laggania.
1.- Vauxia, 2.- Choia, 3.- Pirania, 4.- Nisusia, 5.- Burgessochaeta, 6.- Ottoia, 7.- Louisella, 8.- Olenoides, 9.- Sidneyia, 10.- Leanchoilia, 11.- Marella, 12.- Canadaspis, 13.- Molaria, 14.- Burgessia, 15.- Yohoia, 16.- Waptia, 17.- Aysheaia, 18.- Scenella, 19.- Echmatocrinus, 20.- Pikaia, 21.- Haplophrentis, 22.- Opabina, 23.- Dinomischus, 24.- Wiwaxia, 25.- Laggania.
Filo Annelida

Burgessochaeta setigera
5 especies
- Burgessochaeta setigera (Walcott, 1911)[2] Conway Morris, 1979[3]
- Canadia spinnosa Walcott, 1911[2]
- Insolicorypha psygma Conway Morris, 1979[3]
- Peronochaeta dubia Walcott, 1911[2]
- Stephenoscolex argutus Conway Morris, 1979[3]
Filo Arthropoda

Marella splendens

Yohoia tenuis
31 especies, sin considerar los trilobites.
- Actaeus armatus Simonetta, 1970[4]
- Alalcomenaeus cambricus Simonetta, 1970[4]
- Branchiocaris pretiosa Resser, 1929[5]
- Burgessia bella Walcott, 1912[6]
- Canadaspis perfecta Walcott, 1912[6]
- Carnarvonia venosa Walcott, 1912[6]
- Emeraldella brocki Walcott, 1912[6]
- Habelia brevicauda Simonetta, 1964[7]
- Habelia optata Walcott, 1912[6]
- Helmetia expansa Walcott, 1918[8]
- Leanchoilia superlata Walcott, 1912[6]
- Liangshanella burgessensis Siveter & Williams, 1997[9]
- Marrella splendens Walcott, 1912[6]
- Molaria spinifera Walcott, 1912[6]
- Mollisonia symmetrica Walcott, 1912[6]
- Odaraia alata Walcott, 1912[6]
- Perspicaris dictynna Simonetta & Delle Cave, 1975[10]
- Perspicaris recondita Briggs, 1977[11]
- Plenocaris plena Walcott, 1912[6]
- Sanctacaris uncata Briggs & Collins, 1988[12]
- Sarotrocercus oblita Whittington, 1981[13]
- Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott, 1911[14]
- Skania fragilis Walcott, 1931[15]
- Tegopelte gigas Simonetta & Delle Cave, 1975[10]
- Thelxiope palaeothalassia Simonetta & Delle Cave, 1975[10]
- Tuzoia burgessensis Resser, 1929[5]
- Tuzoia canadensis Resser, 1929[5]
- Tuzoia retifera Walcott, 1912[6]
- Waptia fieldensis Walcott, 1912[6]
- Worthenella cambria Walcott, 1911[2]
- Yohoia tenuis Walcott, 1912[6]
Clase Trilobita

Ogypopsis klotzi

Naraoia compacta
29 especies
- Bathyuriscus rotundatus Rominger, 1887[16]
- Burlingia hectori Walcott, 1908[17]
- Chancia bigranulosa Rasetti, 1951
- Chancia latigena Rasetti, 1951
- Chancia odarayensis Rasetti, 1951
- Chancia palliseri Walcott, 1908[18]
- Chancia stenometopa Rasetti, 1951
- Ehmaniella burgessensis Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Ehmaniella waptaensis Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Elrathia permulta Walcott, 1918[20]
- Elrathina brevifrons Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Elrathina cordillerae Rominger, 1887[16]
- Elrathina marginalis Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Elrathina parallela Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Elrathina spinifera Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Hanburia gloriosa Walcott, 1916[21]
- Kootenia burgessensis Resser, 1942[22]
- Kootenia dawsoni Walcott, 1889[23]
- Naraoia compacta Walcott, 1912[6]
- Naraoia halia Simonetta & Delle Cave, 1975[10]
- Naraoia spinifer Walcott, 1931[15]
- Ogygopsis klotzi Rominger, 1887[16]
- Ogygopsis spinulosa Rasetti, 1951[19]
- Olenoides serratus Rominger, 1887[16]
- Oryctocephalus burgessenis Resser, 1938[24]
- Oryctocephalus reynoldsi Reed, 1899[25]
- Pagetia bootes Walcott, 1916[21]
- Pagetia walcotti Rasetti, 1966[26]
- Ptychagnostus praecurrens Westergard, 1936[27]
Filo Brachiopoda

Nisusia burgessensis
8 especies
- Acanthotretella spinosa Holmer & Caron, 2006[28]
- Acrothyra gregaria Walcott, 1924[29]
- Diraphora bellicostata Walcott, 1924[29]
- Lingulella waptaensis Walcott, 1924[29]
- Micromitra burgessensis Walcott, 1908[18]
- Nisusia alberta Walcott, 1905
- Nisusia burgessensis Walcott, 1889[23]
- Paterina zenobia Walcott, 1912[30]
Filo Chordata
2 especies

Pikaia gracilens
- Metaspriggina walcotti Simonetta & Insom, 1993[31]
- Pikaia gracilens Walcott, 1911[2]
Filo Cnidaria
7 especies
Filo Ctenophora
3 especies
Filo Echinodermata

Eldonia ludwigi
5 especies
- Echmatocrinus brachiatus Sprinkle, 1973[38]
- Gogia stephenensis Sprinkle & Collins, 2006[39]
- Lyracystis radiata Sprinkle, 1973[38]
- Walcottidiscus magister Bassler, 1935[40]
- Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935[40]
Grupo troncal de Ambulacraria
2 especies
- Eldonia ludwigi Walcott, 1911[33]
- Herpetogaster collinsi Caron et al., 2010[41]
Filo Lobopodia
12 especies

Hallucigenia sparsa

Opabinia regalis
- Amplectobelua stephenensis Daley & Budd, 2010[43]
- Anomalocaris canadensis Whiteaves, 1892[44]
- Aysheaia pedunculata Walcott, 1911[2]
- Caryosyntrips serratus Daley & Budd, 2010[43]
- Hallucigenia sparsa Walcott, 1911[2]
- Hurdia triangulata Walcott, 1912[6]
- Hurdia victoria Walcott, 1912[6]
- Isoxys acutangulus Walcott, 1908[18]
- Isoxys longissimus Simonetta & Delle Cave, 1975[10]
- Opabinia regalis Walcott, 1912[6]
- Peytoia nathorsti Walcott, 1911[33]
- Stanleycaris hirpex Caron et al., 2010[45]
Filo Mollusca
6 especies

Wiwaxia corrugata
- Haplophrentis carinatus Matthew, 1899[32]
- Nectocaris pteryx Conway Morris, 1976[46]
- Odontogriphus omalus Walcott, 1976[47]
- Oikozetetes seilacheri Conway Morris, 1995[48]
- Orthrozanclus reburrus Conway Morris & Caron, 2007[49]
- Wiwaxia corrugata Matthew, 1899[32]
Filo Porifera

Choia carteri

Takakkawia lineata
44 especies
- Capsospongia undulata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Choia carteri Walcott, 1920[50]
- Choia hindei Dawson, 1896[51]
- Choia ridleyi Walcott, 1920[50]
- Crumillospongia biporosa Rigby, 1986[52]
- Crumillospongia frondosa Walcott, 1919[53]
- Diagoniella cyathiformis Dawson, 1889
- Diagoniella hindei Walcott, 1920[50]
- Eiffelia globosa Walcott, 1920[50]
- Eiffelospongia hirsuta Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Falospongia falata Rigby, 1986[52]
- Falospongia ramosa Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Fieldospongia bellilineata (Walcott, 1920) Rigby, 1986[52]
- Halichondrites elissa Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hamptonia bowerbanki Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hamptonia elongata Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Hamptoniella foliata Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Hamptoniella hirsuta Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Hazelia conferta Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia crateria Rigby, 1986[52]
- Hazelia delicatula Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia dignata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia grandis Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia lobata Rigby & Coliins, 2004[54]
- Hazelia luteria Rigby, 1986[52]
- Hazelia nodulifera Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia obscura Walcott, 1920[50]
- Hazelia palmata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Leptomitus lineatus Walcott, 1920[50]
- Leptomitus undulatus Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Petaloptyon danei Raymond, 1931[55]
- Pirania muricata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Protoprisma annulata Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Protospongia hicksi Hinde, 1888[56]
- Stephenospongia magnipora Rigby, 1986[52]
- Takakkawia lineata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Ulospongiella ancyla Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Vauxia bellula Walcott, 1920[50]
- Vauxia densa Walcott, 1920[50]
- Vauxia gracilenta Walcott, 1920[50]
- Vauxia irregulara Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Vauxia venata Walcott, 1920[50]
- Wapkia elongata Rigby & Collins, 2004[54]
- Wapkia grandis Walcott, 1920[50]
Reino Protista (algas)

Margaretia dorus
9 especies
- Bosworthia gyges Walcott, 1919[53]
- Bosworthia simulans Walcott, 1919[53]
- Dalyia nitens Walcott, 1919[53]
- Dalyia racemata Walcott, 1919[53]
- Margaretia dorus Walcott, 1931[15]
- Wahpia insolens Walcott, 1919[53]
- Wahpia mimica Walcott, 1919[53]
- Wahpia virgata Walcott, 1919[53]
- Waputikia ramosa Walcott, 1919[53]
Dominio Bacteria
9 especies
- Marpolia aequalis Walcott, 1919[53]
- Marpolia spissa Walcott, 1919[53]
- Morania confluens Walcott, 1919[53]
- Morania costellifera Walcott, 1919[53]
- Morania elongata Walcott, 1919[53]
- Morania fragmenta Walcott, 1919[53]
- Morania globosa Walcott, 1919[53]

Amiskwia sagittiformis
Incertae sedis
9 especies
- Amiskwia sagittiformis Walcott, 1911[2]
- Chancelloria eros Walcott, 1920[50]
- Dictyophycus gracilis Ruedemann, 1931[42]
- Dinomischus isolatus Conway Morris, 1977[58]
- Oesia disjuncta Walcott, 1911[2]
- Pollingeria grandis Walcott, 1918[2]
- Portalia mira Walcott, 1918[8]
- Priscansermarinus barnetti Collins & Rudkin, 1981[59]
- Scenella amii Matthew, 1902[60]
- «Discoveries». The Burgess Shale. Royal Ontario Museum. Consultado el 26 de octubre de 2023.
- Walcott, C. D. (1911). «Middle Cambrian Annelids». Cambrian Geology and Paleontology II. N°5 57. Washington D.C.: The Smithsonian Institution. pp. 117-120.
- Conway Morris, S. (1979). «Middle Cambrian polychaetes from the Burgess Shale of British Columbia». The Royal Society Publishing 285 (1007). doi:10.1098/rstb.1979.0006.
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- Conway Morris, S.; Caron, J.-B. (2007). «Halwaxiids and the early evolution of the lophotrochozoans». Science 315: 1255-1258.
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- Dawson, J. W. (1896). «Additional notes on fossil sponges and other organic remains from the Québec Group of Little Métis on the lower St. Lawrence; with notes on some of the specimens by Dr. G.J. Hinde». Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 2: 91-129.
- Rigby, J. K. (1986). «Sponges of the Burgess Shale (Middle Cambrian), British Columbia». Palaeontographica Canadiana 2: 1-105.
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- Rigby, J. K.; Collins, D. (2004). «Sponges of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale and Stephen Formations, British Columbia». Royal Ontario Museum Contributions in Science 1: 155.
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- Conway Morris, S. (1977). «A new entoproct-like organism from the Burgess Shale of British Columbia». Palaeontology 20 (4): 833-845.
- Collins, D.; Rudkin, D. M. (1981). «Priscansermarinus barnetti, a probable lepadomorph barnacle from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale of British Columbia». Journal of Paleontology 55: 1006-1015.
- Matthew, G. F. (1902). «Notes on Cambrian Faunas: Cambrian Brachiopoda and Mollusca of Mt. Stephen, B.C. with the description of a new species of Metoptoma». Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 4: 107-112.
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